
Abvoon d'bish Maiya, Nith Qaddash shim-mukh .

yeah, I can actually say the first line but, after that I can't say it.

O Birther! Father- Mother of the Cosmos
who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.
Your Heavenly Domain approaches
Let Your will come true - in the universe (all that vibrates)
just as on earth (that is material and dense).
Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need,
detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma)
like we let go the guilt of others.
but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.
From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act,
the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.

From this translation the prayer seems even more awesome. I get the impression that behind all matter, behind the atoms, being the neutrons, electrons, and protons, there is this living energy, this light, this breath of love, that brings everything together. The prayers is saying that may this higher truth be able to be realized by all conscious beings everywhere. And may that truth be the medicine for the heart that enlivens us, frees us, heals us, empowers us, liberates, give us peace, happiness, joy, so that we may go on living. We know we cannot really live by physical food alone, we also need right view. Wisdom. the Dhamma. hmm, maybe this vibration is Dhamma? The divine.
May that the seeds of love and compassion are watered and respond with compassion towards those who wrong you. Lets us be lead on the path to Nirvana. May that we do here in this life what we are to do. The Dhamma is the truth and it is that which is solid, true, and permanent.

So, very recently, the last two times I boarded an airplane I will take a moment of silence and meditate. When the mind is still after a while and well focused I begin to say in my mind things like, "May all beings on this plane be safe, may they be filled with love, may they all be at peace, may the minds of pilots be filled with clarity so they can guide plane safely and respond to any situation from a position of clarity. May we all arrive to our destination safely. May the winds show a kind heart and gently take us.

I did this in Denver when the winds were very hard and the turbulence went away. Perhaps it was a coincidence or maybe mind does effect nature, I dunno. Could the Shamans of American Indians really make it rain if it needed to? Is there really such thing as mind over matter and that literal sense.

Perhaps when Jesus calmed that storm on the fisherman's boat was not because he is God, but because we all here have the capacity to awaken to a higher sense of self and can do such works and surpass Jesus. So, practice diligentally.
Perhaps when Jesus calmed that storm on the fisherman's boat was not because he is God, but because we all here have the capacity to awaken to a higher sense of self and can do such works and surpass Jesus. So, practice diligentally.

I don't think anyone can surpass Jesus. Only with the help of God can someone reach Him at all... He's a Manifestation of God, I believe, and as such, is greater than mere mortals can ever be without the assistance of God Himself... the All-Powerful. We ourselves are powerless, all power is from God.
I agree that all power is from God and that Christ is a manifestation of God.

But I wonder about us not being able to approach or surpass in terms of action.

Jesus himself said "Greater works will you do than these."

I think we're all afraid of our actual gifts and responsibility. I know I kind of am, when I read what Jesus actually said.
I agree that all power is from God and that Christ is a manifestation of God.

But I wonder about us not being able to approach or surpass in terms of action.

Jesus himself said "Greater works will you do than these."

I think we're all afraid of our actual gifts and responsibility. I know I kind of am, when I read what Jesus actually said.
I don't think anyone can surpass Jesus. Only with the help of God can someone reach Him at all... He's a Manifestation of God, I believe, and as such, is greater than mere mortals can ever be without the assistance of God Himself... the All-Powerful. We ourselves are powerless, all power is from God.
exactly as well, we are all children of G!d all manifestations of G!d, yes all power comes from G!d but as Path indicates we limit ourselves in our gifts despite our wayshower's words.
exactamentary!!exactly as well, we are all children of G!d all manifestations of G!d, yes all power comes from G!d but as Path indicates we limit ourselves in our gifts despite our wayshower's words.

Exactamente.. that's Spanish for exactly. I agree we're all manifestations with a lower-case "m." All power is from God, the All-Powerful. All knowledge has He, the All-Knowing.

Metaphorically I say God is like the Sun.. (God is much greater than any sun, of course, it's just a symbol.) ...the Prophets are like Mirrors of that Sun and the rest of us are like littler mirrors, dirty mirrors, that can reflect light from the Prophets.
Why can't we all be mirrors just as the prophets? Big, clear, shiny- beautiful mirrors of that light?

If I tell myself I am only a tiny little dirty mirror, that is all I will ever be. Instead, I tell myself that I need only to open fully to the light of God, and it will reflect out of me in a huge, perfectly radiant way.

I don't really understand why we limit ourselves by believing we are less than we actually are, or could be.
"He that follows me . . . will possess the light of life."—JOHN 8:12.

Jesus was talking to a group of his disciples when he said: "You are the light of the world." matthew 5;14 So "the light of the world" is an organization of light-bearing Christians—Christians who are reflectors, not of what is in the world, but of the life-giving truths and commandments that come from God and which are found in the Book of light, the Holy Bible.

that you may come to be blameless and innocent, children of God without a blemish in among a crooked and twisted generation, among whom YOU are shining as illuminators in the world phillipians 2;15

Why can't we all be mirrors just as the prophets? Big, clear, shiny- beautiful mirrors of that light?

If I tell myself I am only a tiny little dirty mirror, that is all I will ever be. Instead, I tell myself that I need only to open fully to the light of God, and it will reflect out of me in a huge, perfectly radiant way.

I don't really understand why we limit ourselves by believing we are less than we actually are, or could be.
"The Secret" revealed...