Is It Wrong to Drink Alcoholic Beverages?

nostop snickeringI think that some sort of blood alcohol content monitor should be installed in the keyboards.

It is apparent to me that some of our posters are beyond the legal limit when responding., what?:D
17th...... what can I say. man, sometimes its scary that an old girl like me and a young individual like you can be on the same wavelength. LOL. you make me snicker all the time.

Scary eh? ;)

mee. oops my bad . I didnt mean to offend you. Just having a joke.

Mee... I don't think was offended.. I just think the joke went over his innocent head. Bless him. :)
It is remarkable how some individuals can live their life through pickling their livers, yet remain relatively unscathed.

The real damage however that alcohol causes, and why it remains one of the biggest causes of the decline of the human race, is in its effects on the propagation of our species. Bit by bit through the generations, it has done its damage.

Only now, is Australia talking of putting labels on all alcoholic beverages warning pregnant women not to drink. Indeed, it is now finally recognised that there is NO SAFE LIMIT for pregnant women.

It has taken a long time for us humans to come back to this knowledge- something the ancient Greeks knew (and they knew a lot about the perfecting of the human body).

In fact, a lot of children diagnosed with ADHD and Autism are really the result of alcohol poisoning. (Not saying that alcohol causes Autism just that some get wrongly pigeonholed there.)

One thing however, that is not recognised by modern science is that men intending to father children are better to lay off the booze as it also damages their generative organs.

In Christ,
br bruce, Im not pregnant.

Hi Greymare,
If you are planning on getting pregnant or making someone else pregnant the message is clear.

People often talk of the karmic consequences when we injure one another, but what about the lifetime injuries children receive in the womb? I have looked after such children, and it's not pretty.

my boys said they laughed so hard they got a turtle neck. (Im not sure what this means but i apologise).

Sounds like a condition colloquially known as "brewer's droop".:eek:

Alcohol related brain impairment - Better Health Channel.

ARBI is more likely to occur if a person drinks heavily on a regular basis over many years. Men who consume six standard drinks a day for more than eight years and women who consume three standard drinks a day for more than eight years are placing themselves at risk of potentially causing damage to their brain from alcohol.

Do you realize that if JWs across the world do the same and WT doesn't enforce it it may nullify all their copyrights? What does the bible say about this?

Does the Bible talk about copyrights?? Holy Hell!! Talk about prophetic. :eek:

this post Copyright © 2007 Pathless Pagan Society and Imaginative Unbelieving Buddhist Anti-Sangha. All Rights Reserved.
Maybe the question isn't "is it ok to drink?", but rather "is it alright to get hammered?"

(Ephesians 5:18) Also, do not be getting drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery, but keep getting filled with spirit,

holy spirit of cause, not the other kind of spirit:) thats not to say a drop of spanish brandy is not good for us, but if we keep filling ourselves up with it we will be drunk .

but if we fill ourselves up with holy spirit it will produce good results

On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. GALATIONS 5;22-23
wil;131775 Do you realize that if JWs across the world do the same and WT doesn't enforce it it may nullify all their copyrights? What does the bible say about this?[/quote said:
Its good to know that JW across the world are all doing what Jesus their leader commanded them to do ,in all different ways and settings, unity indeed.

And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”MATTHEW 28;19-20

And especially in this time of the end a great global preaching about GODS KINGDOM and Gods reigning king Jesus christ is going on .

And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14

and Jesus has even provided a channel to feed from, matthew 24;45-47

yes unity indeed ,not only in their congregations but the faithful ones spoken of in matthew 24;45-47 are providing many good things to feed from .

so much so ,that abundant knowledge is abundant indeed.

learning how to put ourselves inline with bible teachings is going on all over the world

thats because Jesus is feeding GOOD FOOD
is Alcoholism the same as drunkeness?

Drunkenness describes the result of overconsumption

But not everyone who gets drunk is an alcoholic. And not all alcoholics get drunk.
Its good to know that JW across the world are all doing what Jesus their leader commanded them to do ,in all different ways and settings, unity indeed.
For those that don't know the exact scripture. It is Distributions 12:3 And he said to the witnesses present, "Go forth and create pamphlets, distribute them widely, leave them in the screen door handle if the occupants are not present, cut and paste with great abandon..." But so many forget to read, (mayhaps due to prolonged alcohol consumption), Sensibilities 13:6 "It is not wise to berate, cajole, continually beat folks who are already quite spiritual and G!d loving about the head with the same scriptures, while ignoring the rest of the books. This has been shown repeatedly to turn folks who were on the path, and turned them away"
it worked. yay. Irish blood, yes and alot of others,,,, Im a heinz variety, mongrel mob..... bit of everything, i wanted to be from a more exotic breed but you just cant help genetic eh???? LOL. Love the whiskey, Love theGrey
For those that don't know the exact scripture. It is Distributions 12:3 And he said to the witnesses present, "Go forth and create pamphlets, distribute them widely, leave them in the screen door handle if the occupants are not present, cut and paste with great abandon..." But so many forget to read, (mayhaps due to prolonged alcohol consumption), Sensibilities 13:6 "It is not wise to berate, cajole, continually beat folks who are already quite spiritual and G!d loving about the head with the same scriptures, while ignoring the rest of the books. This has been shown repeatedly to turn folks who were on the path, and turned them away"
its always best to stick to the bible rather than making up our own thoughts, the bible has a great effect on a person ,it is discribed as a two edged sword.

"The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)
But so many forget to read,"
and some take it in and thrive ,

This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. JOHN 17;3

But getting back to drinking achoholic drinks ,

(Ecclesiastes 2:3) I explored with my heart by cheering my flesh even with wine, while I was leading my heart with wisdom, even to lay hold on folly until I could see what good there was to the sons of mankind in what they did under the heavens for the number of the days of their life.
Considering the well documented damage alcohol does to the brain's frontal lobe, we can now declare the statement:
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" to be a "Hobson's Choice".