Registered Sex Offenders - Megan's Law

No, I'm talking about violence - as in legally actionable assaults. Juvenile assault behaviour is under-reported. But even the most conservative estimates are in the hundreds of thousands of victims, with multiple assaults for a segment of these. These estimates include violence against same-sex victims. We're not talking about normal/playful opposite-sex romantic/sexual experimentation here.

Not to get off of the subject of sex offenders but I was watching something the other day where a 15 year old daughter had beaten her mother many times over, busted her fathers head open by smashing his glasses into his skull, videos of her beating on her baby brother.

She says, "I am going to do what I want and if you get in my way I will hurt you."

I forget the hosts name, but he asked why she does all these mean things to her family. Her reply was, "I am a teenager" (like it was ok)

She then gets in her moms face and says, "I have slept with more than 30 men, all over the age of 18.", and she laughed and cursed her mom...all simply to hurt her family.

About one out three sexual assaults against adolescents are perpetrated by peers. One in four of victims reported that they feared death or serious injury.
NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

A substantial number of these cases involve sadistic injury to the victim or murder.

There is a lot of that too, where they force children into things like a dog fight, starting at age 2.
That is a good link you have.

I am mostly only on top of the sex offenders, because I know so many people who have been through it. My very first girlfriend, she was 15 and I was 16, she was tied up to her own bed and raped by the neighbor. I can't forget things like that and how hard it was for her because I had already been through it.
That's the whole point though...justice requires taking a long hard look at every circumstance and weighing the facts to come to an informed decision, tempered with mercy when merited, and dealt in a fair non-emotive and calm deliberate manner.

What we're getting instead is "KIDS," so automatically people throw common sense to the wind; justice, fair play and reason to the dogs; and knee-jerk emotions rule the day trumping the Constitution and any sense of law, decency and payment of debt to society. No mercy, no justice, no law, no decency, no rational reasoning, and all in a spirit of panic and lunacy. Save the children at all costs!!!! I'm sorry but, I draw the line at sanity.

Maybe if we put the responsibility for our children *back on the parents where it belongs* instead of in the hands of the state, a lot of this insane discrepency would go away.

I don't see that happening though, because there is too much to be gained...kinda like the Spanish Inquisition. Why work hard and earn your property when you can seize your neighbor's instead?

If a deliberate court found evidence of forcible rape or bodily injury, then the perp should be rightly and justly dealt with. But this stuff about crowding out guys who have served their time, paid their debt to society and learned their lesson just ain't right. It doesn't happen that way to *any* other criminals. Hell, steal the life savings of 3200 old couples and maybe they'll make a movie out of it, but brush against a child accidentally and be outcast from society for life.
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Does daddy touch you there? If he changes diapers, yes, he's gonna touch you there. Can't be helped. Nevermind that momma touches you there when she changes your diaper too...she's not being accused. Daddy goes to jail for no more crime than changing his child's diaper.

Changing a diaper...a crime for which there is no debt that can be paid, one is forever guilty in the eyes of society, enough to be banished with no hope of forgiveness. Just how Christian is that? A condescending smug satisfaction of lording oneself over a hapless victim who changed his child's diaper.

Ask any attorney if I'm full of it. I'll bet money they'll tell you it is not only possible, they'll tell you it is happening.

Is that enough facts to support what I'm saying? Or do you need more?

So I reiterate...yes, we need to protect our children. But the way we're going about it now is *all* wrong.

I do disgaree with you about the system being *all* wrong. There is no easy or perfect way to handle it.

You must have added this later. You are talking about a completely different crime than what I am. I only know one person who went through a legal battle for false witness and that was due to the mother/wife going for revenge. I only know a few attorneys but what I do know is there are not very many who specialize in bearing false witness/false accusation.
I do however, know many who have gone through being sexually raped and beaten.

I am not doubting what you are saying but I am talking about something completely different.

there is no justice, there is no law...there is only holding your breath and hoping and praying to G-d someone doesn't point the finger at you.
I never mentioned justice, because that is not what I am talking about either and not what I am after, or I might have titled this 'justice'.
Anything is possible but I also do my best to not deliberately put myself into that kind of situation where I can be falsely accused easily, though I have no problem reporting a possible suspect or someone violating my property. Those situations to avoid would make a constructive topic.
That's the whole point though...justice requires taking a long hard look at every circumstance and weighing the facts to come to an informed decision, tempered with mercy when merited, and dealt in a fair non-emotive and calm deliberate manner.

