Role Play...

17th Angel

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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
Just a suggestion, want to see how much support this gets... I am offering YOU a chance to join a role play league.... Can be any comepitive sport will have to vote on it though so like Hockey, football, wrestling, American "football" whatever... Now you get to layout your team/squad/player/whatever with me... And I will sim these games every night on a computer game of voted sport and then playback via this thread the commentary.... Sound like fun? Or sound rather dull? If it is like you know hockey or football or whatever you can name your own team design your own clothes/equipment and name your own players and I just thought it be cool although it would most probally look like....
17th Warriorz 17 0 0
everyone else.... lol ;)

No I wouldn't have any control of it it would all come down to performace and stuff I would play fair. Even put screenshots of important moments up online as well lol..
I's thinkin, curling? flying ziggies? shuffle board? bungee jumpin? hot air balloonin?

I wouldn't have the time or inclination to actually participate. I might watch the highlights, set up a betting parlor...
I would keep it basic.... You get a maximum set of players (depend on whatever sport) teams will have no money involved but can trade between each other if they wish player(s) for player(s) So that there will be no drafts or professional players or whatever just a CR league... And yeah, any sport... Which ever is voted as a majority to be the fantasy sport to play...

So there will be limits keep it basic... There is more fun when things are kept simple.... You don't even need to know the rules of whatever sport is selected :D
This is an EXAMPLE...

Say it was hockey for instance ;) The maximum you would be allowed on a team would be 10. (I know the official roster number for a team is 25) but this would be simply ONE line and a replacement for each player IF they were to be injured or penalised.... (sp? lol) See what I am saying whatever sport it is it would be kept to the most minimal amount of players... So it would be kept simple.... So if you also did trade players it would have to be an even trade one for one two for two NOT three for one so then each team can keep it's best players and not be bribed out of them... Unless they wish to remove them for just one player that maybe a lesser figure. Again all players on whatever sport would be all made up so you can ask CR memebers for permission to add them to your team. :D You will be given a certain amount of "points" and can place them which will stay FOREVER on that player... So in the previous example you have 10 players.... Each have stats.... Which can go to the maximum of 99 points on each stat.... So say a team is given 500 points on each player... You would then have to dish them out on which stats you wish and say 600 points for a captain lol :D You know? Anyway... If we can get some yes's and some no's to see if this would work that would be coo if we get loads of yes's then We'll vote on which sport. Oh and of course if your god allows you to participate in a friendly wager, you are welcome to go down to Wil's betting corner and place some bets... OH!! And if nothing I have said sells this to you, there will be interesting and fruitful commentary from Bob and Jim.... Every match should be an adventure, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll laugh some more, you'll be listening to jim and bob!
How about some martial art like fencing, judo, kendo or the UFC-style mixed martial arts competitions? We could each have a stable.

What about something modern like skateboarding or snowboarding or... *mumbled*... boarding.
Gosh, 17th, watch out. Last time people tried to start role-playing threads on this forum--about a year and a half ago--they were locked and deleted by one of the more overzealous moderators, and the guilty parties were told in no uncertain terms to go play silly games elsewhere.

:rolleyes: True story. Of course, I haven't seen much activity from that particular moderator since then, so who knows?

I'd join, but I don't like sports.
Good luck.

How about some martial art like fencing, judo, kendo or the UFC-style mixed martial arts competitions? We could each have a stable.

Why not kyudo (Japanese archery), capoeira (Brazilian martial arts), kabudo (Okinawan weapons martial arts) or something of that ilk? (I beg of everybody, no bowling! *is on hands and knees, :kitty:s and ferrets ready to be distributed*)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Gosh, 17th, watch out. Last time people tried to start role-playing threads on this forum--about a year and a half ago--they were locked and deleted by one of the more overzealous moderators, and the guilty parties were told in no uncertain terms to go play silly games elsewhere.

:rolleyes: True story. Of course, I haven't seen much activity from that particular moderator since then, so who knows?

I'd join, but I don't like sports.
Good luck.


Just trying to make a community game is all... But, it isn't a problem lol... If I am just making silly games.. Then my bad, I forgot I am like youngest here by a good couple decades so go figure lol...... Just thought it would be an awesome thing to help us build into a tight knit community, a bonding experience... *shrugs*

I'll give it a go. but I don't know anything about hockey. just let me know. I'll be there.

Doesn't have to be hockey can be anything there is a game for.

How about some martial art like fencing, judo, kendo or the UFC-style mixed martial arts competitions? We could each have a stable.

What about something modern like skateboarding or snowboarding or... *mumbled*... boarding.

If there is a game for it, then I can use it.....

Why not kyudo (Japanese archery), capoeira (Brazilian martial arts), kabudo (Okinawan weapons martial arts) or something of that ilk? (I beg of everybody, no bowling! *is on hands and knees, :kitty:s and ferrets ready to be distributed*)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

See previous answer. :D
I forgot I am like youngest here by a good couple decades so go figure lol....

That would make you at the oldest a toddler. I'm turning 24 in a little under a month.