How do you know Jesus?



I guess this question is mostly directed to those who have said that they know Jesus, like Pattimax and Faithfulservant. My question is: How or what makes you think or believe that you know Jesus?

I imagine most of the question is the definition of 'know'. Studying scripture, going to church, etc... might be one person's definition. I would place more stringent requirements. A pattern that I see is that a person who claims to know Jesus, also claims that Jesus is God. Is there anyone who claims to know Jesus, and to separately also know God?
I guess this question is mostly directed to those who have said that they know Jesus, like Pattimax and Faithfulservant....

A pattern that I see is that a person who claims to know Jesus, also claims that Jesus is God.... Is there anyone who claims to know Jesus, and to separately also know God?
Namaste my brother,

Requesting answers from the likes of PattiMax or FaithfulServant (you'd do best to pm or email them to indicate you are looking for a response as they don't peruse all the threads as they used to).

But anyway, my response. I learned of Jesus and G!d through scripture, stories, family and church. However I came to know Jesus and G!d through the eyes, words, thoughts and actions of my fellow man on the street in the physical world and in this virtual world, in both venues they treat me to glimpses to the spiritual realm. Of course time spent behind that closed door, time spent within I believe allowed me to really see what existed without. And now that that the contemplation has gone on a tad longer I'd say I see/know Jesus mostly in people, and see/know G!d, mostly in nature, and the in the lessons I receive from the experiences in my life.

You'll have to wait to find one who doesn't see Jesus and G!d as one, as I see us all as one my brother!
I guess this question is mostly directed to those who have said that they know Jesus, like Pattimax and Faithfulservant. My question is: How or what makes you think or believe that you know Jesus?

I imagine most of the question is the definition of 'know'. Studying scripture, going to church, etc... might be one person's definition. I would place more stringent requirements. A pattern that I see is that a person who claims to know Jesus, also claims that Jesus is God. Is there anyone who claims to know Jesus, and to separately also know God?

Good question indeed. What does it mean to "know?"

Do I know Jesus? Do I know God?

I would say I don't know Jesus in terms of having had a two-way conversation with him. If it's possible to "know" Jesus otherwise, I'd say I get to "know" him by coming to an understanding of his purpose in Christianity. It is by understanding what he lived for, stand for, what he did, what his life represented, his relationship with God and his legacy.

As for "knowing" God, it would have to do with what Jesus showed us about God. Other than that, Christianity doesn't tell us much more about God. It only presents to us the concept Jesus demonstrated. You may try discovering other aspects of God in other faiths.

Arguably, from the point of view of Christianity, what Jesus showed us and what the New Testament recorded is sufficient to give us an idea of what kind of God we have, and thus in this sense to give us an "understanding" of Jesus and God that is sufficient to carry out our sacred duty.

Judaism, Islam and other faiths may also, arguably give us pictures, images, portrayals and depictions that for their adherents, are sufficient for them to "know" God in terms of understanding Him and His agenda. It is sufficient in the sense that they too, are given a good enough impression of what God means to carry out their sacred duty.

I hope that is "sufficient" to sum up my image of God, in order that you may understand me and my point of view. This may help you in your future dealings with me. I can be, at times, enigmatic, but if you probe deep enough into my personality . . . you may discover something interesting . . . I would say that it's sufficient, for you now, for carrying out your sacred duty in your faith. Do you know me now cyberpi?:)

P. S. Actually, I have to admit . . . I don't know the mathematics and science of sufficiency in religious concepts. What makes a concept, depiction or portrayal sufficient for adherents of a religion? Are we just to take it all for granted?:eek:
How do I know Jesus?

I know Him through circumstances and other people. I know him in the quietness of prayer and worship. I know Him through His word that cuts to the heart. I know him in my thoughts and emotions. I know Him through the forgiveness and mercy He has shown me, there is a release of my bitterness and shame replaced by a love indescribable, unless you've experienced it yourself. I know Him through the goodness that He has demonstrated to me and my family, providing for our needs in some remarkable ways. I know Him through the glorious way He has touched the hearts of others seeking salvation, and seeing and sensing that they know their sins are forgiven as well. I know Him through the changes that I have gone through, changes that have made me better that before..better...faster...stronger..oops, wrong show. But seriously, I'm a different person than I was twenty years ago. I'm a little different person than I was yesterday, and by God's grace I'll a bit different person tomorrow. I've learned to love others through the love that He has given me and that is reflected through me. I'm no saint, not perfect by a long shot, but when you are at a place where you are tuned into God's love, He just causes it to flow out. I end up having love for people I didn't even like before. I know Him cause He is in me and part of me. How else can I explain it?

