should I stay or should I go?


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Social phobia may color my perceptions of this, it probably does, but I don't feel like talking to people in the rest of the comparative religion forum anymore because of this topic:

I felt like I was under attack, or rather, that the Baha'i Faith was under attack and that I didn't even feel like defending, but felt that I had to. I love the Baha'i Faith and love Baha'u'llah. I just didn't feel like talking to the poster of that topic but felt that I had to. If someone tells you, in a blanket statement, that your religion is wrong, what do you do? I felt that that's what happened. I don't know what to do. He didn't convince me of anything, obviously. I totally believe Baha'u'llah. I also feel that I've got to do something to get accurate information out there so that people don't... well, brush it aside in derision.... then again, those who call Baha'is fools will be couriers of the Cause. People laughed at Christians a couple hundred years after Christ saying that He couldn't have been the Messiah because Elijah hadn't come out of the sky. Same objections. Literal interpretations. Lions and lambs aren't eating together, therefore the prophecies haven't been fulfilled. Things like that. Those prophecies mean other things, they have deeper meanings. Lions and lambs represent people, not the animals. Elijah returned as a new individual, a new person, John the Baptist, and in this age as the Bab. I know I'm rambling, but just want to let you know why I might disappear, I have social phobia and don't really have the will to talk to people who mock.
Dawud- Only you can determine what is best for you, but I would encourage you not to leave. Bishadi seems to think that many/most religions have it wrong and that s/he has the truth. Do not take it personally.

If you feel attacked in the Christian forum, I would remain on the board but just hang out in the Baha'i area for a while so you can get some breathing room. There seems to be a lot of debate recently in the Christian arena.

At any rate, I would just like to encourage you to stay, but perhaps ignore the Christian forum for a while if it gets too contentious. You won't be the only one.

Hi, Dawud.

Yes, the Christianity forum is usually the first place that those who want to attack other peoples' religions go. (Perhaps they want to test our ability to turn the other cheek?) The good thing about this, is that it leaves the rest of the board as generally safe from those who are out to attack other religions. The bad thing about it is that anyone on the Christianity forum is usually considered fair game by those out to attack other faiths. (Do a quick search of where the attacker posts, and you'll see what I mean.)

I haven't yet had the pleasure of engaging you in conversation, but I have enjoyed what you have posted.

Regarding the person with which you are having a difficult time...consider the source.

Some people have small minds, and pretend to be larger than they really are. Ignore those types of people, they aren't worth the aggravation.

That is not to say you may never encounter those who disagree with you...that is part and parcel of an interfaith forum. Some enjoy "defending" their faith, but that is different than is those who seem intent on destroying other's faith that should be ignored.

Your choice is your own. I think Path has given wise advice (as she frequently does), perhaps avoidance of the Christianity board will ease your problem. In any case, there is the option to put specific posters on your ignore list. Click on that person's screen name to bring up their profile, then click on "ignore this person". It should hide their posts from your view.

It would be sad to lose your input, but that is a choice you have to make whether to stay or to go. I wish you well whatever you decide.

I would urge you to stay at CR but be mindful of a few things..

A few years ago the Administrator of CR suggested the walled garden approach... meaning each forum should have it's own area for discussions and that a Comparative Religion section would be a place to say have more inter-faith speaking for myself I rarely post in Christian Forum or Islamic Forum for example for that reason..

The other thing that can happen on these forums is a kind of negative experience where a few people debate.. a kind of negative spiral can develoep and it feels sometimes personal .. Baha'is as you know are urged to aviod debate if possible and to have as positive a discussion as possible.. leaving the acrimony and hopefully developing friendship.

So chalk this up as part of experience as most all of us have been there in one sense or another either here or elsewhere and move along to a more positive kind of discussion..

- Art
Simply state the facts. Leave the thread.

That is what I'd suggest, You feel you are being forced to a certain conclusion or situation... backed into a corner so to speak, then if I were the one in that position and felt attacked that is what I'd do, say how it is and then cease to engage in that conversation...

I am of XYZ faith... This is how it is...


Thanks for allowing me to clear that up...

If I then do not engage any more, I cannot feed the fire.

Dunno maybe poor advice lol... *shruggs*
....I don't feel like talking to people in the rest of the comparative religion forum anymore because of this topic:

I felt like I was under attack, or rather, that the Baha'i Faith was under attack and that I didn't even feel like defending, but felt that I had to. I love the Baha'i Faith and love Baha'u'llah. I just didn't feel like talking to the poster of that topic but felt that I had to. If someone tells you, in a blanket statement, that your religion is wrong, what do you do? I felt that that's what happened. I don't know what to do.
Just a thought: use the opportunity to strengthen your fortitude, increase your tolerance for basic disagreements, and sharpen your assertiveness skills.

Your views are just as valid as anyone else's. Do not be deterred from expressing them. Simply stand up for yourself and express yourself effectively, without being baited and without being discouraged from speaking your mind.

I would not let anyone else determine my actions.

I always appreciate your posts. You bring gentleness and humility.
Please feel free to float your feathered wings in freedom of being and rise in positive aspiration knowing you have every right to speak your truth.

love - c -
[FONT=Tahoma, Arial]Dawud,[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma, Arial]Clearly, you should do what you feel best; but I don’t think you should leave because of one poster in one thread.[/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma, Arial]If the thread was meant to be concerned with Christianity (as per the forum) then strictly speaking you were off-topic but then we all (mostly) do that! Furthermore, the topic seemed to invite a broader response so perhaps it should have been started in the B&S or Comparative forums.

