Feb 10, 2008


One of Many
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Seattle, WA
Feb 10, 2008

Namaste all,

the time has now come to take the fight to the enemy of freedom, the enemy of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and more... the enemy of free knowledge, the enemy of compassion and love.


they think they rule the internet... they are wrong.

do what you can.. do what your conscience permits but DO.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~burke


they think they rule the internet... they are wrong.

do what you can.. do what your conscience permits but DO.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~burke


Namaste Vaj,

who thinks they rule the net? I don't.

Is there a true reason to be concerned. I mean yes, they are taking advantage of folks who willingly go to be taken advantage of. But are there not any number of groups doing the same?

Is not a frontal assault indicating there is a need for a frontal assault?
Woo. That's such an out of character post for Vajradhara. Weird conspiracy theories and lots of swearing. Who knew?

I've just taken a look around that weird wiki. What the hell? I don't get it. Does not make sense. Does not c0mput3. What is behind such a strange expenditure of time and energy: paranoia, delusion, or just plain boredom?


Vaj, please explain. I think maybe your account has been hacked?
Namaste Vaj...

One of my basic tenets of life is that any self-evident crap and otherwise mendaciously oriented materials that one gives his/her attention to is automatically justified by the amount of attention given to it. That is the essence of hate mongering, and frankly I'm surprised that you posted this. Besides, the broken cross is not rotating in a logical manner. The right-bent arms denote counter-clockwise rotation and not clockwise rotation. Confusing, eh ?

Confusion is the essence of hate and manipulation. You been samplin' any Mason Jars of clear liquid down thar in Tennessee ? Nevertheless you've got me interested enough to watch the events of 2/10/08 more closely then usual.

Namaste Wil,

thank you for the post.

Namaste Vaj,

who thinks they rule the net? I don't.

$cientology and it's army of litigators that quash and remove any negative material on the internet to prevent free and open discussion of their ideas.

Is there a true reason to be concerned. I mean yes, they are taking advantage of folks who willingly go to be taken advantage of. But are there not any number of groups doing the same?

their stated aim is to rid the world of wogs and wog society. guess what they refer to non-$cientologists as?


Namaste Pathless,

thank you for the post.

Woo. That's such an out of character post for Vajradhara. Weird conspiracy theories and lots of swearing. Who knew?

i'm complex :cool:

I've just taken a look around that weird wiki. What the hell? I don't get it. Does not make sense. Does not c0mput3. What is behind such a strange expenditure of time and energy: paranoia, delusion, or just plain boredom?


Vaj, please explain. I think maybe your account has been hacked?

i am not Anonymous nor is it my wiki site it is, however, a site that one can use as a resource to help to keep the internet free.

Knowledge is Free and those that try to suppress it and charge for it should be opposed. those that would clear the planet of all non believers should be opposed at every opportunity.

i'm not a good Buddhist.


Hi Vaj,

I am going to be at the protest outside their Edinburgh centre on Saturday.

I will make up the usual placard but am unsure what to say on it. So far my best one is "Thetans demand Fair Cut of Royalties".

Anyone got any other suggestions?

Hi Vaj,

I am going to be at the protest outside their Edinburgh centre on Saturday.

I will make up the usual placard but am unsure what to say on it. So far my best one is "Thetans demand Fair Cut of Royalties".

Anyone got any other suggestions?


Knowledge is Free!

and some that would appeal directly to the $cientology folks:

RTC is squirreling the Source Tech!

Second Dynamics has been changed!


It all seems so silly to me, a collosal waste of time. I would imagine some of the goofy Anonyomous people recognize it as such. So scientoligists have weird beliefs. So what? Christians have weird beliefs, too, if you ask me. So scientology is expensive. So what? Christianity can be expensive, too, and so can buddhist retreats. The expenses of religions are often hidden, too; finanical expenses might be the least of the problems that someone who is dogmatically and whole-heartedly (and 2% brain-edly) invested in any religion might be suffering from. There's the time sink (like this website for me, but that's another tangent) and the constriction of creativity, intellectual potential, and even moral strength that comes from near blindly following any system.

I feel like, if you're going to go after a religion, why go for the small fries like scientology? So Tom Cruise is an egomaniac. Mike Huckabee, Tim Lahaye, and Jerry Jenkins are equally as queer in their own ways. The emasculated asexual sacrificial token cult known as christianity has been a worldwide dominator for many more years than scientology has even been on the scene. I say we go after them. :rolleyes:
I am going for two reasons. One broad and complex, the other simple.

The first is that i do not believe scientology can be called a religion. It does not have any semblance of a purpose other than brainwashing for profit. And most importantly of all it has a policy to destroy YOU if you criticise it. Such organisations should not be legal and most certainly should not enjoy the tax and other legal exemptions it gets under the status of a religious organisation. It is a patently and obviously fraudulent organisation and should be pursued relentlessly to its death.