You ask is there is a difference between God and Jesus. If Jesus is a representative of the image of God, how could you know the difference. Even if we aren't in accord to whether Jesus is God, it is enough to be imitators of Christ that we might unlock the mysteries of God in our own hearts as Jesus did.

This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. john 17;3

if we listen to Jesus ,the taking in of knowledge about Jehovah and Jesus leads to everlasting life ,and the place to take in that knowledge is in the bible .
(Philippians 1:9) And this is what I continue praying, that YOUR love may abound yet more and more with accurate knowledge and full discernment;

(1 Timothy 6:20) O Timothy, guard what is laid up in trust with you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called "knowledge."​

(2 Peter 3:18) No, but go on growing in the undeserved kindness and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him [be] the glory both now and to the day of eternity.

Now, look! a certain man versed in the Law rose up, to test him out, and said: "Teacher, by doing what shall I inherit everlasting life?" 26 He said to him: "What is written in the Law? How do you read?" 27 In answer he said: "‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind,’ and, ‘your neighbor as yourself.’" 28 He said to him: "You answered correctly; ‘keep on doing this and you will get life.’"LUKE 10;25-28
You ask is there is a difference between God and Jesus. quote]

psalm 83;18 Jehovah is the most high ,

That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth.

and Jesus is his son

John 3;16
For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him.
My question is: How or what makes you think or believe that you know Jesus?
I know the Tradition founded on His teaching ... and personal experience.

I would place more stringent requirements. A pattern that I see is that...

On what basis is your 'stringent' requirement founded — is it a method, or is the pattern you see simply your own opinion, in which case the 'stringent' requirement is to meet the conditions of your own opinions?

Is there anyone who claims to know Jesus, and to separately also know God?
Well as Scripture says the latter is impossible without the former, that would seem to answer your question?

I guess this question is mostly directed to those who have said that they know Jesus, like Pattimax and Faithfulservant. My question is: How or what makes you think or believe that you know Jesus?

I imagine most of the question is the definition of 'know'. Studying scripture, going to church, etc... might be one person's definition. I would place more stringent requirements. A pattern that I see is that a person who claims to know Jesus, also claims that Jesus is God. Is there anyone who claims to know Jesus, and to separately also know God?

To know Jesus is to know God. As I mature in my faith this fact becomes more and more real to me.

Maybe this helps...

Before I met my husband Dor I did not know him I did not love him.. I didnt know anything about him. Then when I met him I got to know him and fell in love with him and as the years go by I know him as well as I know myself and I love him more and more and I know that he loves me.

Its the same thing with Jesus.. When I asked Him to be the Lord of my life I started getting to know Him.. I fell in love with Him and as each day passes by I grow closer to Him and I get to know Him. The more I seek Him the more He reveals Himself to me. Its having a loving and intimate relationship with God. There is absolutely no doubt to me that He IS God. Its a courtship dance of the spirit.. This "in love" feeling that I feel for Him is the "in love" feeling He and the Father have for us. Its agape. Its beautiful :)

Its the same thing with Jesus.. When I asked Him to be the Lord of my life I started getting to know Him.. I fell in love with Him and as each day passes by I grow closer to Him and I get to know Him. The more I seek Him the more He reveals Himself to me. Its having a loving and intimate relationship with God. There is absolutely no doubt to me that He IS God. Its a courtship dance of the spirit.. This "in love" feeling that I feel for Him is the "in love" feeling He and the Father have for us. Its agape. Its beautiful :)


That's beautiful, Donna. "It is a courtship dance of the spirit..." Poetic and captures an essence of the emotion of it all...
How or what makes you think or believe that you know Jesus?

The same way I know other people and things. Through direct experience and meeting with him, and also through reading about his life and teachings. Some Christians also get to know him through a particular tradition, although this has not been my path.

If you can imagine a historical figure, say Einstein, who is no longer physically living, but you want to get to know him. There are three ways to go about this. First, you can read everything that was written by or about Einstein. Second, you can go the route of a medium and attempt to contact Einstein directly (I now, sounds fuzzy for Christianity, but bear with the analogy). Third, you can become a physicist and have a whole tradition of commentary and so forth that helps you understand the first way.

