ancient scribes

Ancient Scribes and the Word of Godfor those who are interested this is good reading about the word of God .

or for addition reading shared in the sumarian tablets

Sumerian Gods and Goddesses - Crystalinks

this site has quite a few various religions that can be observed

Information about Sumerian Gods and Goddesses is found on the Sumerian King List as well as Sumerian clay tablets and cylinder seals. The Sumerian King List records all the rulers of Earth back over 400,000 years. This huge stretch of time coupled with reigns into the thousands of years has caused most historians to reject its accuracy. However all the early rulers were allegedly gods - demi-gods or immortals

That's even before the 6 thousand years of the western beliefs.

imagine that

Ellie (her site) is a little different but at least tries without being secular
Tammuz was represented by the first letter of his name, which is an ancient tau, a cross.

The "sign of the cross" was the religious symbol of Tammuz.

But what does this have to do with Christendom?

Is Tammuz worship going on there, in opposition to God?

Well, first of all, what about the "sign of the cross" in Christendom?

The cross, on which Christendom’s religions claim Christ was put to death (though it was actually a stake), is considered the foremost symbol of Christianity.

It is even bowed to and kissed by some religionists.

Among the Jews after their restoration from Babylon, the stake on which a man had been put to death was considered a detestable thing, something to be buried out of sight.

Says the Jewish authority, Moses Maimonides, of the twelfth century: "A timber upon which anyone has been hanged is buried; that the evil name may not remain with it and people should say, ‘This is the timber on which so-and-so was hanged."’ But Christendom actually honors the very thing that, according to them, was the instrument on which Jesus was tortured to death.​
...R, r.. Really?
Well, Genesis says that Abraham was from Ur (same area as Sumer,) and moved to Palestine. He even sent his servant back there to find a wife for his son Isaac. Therefore, it wouldn't be surprising to find similarities between the Sumerian writings and those contained in Genesis.
Well, Genesis says that Abraham was from Ur (same area as Sumer,) and moved to Palestine. He even sent his servant back there to find a wife for his son Isaac. Therefore, it wouldn't be surprising to find similarities between the Sumerian writings and those contained in Genesis.

SG: Thanks, yeah I know what you mean...

I was just shocked that mee was interested in something which wasn't JW writings.
Tammuz was represented by the first letter of his name, which is an ancient tau, a cross.​
No. In Babylonian, it was Dumuzi, and they did not use letters, rather, they use syllabic symbols, and the cuneiform DU does not look at all like a cross. In Aramaic or Phoenician, Tammuz starts with a teth, not a thav, and that letter looks like a coil, not a cross. Not that there is any relevance here, since the practice of abbreviating names by initial letters had not been invented at the time.
This is a Hislopism, a preservation of 19th-century pseudo-lore that the JW's hang on to although there is no basis in fact.
Well, Genesis says that Abraham was from Ur (same area as Sumer,)
The "Ur ha-Khashdim" which Abraham came from was on the upper Zab (Turkish Kurdistan nowadays), not the "Ur" in Sumer ("ur" was a generic root for "burg", "ville").
No. In Babylonian, it was Dumuzi, and they did not use letters, rather, they use syllabic symbols, and the cuneiform DU does not look at all like a cross. In Aramaic or Phoenician, Tammuz starts with a teth, not a thav, and that letter looks like a coil, not a cross. Not that there is any relevance here, since the practice of abbreviating names by initial letters had not been invented at the time.
This is a Hislopism, a preservation of 19th-century pseudo-lore that the JW's hang on to although there is no basis in fact.

Does the Cross Symbolize?

Long before the Christian era, crosses were used by the ancient Babylonians as symbols in their worship of the fertility god Tammuz.

The use of the cross spread into Egypt, India, Syria, and China. Then, centuries later, the Israelites adulterated their worship of Jehovah with acts of veneration to the false god Tammuz. The Bible refers to this form of worship as a ‘detestable thing.’—Ezekiel 8:13, 14.​
"The cross in the form of the ‘Crux Ansata’ . . . was carried in the hands of the Egyptian priests and Pontiff kings as the symbol of their authority as priests of the Sun god and was called ‘the Sign of Life.’"—The Worship of the Dead (London, 1904), Colonel J. Garnier, p. 226.

"Various figures of crosses are found everywhere on Egyptian monuments and tombs, and are considered by many authorities as symbolical either of the phallus [a representation of the male sex organ] or of coition. . . . In Egyptian tombs the crux ansata [cross with a circle or handle on top] is found side by side with the phallus."—A Short History of Sex-Worship (London, 1940), H. Cutner, pp. 16, 17; see also The Non-Christian Cross, p. 183.​
So back to ancient scribes


In his wisdom, Jehovah has seen to it that his Word, the Bible, has been preserved until modern times.

The diligent work of scribes throughout the ages has been involved in its preservation.

The most meticulous of these were the Masoretes, professional Hebrew scribes who worked from the sixth to the tenth century C.E.

Ancient Hebrew was written without vowels.

Over time, this increased the danger of losing the proper pronunciation as Aramaic replaced Hebrew.

The Masoretes developed a system of vowel points to add to the Bible text in order to indicate the correct pronunciation of Hebrew words.

Significantly, the Masoretic vowel points in the Leningrad Codex allow for the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton—the four Hebrew consonants making up the divine name—as Yehwah’, Yehwih’, and Yeho·wah’. "Jehovah" is now the most widely known pronunciation of the name.

The divine name was a living, familiar term to Bible writers and others of ancient times.

