a small problem with the trinity

Hi Z —

If one assumes the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity is simply a prolongation of pagan triunes within a Christian context, one will miss the point of what the doctrine is aiming at.

It is an axiom of the Trinity that one cannot state precisely what it is like, because it transcends all cosmological determination. One can point to the Trinity by analogy, but only as long as one is aware that this is an analogy, it is not exactly what it is.

The Fathers tried all manner of analogy — candle, flame and light; flame, light and heat; (hot)iron, heat and light, and so forth, but the better analogies were drawn from a correspondence in human nature — soul, intellect and will, and notably the lover, the loved, and their love — all far transcending the cosmological triunes of antiquity that usually figured the procession of the seasons, and the rites of fertiltiy, etc. Again, always remembering that the metaphor is analogous, and not a precise definition ... as soon as one says, the Trinity is, one is in error. The best we can say, is the Trinity is like ...

Note also that Father, Son and Holy Spirit avoid the obvious pitfall of gender determination at a metagender level, but inescapably use the closest and most informal terms to express a relationship — Father / Son — and a relationship bound in mutuality Father / Son / Spirit — that is the pattern for all subsequent relationship, and the pattern of right-relation, in the manifesting Kosmos. But again, one should remember that the Second and Third Person of the Trinity 'processes' from the first not by any organic manner, so in this sense even 'sonship' is only analogous ... but a fitting and acceptable reality because there is none better, physically nor spiritually.

No teaching can transcend the physical fact of the Person who is Jesus Christ.

If one assumes the teaching to be purely a metaphor, then unless there is a pre-existing foundation for the transferant reference of object of the metaphor itself, it is a fallacy. It is, again for the sake of precision, as best as we are able, that the Fathers sought to define the Mystery in such a way as to eradicate the possibility of error, as much as is possible. The absundancew of erroneous assumptions with regard to the Trinity today are due to the ignorance both of Scripture and of Christianity's philosophical tradition.

The Christian doctrine asserts certain a priori fundamentals — that God is utterly transcendant, that man is contingent, that if indeed there is the possibility of 'union' between the two, and Scripture states explicitly that there is ... then how is such a union possible between two natures that are as unalike as it is possible to be?

If Divine Union is a reality, and not a meaningless metaphor then the Principle of Union must exist in the Deity in principio before it can exist in nature ... if it's not in the Deity, then it's nothing more than a fantasia — one cannot unite with a nature that does not allow of the principle of unity. Therefore, if Union is indeed possible, the Principle of Unity must exist within the Godhead, before any subsequent determination, and it is this that separates the Trinity from all pagan cosmological triunes that preceded it.

Such being the case, the Way of the Union is determined by God, and the conditions established at the foundation of the world, conditions ameiorated only by Grace, which is a Gift of the Holy Spirit, mediated by the Son.


The meaning of Jesus Christ, as a human being, and as a person, can only be properly understood in the light of Trinity in which He is begotten and of which He is the physical Incarnation.

The meaing of man, as a human being, as a nature, and as a person, can only be properly understood in light of the Trinity, in which resides the Logos of all, and the logoi of all individuation.

If one assumes that the incarnation is not a reality, but is simply a metaphor to address something utterly 'other', then the issue is self-defeating, Scripture says God made heavens and the earth, and that both are metaphysically 'good'. A metaphorical interpretation robs the material of its goodness, and assumes the physical has no intrinsic value — from here it's a short step to those pagan and/or gnostic doctrines that insist the material world is essentially evil, and exists contra to the will of God ... a place of necessary containment that needs to be adandoned at the first available opportunity ... not what Scripture says at all.

If one is talking of Trinity, and hasn't read the Fathers, and especially Augustine and Aquinas ... then really the 'empty vessel' analogy applies.


Lastly, the first errors to occur are the last to go away, and Docetism, Cerinthusianism, Appolinarianism, etc., abound, and none moreso than in these days with rely on sentiment rather that objectivity to state what must be true 'because that's what I want to believe'.

The same worn out old dualities are asserted in the face of every teaching to resolve it. Only in Trinity is duality transcended, without reducing everything to a pantheistic monism that mocks both God and man.

gatekeeper, hi
I don’t believe that Jesus was God, tho - only a vessel for the Holy Spirit, or ‘Word’
well yes i agree, as i see it he was an example of how to become son of man i.e. like as if one is son of god on earth.

philosophically i would say that there we should not all be like that, but that is quite another story/thread.
i think we can all be oracles/diviners to god if we open our hearts and ears ~ this is because the divine centre is at the centre of all things i.e. is our inner most and universal nature.

this for me is part of the meaning of the coming apocolypse.

thomas hi
Note also that Father, Son and Holy Spirit avoid the obvious pitfall of gender determination at a metagender level, but inescapably use the closest and most informal terms to express a relationship — Father / Son — and a relationship bound in mutuality Father / Son / Spirit — that is the pattern for all subsequent relationship, and the pattern of right-relation, in the manifesting Kosmos. But again, one should remember that the Second and Third Person of the Trinity ‘processes’ from the first not by any organic manner, so in this sense even ‘sonship’ is only analogous ... but a fitting and acceptable reality because there is none better, physically nor spiritually.