Well, in Christianity we have a sacred text that provides us with an account (the Bible, and non-canonized texts if you also are open to those) of Jesus' life and teachings. That provides us with a vehicle for the first route. For the second route, there is a long-standing tradition of direct experience of Christ. Some call this being born-again. Some call it being in the Spirit. Some call it recognizing the Light or Voice within. Some call it mysticism. Essentially, they are all describing coming to know Christ personally and directly in some way, such that Christ is poured into you and you are gradually changed- refined into a being that can become Christ's hands and feet here on earth. The third way is that we have a lot of different churches and traditions to help guide people through the first two ways, including ritual, commentary, and so forth.

I am primarily a Christian mystic, and it just happened that in my life, the second way came first. I first experienced Christ, and then I became old enough to study the texts, and finding a tradition that fit was always more of a challenge, though I try to read from a variety of traditions and also participate in ritual at church regularly.

I imagine most of the question is the definition of 'know'. Studying scripture, going to church, etc... might be one person's definition. I would place more stringent requirements.

As I don't know what these more stringent requirements are, I can't speak to them. I would guess perhaps you mean "know" as in you "know" your friends? I feel that I know Jesus and God pretty much the same way I know people in my life, except that my mind is much less adept at grasping what I experience of them. But if you think about it, even other people are more or less a mystery. We don't really know ourselves all that well either, if you really meditate on the self and who you are. What defines you? How do we know others? Well, then you get to Jesus and God... it becomes even fuzzier. I prefer to say I "experience" Jesus and God rather than I "know" them. But then, by extension, I would say I experience myself, my loved ones, my pets, etc. as well. I don't really know much of anything.

Personally, I think that's OK. I think God and Jesus Christ are mysteries to be experienced, not Being(s) to be picked apart and defined. The trinity, for example, is not a definition to me but a koan... it is a tool for meditating on the mystery of God, on spiritual relationship. I went through a phase in which I tried to nail everything down, stick with a tradition, define it all... but no matter how hard I tried, the instant I even tried to express in basic terms what my experience of God and Christ has been, it was inaccurate. Eventually I came to find that, at least for me, what is the heart of my faith is the personal experience of God in all manifestations (including Christ) and how this changes my life and spirit. It is in experiencing Love I learn to practice love, and therein lies the foundation of my faith.

A pattern that I see is that a person who claims to know Jesus, also claims that Jesus is God. Is there anyone who claims to know Jesus, and to separately also know God?

In a way, yes. I first experienced God in my life, and then Jesus Christ. I mean, I knew about Jesus Christ, but he was not my first encounter with God. As a child, I first experienced God as a transcendent, utterly non-human Being. Later, I experienced Christ as a guide, a more personal manifestation of this Being. Christ is my comforter, teacher, friend. He is my companion and brother. He is what I can cling to when I am in the throes of human pains and suffering; he is the manifestation of God that understands these things on a personal level. He is the part of God that can give me a hug, pick me up, hold me close. He is my Lord and my King.

But I have experienced more to God than that. This is where it all breaks down because I struggle to explain it. I am a trinitarian and I am not. I suppose the best explanation is that I am a panentheist. But I still think the trinity is very important and speaks to an essential Truth about God. It is, as usual, impossible for me to adequately express, and nearly brings me to tears trying to do so. It is an overwhelming sensation on my part that I am utterly at a loss to describe to others.

Suffice it to say that the trinity has very deep meaning for me and this has increased over time, in my experience as both a Christian and a Druid. But I do not treat it as a definition of God. So I would not say I know God as Jesus, or Jesus as God. I experience Christ, who was once the historical Jesus. I experience God, in various manifestations. I don't attempt to define how these are related or what the limitations are, and any time I do it isn't long before God comes to me in a way that stands my world on its head and causes me to be reconstructed...
I guess this question is mostly directed to those who have said that they know Jesus, like Pattimax and Faithfulservant. My question is: How or what makes you think or believe that you know Jesus?

I imagine most of the question is the definition of 'know'. Studying scripture, going to church, etc... might be one person's definition. I would place more stringent requirements. A pattern that I see is that a person who claims to know Jesus, also claims that Jesus is God. Is there anyone who claims to know Jesus, and to separately also know God?
There is a saying: for those that understand, no explanation is necessarry, for those that don't, no explanation is possible.

When a man desires to know God (for the right reasons), God makes Himself known to that man. There is no trick to it; no secret code, ritual or innitiation. The key is simply a desire to know God, to come closer to the Maker, and take refuge in His protective embrace.

Show me a man who is happy, full of life, love and a zest and wonderous awe, and I'll show you a man who knows God.
Thank you each for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Path_of_One you appear to live close to where I often live. Is there a particular church or other group you frequent on your singular path?

I am afraid I am short of words for this now. Maybe next year.