

The Dangerous Dinner
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I was curious......:D:)

How often do you change your avatar?

Do you sometimes hate it when people change their avatars?:eek::mad:

Would you rather that people stayed (or looked) the same?

Oh boy, hasn't he/she changed?

Not satisfied with you who you are? Seeking a change in personality or identity?:eek:
I have no routine, I change it when I feel like it.. I couldn't really care if others do not like it when I change it... And I don't care when others change their avatar... It keeps things looking different... Notice I said I alot there :D
I change my avatar from time to time as I age. I'm probably due for a new avatar soon. My moustache has filled out a bit.
My avatar is a lunamoth cake created for me for my birthday by InLove. I usually have a luna moth avatar and I sometimes 'dress up' for holidays.


  • luna.jpg
    4.7 KB · Views: 218
I've only changed it once and that was because I "temporarily lost" my previous one and I kinda enjoy watching the animated :kitty: play with the animated moth (as do several people who've commented on my replacement avatar.)

I don't change avatars unless I really "need" to (it's easier to keep tabs on them if I don't "switch around" that often.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I was curious......:D:)

How often do you change your avatar?

Do you sometimes hate it when people change their avatars?:eek::mad:

Would you rather that people stayed (or looked) the same?

Oh boy, hasn't he/she changed?

Not satisfied with you who you are? Seeking a change in personality or identity?:eek:
I don't change it often (maybe three times in five years). Others changing theirs doesn't bother me. Kinda of neat to see what they come up with.
Let's see, I signed on in Jan of '04, and at that time I couldn't find a suitable avatar image (I wanted a coyote, for personal reasons). I uploaded a picture of the waves at Flagler beach on the East coast of Florida, and after more than a year it just got stale. It wasn't what I wanted anyway, I was trying to convey the idea of infinity...

So, the next one I tried was a supernova after about 125 years, an image I dearly love and use for my wallpaper on the computers at work. I even modified it by superimposing an image of the Silver Surfer (months before I even learned about the movie version). But downized to avatar thumbnail it was difficult to really appreciate, although it did kinda look like an embryo in the womb. InLove did a "birthday cake" rendition for me too, and I still am humbled by her thoughtful gift.

My current avatar is a fractal image mathemathically representing infinity, I believe these are called "Mandelbrot sets," of which my avatar is only one rendition.

I have long wanted to post an image from a photograph I took at Sequoia National Park, for a list of personal reasons as well as the significance I mention here about infinity. I laid at the base of one of those huge trees and took a photograph looking up to the sky through the canapy. It was breaktaking photograph. I simply don't have the hardware anymore to scan the image and create a thumbnail from it.

So for the time being I'll keep the one I have. It hasn't grown stale to me yet. I am still fascinated by the concept.
I go through phases where I'll change avatar pictures every day. I enjoy looking for cool pictures to use, and I'll occasionally put something together that's original. I also take some of your avatars and manipulate them in my art program. he hah haaaah.

This one is my niece at the water's edge. The picture is called 'Edge of Worlds'.
That is awesome Alex. Its a very important job, too.

Here are my new rules for employment happiness:

Don't let people stress you by expecting you to be a psychic. Demand communication privileges. (Aside -- the workplace is a good opportunity to find out if you are psychic at all. If psychic power doesn't work there, then what good is it?) People cannot objectively question your skills, because people will BS for no reason and they make life harder than it needs to be. Positive statements are usually true but negative ones are usually questionable, whining or neurotic. Bottlenecks broken one by one = success. Taking people's crap sessions seriously = indigestion. Criticism from the boss can be taken seriously only after you can tell when they are being honest. Sad but true. False or conflicting performance expectations: think about them angrily whenever you pick up a newspaper or go through job adverts and never think about them anyplace else.
Ah I am deeply sorry for the misunderstanding.. No I do not have a new job I am still stuck in the same dull place... I just meant over the years I have made quite a few "questionable" artist impressions on this site... And they tend to be on purpose like that, poorly done or insane... Hence my dig at myself about the accuracy... It was only meant as a joke.
Its Ok, Alex. As you can see, I like to hear myself type.
Dauer said:
What if you're employed as a psychic medium?
You're saying that because I said people shouldn't expect the employees to be psychic, and its a very good exception to consider. Really, I shouldn't try to speak for everyone on this issue, and of course some people prefer to work under pressure.
well they have got me working now at crime stoppers... As my artists impressions seem to have stunning accuracy...

So Alex, can you fake a crime scene by adding fingers and hands to a photo?

Dauer you have been found guilty of having a moustache. Having a moustache is......a crime in Beardlessland which is where you are living now.
What do you plead?:)

That's a $500 fine. If you don't pay it with a week, you'll be deported! The Immigration officers are looking for you right now.
This deportation gig, where am I getting sent?

Err....don't know. You see, I don't work in the government of Beardlessland. I just heard this from your neighbours.....:) Do you know a place outside Beardlessland where people accept beards and moustaches?

They might offer to cut off your moustache so you can stay.