What we're getting instead is "KIDS," so automatically people throw common sense to the wind; justice, fair play and reason to the dogs; and knee-jerk emotions rule the day trumping the Constitution and any sense of law, decency and payment of debt to society. No mercy, no justice, no law, no decency, no rational reasoning, and all in a spirit of panic and lunacy. Save the children at all costs!!!! I'm sorry but, I draw the line at sanity.

Maybe if we put the responsibility for our children *back on the parents where it belongs* instead of in the hands of the state, a lot of this insane discrepency would go away.

I don't see that happening though, because there is too much to be gained...kinda like the Spanish Inquisition. Why work hard and earn your property when you can seize your neighbor's instead?

You are back into justice again:) and what? all kinds of lawsuits?. We can do 50 pages on that but I am not going there.

One thing at a time. One thing at a time.
If you look at this closer you will see that it is not the parents alone at fault in what *I am talking about*. Rather, it is the baby sitter, the priest, the boy next door, the uncle, the supervisor, the stranger at the park, peeping tom, the teacher, the nurse and nanny,...There are some real sucky Mommy Dearest types for sure who abuse their kids, but it is not just the parents of the children doing this.
Re: Registered Sex Offenders - Meusbandgan's Law

I respect you j23 more than I can say but I think your wrong in thinking that its overhyped. I know more women and men that have been sexually assaulted than I do than have not and THAT is only that they havent told me. I have vivid memories of 3 cousins two babysitters and 3 young guys that introduced pornography to my already sexualized mind.

Thats just my story and have several that I wont tell because they are personal but these are people that are VERY close to me..

I know that women commit these crimes theres another woman that lives not to far away that assaulted a young boy and shes registered.

I have a lot of problems because of what happened to me.. I have problems with intimacy I do not have a healthy view of sex. Even between a man and wife. Theres even an amount of self hatred in the past.. and for a long time I didnt know how to say no or how to stand up for myself. This thread is highly personal to me because i identify with it and what happened to me and to see someone play devils advocate to it hurts me so Im probably not going to post on this thread again.

Just know that there is an epidemic in this country of pre-sexualizing children... and of course you cannot deny that abused become abusers if they do not learn how to overcome. we see that every day.
That's the whole point though...justice requires taking a long hard look at every circumstance and weighing the facts to come to an informed decision, tempered with mercy when merited, and dealt in a fair non-emotive and calm deliberate manner.

What we're getting instead is "KIDS," so automatically people throw common sense to the wind; justice, fair play and reason to the dogs; and knee-jerk emotions rule the day trumping the Constitution and any sense of law, decency and payment of debt to society. No mercy, no justice, no law, no decency, no rational reasoning, and all in a spirit of panic and lunacy. Save the children at all costs!!!! I'm sorry but, I draw the line at sanity.

Maybe if we put the responsibility for our children *back on the parents where it belongs* instead of in the hands of the state, a lot of this insane discrepency would go away.

I don't see that happening though, because there is too much to be gained...kinda like the Spanish Inquisition. Why work hard and earn your property when you can seize your neighbor's instead?

If a deliberate court found evidence of forcible rape or bodily injury, then the perp should be rightly and justly dealt with. But this stuff about crowding out guys who have served their time, paid their debt to society and learned their lesson just ain't right. It doesn't happen that way to *any* other criminals. Hell, steal the life savings of 3200 old couples and maybe they'll make a movie out of it, but brush against a child accidentally and be outcast from society for life.

