What if there is no God.....

Bruno's logic

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Does it really matter if there is or is not a God……
Some will say yes and some will say no and some will say maybe but I say.
Humanity has an opportunity, and it doesn’t matter if what we have is a gift or just evolutionary luck, or even something else altogether,

But there is no doubt that humanity is conscious and able to manipulate this reality and that if given enough time I can only imagine the places we will discover… The feats we will accomplish, I am not afraid of what the future will be.

After tens of thousands of years from now…… and at last we meet up, with God…..
“You had a rough start but you’ve done well with what you were given, I’m very proud of you. Here is your reward… Now… continue on, We’ll meet again….”

Then again, if we destroy our selves now, and this opportunity we have, God may meet up with us on the other side and say. “Well you certainly wasted that opportunity didn’t you…”

I guess what I’m trying to say is that;
We need to assess the situation and do what is necessary to stabilize this planet and then plan our future…. and act accordingly so that we will have a future.
I believe that we can do away with most disease, hunger, suffering,, loneliness, that we can travel to other worlds, and with science and technology and reason and faith in ourselves…. We can overcome anger… fear… greed…. I can even imagine that we will somehow defeat our evil dark side and that murder, rape and cruelty will be a distant memory ….. yes I believe thatwe can over come these obstacles…

We can do it I have no doubt….

Now the extremists from all factions of society may resist but we must realize that we have this opportunity, it may or may not be unique, it may or may not be important in the grand scheme of things, but I believe that, we have to choose to continue, perhaps that is what freewill means, the ability choose to continue in the face of extinction….…

If there is no God then we know what we have to do….
and if there is a God……….., then…
He’ll be proud of what we will have accomplished….

Haveing said this now how do we go about doing it....
Are we going to destroy this opportunity? Does anyone speak for humanity? Where is the movement in this direction.... Does everybody want this world to end? Lets take a international vote on the subject...

Am I the only person who thinks of these things? Am I crazy?
I love people, but I hate them too... I marvel at their brilliance, their creativity, their compassion, but I am also appalled at their duplicity and their inhumanity...

we all could be supermen (and women, of course) yet we will not rise to the occasion like I had once thought we would...

the earth has around 100 years left... that's all... and over the next 100 years, we will see the same things occur that we have for thousands of years- natural disasters, famine, war...

we have destroyed the earth, and now it will turn against us, man, the parasitic animal who spreads its misery and disease, and maybe, in another couple of hundred years, mankind will be no more... then the earth can repair itself, the trees will grow back, the planet will restabilise, and earth will lose the one species which did not have a place upon it, the freaks of nature that turned against nature, and itself...

the world will end for each and everyone of us, no matter how much we struggle and fight and try to stave off the inevitable, the end comes for us all... the end does not matter... what matters is the middle part-

IF there was no Creator I'd be like I always was :)

Francis 100 years? really? a 100? lol.

Thee only "THEE END IS NEIGH!!" I have ever had an eriee doubt about is the Mayans call of December 21st 2012..... Their is alot about that civilisation.... And their calenders were far more advanced and accurate than our own.. OR they just had a wicked obssession for the number 12 lol...
Now is the time.....

4,000,000,000 strong......


be the change...............

God will approve..........

Don't be afraid................

"assess the situation and do what is necessary to stabilize this planet and then plan our future…. and act accordingly so that we will have a future."

Choose, the future..........

We've experienced the past..............

Not always a pretty picture..

but the nows of the future are what we design them to be today...


Thank you all for replying to my OP. Very interesting and thoughtful responses… I wish I had time to discuss this subject in greater detail as I believe it is a much needed debate that is long overdue.

Whether or not there is a God is the greatest mystery of all.

Some must have faith that the source of their inspiration and hope, confidence and courage, meaning and soul comes from an external and eternal entity that is not confined to this finite physical reality alone. That this entity is somehow watching over us and is paying attention to our every thought and every action, at every moment, from birth till death. That if we, do or do not, live by the rules and laws, believed to have been established by this entity, that we will somehow be rewarded or punished in another dimension of existence.

Some have faith, that the source, is existence itself and that while existence may be conscious it is not necessarily interested or involved with the human element existing within itself.

Some have faith that an entity or entities exist, within the infinite conscious source, that are so powerful that they created and control every aspect of this universe, and are overly concerned with one of their creations, the people of this world…..

We all have faith in something….

While it is true that all of us have faith in something and that none of us could exist without the existence of everything around us, it is still not clearly defined, except through faith, why we exist at all and if there is meaning to all of this existence.

We put our “faith” in whatever it is that makes sense to us individually.

The fact that life and consciousness exists, is an unexplainable mystery, except through faith, however that has not stopped us from attempting to explain our individual observations and imaginings, and over time, believing that our limited point of view, individually and collectively, explains life and conscious as well as this physical reality we exist in and are surely a part of. For some reason our explanations became facts, but these facts, are based on faith not on the actual reality and truth that we exist in.

Does it really matter if there actually is or is not an entity that is paying attention to, and is concerned with, humanities existence?

