if i disappear you will know why

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Have we lost mee?


Thought haven't heard from her latley.... I just checked the member list.... She is no longer on it..... Is this a full ban? Or will we see mee again?

*pays a load of homeless people to stand behind him and gets them to chant*
*Bring! Back! Mee! Bring! Back! Mee!*
mee had warnings for years about the copy/pasting and being a normal active member of the forums. Unfortunately, the warnings were rarely heeded, and seeing mee witnessing at new members in the introductions section killed the last of my patience.

At the end of the day, we're all here as individuals to discuss our individual opinions - not see this place as a promotional platform for any single group, which is I think what happened with mee.
:eek::eek::confused: Banning Mee offends me. It is easy for anyone to ignore Mee.
:eek::eek::confused: Banning Mee offends me. It is easy for anyone to ignore Mee.
I personally am in favor of banishment. Especially for chronic repeat offenders. Slaps on wrists and discussion adhominenenenen about the same issue over and over does not assist the forum.

For oldsters or newcomers folks which decide to continue to disrupt does not help the community.

The blessing is this is an anonymous volunteer community. If you choose to abide it all works out. If you get banished. Nothing is stopping you from coming back. If you decide you want to be here, you make a choice and change your ways. This is a wonderful benefit to the community and the indivual in my opinion. It allows the community to flourish and one to make choices which will allow them to grow individually as well. If our rules and regs don't fit ones needs, then this just isn't the community for them.
Re: if i disappear You will know why
Now that You is here and mee prophecied that You would know. You can fill us in as to why.
I personally am in favor of banishment. Especially for chronic repeat offenders. Slaps on wrists and discussion adhominenenenen about the same issue over and over does not assist the forum.

For oldsters or newcomers folks which decide to continue to disrupt does not help the community.

The blessing is this is an anonymous volunteer community. If you choose to abide it all works out. If you get banished. Nothing is stopping you from coming back. If you decide you want to be here, you make a choice and change your ways. This is a wonderful benefit to the community and the indivual in my opinion. It allows the community to flourish and one to make choices which will allow them to grow individually as well. If our rules and regs don't fit ones needs, then this just isn't the community for them.Now that You is here and mee prophecied that You would know. You can fill us in as to why.

Do some modding. Remove the offending posts. You do not dig up a rose to enhance its flowering, you cut it back hard on occasion though.
Yep, that's what we did repeatedly, over the span of a couple of years. The rose turned out to be a bramble.

Anyway, before this escalates, mee is no longer banned, but on a restricted usergroup.
As an inveterate skimmer it's the rare post that I actually read. And I found it quite easy to pass over mee's posts. I will say that I did admire his/her "enthusiasm".

As a rule, I'm not in favor of banning anyone. But I do understand that it's not my forum.
As an inveterate skimmer it's the rare post that I actually read. And I found it quite easy to pass over mee's posts. I will say that I did admire his/her "enthusiasm".

As a rule, I'm not in favor of banning anyone. But I do understand that it's not my forum.
Mee is not banned...just on "sabbatical". And mee's enthusiasm was not the original issue...

Open and blatant prosyletizing was one...
1. This forum is a book on the internet, and the individuals who control it have chosen the content by the authors that it permits, thus making themselves the real proselytizers. This site should be called brian.org, a religion according to a search engine optimizer. Perhaps the people of the world will someday likewise censor this website from their internet. Some governments like China and Iran surely have.

2. This forum is a means of communication between the individuals who post here, and one or more individuals have once again picked out someone who they view as the least of people, per their self-righteous judgment, and banished everyone here from communicating with that individual whom they have spent potentially many hours getting to know. From an Abrahamic viewpoint, what you did to the least of people you did to God. If you condemn and stone Mee from here per your own judgment, you have condemned and stoned yourselves per your own judgment.

Having been banned from here and met several people here in person, including someone else who was also individually banned from here, I have personally verified the character of several of you... I have personally witnessed the dishonesty, the selfishness, the lack of faith, the hatred, and the hypocrisy which a number of you moderator's harbor. To choose and treat a person like Mee this way does not speak anything of Mee's character... it speaks further of your own.
As before, this site is set up according to basic rules that everyone is expected to adhere to, and witnessing at new members as soon as they join the forum is neither welcome, nor tolerated.

