where did all the water go?


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Maryland. usa. FINALLY! LOL
please feel free to bump this to another place, if it doesnt fit here.

its about noah, and the flood. also forgive me if we ahve discussed this before, i do have short term memory loss.(periodically). where did all the water go. i mean, didnt it flood the entire eartH? so, that much water surely couldnt just evaporate .:confused:
God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided; The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained; And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated.
to where?????? ok, the rain stopped, yes i understand that some of it would be soaked up, but it has to go somewhere???
Namaste grey,

five choices

-you believe, it happened, it is written, G!d said it, period or

-when you have a flood, if you've ever been in one or seen one on TV, it sure appears the whole world is under, hence so many flood myths or

-you look at things scientifically and say it is impossible, don't believe in the possibility that G!d can do anything despite common sense, don't believe in miracles etc.

-you believe it is metaphor, there may have been a flood, but there is more to the story

-a combination of the above.

either way, trying to mix the scientific searchings vs. the faithful believing is just about impossible, although there are many who make the stretch and have a blast with instant canyonification and the like.
oh ok thanks wil, it kind of helps me answer the question in my own mind. now, how about explaining the parting of the sea??? is there proof that it happened, (scienifically) and if so ............how??? i get the "if its in the bible christians must believe it etc" i just wanna know if there is proof of the sea actually parting??? and how??? thanks again.........Greymare
Actually the answer lies in the great God created empire of Coca Cola. If you were to empty out all the bottles and cans in existence at any given time we would again be submerged. God Bless Coca Cola Inc.

how about explaining the parting of the sea??? is there proof that it happened, (scienifically) and if so ............how??? i get the "if its in the bible christians must believe it etc" i just wanna know if there is proof of the sea actually parting??? and how??? thanks again.........Greymare
Well there is a wind story with all sorts of proof by those that believe it, again there are the literalist view and the metaphor thought and reality seems it was a MISTRANSLATION, I don't follow it all, check out the discussion of sea of reeds vs. red sea

my issue is red and reed also so similar in Hebrew and Greek and Latin as they are in English?? What are the odds of that??

And secondary to that if we agree it was a mistranslation why oh why are millions still teaching it so millions more are misinformed?????
Actually the answer lies in the great God created empire of Coca Cola. If you were to empty out all the bottles and cans in existence at any given time we would again be submerged. God Bless Coca Cola Inc.

hmmm hit on the solution to global warming and the seas rising!!

Bottle it!
At some point, I saw some PBS special or read some article or something (I can't remember) that proposed that the area where the "Red Sea" was had earthquake activity and that is what caused the "parting," which was a temporary result of an earthquake which allowed some folks across and not others. I have no idea how plausible that is or anything. It was not from a Christian source that I heard it from, I do remember that, but considering they didn't know exactly where it occurred or anything I think it is a hypothesis that is, at best, possible but unlikely.

As for the flood, there are lots and lots of myths around the world of a giant flood. I'm of the camp that thinks there probably was some big flood, but not exactly how the Bible describes it or for those reasons (i.e., I don't buy the firmament idea). One good scientific possibility was that a comet hit the earth around then off the East coast of Africa and caused some really huge tsunamis, followed by torrential rains from throwing up a lot of seawater into the atmosphere. Considering the number of myths from all over Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe, Americas- pretty much all over- that all congeal around the same broad swath of time, it's fairly plausible that there was some sort of big event. However, I just can't buy that only Noah and his family made it out alive, or that he fit all the species of the world into a boat (I mean, how'd he get the American and Australian ones in there?).

I tend to think myth is typically based loosely on real events, combined with deep spiritual meaning. The real important part is in the meaning, so I'm not a real seeker when it comes to "how" and "did it really" and all the details. At the same time, some myths that seemed impossible (or at least highly unlikely) have solid evidence of some foundation to them at this point, and science itself has gotten so weird with quantum mechanics and string theory, that I don't discount them wholesale either.
There is always the possibility that the water that covered all the mountains was in the form of snow and glaciers. :) (Which would make quite a flood when they melted. The Lake Missoula floods that happened in my corner of the planet really left their mark on the landscape.)
I thought Noah just waved a stick and the red sea scientifically parted.

Although, on second thought, I find it more feasible that he beat the sea to two sides, kinda like someone with a machete hacking a path through some overgrowth.

I think in the movie Exodus Y2K, Moses totally just uses a jet ski.
There is always the possibility that the water that covered all the mountains was in the form of snow and glaciers. :) (Which would make quite a flood when they melted. The Lake Missoula floods that happened in my corner of the planet really left their mark on the landscape.)

Hey, I have that DVD. It's bodaciously cataclysmic.
Noah's Flood
Because of the Hebrew cultural terms, it is difficult to decide whether the Bible truly describes Noah's flood as local or global (in which case there may not actually be enough water in the world). Looking at another source: There's a Babylonian story, The Gilgamesh Epic that mentions a very destructive large-scale local flood in the Fertile Crescent similar to in Noah's story, but the boat owner is called 'Utnapishtim'. The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic is describing a local flood. I hold the Genesis account with much higher respect, but its interesting that the Gilgamesh Epic mentions a local flood. Gilgamesh Wikipedia article

Red Sea Crossing
I have seen a BBC documentary about a place found in the Gulf of Aqaba that matches the Biblical description of the Israelite crossing. Here's a web site with more information. They found Egyptian chariot wheels there. Its not like it proves anything, but its better than if there were no trace of the crossing.
I hold the Genesis account with much higher respect, but its interesting that the Gilgamesh Epic mentions a local flood.

And yet of course, Gilgamesh were a far more interesting band than Genesis ever were.

Jesus christ believed in the flood and he always told the truth.
Yes when one looks at the Mississippi River floods and farmland and countryside is underwater for miles...as far as the eye can see. Without the aid of modern boats and helicopters one would surely think the entire world was under water.

With ice caps and glacier melts today, with anticipated sea level risings I wonder if we'll have anything similar to the Black Sea flooding. I've seen the shoreline pictures, and surely New Orleans would be in the path, but I wonder what else will dramatically fill up when the sea crests some mark and a river begins to reverse....