Today, God’s name is known and used by millions who acknowledge that ‘Jehovah alone is the Most High over all the earth.’—Psalm 83:18.


Because you tend to never to show interest in other faiths and such... And as the JW's believe.. "One shouldn't have any part in interfaith movments." And the JW's I know, sure like history and study it, but with a very one sided study...

Gee, did Jesus blow his nose on a Kleenex? No say Jehovah's Witnesses, it was a Puffs.


Because you tend to never to show interest in other faiths and suchquote]

i dont need to i have found the channel that Jesus is feeding
matthew 24;45-47

JEHOVAHS WITNESSES are all really fed well.

but that does not mean they dont read lol

i like to find out about ancient gods and things like that , and then i can see how the churches of christendom have been contaminated with those ancient beliefs its really clear to see .

babylonish teaching are rife in the churches of christendom.

But JEHOVAHS WITNESSES have come to a better understanding of Jehovah’s requirements.

They have already cleansed themselves of many teachings of Christendom that have their roots in pre-Christian paganism, such as the Trinity, immortality of the soul, and eternal torment in a fiery hell. they set out to rid themselves of all traces of Babylonish influence.

only true worship is good enough for JEHOVAHS PEOPLE .:)

but christendom are happy to be contaminated, and they like being in volved with and mixed up in things that have no part in bible teachings .

they like it that way .

Jehovahs people like to do what the bible REALLY teaches GET OUT OF HER


of cause that does not mean it is only christendom with its babylonish teachings, but it includes ALL FALSE RELIGION

Because you tend to never to show interest in other faiths and suchquote]

i dont need to i have found the channel that Jesus is feeding
matthew 24;45-47

Mee- let me make this clear as day. This is an interfaith discussion site. If you have no interest in other faiths (i.e., interfaith discussion) then you are clearly here only to prosyletize, which is against our CoC.

Consider that a warning.

babylonish teaching are rife in the churches of christendom.

Quit with the prosyletizing.

But JEHOVAHS WITNESSES have come to a better understanding of Jehovah’s requirements.

Oh, but of course you think your group has The Only Truth. Intolerant prosyletizers always do. :rolleyes:

but christendom are happy to be contaminated, and they like being in volved with and mixed up in things that have no part in bible teachings .

Warning #2- quit with the prosyletizing
path_of_one;150946 [FONT=Arial said:
Oh, but of course you think your group has The Only Truth. Intolerant prosyletizers always do. :rolleyes:[/font]

Warning #2- quit with the prosyletizing

just a thought that has popped up into my head , it is something Jesus said to the religious leaders in his day .

Jesus never hesitated to speak the truth, even though he was killed at the instigation of the angered religious leaders for doing so.—John 17:14; Jas. 4:4.

how do you respond when pointed statements are made about false religious teachings and corrupt practices?

these are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, spoken to the respected religious leaders of his day!
See John 8:44 and Matthew 23:1-36.

Matt. 15:6-14.

when religious leaders and organizations of Christendom misrepresent God’s Word by teaching traditions of men, is it wrong to expose their false doctrines?
When they claim to be following Christ and yet mix in all sorts of babylonish teachings TRINITY HELLFIRE ECT ECT is it a bad thing to publicize that their actions are unchristian and condemned by God?

Should the truth be suppressed because it exposes falsehood and corruption?

Do you feel it is all right to teach lies and misrepresent God’s Word, but wrong to expose the error?
Contrary to what some may think, it is not unkind and unloving to lay bare falsehood and corruption.

Should the truth be suppressed because it exposes falsehood and corruption?

Do you feel it is all right to teach lies and misrepresent God’s Word, but wrong to expose the error?
Contrary to what some may think, it is not unkind and unloving to lay bare falsehood and corruption.

Are you equating yourself with Jesus?

Truth is a rather slippery term. If a person were of a mind to actually look around at some of the discussions we have had on the subject, one might understand the reality that truth is a moving target. Case in point, what is the name of the Almighty? You and I have had this discussion. You hold to your *truth,* I hold to the factual reality. Jesus might be truth, but Yeshua is the reality. The trouble is, the JW doctrine and dogma scrambles all this together and deliberately confuses the issue, a smoke screen if ever a denomination used one.

Is truth true if it is not real? Is truth true if it is demonstrably false?

I am disheartened by some statements you made just recently, suggesting that others who do not think like you are somehow not fit, not worthy. That is quite an intolerant view, and unChristian, and all the more surprising in light of the hospitality and tolerance afforded to you. You are behaving intolerantly towards those who have been long-suffering towards you for what? three years or more now?

Friend to friend, I would say "can the crap." Get off of your high horse and act like a human being. It won't hurt you, we don't bite. There has been a great deal of "do unto others" offered in your direction; if it were not outside the accepted and agreed upon rules around here, I would ask if you would prefer we do unto you as you do to us?

The choice is yours. Continue to play act as a high and mighty pompous hypocrit, or behave as Jesus taught by loving your neighbor. Who does G-d look more favorably upon; the Preacher standing on the corner banging his drum and making his supplications for all to hear, or the lowly Samaritan who gets his hands dirty tending to the defiled and wounded stranger? Does G-d look more favorably on those who make a loud and open show of their religion; or on those who live their faith as an example, putting the teachings into action? Grace, so one can pat themselves on the back; or works, so one can turn G-d's Word into loving practical action? Easy choice in my book, but then my book is the Bible.

Oh, and don't hide behind the false martyr syndrome. It is quite unbecoming, especially when everyone else has had to put up with the unruly behavior for so long.

Maybe try talking with us for a change, instead of talking at us.
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