
17th Angel

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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
Just looking for advice and help..... How do you stop yourself swearing? Being a religious forum, and seeing as none are perfect.... Most of you must, must of had to deal with this.... Any tips or ways to help? I've so far got two ways.... saying obviously "freaking" and f-goodness sake... That is a good way to mask it lol.. But other words I can't think how to replace or change.. And... Just your help would be appreciated much.
You know, this is yet another one I can't come close to explaining. I used to curse a blue streak, curses were every other word and if it was a long one we put one in the middle between syllables.

Like drinking and smoking, I grew out of it somehow. I occasionally curse now, it feels wrong coming out of my mouth. At work once I cursed, in an office where cursing is commonplace, and folks were shocked, indicating they'd never heard me curse.

I'd say for me having children could have been the impetus. I think more than that it is some kind of reason, the reason needs to be bigger than the issue.

Now f word or s word or freakin or whatever....they are like tofurkeys or veggie hot dogs to me. An indication that you aren't really ready to switch, you still need to hold onto something.

I'm not saying cursing is evil, it just completely looses its effectiveness if it is used all the time. There are lots of words out there, practice using all of them.

We had a thread, a debate on cursing here once, twice, whatever. Mostly what you resist persists, if we banned it, it would be an issue. Not making it an issue eliminates 99% of it.

Your awareness and interest to change is the first huge leap, the rest is continued awareness and interest, and time.

My wife recorded me the other day.... I alike you use a curse word pretty much in between every word and in the middle of words the works.... I went on about a subject for 5mins.... Not angry or anything calm and so on she asked me to explain something and I swore.... 26 times..... That's shocking... :\ and I just feel disgusted by it lol.... Yet I do it.... *sigh* Although to a point it makes me laugh.... Why do I need to say it? there is no reason to add the word to any of the sentences where I use it... Does it make it clearer for someone to understand? I would think not... Does it make the point stand out better? Not really.... Bizzaree... Soemthing like my mother around me, that prevents me lol although I do slip now and then... Practice makes perfek!

maca salāma
I've never really cursed very much so I can't speak to habit. For me it is just a matter of choosing not to do it.
Watch "Napoleon Dynamite" a few times. It's flippin' cool that they don't have any danged vulgar language in that movie.

Seriously, though. I had a friend who used to say "Jesus Christ" a lot, you know, in a disrespectful manner. When he became a Christian, he wanted so much stop using the Lord's name in vain. So instead of "Jesus Christ", he would say "Cheese and Crackers". It worked, but it made him awfully hungry. :)

For me, an ex-sailor, it was a conscious effort to stop. I did use substitute words, but then it started sounding kinda corny, so I just concentrated and practiced saying normal coherent sentences with employing the f-word or mf word every other syllable. Now, I sometimes get annoyed when people I work with have to insert them in every sentence. You be surprised how many times you can count it. Try and count how many time you say the f-word in a day. If you are used to saying it, it's quite a lot, isn't it? We started a profanity jar with 25 cents for each word, but it got too expensive so people stopped contributing to it.
In the past I've used the spicy language quite a bit, but today it only comes out sometimes when I'm angry. As someone who is trying to change things around, it was another thing that had to go. I bet you could use a little less colorful language and people will still get the meaning of what you have to say.:)

Watch "Napoleon Dynamite" a few times. It's flippin' cool that they don't have any danged vulgar language in that movie.

Shall give that a watch lol....

Watch "Napoleon Dynamite" a few times. It's flippin' cool that they don't have any danged vulgar language in that movie.

Seriously, though. I had a friend who used to say "Jesus Christ" a lot, you know, in a disrespectful manner. When he became a Christian, he wanted so much stop using the Lord's name in vain. So instead of "Jesus Christ", he would say "Cheese and Crackers". It worked, but it made him awfully hungry.

I have started using "Bar steward" and "currant" they are common words now in my vocab heh.... I shall try just adding random words to replace others! Just as a habit I use them as my mind gives me that word as first in line for the apporpiarateererere word(however spelt ggrrr) apropriette? Eh whatever...

For me, an ex-sailor

You no longer swear? lol... That is shocking if you can do it then I must be able to.

In the past I've used the spicy language quite a bit, but today it only comes out sometimes when I'm angry. As someone who is trying to change things around, it was another thing that had to go. I bet you could use a little less colorful language and people will still get the meaning of what you have to say.:)


I am trying... :) As you say it is very hard when angry, and I sadly am angry alot so, I have realised this so one of my goals is to remove the head off this snake.... And the power of the beast shall be less of a threat. Thanks.
Exchange words...

In one movie they used stinking bastages and farking iceholes

Radio shock jocks in the US in order to get around FCC rules utilize a variety of exchange words so they can describe in detail various sex acts and use curse words so the stories are as colorful as if they were told in private yet avoid prosecution/fines.

I got walloped upside the head as a kid for saying Geez. My mom determined that was short for Gee Whiz, which was an exchange for Jesus, hence using the lord's name in vane, hence worth a whop.

Of course if she says darn it when angry she follows that up with "Pardon my French"
Exchange words...

In one movie they used stinking bastages and farking iceholes

Radio shock jocks in the US in order to get around FCC rules utilize a variety of exchange words so they can describe in detail various sex acts and use curse words so the stories are as colorful as if they were told in private yet avoid prosecution/fines.

I got walloped upside the head as a kid for saying Geez. My mom determined that was short for Gee Whiz, which was an exchange for Jesus, hence using the lord's name in vane, hence worth a whop.

Of course if she says darn it when angry she follows that up with "Pardon my French"

lol, pardon my french... Always a good cover up.
I say fair dinkum because it is an F word. and I think before the rest of the word comes out. If that makes sense. its like F...fair dinkum. you just hold that F for a while. Stops me saying the other f word in front of the customers. when Im driving however I say McF--k a lot. "get off the road you McF--k." etc. dont know if I can stop but it always gets a giggle from the kids. OOPs my bad again. bad mother. bad mother.
I say fair dinkum because it is an F word. and I think before the rest of the word comes out. If that makes sense. its like F...fair dinkum. you just hold that F for a while. Stops me saying the other f word in front of the customers. when Im driving however I say McF--k a lot. "get off the road you McF--k." etc. dont know if I can stop but it always gets a giggle from the kids. OOPs my bad again. bad mother. bad mother.

I'd say it's a good mother lol... Being held back and "protected" too much is bad... Then again no protection is also bad, you would be in the middle ground, that's best for everyone. :D
i think so too 17th. I try but its only when its too late that you realise the bad stuff you do and say also rubs off on them too. oh well. they can always ahve therapy.LOL. I just will not let them say the c--t word. its the worst one. Even if an adult says it around me they get a good slap.