Is It Wrong to Drink Alcoholic Beverages?



“WINE is a ridiculer, intoxicating liquor is boisterous, and everyone going astray by it is not wise.” Does this text, found in the Bible at Proverbs 20:1, indicate that it is wrong to drink alcoholic beverages? Some think so. As further evidence, they point to Bible accounts where bad acts resulted from the misuse of alcohol.—Genesis 9:20-25.
Then there are the disastrous results of overindulgence—ailments such as cirrhosis of the liver, tragic accidents, financial ruin, family abuse, and harm to the unborn. Probably because of such terrible consequences, “many religious denominations taught that drinking alcohol was immoral,” notes The World Book Encyclopedia. But is it immoral to drink alcoholic beverages? Does the Bible prohibit the drinking of all alcoholic beverages and in any amount?
What Does the Bible Say?
Namaste mee,

Are you ok? You are off your game. Your cut and paste came through nicely but you forgot to post your link to the JW page you cut and paste from. Some might think in reading you looked up the bible passages and were posing a legitimate question. That you were thoughtfully contributing from your heart with your own words. We like when that mee comes out.

Fear not fellow travelers, what mee posted may be found here Is It Wrong to Drink Alcoholic Beverages? - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site so you may read ahead and get the appropriate answer.
Namaste mee,

Are you ok? You are off your game. Your cut and paste came through nicely but you forgot to post your link to the JW page you cut and paste from. Some might think in reading you looked up the bible passages and were posing a legitimate question. That you were thoughtfully contributing from your heart with your own words. We like when that mee comes out.

Fear not fellow travelers, what mee posted may be found here Is It Wrong to Drink Alcoholic Beverages? - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site so you may read ahead and get the appropriate answer.

so what does the bible say?
so what does the bible say?
Namaste mee,

Is this an indication that you wish to discuss the topic? Or that when someone responds you will cut and paste from the above web page answers?

If you can tell me that you'll not cut and paste from the JW pages, the canned responses that we've been provided on so many topics before, I'd be more than glad to get into a discussion.

mee, please note the following at the bottom of so many pages you've cut and pasted from yet not given credit where credit is due.
Copyright © 2007 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
Have the leaders given you permission to violate the copyright? Do you realize that if JWs across the world do the same and WT doesn't enforce it it may nullify all their copyrights? What does the bible say about this?
Mate.. Always have this issue with JW's.... If you are going to say it is WRONG to smoke cigarettes.. Or smoke a joint, hit a pipe, take a shot to the arm... whatever... Then it is wrong to sip your precious lil wine....

The argument I always get from JW's is... It's ok to drink if you drink to a certain limit and control yourself... bs. If that is the case then all I mentioned before hand is then valid if certain limits and self control are in place..... They are all damaging.... And they can all mess with your head.... So if you can have "just a lil whine' I can have just a few smokes.... How am I wrong and you right? That is just hypocritical lol.... :D
Mate.. Always have this issue with JW's.... If you are going to say it is WRONG to smoke cigarettes.. Or smoke a joint, hit a pipe, take a shot to the arm... whatever... Then it is wrong to sip your precious lil wine....

The argument I always get from JW's is... It's ok to drink if you drink to a certain limit and control yourself... bs. If that is the case then all I mentioned before hand is then valid if certain limits and self control are in place..... They are all damaging.... And they can all mess with your head.... So if you can have "just a lil whine' I can have just a few smokes.... How am I wrong and you right? That is just hypocritical lol.... :D
so what does the bible say?:p
Mate.. Always have this issue with JW's.... If you are going to say it is WRONG to smoke cigarettes.. Or smoke a joint, hit a pipe, take a shot to the arm... whatever... Then it is wrong to sip your precious lil wine....

The argument I always get from JW's is... It's ok to drink if you drink to a certain limit and control yourself... bs. If that is the case then all I mentioned before hand is then valid if certain limits and self control are in place..... They are all damaging.... And they can all mess with your head.... So if you can have "just a lil whine' I can have just a few smokes.... How am I wrong and you right? That is just hypocritical lol.... :D

This is what the bible says

(Ecclesiastes 9:7) Go, eat your food with rejoicing and drink your wine with a good heart, because already the [true] God has found pleasure in your works.

(Psalm 104:15) And wine that makes the heart of mortal man rejoice, To make the face shine with oil, And bread that sustains the very heart of mortal man.