The God is a Pornagraher thread proved without a shadow of a doubt that there is no logic in this. It is an emotionally driven issue. I've learned to my sadness on that thread that we don't know how to relate anything reasonable to a 14 year own girl about sex and her body. We rely on threats and cliches. It is obvious that as a whole we've lost our understanding so cannot communicate any understanding to the young. Parents have been conditioned to let the schools and police teach the young. Now with media introducing more ideas, the young take off on it and say "why not?" We don't know how to deal with it that reflects any understanding but rather assert either fundamentalist or societal dictates with psychobabbel mixed in. What kid worth their salt would be satisfied with that? You really can't blame them. If anything on a large scale can be done that wouldn't turn America into a socialist country to compensate for the loss of values is an open question for me.
Re: Registered Sex Offenders - Meusbandgan's Law

I respect you j23 more than I can say but I think your wrong in thinking that its overhyped. I know more women and men that have been sexually assaulted than I do than have not and THAT is only that they havent told me. I have vivid memories of 3 cousins two babysitters and 3 young guys that introduced pornography to my already sexualized mind.

Thats just my story and have several that I wont tell because they are personal but these are people that are VERY close to me..

I know that women commit these crimes theres another woman that lives not to far away that assaulted a young boy and shes registered.

I have a lot of problems because of what happened to me.. I have problems with intimacy I do not have a healthy view of sex. Even between a man and wife. Theres even an amount of self hatred in the past.. and for a long time I didnt know how to say no or how to stand up for myself. This thread is highly personal to me because i identify with it and what happened to me and to see someone play devils advocate to it hurts me so Im probably not going to post on this thread again.

Just know that there is an epidemic in this country of pre-sexualizing children... and of course you cannot deny that abused become abusers if they do not learn how to overcome. we see that every day.

No one can fully understand things until after they go through it. If 2000 children show up missing every day, no one is going to care about that until after one of their chidlren turn up missing...then they sing a different tune.

The ones who weep and cannot speak because no one hears them.

It is highly personal to me as well but I did overcome or so I think I made it out ok. I can relate to so much about what you are saying, especially about standing up for yourself, and I do understand the problems and the set backs from abuse.

I really do understand and I know. I do.
ok, my opinion.

first i can understand that there are a lot of false accusations. unfortuantely that goes with human nature, we do jump to conclusions, think the worst, point the finger etc...

all society need a thorough investigation using common sense, as juan23 pointed out, to indeed focus on the truth .
this should sort the false from the true.
i know it would be time and money consuming, but we are talking about our most valuable assets are we not? so , it is money and time well spent.
individual circumstances of cases need to be throougly investigated. (obviously).
However, that being said, those that are found guilty of child rape for eg one here inparticular....Dennis Ferguson...(repeat offender....) should be "put down".
Harsh, i know but he is a repeat offender, and there is no doubt as to his guilt of crimes etc.... The only way to guarantee he will never reoffend... .
Unfortuantely we are all aware that there are many of his kind around... there will be less if they are also given the same treatment.
I am not talking about the "maybe" cases, im talking about the absolutely without a shadow of a doubt cases..
I dont have the answers to everything, but i am working on it...
Leave it to me, Make me the boss and Ill fix everything. LOL.
Re: Registered Sex Offenders - Meusbandgan's Law

No one can fully understand things until after they go through it. If 2000 children show up missing every day, no one is going to care about that until after one of their chidlren turn up missing...then they sing a different tune.

The ones who weep and cannot speak because no one hears them.

It is highly personal to me as well but I did overcome or so I think I made it out ok. I can relate to so much about what you are saying, especially about standing up for yourself, and I do understand the problems and the set backs from abuse.

I really do understand and I know. I do.

In Florida I think it was last year or maybe the year before they started something called "Amber alert," named after a little girl named Amber who was abducted. These Amber alerts are sent out over TV and radio, even to some cell phones if you put your number on a list with the state. I got no problem with that. I see the occasional alert (*maybe* one a month) come across, and it is a good thing because it alerts people to keep an eye out for these missing kids.

Most, let me repeat for emphasis, most by far are abducted by a non-custodial parent. Yes, you get the occasional screwball who steals a baby from the maternity ward, like here in Jacksonville a few years back, but almost all of the Amber alerts issued since the program started here have been for non-custodial parents trying to slip away with the child. Heart-wrenching, family shattering, emotionally charged....but nothing anywhere near the sordid child stalking predator that is used to hype this stuff.