good explanation! i can understand the trinity as a metaphor in any description one cares to give, the problem is when you involve something that is not part of that trinity i.e. mary.
now if we were to say that mary was the daughter of god [why not?] and that the holy spirit and the trinity involves a yin-yang like quality of opposites that transcends gender as we see it, then i can see a trinity!

the problem is that we are casting duel notions where one is divine and the other is some kind of partly divine? if jesus like mary was human then there is no problem. in fact i think that gives you a ‘real’ christianity much like biddhism is more real after they found out that buddha was not a god.
well yes i agree, as i see it he was an example of how to become son of man i.e. like as if one is son of god on earth.

philosophically i would say that there we should not all be like that, but that is quite another story/thread.
i think we can all be oracles/diviners to god if we open our hearts and ears ~ this is because the divine centre is at the centre of all things i.e. is our inner most and universal nature.

this for me is part of the meaning of the coming apocolypse.
Rom 8:14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

Rom 8:15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, "Abba! Father!"

Rom 8:16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God

I agree with you, Z...

I think the coming apocolypse will be one of the changing of hearts, and not so much a [literal] blood bath like most predict. I do believe that many will die to thier old selves, [natures] and will be made new in the Spirit, which is I view to be universal "centre", and heart of God himself.


nice quotes! :)

I think the coming apocolypse will be one of the changing of hearts, and not so much a [literal] blood bath like most predict. I do believe that many will die to thier old selves, [natures] and will be made new in the Spirit, which is I view to be universal "centre", and heart of God himself.

absolutely. man will have to learn that gods consciousness pervades all things and so we must revere the earth and all life upon it.

a rule; people will change. i think people have gotten nearer to god over the last 2000 years [and before] and they will continue to do so. i don’t know what it will be but intuitively i feel there will be a catalyst for quick and massive change in the way we live and think ~ a soul change.
nice quotes! :)

absolutely. man will have to learn that gods consciousness pervades all things and so we must revere the earth and all life upon it.

a rule; people will change. i think people have gotten nearer to god over the last 2000 years [and before] and they will continue to do so. i don’t know what it will be but intuitively i feel there will be a catalyst for quick and massive change in the way we live and think ~ a soul change.

I feel the same way, Z... I pray that we will avoid a 3rd WW, and I think we can if that change would happen on a massive scale. I believe it is happening now, tho - just not as quickly as I would like. Then again, I'm not so worried about what lies ahead. I like to focus on my actions today, and simply work/strive/hope for a better tomorrow.

I think we can all be, or rather [are] an example to others. This is the way it should be [imo] Many will remain oblivious to thier actions, while others will see a positive change in some, and follow suite. It is my hope that people will adopt this attitude, and "be the change they want to see". I have seen it in action, so it is not at all a false hope. Was that quote by Ghandi? "Be the change you want to see"

Anyway, yeah - We are in agreement for the most part, I think.


i agree with what you say there.

I like to focus on my actions today, and simply work/strive/hope for a better tomorrow.

i agree with this live now philosophy, but as a father i want my children and grandchildren to be able to do the same. in fact i think it is humanities duty to make the world into something we can always enjoy i.e. 100% reusable. i think we can literally make paradise on earth of sorts, y’know like small populations, plenty for all and fair sharing of resources both material and financial.

i agree with what you say there.

i agree with this live now philosophy, but as a father i want my children and grandchildren to be able to do the same. in fact i think it is humanities duty to make the world into something we can always enjoy i.e. 100% reusable. i think we can literally make paradise on earth of sorts, y’know like small populations, plenty for all and fair sharing of resources both material and financial.


Your such a 'hippy'!! :D


Your viewpoint is sooo inline with my own, man...


Could be? What is the def for hippy anyway? From what I gather it is somewhat a communist mindset, yes? Then again, I've heard some suggest that the kingdom of heaven will be a communist community, so....

Hippyism, lol! :p

PLU - Peace/Love/Understanding

i imagine heaven would be a place of equals, but earth has many constraints and people are greedy etc, so a free society is very difficult to obtain.
I just wanted to thank Gatekeeper and Thomas for two excellent, well-thought-out and well-written posts. I will be pondering them on the commuter train... Food for thought.
What is there to j/k about, I'd say you paid the brother a compliment.

Many use that term as an insult, so I was making sure Z didn't view it as such - I am a hippy at heart, so I myself have been on the insult side of the term. :eek:

i am sure jesus was a hippy too, so we are all in the same club :). it certainly seams like a wave running through history since the ice age even.
i am sure jesus was a hippy too, so we are all in the same club :). it certainly seams like a wave running through history since the ice age even.

Jesus said that who ever was ashamed of Him was not worthy of Him. This is a problem that I have run into before - Some might confess Jesus as Lord, but they fail to see His loving kindness, and our charge to be like He was.

I think it's the whole love thing that gets some to be ashamed. Many view it to be a weak spirit, and something TO be ashamed of. I suppose I could care less what 'some' think of me, tho - [I am] a Love dove, and a Love dove I shall remain.

James a.k.a "Happy Heretical Hippy", err - Love dove :rolleyes:
small problem with the trinity
please be patient i am trying to get my head around abrahamic religions.

i don’t understand the trinity, so i ask this with all respect; if it is problematic having god the son that is god the father who ‘gave’ mary the mother the son? in human terms he would have made his own mother pregnant with himself?

so how does it work; presuming this is not the case?

I am equally confused by the trinity.