someone elses dreams

I have dreams all the time where I'm not me in them. I very rarely have dreams with people I know in them, rather people I know when I'm awake, I know these people in the dreams though I've never seen them before. I also have dreams where I'm just a floating entity, almost like a camera angle, and then I will suddenly possess one of the characters in my dream. I've never had anyone act like I didn't belong there. Prolly cuz I'm being all ninja and possessing thier friends. Mwa ha ha ha!
I really hope this isn't a dead thread!

I found (and joined) this forum after Googling "dreaming someone else's dream" and finding this thread - because the same thing is happening to me!!

It's a very bizarre and immersive experience - in the dreams I'm not in my body (though I have never seen the body I am inhabiting, I get the impression that it is male), I "know" people who I have never met in my waking life, I "recall" memories of things which have never happened to me, and I'm not so much in control as a "passenger" in this other person, a passive (and unintentional!) observer.

Not only that, during my waking life I have moments where I feel equally unfamiliar and confused by my own life - for example, my bf will look like a complete stranger, even though I know who he is, and can still recall all of my memories of him, though they feel as faraway and distant as when I recall the other person's memories in the dreams. I've always written these confused moments off as nothing important - just minor spells of confusion (to be expected of someone who smokes pot and keeps so many of her thoughts on the fringe), but recently I'm starting to get the feeling that perhaps during these moments, someone else is dreaming that they are me! :eek:

I've read of experiences like this in Jane Roberts' "Education of Oversoul Seven" trilogy, but am having difficulty finding any further reading material related to this topic.

Have you learned anything more since creating this thread? Is it possible to communicate with this other person? If so, how? I have this hilarious mental scenario of finding them on Facebook - "Hi, you don't know me but I've been dreaming that I'm you! Here's a ton of your personal information to prove it! Teehee!" (for the record :D that's a joke).

I'm very excited to explore this further - any input is MUCH appreciated!!
Hi- and welcome to Interfaith Online!

I don't have much to add at this point, as I don't really dream I am someone else. I sometimes have what some people might call "soul memories" as dreams- that is, dreaming I'm me, but not the current me. But it doesn't feel like I'm in another person's body, but rather myself as I once was or will be one day.

There is probably a commonplace and normal explanation for why you might feel distant from yourself at times. I'll see what I can find out from some folks I know who are also cognitive scientists (I'm one) but who work on issues of memory (I don't).

The New Agey way of looking at your experience would be that perhaps you are experiencing brief moments of a "walk-in," which is a soul that doesn't have a body, using your body and causing a disconnect with who you usually are.

But take that with a grain of salt, because it's even loopier than past-life memories and whatnot.

I will say I have moments of disconnect in which I observe myself. In fact, at this point, much of my life is that way. But this does not feel like someone who is not me is in my body. What is going on is that I have become aware of my own deep self, and this deep self is connected always to the broader whole, what you might call the Divine. This deep self is the "observer" and "watcher" of me. I'm working on integration at this point, but more often what I have is a back-and-forth thing in my consciousness in which "deep self" observes "rest of self" and has various commentary. This can feel a bit like a disconnect from my usual self and a greater connection to the moment.

Hope that helps a bit...
Thanks so much path_of_one!

First of all - no worries about potentially loopy explanations, I have fully accepted that many of my beliefs are considered "loopy" to the consensus reality, and I am alright with that - could I have possibly made this post otherwise?! :D I am here to consider all possible options.

I too have the experience of my deep-self observing my daily self, though that feels entirely different. To me, that feels more like a deep connection to all around me - like I am aware of every atom and it's connection to me and everything else, but at the same time the increased awareness is somehow from outside of my body - like my physical body is just a single part of me.

I can definitely see how my explanation of this foreign experience sounds similar to that, but in experiencing it this definitely feels different. For one thing, I can enter that deep-self state consciously, but this one comes on like a dizzy spell and as yet I have not been able to consciously bring it on, though it is likely just a matter of practice (as with a medium channeling an entity - they say it becomes easier as you clear the channel, strengthen the connection).

I don't so much buy into the "lost souls" explanation, as I don't so much believe in disembodied souls. Non-physical entities, I'm alright with - but disembodied human souls don't fit in with my beliefs of what our consciousness really is (in life or otherwise).