Yes, there are mentally unstable people in our presence who prey on kids...get them off the street, no argument. But losing one's composure at the mere mention of the term I have watched at this forum repeatedly...isn't very sane or civil behavior *either.* Different matter of degree, yeah, ok, I understand. But I still agree with Benjamin Franklin..."those who would surrender their liberty for security deserve neither." Making it easier to railroad *accused* offenders (and there is no other term, they do not even have to be duly convicted) only makes it easier to "prosecute" the innocent. When it comes to pedophilia, there are no innocents. Once accused, even falsely, you are guilty. Not even the pretense of a sham trial. Innocent until proven guilty...always a bit of a stretch but not an option with this type of crime. There is no rehabilitation, either. Commit murder, and get rehabilitated. Have someone falsely accuse you of fondling a child, and serve a life sentence *trying desperately* to prove your innocence.

So you were abused as a child? I'm sorry. But so was I. Depending how you define abuse, all of us of one or two generations back were. Hell, my mom tore my @ss up *every* time I screwed up. They'd plant her under the jail by today's standards. My dad was even worse. And yes, I was even accosted. My brother was raped. Another brother seems to have willingly fallen in with an old pervert when he was a teenager.

I'm not saying these things are OK. I'm saying we are *far* too paranoid and instantly emotional and judgmental to see clearly or rationally. A hundred years ago people just like you under the same paranoia and justifying it in the exact same manner would be burning crosses and hanging black people with nooses from trees. It is the same exact kind of insanity that drove those kinds of social hatreds and fed those same paranoid fears. I'm not calling names here, I'm trying to get people to open their eyes to the insanity.
BTW, nice dodge about the truck driver question. I don't buy it though. Truth is, people who are so paranoid when it comes to children, *automatically* assume the worst. Yet, probably 90% of the guys on the road are fathers (even some mothers) trying to earn a living and feed, cloth and shelter their own kids. I know, I am a former truck driver. And I have had people treat me prejudicially aound kids for no more reason than that I was a truck driver.

How just is that? How merciful is that? How Christian is that?
...compared to the 2000 reports a day of children missing?

You can isolate incidents about anything.

Let's put the shoe on the other foot. I showed you mine, now show me yours.

You keep flying this flag of 2000 kids a day, by my calculations that means we would run out of kids in this country in a very short time. None of them would ever have a chance to grow up. None.

Let's see your evidence.

Because hype sure can be made up to keep the people hysterical and feed off their irrational fears...too.
Let's put the shoe on the other foot. I showed you mine, now show me yours.

You keep flying this flag of 2000 kids a day, by my calculations that means we would run out of kids in this country in a very short time. None of them would ever have a chance to grow up. None.

Let's see your evidence.

Because hype sure can be made up to keep the people hysterical and feed off their irrational fears...too.

you have shown no facts or statistics. you may not like the facts or my answers to your questions but i am not going to change them either. You can even delete what I say, but you will still not change it.

You will however change your opinion when it happens to you or to your child or to your wife. Then the shoe will be on the other foot.
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Before You Finish Reading This
...Another Woman Will Be Raped
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]A National Shame
Recent statistics show that rape is still all too prevalent in America.


  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]According to The National Women's Study, 683,000 forcible rapes occur every year; which equals 56,916 per month; 1,871 per day; 78 per hour; and 1.3 per minute {National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000.}
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]In 1999, law enforcement agencies received reports of an estimated 89,107 forcible rapes {Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Statistics, 2000.}
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]The FBI estimates that 64 of every 100,000 females in the United States were raped last year {Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Statistics, 2000.}
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Despite an overall drop in overall crime rates, there was a 20 percent increase in rapes, and a 33.3 percent increase in sexual assaults in 1999 {National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000.}
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]An estimated 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will experience a sexual assault in their lifetime {National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000.}[/FONT]
Crime Victim Services (CVS) :: Statistics
I never mentioned justice, because that is not what I am talking about either and not what I am after, or I might have titled this 'justice'.
Anything is possible but I also do my best to not deliberately put myself into that kind of situation where I can be falsely accused easily, though I have no problem reporting a possible suspect or someone violating my property. Those situations to avoid would make a constructive topic.