And as we all know ,Jesus turned the water into wine and he did this because Jehovah gave him the power to do it.

Therefore, whether YOU are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory 1 CORINTHIANS 10;31
Jesus used drugs :)

Jesus drank wine LUKE 7;34 MATTHEW 11;19

(Matthew 11:19) the Son of man did come eating and drinking, still people say, ‘Look! A man gluttonous and given to drinking wine, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ All the same, wisdom is proved righteous by its works.”

(Luke 5:30) At this the Pharisees and their scribes began murmuring to his disciples, saying: “Why is it YOU eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”
I don't get what you're trying to say Mee? It was ok for him to go on a bender because he was jesus? Or because he was good? That made it acceptable for him to use drugs? But, I cannot?

I am not tying to say anything, but it seems to me that wine is not a no no it is a good thing from the most high .

the bible does not say that Jesus went on a bender it says he was into normal things that the most high had provided .:) but some religious leaders teach that the bible condems drinking , but that is not true the bible teaches drunkeness as wrong .

Wine is a ridiculer, intoxicating liquor is boisterous, and everyone going astray by it is not wise. PROVERBS 20;1
I am not tying to say anything, but it seems to me that wine is not a no no it is a good thing from the most high .

the bible does not say that Jesus went on a bender it says he was into normal things that the most high had provided .:) but some religious leaders teach that the bible condems drinking , but that is not true the bible teaches drunkeness as wrong .

Wine is a ridiculer, intoxicating liquor is boisterous, and everyone going astray by it is not wise. PROVERBS 20;1

So he drank a drug? And that is not a no no because the "most high" provided it? lol like many other drugs....
So he drank a drug? And that is not a no no because the "most high" provided it? lol like many other drugs....

I was was just wondering why some religious leaders who claim to teach the bible, teach things not inline with the bible . they say that drinking alcohol is not for christians but i think the bible does not teach that at all , so they are making up manmade thoughts instead. stick to the bible and we cant go wrong. that is not to say that we have to drink but it would be wrong to make up rules about drinking
no, it is not wrong to drink alcoholic beverages, but not all cultures respect it.
so, it is not the alcoholic beverage that is wrong, it is the person who abuses it. have self control and do things in moderation.
Am I the only one that snickered at the most "HIGH" comment.

That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth.psalm 83;19

(Psalm 92:8) But you are on high to time indefinite, O Jehovah.
Am I the only one that snickered at the most "HIGH" comment. (and 17th of course)

That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth.psalm 83;19

(Psalm 92:8) But you are on high to time indefinite, O Jehovah.
stop snickering
Maybe the question isn't "is it ok to drink?", but rather "is it alright to get hammered?"
I think that some sort of blood alcohol content monitor should be installed in the keyboards.

It is apparent to me that some of our posters are beyond the legal limit when responding.
Am I the only one that snickered at the most "HIGH" comment. (and 17th of course)

GREY!!! You got my joke? I thought that would go over everyone but Wil's head..... AAA HAH! Loving it, thanks *bows*

Dondi, ok we'll use the question "is it ok to get hammered?" Then I see the answer is no... But, I can smoke some weed and still stay straight and EVEN MORE focused than normal.... That is before I smoke copius amounts that make me a complete fool... BUT, If it is ok as I have already freaking said, to drink a lil whine, or some beer or couple shots... Then it SHOULD be acceptable for me to smoke in control..... Ugh... This is getting to me... I haven't smoked in four days.... Can anyone see where that is fair and is just? Or are we all wearing the blinkers as usual? Oh weed?! EBIL!! EBIL DRUGS!! BAD!!! Yet you will sit there quite content pickling your livers.... And much much more...... And sometimes, in the name of god... tut tut...

OH and mee... for the record... I am usually the most high over the earth... 4:20 look up towards the East... There you shall find me! Mee if those scriptures are accurate, can you see why god put this plant here? Take advantage of it duuuuuuuude
mee. oops my bad . I didnt mean to offend you. Just having a joke.

and wil...... its only NOW apparant to you that SOME of our posters are above the legal limit??????? where have you been baby????? LOL.

17th...... what can I say. man, sometimes its scary that an old girl like me and a young individual like you can be on the same wavelength. LOL. you make me snicker all the time.