Paradise Earth..

17th Angel

לבעוט את התחת ולקחת שמות
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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
For those whom believe in paradise upon the earth I have this question,

When the earth is returned to the main plan, back to mirror image the Eden era... When man is perfect and in line with the will of YHWH, will our eyes no longer be opened and we shall no longer be knowing of good and bad? (the effect of the forbidden fruit removed.)
Our eyes do not need to be closed for Eden to be possible.
For those whom believe in paradise upon the earth I have this question,

When the earth is returned to the main plan, back to mirror image the Eden era... When man is perfect and in line with the will of YHWH, will our eyes no longer be opened and we shall no longer be knowing of good and bad? (the effect of the forbidden fruit removed.)
When a child burns his hands on a hot stove (he was told not to do it, because it would hurt him but he does it anyway), and then that child grows up with respect to the hot stove, do we want him to no longer know that the stove was dangerous to him? Or do we want him to appreciate the fact that it is dangerous to him, and be grateful that he respects that fact and chooses not to touch the hot stove?
And, in the mean time, hold back all the other kids who wouldn't have burned their hand.

By the way, why did the omniscient God pretend to Eve that he didn't know what she was up to? Aren't those kind of "tests" and mind games beneath the True God? I smell an impostor.
And, in the mean time, hold back all the other kids who wouldn't have burned their hand.

By the way, why did the omniscient God pretend to Eve that he didn't know what she was up to? Aren't those kind of "tests" and mind games beneath the True God? I smell an impostor.
take a shower then...
did i hear the word paradise earth ,

After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth


Jesus said: "You will be with me in Paradise."—Luke 23:43.
"The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it."—Psalm 37:29

that is a promise from the BIBLE and it is very GOODNEWS indeed:)

This means that there will be no dishonest politicians and greedy business leaders to oppress the people.

Nor will people be burdened with high taxes to pay for military weapons.

Never again will anyone be without good food and comfortable housing because he cannot afford them.

Unemployment, inflation and high prices will be no more.

The troubles that cause suffering to families today will no longer exist.
All will have pleasant work to do, and they will be able to see and enjoy the results of their labors

and even sickness will be a thing of the past

And no resident will say: "I am sick." The people that are dwelling in [the land] will be those pardoned for their error.ISAIAH 33;24

The Garden of Eden Restored—Earth Wide

And even death will be swallowed up FOREVER

did i hear the word paradise earth ,

After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth



Jesus said: "You will be with me in Paradise."—Luke 23:43.
"The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it."—Psalm 37:29

that is a promise from the BIBLE and it is very GOODNEWS indeed:)

This means that there will be no dishonest politicians and greedy business leaders to oppress the people.

Nor will people be burdened with high taxes to pay for military weapons.

Never again will anyone be without good food and comfortable housing because he cannot afford them.

Unemployment, inflation and high prices will be no more.

The troubles that cause suffering to families today will no longer exist.
All will have pleasant work to do, and they will be able to see and enjoy the results of their labors

and even sickness will be a thing of the past

And no resident will say: "I am sick." The people that are dwelling in [the land] will be those pardoned for their error.ISAIAH 33;24

The Garden of Eden Restored—Earth Wide

And even death will be swallowed up FOREVER

Ah, the United Federation of Planets and Star I see where Gene Roddenberry got his idea for Star Trek...
Though the rebellion in Eden temporarily interrupted the fulfillment of God’s purpose, it has not changed that purpose.

God has introduced the means for stopping the damage and restoring Paradise.

The mechanism for doing this is the Kingdom of God, the heavenly government that Jesus made such a prominent part of his message to mankind. (Matthew 6:10, 33)

And we can be certain that the original purpose of God will be accomplished.

The all-powerful Creator behind it assures us:

"So my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it."—Isaiah 55:11.

but there are many scoffers ,

but HE WILL PROVE TO BE , WHAT HE WILL PROVE TO BE , And the most high Jehovah , causes to become.
Though the rebellion in Eden temporarily interrupted the fulfillment of God’s purpose, it has not changed that purpose.

God has introduced the means for stopping the damage and restoring Paradise.

The mechanism for doing this is the Kingdom of God, the heavenly government that Jesus made such a prominent part of his message to mankind. (Matthew 6:10, 33)

And we can be certain that the original purpose of God will be accomplished.

The all-powerful Creator behind it assures us:

"So my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it."—Isaiah 55:11.

but there are many scoffers ,

but HE WILL PROVE TO BE , WHAT HE WILL PROVE TO BE , And the most high Jehovah , causes to become.
I don't see anyone scoffing here about what scripture says.
I don't see anyone scoffing here about what scripture says.

:)ok matthew 5;5

The inspired Psalms speak of everlasting life in peaceful conditions on earth. (Psalm 37:9, 11, 29)

Jesus promised life in Paradise. (Luke 23:43)

Down to its very last book, the Bible provides hope for a literal paradise.

At that time, the blind, the deaf, the lame, and the speechless will be healed physically and permanently. Grief and sighing will flee away. Rejoicing will indeed be to time indefinite, even forever.—Revelation 7:9, 16, 17; 21:3, 4.

and it will be very good :)

take a shower then..
I can't be acting as an impostor on account of the fact that I'm not making any such specific claims about God (I like to say that he's loving and perfect in all ways and then leave it at that).

But since you mention showers, I'd like to remind you that it's been my breed of people who've invented and engineered technologies of that level. We've allowed you to use them as a courtesy. In return, we're cast out onto the sidelines and forced to listen to propaganda like "paradise just isn't possible" while middlemen capitalists take credit for our ingenuity.

Are you saying that the True God would actually stoop as low as to role-play "Good-Cop" with Eve, pretending to be ignorant like he didn't already know what she did so that she could incriminate herself? That insults my view of God, an infinite and omnipotent being.
I can't be acting as an impostor on account of the fact that I'm not making any such specific claims about God (I like to say that he's loving and perfect in all ways and then leave it at that).

But since you mention showers, I'd like to remind you that it's been my breed of people who've invented and engineered technologies of that level. We've allowed you to use them as a courtesy. In return, we're cast out onto the sidelines and forced to listen to propaganda like "paradise just isn't possible" while middlemen capitalists take credit for our ingenuity.

Are you saying that the True God would actually stoop as low as to role-play "Good-Cop" with Eve, pretending to be ignorant like he didn't already know what she did so that she could incriminate herself? That insults my view of God, an infinite and omnipotent being.

Gee, and I always thought the first showers were from nature (e.g. rain and waterfalls).

God is also "dad", and as such knows things the "kids" don't realize he knows. Dads, often play the innocent questioner to their kids, hoping for a correct and honorable response, and yes it is a test.

It makes me very comfortable knowing I can't get away with anything, because my "dad" loves me enough to not allow it.

I find no insult in that.
many would love to see our planet transformed into a paradise.Long ago, the Bible promised the restoration of paradise on earth.
Jesus’ saying “the meek . . . shall inherit the earth” and “thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” are among the most well-known passages in Scripture. matthew 5;5 matthew 6;10 ( Revised Standard Version)

Today, however, not many share a belief in an earthly paradise inhabited by the meek. For most who claim to be Christians, Paradise has been lost.

Is the message of an earthly paradise still relevant?

The Bible clearly speaks of a future paradise on earth. :) the bible is good