Well it all depends on your faith I suppose.

Some have faith that we will be rewarded or punished in an afterlife because of our thoughts and actions on this world, and that we should live our lives accordingly. If in fact this is what is actually happening, then yes, it does indeed matter if God does or does not exist.

I have faith that we will have a better understanding of what this reality actually is after we leave our physical bodies, and I have faith that we will continue to exist in another form. I also have faith that existence is conscious of itself and is paying attention to every aspect of itself, that existence is continuing our being, our universe, by this very act of self awareness.

I believe that life and consciousness is an unexplained mystery that will be revealed to us at some time in the future. I believe that the purpose of humanities existence is to explore the physical and emotional and spiritual nature of existence. I believe that the meaning of life is to find peace within and to respect all life as it is, and to live and let live. I believe that we are all part of the one thing existing in this ever-changing universe. I believe that being kind and considerate, compassionate and caring, that knowing love and having patience will eventually reveal the greatest rewards we can imagine. I believe that our goal should be to live in a utopian society where the people of this planet are eventually known throughout the galaxy as those who take care of nature and spirit, as explorers always seeking meaning and beauty, and, as entities filled with faith.

Please continue on….
All the way back into prehistory we have cited God as our guide, mentor and rule maker. All the way back into prehistory we have endured holy wars and the power of those who claim God's sanction taxing and abusing us. Today the world is in a precarious position, we have the capability to self destruct. Is it not time to take a break from God? To see what we can do because WE are important too?

It seems like going backwards is the only option many people think of:

From "No God"---------> "God"
to "God" ---------> "No God"

What if;

"No God" --------> "God"
to "God" ---------> ????

Is an option too?
Our ????, who art in ????, ???? be thy name
???? kingdom come, ???? ???? be done in Earth as it is in ????

Cant see it catching on buddy :rolleyes:;)
God is already a shrunken head in a museum case. God is entirely ceremonial. We're going to have to have new language to describe what we used to call "God."

God is already a shrunken head in a museum case. God is entirely ceremonial. We're going to have to have new language to describe what we used to call "God."


All the way back into prehistory we have cited God as our guide, mentor and rule maker. All the way back into prehistory we have endured holy wars and the power of those who claim God's sanction taxing and abusing us. Today the world is in a precarious position, we have the capability to self destruct. Is it not time to take a break from God? To see what we can do because WE are important too?


you would think:), with a this holy holy god fearing, lovey dovey, religion floating around for centuries (that causes a whole lot of enemies, war & death) not excluding the china mess- there would be such holy peace & love to go with it but instead all you get is a bunch religious LEGALISM!...& head chopping..was that allahs head you just chopped off? or was it the trinity?
yes, I chopped them both off.

Oh how we must throw those virgins into the volcanos & chop off heads to please god....& um, park two ton trucks on top of little 8 year old girls arms to prove their god is mad at them.

I have no problem with a god, gods or no god, praying, singing & whatever people do- but I do with holy ceremonial legalistic ways of life that they persistently try to shove onto others as if they are actually above the entire human race just because mickey mouse is real to them. They don't care who they offend or who they hurt so why should the non religious care who they offend? I don't walk on egg shells around all the crap any more. What they call holy war I call lies, fat greedy human lies.

If you really want an example or want to be like Jesus, just take a look at the story of Jesus & what did he tell the super ego religious? He told them a lot but one thing for sure that I remember was: STICK YOUR LEGALISTIC RELIGION WHERE THE SUN DOES NOT SHINE.
yes it is a quote:)
Matt 23;1-19 BJV

actually, it was more like he called the legalists fools & told them to go to hell.
The senseless one has said in his heart:
"There is no Jehovah." psalm 53​
It's more like he ripped them an new orifice because they were so full of **it. ;)
Ahh yes, the way of loving kindness.:D:D:D

I gather you haven't had breakfast yet...

It's more like he ripped them an new orifice because they were so full of **it. ;)

:D like between the eyes or somewhere on the forehead and he did not even need bullets or weapons, just the little three letter word "WOE" and you knew what was coming next.
Namaste Bruno,

thank you for the post.

Does it really matter if there is or is not a God

can't see how it matters in the least. of course you may need to define this idea a bit before i could offer anything more substantive on this point.

Now the extremists from all factions of society may resist but we must realize that we have this opportunity, it may or may not be unique, it may or may not be important in the grand scheme of things, but I believe that, we have to choose to continue, perhaps that is what freewill means, the ability choose to continue in the face of extinction.

what is your solution for those that would resist your utopia?

Does anyone speak for humanity?

of course not. humans are too varied and have differing views for any one being to effectively speak for them all. each nation has representatives that speak for the collective of that nation, seems to be sound enough to me.

Does everybody want this world to end?

all worlds end, our is no different and it has nothing to do with wanting or no wanting it to be so.


okay... I picked 100 years out of the air... and yes, I sound like a Doomsday merchant, but I do think mankind is doomed...

and no, I'm not a depressive, or have had my head shrunk by witch-doctors... I'm just looking around me...