The second reason I am going is that I am always up for a giggle!! ;)

Yes Vaj, it is. Zen and Japanese Culture DT Suzuki

It helps explain why you are a very good Buddhist :)

When I hear the word bushido, the samurai comes to mind. I remember reading from a history book about Japan a few years back about how Zen Buddhism turned Japanese samurai into powerful, fanatical warriors. I don't know how fighting fits in with Buddhism, other than them using Zen Buddhism. If you know anything about how it works Paladin, I'd be interested to know.:D

So Vaj, who do you live and die for? Who is your Lord?
Namaste Saltmeister,

thank you for the post.,

Saltmeister said:
So Vaj, who do you live and die for? Who is your Lord?

this being neither lives nor dies for any other being.

no being is my lord, though i do acknolwedge my root guru as my teacher.

perhaps you are asking for whom i would engage in such actions for?

in that case i say to you that i struggle for those that cannot or will not. it has always been my view that facism, no matter how it is presented or implemented, should be opposed by any means that a being deems ethical.

am i frightened? yes, i am. in the same way that Tom Crui$e knows psychology i know $cientology; the time has come for direct action through the use of psy ops, overt ops and intel ops. i would, of course, not advocate violence nor the intentional harrassment of any $cientology believer for a being is entitled to have whatever religious view that they may want. it is the criminal enterprise which must be engaged and defeated though all ethical means.

it is, of course, somewhat troubling to me to realize that many Anonymous will use unethical means to achieve this end for they have a different ethical standard than i. to the best of my ability, as meager as it is, i shall endeavor to help other Anonymous choose a more ethical path of action.


When I hear the word bushido, the samurai comes to mind. I remember reading from a history book about Japan a few years back about how Zen Buddhism turned Japanese samurai into powerful, fanatical warriors. I don't know how fighting fits in with Buddhism, other than them using Zen Buddhism. If you know anything about how it works Paladin, I'd be interested to know.:D

So Vaj, who do you live and die for? Who is your Lord?

a Buddhist Nun I know once said to me "Just because youre a Buddhist doesn't mean you are also a doormat"

As far as what I understand of Bushido, it is the same as any code a soldier understands, I encourage you to peruse the book for a deeper understanding Salty.
I remember reading from a history book about Japan a few years back about how Zen Buddhism turned Japanese samurai into powerful, fanatical warriors. I don't know how fighting fits in with Buddhism, other than them using Zen Buddhism. If you know anything about how it works Paladin, I'd be interested to know.:D

Hi Saltmeister —
I can recommend Karl F. Friday with Seki Humitake, Legacies of the Sword: The Kashima-Shinryu and Samurai Martial Culture (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1997).

Two things:
The influence of Zen on the warrior tradition has been greatly exagerated, at the cost of other influences. It was there, but well over 90% of sword engravings are of Shinto origin, rather than Zen, and the influence of Shingon and Mikkyo Buddhism is far, far greater than Zen during the centuries of conflict (9th-16th).

The great sword schools (Kashima Shinto Ryu, Kashimna Shinryu, Muso Shinden Ryu) are all attached to Shinto Shrines.

By 1600 a 'final conflict' (Sekigahara) established the Tokugawa shogunate and a peace of sorts was established after centuries of civil war. Miyamoto Mushashi, author of The Book of Five Rings, was wounded at Sekigahara. It was his first and only large-scale battle. His reputation was forged on individual combat.

Never a favourite of mine, sadly. I rather prefer Kamiizumi Nobutsuna (Shinkage Ryu) and his students, notably the Yagyu family. They were battlefield samurai. (Yagyu Munenori is the only attested account of a samurai swordsman in armour, taking out other men in armour, a tremendously difficult feat despite what the movies would have you believe. He was an escort of the Shogun, over a mile behind the lines, when ambushed by a raiding party. He cut down seven men single handed before his comrades had even recovered their wits... )

Prior to this the Way of the Warrior was the 'Way of Horse and Bow' — the classical samurai image is of a mounted archer, and the spear was the queen of the battlefield (rapidly being replaced by firearms). The sword, although esteemed, had not yet attained its near-mythical prestige.

Battles were a thing of the past, but the risk of personal attack from friend and enemy was ever-present in the infighting at local level. The mafia has nothing on these guys for schemes, betrayals and dirty-dealing ... and their sense of honour and insult was so highly attuned as to be hysterical. This was the age of the proliferation of sword schools and the development of technique went on apace ... the majority of techniques assumed civilian attire, and fights not on the battlefield ... but already the peacetime samurai was becoming something of a bureaucrat and a scholar... this was the age when they turned their minds to Zen study.

The value of Zen was for its psychological training, and Karl Friday's book is an expert commentary. But it was Shinto that forged the warrior tradition, Shingon and Mikkyo that gave it its mystique, and Zen that added a gloss of culture, as well as some very useful psychodynamic mind/body training tips.

("Cut-'em-down Tom" in his day, sandan, Muso Shinden Ryu)