Palin or Biden for Pres?

Who Would be the Better POTUS?

  • Palin

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Biden

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters


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Wild, Wild West
Hot off the VP debate and before they fade into the background, which of these two would make the better President?

Poll to follow.
I'd just like to give a big shoutout to Joe Sixpack, out there in Americaland, and urge with you, goshdarnit, get together with the hockey moms, all over this wonnerful country of ours, and do mavericky things, in a bipartisan manner, so we can show those terrorists, rearing their heads there in Eyerack and, and other places, with their scary nucular weapons, that by gum, we love our freedom, and our families.
Now, I know that some of you out there, on the East Coast, God luv ya, you're kind of insiders, ya just don't get this whole love-our-freedom thingy, with that drill-baby-drill that's such a part of John McCain's successful energy policy, that's so, full of success, in creating jobs, and in being maverick, and in loving our freedom, well, what can I tell ya? I'm not here to talk to you in that Washington-speak, or to play that whole answer-the-questions game. I'm here to talk to the American people, just like we always do in Alaska, where I am the executive experience. Of which, ya notice? Barack O'Biden doesn't got any. And they're wantin' to white-flag surrender our troops? Golly, I just don't know.
I'd just like to give a big shoutout to Joe Sixpack, out there in Americaland, and urge with you, goshdarnit, get together with the hockey moms, all over this wonnerful country of ours, and do mavericky things, in a bipartisan manner, so we can show those terrorists, rearing their heads there in Eyerack and, and other places, with their scary nucular weapons, that by gum, we love our freedom, and our families.
You betcha !

Now, I know that some of you out there, on the East Coast, God luv ya, you're kind of insiders, ya just don't get this whole love-our-freedom thingy, with that drill-baby-drill that's such a part of John McCain's successful energy policy, that's so, full of success, in creating jobs, and in being maverick, and in loving our freedom, well, what can I tell ya?
Righly ! :)

I'm not here to talk to you in that Washington-speak, or to play that whole answer-the-questions game. I'm here to talk to the American people, just like we always do in Alaska, where I am the executive experience. Of which, ya notice? Barack O'Biden doesn't got any. And they're wantin' to white-flag surrender our troops? Golly, I just don't know.
Aww shoot, doggone it, Bob (winky wink and giggly) I'm so glad you're a real person instead of a walking, talking pastiche of funky little doodle-loodles. :)
Well, if anyone saw the movie "Fargo," you gotta love the "North Dakota" way she has of speaking, which is interesting in that she basically spent her entire life in Alaska.:) earl
Well, if anyone saw the movie "Fargo," you gotta love the "North Dakota" way she has of speaking, which is interesting in that she basically spent her entire life in Alaska.:) earl
I spent the summer of '85 riding horses out of Wasilla...the accent sounds familiar to me.

Never thought I'd hear the name of that town put on the map internationally.