Cognitive science, eh? I would absolutely LOVE to talk brains with you sometime!!
Thanks so much path_of_one!

First of all - no worries about potentially loopy explanations, I have fully accepted that many of my beliefs are considered "loopy" to the consensus reality, and I am alright with that - could I have possibly made this post otherwise?! :D I am here to consider all possible options.

I too have the experience of my deep-self observing my daily self, though that feels entirely different. To me, that feels more like a deep connection to all around me - like I am aware of every atom and it's connection to me and everything else, but at the same time the increased awareness is somehow from outside of my body - like my physical body is just a single part of me.

I can definitely see how my explanation of this foreign experience sounds similar to that, but in experiencing it this definitely feels different. For one thing, I can enter that deep-self state consciously, but this one comes on like a dizzy spell and as yet I have not been able to consciously bring it on, though it is likely just a matter of practice (as with a medium channeling an entity - they say it becomes easier as you clear the channel, strengthen the connection).

Got it- yes, sounds quite different. I have never experienced another "taking over" like this, so I can't comment much on that. When I have shared thoughts with another, they do not seem to realize I am doing this until later. They do not seem to feel any different.

I can listen to other entities, but I still feel like me, taking in information from other entities. Perhaps what you experience is closer to possession?

I don't so much buy into the "lost souls" explanation, as I don't so much believe in disembodied souls. Non-physical entities, I'm alright with - but disembodied human souls don't fit in with my beliefs of what our consciousness really is (in life or otherwise).

I am not sure I buy it either. I have not experienced such. Though I believe most who believe they are "walk-ins" do not believe the being that "walked in" was human, but rather some other sort of entity.

Cognitive science, eh? I would absolutely LOVE to talk brains with you sometime!!

I'd offer what I can. I'm not a neuroscientist; my own specialization is how culture interacts with individual thought, particularly in categorization, modeling action and motivation, and decision-making. :)

Sounds cool, had experiences like these.

Forget about our physical bodies for a moment - we are all generating a weak electro magnetic field that as a species could be argued that to form a single complex electro magnetic field across the planet (perhaps even joined with it, perhaps even joined with background EM from the rest of the solar system...galaxy...universe... ...).

The field contains information, and as electric and magnetic fields are theoretically infinite, that means it's not entirely implausible to argue that field patterns generated by past persons are still very much expressed in it.

It's my kind of pseudo-scientific way of describing Akashik Records or the Ether of the Victorians.

What it comes down to is that there is a stream of information present around us that we can theoretically tap into. Tapping into it is hard - takes a certain detached state of mind - and finding detailed information from this is even harder. But it remains potentially accessible.

Imagine that - a universal mind you could tap into, one way or another, and share experiences of other people, present, and past lives.

I too have the experience of my deep-self observing my daily self, though that feels entirely different. To me, that feels more like a deep connection to all around me - like I am aware of every atom and it's connection to me and everything else, but at the same time the increased awareness is somehow from outside of my body - like my physical body is just a single part of me.

Brilliant! This sounds like you're very in tune spiritually. :)

I call the observer the True Self, because it is the greater essence of what we are.

Or put another way, our bodies are a cup from which only part of an ocean can fit into. We are limited mortal vessels for a greater immortal form.

Be careful to keep yourself grounded though - observing yourself may be a sign of things not being *balanced* emotionally or spiritually - we are here with a purpose, and it's important to push forward for that purpose - become too much involved as an observer and it's harder to engage in real life.

Any of that make sense?
Hello all - this hasn't happened to me since I last posted about it, and neither have the "foreign" dreams, however my own dreams have been increasingly vivid and are becoming easier to remember - so that's cool!

I can listen to other entities, but I still feel like me, taking in information from other entities. Perhaps what you experience is closer to possession? Kim

I've been thinking about it kind of like channeling an entity... only not on purpose. "Possession" kinda has a negative nuance to it - I don't feel that this other consciousness (or branch of consciousness) means me any harm, or is attempting to "take over", it seems more like a passive observance, which may be no more intentional than my dreaming as another person.