[/FONT][FONT=Tahoma, Arial]Responding to any particular post or poster is not compulsory Dawud; feel free to ignore or even lurk generally for a while and just have a laugh at us all. We all have our own perspective on the world, none is more “right” than any other (except mine of course).[/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma, Arial]I suppose the most guaranteed way to avoid feeling under attack is to post only in the forum of your faith and (possibly) in non-specific ones such as B&S, Comparative (and the lounge for general nonsense). And of course you can use your settings to ignore anyone you wish to (if you’re ignoring me now then you’re missing a corker) and/or report stuff to the moderators if you feel it’s appropriate. Religion can be an emotive topic, after all.[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma, Arial]s.[/FONT]
I feel your pain.. lol

Because I cant go "home" ... for awhile (Christianity forum being my home.)

I just take a break from CR completely. I find myself getting upset by all the attacks on my faith pretty easily so I usually handle it a month before I have to leave.. If I dont leave I usually get myself in trouble by attacking back :eek:
Thank you all for your great advice and support! I didn't miss any posts because I haven't blocked anyone. I didn't know you could do that. I do like the walled garden approach of CR, and I always check the Baha'i section first to see if there are any new posts. Then I go to "Today's Posts" and see what's going on everywhere else :)
I sought help when i was going through a bit of a troubled time with CR. I felt hindered and useless from certain individuals here. but, you know what, it was because of others here, andtheir advice that helped me realise that I can just ignore "some" and wlecome the chat of the ones I want. Dont let the negativity get to you, Dawud, I cant keep up with alot of the conversatins here (they are way over my head)but I do know that I wont be attacked here, cos I have friends and now , so do you. K?
I sought help when i was going through a bit of a troubled time with CR. I felt hindered and useless from certain individuals here. but, you know what, it was because of others here, andtheir advice that helped me realise that I can just ignore "some" and wlecome the chat of the ones I want. Dont let the negativity get to you, Dawud, I cant keep up with alot of the conversatins here (they are way over my head)but I do know that I wont be attacked here, cos I have friends and now , so do you. K?

Thanks Greymare! I can't keep up with everything because I don't spend that much time online. If I had all day I might read everything in every forum... or not. I don't know.

At least it's a little bit organized that way. It can be hard to keep track of everything... I don't try to keep track of everything... not in every forum anyway. I do stay on top of this one :)
I feel your pain.. lol

Because I cant go "home" ... for awhile (Christianity forum being my home.)

I just take a break from CR completely. I find myself getting upset by all the attacks on my faith pretty easily so I usually handle it a month before I have to leave.. If I dont leave I usually get myself in trouble by attacking back :eek:

You can make the Baha'i forum your home and talk about Christianity here if you like.

I always appreciate your posts. You bring gentleness and humility.
Please feel free to float your feathered wings in freedom of being and rise in positive aspiration knowing you have every right to speak your truth.

love - c -

Thank you so much!

I would reply to everyone, but I'd pretty much say the same thing. Thanks!
Hello, Dawud! I just found your thread and remember my question to you in many paths to the city; one location. The reason I haven't started a new thread in the Baha'i section to discuss my question is I'm not a great student, so I've got no ability to discuss the Baha'i beliefs except with regards to how Christianity would view them. As for the prophletic who started the thread, I don't agree with his approach to conversation.
Hello, Dawud! I just found your thread and remember my question to you in many paths to the city; one location. The reason I haven't started a new thread in the Baha'i section to discuss my question is I'm not a great student, so I've got no ability to discuss the Baha'i beliefs except with regards to how Christianity would view them. As for the prophletic who started the thread, I don't agree with his approach to conversation.

Hi Dream! Are you willing to continue the conversation here?

My way or the Baha'i way?

For the last century or so many people have said religion is a neurotic self medicating activity -- like an addiction sort of. To them religion is a vine parasite which has weakened, yet somehow upheld the humanity tree in symbiosis. Others have always said it is a destructive meme. All of these new religions have surprised me: Baha'i, Neopagan, & Theosophist. They all have a world peace ethic in common, however their sudden appearance leaves me with a strange feeling. I do not count them all as the same thing -- its just I heard about them all at once, so tend to associate them with each other. Its like meeting a room full of people at once, then remembering their names and family histories.

So Baha'i's are interested in world peace, democracy, peace, etc. That's nice. What other reasons are there to believe in Baha'U'llah ? I know he attempts to meet several humanistic needs, thus appealing to the tempest tossed yearning to breathe free. That's all well and good for the easy-going types. What about the geek and well-meaning anal-retentive? What about me?

I'm not sure how you define geek, so I'm not sure how to answer that. Is a geek someone who reads a lot? I read a lot and there a lots of things to read as a Baha'i. The Baha'i Faith isn't just for one kind of personality, there's something for everyone. Baha'is are a very diverse group when it comes to personalities, and also a very diverse group when it comes to ethnicity and nationality. We come from many backgrounds, every religious background you can think of. I think I could help you more if I knew more about what you're looking for. The Baha'i Faith is both very mystical and very intellectual. You can be a mystic and find a lot of mysticism in the Writings of Baha'u'llah. You can also be very intellectual like me and find a lot of deep thinking in the Writing of Baha'u'llah.