Whether you agree or disagree with that point is entirely your prerogative, but it's not going to ever become forum policy to turn this into a free-for-all unmoderated community.
Having spent a little time reading Mee's posts, I'm calling for a bit of public scrutiny over the moderators here. Lets examine the offending posts. Who did this banning, and why exactly? Over which posts? Explain yourself... show the warnings and show the examples. Give Mee a chance to explain herself. I'd like to see it.

I can tell everyone that absolutely everything that was said of me being banned was false. A moderator comes out and says that it was a joint decision, that there were warnings, that Brian was a part of the decision... all verified later as false. I was banned by Quahom1, and he apparently lied on some hidden forum claiming I was warned or something... a forum that only the moderators can see. Path_of_One extrapolated a little and told a story that was not true. Furthermore, Path_of_One was guilty of having the conversation with me that was allegedly 'off topic'... a real BS reason to ban anyone.

So lets discuss this issue with Mee and have a little public scrutiny over this offense of 'witnessing'. Show us the offending post. Lets further verify that there is no moderator or other person posting here who has not been doing or saying the exact same thing.
Mee has never bothered me & there is no difference in that or what NickA does with the porno god/obama crap over & OVER & OVER...

So lets discuss this issue with Mee and have a little public scrutiny over this offense of 'witnessing'. Show us the offending post.
Christians/people in general have never liked or tolerated the JW or the Arian belief. Witnessing is actually a very integral part of their religion, so to silence someone for doing the most important thing in their religion is pretty dumb. Though, not any more brainwashed than any other religion, it is just done in a different way.
I have personally witnessed the dishonesty, the selfishness, the lack of faith, the hatred, and the hypocrisy which a number of you moderator's harbor.
Namaste ~pi, ~py,

If what you say is correct I ponder why you wish to be member or even come to this site.
Having spent a little time reading Mee's posts, .... Give Mee a chance to explain herself.
Once again my brother, quite interesting... I guess the operative word is 'little' you've spent little time reading mee's posts...otherwise you'd know he's a not a she...
Namaste ~pi, ~py,

If what you say is correct I ponder why you wish to be member or even come to this site.Once again my brother, quite interesting... I guess the operative word is 'little' you've spent little time reading mee's posts...otherwise you'd know he's a not a she...
The comforting thing is, God knows precisely how many times I have read Mee's posts, and that record is still available for you to review someday after you are dead. Until then, it would be nice to hear corrections or miscommunications from Mee. I saw Alex's post and went with it... my sincerest apologies to Mee.
Witnessing is actually a very integral part of their religion, so to silence someone for doing the most important thing in their religion is pretty dumb.

Exactly, this is the crux of the matter for me. Mee's beliefs demand that she witness and to deny her that right is to deny her right to be a part of interfaith. What kind of right does a site that calls itself interfaith have to deny a member of a well established church the right to express their beliefs? Perhaps you should sell the domain name Brian, I am sure "SelectiveFaith.Org" would be far cheaper ;)
Having spent a little time reading Mee's posts, I'm calling for a bit of public scrutiny over the moderators here.

Nothing of the sort is going to happen - if you want to run your own forum, by your own rules, you're welcome to.

Exactly, this is the crux of the matter for me. Mee's beliefs demand that she witness and to deny her that right is to deny her right to be a part of interfaith. What kind of right does a site that calls itself interfaith have to deny a member of a well established church the right to express their beliefs? Perhaps you should sell the domain name Brian, I am sure "SelectiveFaith.Org" would be far cheaper ;)

Interestingly enough, we have representations from most of the world's religions and faiths here that I can think of - and yet very few have ever made it their policy to be a member just to witness at others here. Go figure. :)

In the meantime, this thread appears to have run its course - if anyone wishes to build a community using their rules, they are welcome to - but here at IO we have our own simple rules, and merely ask members to observe them.
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