I'd offer what I can. I'm not a neuroscientist; my own specialization is how culture interacts with individual thought, particularly in categorization, modeling action and motivation, and decision-making. :)

That sounds very, very interesting! I have always taken quite an interest in sociology/psychology - after studying psychology for two years in college and disagreeing with much of what was taught (I wanted to learn about human potential, not a fistful of "disorders" that can almost always be traced to counterproductive patterns of thought learned in childhood), I chose to keep it a passive interest. Have you read "Spontaneous Evolution"? I found it spoke to what I initially hoped to find within psychology, and I would love to hear a reaction from your particular niche!

You, Brian - I am right there with you on the EM field. I believe that whatever is happening here, that's certainly the path!

I do have a tendency to go between observer and driver in waves - usually with seasonal cycles - in warm weather I'm grounded, active, in control and working for the future, when it's cold I hibernate, detach, and observe. I've never really thought about it in these terms before! And you're right - I am much less grounded and capable of handling life when I am in the detached observer state! In fact, I frequently lose my mind for a few weeks in mid-winter and wreak havoc on my own life... happily, that didn't happen this year!

As I am waking from this hibernation now, I will take note of how grounded I am and how it relates to the observation of self.

Thanks so much for your insight guys - I knew I joined this forum for a reason!!
Good to hear it - perhaps you are living your username being here? :)
I've been thinking about it kind of like channeling an entity... only not on purpose. "Possession" kinda has a negative nuance to it - I don't feel that this other consciousness (or branch of consciousness) means me any harm, or is attempting to "take over", it seems more like a passive observance, which may be no more intentional than my dreaming as another person.

I meant it as a neutral thing- basically, I am thinking the difference between an active channeling or mediumship- where you have control- versus a passive channeling (what I was calling possession) where you're not in control but rather are "taken over" for a bit. I don't tend to think possession is necessarily negative, though I'd encourage anyone to strengthen their centering, groundedness, awareness, and then control over who gets to come into the personal aural space and who does not. Basically- to take control of the situation rather than having it happen. If for no other reason than I'd consider it a breach of my privacy if a being just came in my space, much less took over me for a while. However, whether or not it was best for a person to strengthen their control over this would probably depend on what they wanted out of the situation and how comfy they were with the passive role.

The reason I used the term possession was just to make the distinction between mediumship or channeling, which I tend to think of as being the telephone between the world and an entity, and taking the entity into oneself, allowing this to merge and settle. But no negativity meant!

That sounds very, very interesting! I have always taken quite an interest in sociology/psychology - after studying psychology for two years in college and disagreeing with much of what was taught (I wanted to learn about human potential, not a fistful of "disorders" that can almost always be traced to counterproductive patterns of thought learned in childhood), I chose to keep it a passive interest.

I'm a cultural anthropologist, but heavily influenced by psychological anthropology. I've entertained going back for a second degree in counseling so I could have a practice; I was teaching at the university but with the recession, these jobs are not available (just finished my doctorate in 2007- bad timing, eh?) and now am contemplating what else to do with my life outside of write and do art (neither of which are any more immediately financially viable than anthropology! LOL). If I go back to study counseling, I intend to go somewhere that does spiritual or holistic/integrative psychology. There are also places that now do positive psychology. In all cases, it shifts the intent from "how do I fix mentally ill people?" to "how do human beings reach their highest potential?" Like you, that is my primary interest- the evolution of human consciousness.

Have you read "Spontaneous Evolution"? I found it spoke to what I initially hoped to find within psychology, and I would love to hear a reaction from your particular niche!

No- will have to look it up! :)

Thanks so much for your insight guys - I knew I joined this forum for a reason!!

Everyone does! ;):D
I recently had a dream that I was in someone else's dream. I have been searching the internet for days for others who may have had a similar experience... needless to say when I found your post it gave goosebumps, or as I like to say, truthbumps. It was a dark strange dream, unlike any I have ever had and I couldnt get out. It was me and two of my kids no other familiar faces and we kept trying to get out and suddenly I said "I know why we cant get out! These are all aspects of somebody else's dream! We are in someone elses dream!" Then it went completely black. More than black. It was a complete void and then I woke up. I tell my girls all the time that I will see them in my dreams, so that I meet them in my dreams. They live with their dad and I started telling them that to soothe them when they would cry for me. I didn't realize I would manifest that literally but now I see that I bring them into my dreams quite often. That was intentional though and this dream I was in was completely foreign to me, like you said alien ( :) but not aliens). Anyhow, somehow I think that this means we are capable of dream traveling or astral traveling. What do you think about that?