No, you started a thread about registering sex offenders, specifically child sex offfenders. What you fail to realize is that includes those who are *only* accused (even falsely accused) of being child sex offenders. You do not have to be duly convicted by a court to be required to register. All it takes is Family Services' Gestapo say so. And should G-d's grace be with you and you actually manage to vindicate yourself and clear your name, good luck getting your name off that list. Nevermind the slander, nevermind the libel, nevermind the loss of family, home, health, job and happiness; there is no recourse for libel suit, you cannot face your anonymous accuser even if that accusation was false.

You're screwed, if anybody so much as breathes a whisper. How's that for a Christian family values legal Gestapo fair trial for ya?
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Before You Finish Reading This
...Another Woman Will Be Raped
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]A National Shame
Recent statistics show that rape is still all too prevalent in America.


  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]According to The National Women's Study, 683,000 forcible rapes occur every year; which equals 56,916 per month; 1,871 per day; 78 per hour; and 1.3 per minute {National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000.}
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]In 1999, law enforcement agencies received reports of an estimated 89,107 forcible rapes {Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Statistics, 2000.}
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]The FBI estimates that 64 of every 100,000 females in the United States were raped last year {Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Statistics, 2000.}
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Despite an overall drop in overall crime rates, there was a 20 percent increase in rapes, and a 33.3 percent increase in sexual assaults in 1999 {National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000.}
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]An estimated 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will experience a sexual assault in their lifetime {National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000.}[/FONT]
Crime Victim Services (CVS) :: Statistics

That's nice...where's the 2000 KIDS?
you have shown no facts or statistics. you may not like the facts or my answers to your questions but i am not going to change them either. You can even delete what I say, but you will still not change it.

You will however change your opinion when it happens to you or to your child or to your wife. Then the shoe will be on the other foot.

I think what you mean is that you don't care to look at the links I provided.

I also quoted 4 specific cases. There are *plenty* more, and I was focused only on Florida.

You put up some list probably made up by some hysteria monger...not facts, perverted opinion designed to play on fear.
you have shown no facts or statistics. you may not like the facts or my answers to your questions but i am not going to change them either. You can even delete what I say, but you will still not change it.

You will however change your opinion when it happens to you or to your child or to your wife. Then the shoe will be on the other foot.

No, I won't change my mind. My focus will be on one individual, and I would like to think I will have the sense enough to make absolutely certain I have the correct individual before I react.

Did I tell you my step-dad was murdered in his own home?

That sonovabeech better hope I never find out who he is...but that doesn't mean I am going to vent my rage on everyone and anyone who I hysterically think deserves it.
National Missing Children's Day is May 25

Mon May 19, 2008 3:06pm EDT

ALEXANDRIA, Va., May 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Every year in America an
estimated 800,000 children are reported missing, more than 2,000 children each
day. Of that number, 200,000 are abducted by family members, and 58,000 are
abducted by non-family members. The primary motive for non-family abductions
is sexual. Each year 115 children are the victims of the most serious
abductions, taken by non-family members and either murdered, held for ransom,
or taken with the intent to keep.

What Parents Can Do to Keep Children Safe

"We know teaching children about safety works," said Ernie Allen, president
and CEO of NCMEC. "It is important that parents take the time to talk to
their children about safety."

An analysis of attempted abduction cases by NCMEC found that in 88% of the
cases, the child escaped would-be abductors through their own actions, by
yelling, kicking, pulling away, running away or attracting attention.

National Missing Children's Day is May 25 | Reuters
I think what you mean is that you don't care to look at the links I provided.

I also quoted 4 specific cases. There are *plenty* more, and I was focused only on Florida.

You put up some list probably made up by some hysteria monger...not facts, perverted opinion designed to play on fear.

I told you and will tell you again. You are talking about something completely different than the topic. You should start a thread and call it hype, justice and fear. Then you could argue with yourself about what you wish to talk about.
You keep flying this flag of 2000 kids a day, by my calculations that means we would run out of kids in this country in a very short time. None of them would ever have a chance to grow up. None.

If there are over 10,000 children born each day in the USA, that would leave 8,000 children left. Not none as you claim. You do error.

No, you started a thread about registering sex offenders, specifically child sex offfenders.

...and you cannot stay on topic.