What Am I Doing Up??

I ate a bannana. How do you spell banana anyway?

I typed part of a story I wrote. Need to do more of that sort of thing.

I woke up the dog. Didn't mean to.

Drank some water.

Checked on my nationstates nation. As well as my cybernation. Checked my e-mail.

Hopefully got someone to click on that "my e-mail" link in hopes of snooping on me. Boy, will they get a surprise!!

Went back to bed.

I'm going, really I am.

I used to be up dodging bullets at those times.... Ungoldy hours! Lazy civi slackers!! Get up and kill someone for the good of your country!!! Freaking civi slackers! lol...

Quite yr bitching, soldier-boy. Don't they teach you not to complain in the army? After all, you chose to do that, did you not?

I've put in a good amount of service and slavery myself, so don't whine to me about who you had to kill for yr country.

:rolleyes: :p
I used to be up dodging bullets at those times.... Ungoldy hours! Lazy civi slackers!! Get up and kill someone for the good of your country!!! Freaking civi slackers! lol...
Ha! I used to be up {cheerfully?} changing dirty diapers and breastfeeding during those hours! {Can you say that that? It's easy to take a life, but really tough to bring forth life!}:D

{I still don't think I've completely recovered from the post-tramatic stress syndrome, though, so watch out!} :eek:
Yeah that has to be hard... You're not suposed to exchange war cries in that situation are you? I think they call it child abuse or something ;\ I'd just scream back at the kid! Then probally go blow the side of my head off with a 45'.... lol Kids... Ugh, not ready for that adventure quite yet.
New thread for all those times that you are logged in at an ungodly hour. Leave a message for yourself and others explaining your insomnia.

Oh no, I shall have to post on here every night - I am practicing to be a vampire. :(

Don't they teach you not to complain in the army?

Don't be daft that is one of the main lessons. We teach it by saying "okay guys we are going, get on the truck". Half an hour later we say "no not going yet, get off the truck". Then we say "this time we are ready, get on the truck". We repeat this for between 6 & 8 hours at least twice a weekl. You would be amazed how quickly we learn to complain!!!! :D;)
just thought I'd add... you know, I can sleep anywhere.. any time, no problem... it's great...

outside in the rain... I'm asleep... at my desk in work, I can sleep... now I have got to the stage where I can sleep and still make it look like I'm here and awake, when in fact, I am asleep. lol...

off to bed now... good night...
Ha! I used to be up {cheerfully?} changing dirty diapers and breastfeeding during those hours! {Can you say that that? It's easy to take a life, but really tough to bring forth life!}:D

{I still don't think I've completely recovered from the post-tramatic stress syndrome, though, so watch out!} :eek:
I was never 'up' with the twins. At the time they were born I left for work at 5:30 a.m. So our system was, I went to bed at 9 pm, my wife stayed up till she got them down (10-12) I woke up for the early am feeding/changing(1-4) I'd feed them both 4 oz and change them both and put them back to bed. My record time was like eight and a half minutes from the time I got outta bed till the time my head hit the pillow! But more often than not I'd change them, then lay down on the double bed with one head in the crook of my right elbow, feeding with a bottle from my left hand, the others head on my right wrist with my wrist bent holding the bottle and feeding her/him. I'd go to sleep, wake up a half hour later, bottles empty kids asleep and I'd pop off back to bed.

Of course there was a time for about 4 or 5 years where I was up working on projects and the net and only slept 2-3 hours a night. But I got better.
At the third beep it will be 04:30 am precisely ... beep ......beep .....beep.
Not here but back home I do.

Okay it is only 2am now but am still working, so plenty of night to go. :p
Hi Sal...
Been doing a little online research myself, but it's only 6 pm here. Will probably scribble a little later. The sun's down so Julius is in her winding down mode. She'll be in the cage and covered by 8 pm. I toddle by 9 pm but am usually up by 5 am. Always been a morning person myself. Get 'er done m'lady. Ta !

flow & Julius....:):)
I toddle by 9 pm but am usually up by 5 am.
flow & Julius....:):)

asalaamu flow & julius

LMAO at the moment I wake up between 4 - 6 pm and go to sleep between 8 & 10 am. I am just so very wierd. This then moves round the clock until I live like a normal person for about 2 weeks and then the clock starts moving round again.
You need to move to Mars, where the day is 24 hours AND 39 MINUTES long. Many days I have wanted that extra 39 minutes!
That would just give me an extra 39 minutes to worry about everything I didn't get done today. :eek:
asalaamu flow & julius

LMAO at the moment I wake up between 4 - 6 pm and go to sleep between 8 & 10 am. I am just so very wierd. This then moves round the clock until I live like a normal person for about 2 weeks and then the clock starts moving round again.

Hi MW... Salaam...Yeah we're just a "regular" pair we are, we are.
Seriously, when you get back to Egypt and want to get your sleeps scheduled again, look into melatonin therapy.

It's a substance that your body produces naturally, but sometimes your clocks get so messed up that some boosts are needed. There's info. on the net, and it did wonders to reset my body clocks every so often when I was traveling.

Salaam Flow & Julius

I shall look into it thanks, I would so like to be normal (well nomalish would help) and it would be so nice not to have permanent dark circles round my eyes. :(

MW rings her bells and shouts "it's 4am and all is well, 4am and all is well".