White People Wanted everyone to Believe Jesus Was a White Man. True or False???


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United States
Do Historians and scholars all or most agree that for the historical record, White Europeans have done their best to make sure that people around the world believed that Jesus was a White man? The White people of the United States of America conspired together to deceive Non-Whites that Jesus was a White Man?

Do Scholars and Historians have hardcore empirical PROOF that Whites have wanted everyone to believe that Jesus Christ was a White man?

Can anyone here be so kind to cite sources and proof that either scholars think this way or that it has been proven that this just a simple fact of history. White people have really tried very hard to make the world believe Jesus was White.

Thank You.
Do Historians and scholars all or most agree that for the historical record, White Europeans have done their best to make sure that people around the world believed that Jesus was a White man? The White people of the United States of America conspired together to deceive Non-Whites that Jesus was a White Man?

Do Scholars and Historians have hardcore empirical PROOF that Whites have wanted everyone to believe that Jesus Christ was a White man?

Can anyone here be so kind to cite sources and proof that either scholars think this way or that it has been proven that this just a simple fact of history. White people have really tried very hard to make the world believe Jesus was White.
Can't help but wonder what you are after with this... :confused:

I've seen Jesus portrayed as a black man too, ask any Rastafarian.

Jesus was a Jew, born and raised basically in the desert. Seems to me he would have the traditional olive skin of his people and heritage, probably augmented by a good deal of tanning.

The "white skin" thing you are looking for is a cultural matter. As with religion in general, religious imagery is often modified to make it more culturally relevant. Which is how you end up with at least 4 or 5 basic variations of the Buddha, all of whom as far as I can tell are the same guy with different cultural stylistic interpretations. Not much different pertaining to the Jesus thing. He is easier to relate to if he looks like you. Besides, it makes you feel better about yourself if you look like him.

Now, if you are after ammunition to take a shot at one particular culture or race...don't you think maybe its time to move on from there? I don't think Jesus would approve, at least not the Jesus whose words I read in the Gospels.

jesus WAS white, he also had blue eyes and blond hair, goofbag...

The jews killed Jesus...

havent u guys seen the Passion?
I don't think there is any white conspiracy to portray Jesus as white, if that's what you're after. Some people in some places have portrayed him as white (with all the variations that entails- remember "white" doesn't mean much if you look at the variety ranging from dark olive skin and dark hair/eyes to pale skin and blue/green eyes). Others have portrayed him as black. I've seen some art that portrayed Jesus as hispanic, indian, indigenous of various places, asian...

I think Juantoo3 is right. Some people have an easier time relating to Jesus when they think about Him being more like them.

Personally, I grew up being taught Jesus was a Jew and was unlikely to look like a modern (i.e., well groomed with a clean robe) white guy. I was taught not to be too attached to my ideas about what He looked like. In my own visualizations involving Christ, I think of His face/head being shrouded in light, so it's all kind of hazy and I'm not attaching a particular iconic "look" to Him at all, yet retaining the humanity of Jesus.

By the way, Francis King- The Passion portrayed Jesus as having dark hair. Furthermore, the Jews do not all look alike. There is variety among Jewish people too, so I think it is preposterous to harp on blonde/blue vs. brown/brown as if all Jews have brown hair and brown eyes. One of my uncles (married in) is Jewish and some members of his family have dark blonde hair and blue eyes.

Stereotyping of all sorts is pointless.
It is just that it is hard to be Black and a Ron Paul supporter at the same time. One of my peers mentioned that White people wanted everyone to believe he was white. I wonder if that had been proven to be true or not already.

Oh well, I guess cause Barack Obama is likely to be the president that the "Black-Thing" will get kicked around while the Mass Media and the American continue to ignore the real issues like Preemptive war, American imperialism, Intervention Policy, the decline of the value of the U.S. Dollar.

I do not care what color Jesus was. He was from Jerusalem or the middle east so I am confident he was not a north European looking person. I assume that in history people portray Jesus to look more like them. I mean, Don't ancient paintings of Jesus in Ethiopia portray Jesus and Mary as Ethiopian?

No big deal. Typical for people to do.

But, I guess blacks in America really have a problem with America being so Eurocentric and just want Blackness to be acknowledge as great or something.

As for me, I am indifferent. I am a happy Buddhist.
I think a lot of this goes back to colonialism, of course in the days of 'white European man' thinking they were everyones master it would have been unacceptable to their sensibilities to portray or think of Jesus (pbuh) as a darker skinned man. As has been said, he was a Jew and would have had the complexion of a Jew from that area of the world. Just think back to Victorian Britain, could you imagine a white Englishman with African or Indian slaves bowing before a dark haired, dark eyed and olive skinned representation of Jesus (phuh)?
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But why continue in untruth. Set the record straight and move on.
I think that has largely been done now hasn't it? I don't know of anyone that doesn't now accept that Jesus (pbuh) was a Jew and would have looked different to the portrayals we were once used to. Childrens books now have a dark haired Jesus (pbuh) but I wouldn't like to see old works of art now altered to meet our modern acceptance of the truth.
It is just that it is hard to be Black and a Ron Paul supporter at the same time.
Namaste Manji,

Are you? Black and Ron Paul supporter that is. What makes it hard?

I don't think all white folks wanted everyone to believe he is white, simply white folks would like to think he is white. And racist white folks serioiusly don't want to think he was black, that would just turn their world upside down. In general your statement has a lot of truth to it I believe, but we are slowly getting over it.

Santy Clause we made white too. And in black neighborhoods they have black Santas at the mall.

My church did a Nativity play years ago, all metaphysical no room at the inn stuff quite entertaining. And when Mary gave birth and Joseph held up a small black baby to the three wiseman...it was a moment to experience.
The level of ignorance that abounds these days is staggering!! Everyone should know by now that Jesus is a Philippinno!!


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Mary and Joseph were white? :p
I'm trying to remember who played Mary. Joseph was played by a black man. I know there was a mix of races on stage but I can't remember who played Mary (I know it wasn't a thirteen year old). But there was still an interesting mix of surprise/chuckles/shock when the baby was revealed.
How in the heck am I supposed to know what was going through the minds of the artists from centuries ago who portrayed Jesus as white, or as black, or as olive skinned? :confused:
How in the heck am I supposed to know what was going through the minds of the artists from centuries ago who portrayed Jesus as white, or as black, or as olive skinned? :confused:
Namaste sg,

Come on?? You don't??

For many artists it would be sales or commisions. ie putting food on the table. In Sweden you probably wouldn't sell many black Jesus pictures, and in Ethiopia not many white Jesus pictures. Same for the large murals, someon is going to like the artists work and expect something similar when they hire him for big job.

Odds are Michaelangelo would not have had his painting of G!d and Adam approved had they been black, on the roof of that there chapel. However if he did, we might have different world today!
Truth is, no one knows what Jesus looked like when he was here, there's no conspiracy about drawing (or painting) Jesus relating to your skin colour...
It's just a silly way for people to find something to relate to, some need to see a face or an image.
I learned somewhere that the oldest existing painting of Jesus was a Greek painting and that He looked Greek in that painting, with short, curly hair. If Greeks do the painting, He looks Greek, because that's what people looked like in Greece. When Germans started painting Jesus, they painted Him to look German because that's what people looked like... the painters painted what was familiar to them. The Coptic Christians in Ethiopia probably painted Jesus black because that's what people look like in Ethiopia. I don't think anyone ever painted Him when He was here, so the paintings reflect the painters...