The Analechts of Confucius

The primary teachings of Confucius himself are believed contained in what are now known as the Analechts, from the Greek word analekta, meaning ‘a collection of facts and sayings’, which were brought together by students approximately 70 years after his death.

Analechts: chapter 1

Analechts: chapter 2

Analechts: chapter 3

Analechts: chapter 4

Analechts: chapter 5

Analechts: chapter 6

Analechts: chapter 7

Analechts: chapter 8

Analechts: chapter 9

Analechts: chapter 10

Analechts: chapter 11

Analechts: chapter 12

Analechts: chapter 13

Analechts: chapter 14

Analechts: chapter 15

Analechts: chapter 16

Analechts: chapter 17

Analechts: chapter 18

Analechts: chapter 19

Analechts: chapter 20