
What does it mean to "do good"?
Let's look at the original words from the scripture you previously posted:

From the OT,
If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
~Genesis 4:7

The word translated as sin in the verse is chatta'ah (Strong's H2403), which comes from the same root that chet' (Strong's H2399) does, chata' (Strong's H2398).

The word for the part highlighted in red above is yatab (Strong's H3190).
Here's the listed definitions:
1) to be good, be pleasing, be well, be glad
a) (Qal)
1) to be glad, be joyful
2) to be well placed
3) to be well for, be well with, go well with
4) to be pleasing, be pleasing to
b) (Hiphil)
1) to make glad, rejoice
2) to do good to, deal well with
3) to do well, do thoroughly
4) to make a thing good or right or beautiful
5) to do well, do right
The joyful aspect to the definition reminds me of our conversation on the Jealousy thread about mudita, or sympathetic joy, being an antidote for jealousy. (I think we even mentioned the story of Cain and Abel on that thread.)
I think it's about wrong attitude - namely, disrespect for the L-rd.
Indeed, it does seem to be about wrong attitude.
The word for the part highlighted in red above is yatab (Strong's H3190).
Here's the listed definitions:
1) to be good, be pleasing, be well, be glad
a) (Qal)
1) to be glad, be joyful
2) to be well placed
3) to be well for, be well with, go well with
4) to be pleasing, be pleasing to
b) (Hiphil)
1) to make glad, rejoice
2) to do good to, deal well with
3) to do well, do thoroughly
4) to make a thing good or right or beautiful
5) to do well, do right
Based on the 155 occurences in the Bible, it seems like a concept of perfectability and well being is being suggested with the word yatab
....Jewish thought recognizes both “crimes” (violations of human rights) and “sins,” (violations of “the obligation placed on us by virtue of the Divine command requiring us to behave in a way that befits the image of G-d in which we were made”). Parashat VaYelekh - Dr. Meir Seidler
Interesting that so much discussion of "good" tends to focus on social good, Dr. Seidler being an example of that. I'm not saying it's unimportant, but I would say it has the potential to be an instance of putting the cart before the horse.

I believe real altruism and self-sacrifice are possibilities mainly for people who are not preoccupied with their own needs because they have learned how to be good to themselves and how to take care of themselves. Their self-acceptance frees them of dependencies and bondage to selfish motive. More here.....
Temptations eh? and how we resist them. Well, I think it depends on who you are and how you define temptation. You have those frivolous temptations, (wanting those new shoes, and knowing you will never go anywhere to wear them, but really considering buying them anyway.), or the more serious temptations, lusting after someone who isnt "yours" etc. (that kind of thing). Now, maybe Im way off the point here, but I think Alex wanted to know how we handle these things...............

Im tempted to do stuff all the time, ( the frivolous kind) generally I way up the pros and cons, and as long as I am not hurting anyone or I can afford it, I do it,... Hey, Im only human......But I do try to NOT do the bad things, the bad temptations, I hope Im on the right track......I suppose, its how each individual interprets a "temptation", and then what the resulting "cost" is........... thats my opinion.....
Now, maybe Im way off the point here, but I think Alex wanted to know how we handle these things...........
Temptation is a chance to sort out priorities, just like you say. The experience sheds light on what we really want out of life. A temptation won't define you unless you let it. The viable alternative is to define what the temptation is going to mean for you. It's a chance to take a stand.

wanting those new shoes, and knowing you will never go anywhere to wear them, but really considering buying them anyway.
Chances are temptation means that you really wanted something that makes more sense in terms of doing justice to the possibilities and doing something about protecting/enhancing the things you really truly value.