Registered Sex Offenders - Megan's Law

I am not surprised that there is so little confidence in a fair trial. I don't have any myself.

As far as I know, in a criminal trial most people can afford little more than a public defender, and almost nobody understands the laws or the nuances of the court process. You learn it when you get there, which is why lawyers own us. I received a twelve year public education, but it barely touched upon the Constitution -- let alone Law. I don't expect the government to oppress me, but I also do not expect a fair trial if I get accused of something or sued. I will have to rely upon a public defender, and any civil trial is far too expensive to be fair to a poor person or small business.

In the USA, rape was originally a crime punishable by death. We changed it, arguing that the punishment made the criminals more vicious, more likely to kill the person that they were raping. We said that when the rapist is more afraid of being caught, the victims suffer more. That is why rapist are not executed here! Whether the argument is true or not, I do not know. I'll say that this thread has made me think twice about moving too fast with justice.
I'd like to keep them in prison.

People (can) grow and learn throughout their lives.

I'd give them every opportunity to see the errors in their ways.

It would help make their next life (and ours) just a little easier.
I know what you are saying.

It baffles me that people would prefer to help those who bring harm to others with money and make the victims look like the bad guys.

I am no longer in a killing mind... And will not support such a notion :S money means nothing to me... Sure there should be punishment/help(dare I say it) for criminals... So whatever, most of my taxes go on crap I have no use or agreement for..... But I wouldn't fund killing a person...
Oops. Only 3 years of public education and 9 private, but the 11th and 12th were with a public school where I participated in an elective Government class. That was all anybody took, so I still think its representative of the 12 year education system.
I am no longer in a killing mind... And will not support such a notion :S money means nothing to me... Sure there should be punishment/help(dare I say it) for criminals... So whatever, most of my taxes go on crap I have no use or agreement for..... But I wouldn't fund killing a person...

You could donate your money to sex offenders if you want to.
If your country goes to war don't you fund killing people? innocent people? It is not like you get that choice of where your taxes go in some things.

They aren't killed any way. Me paying to feed and shelter rapists/murderers and also pay to wipe their butts for 50 years does not sit right with me. It is either prison, death or the offenders list. As of right now the only viable option is the list which is part of the sentence and I am firmly for it. Second offense they will do life. The list could be for 10 years or it could be for life as part of the sentence.

Like I tried to say before, if they dont want the record and want to stay off the list & out of prison, then they should not hurt others and destroy lives to that degree. A lot of people are like you where they take the side of the criminals -but I dont, not when it comes to destroying lives and harming the little ones. So if your son or daughter is being raped by some some fruity priest, or you walk in on your wife being raped what do you do? tell them you want to counsel them? and give them some help with food and money? I am not sure if you have any kids yet, but I have noticed a lot of people with no children tend to support the criminals. I am not sure why that is yet, other than the love for their own child does not yet exist?

I am also for capital punishment on a second offense. I am not supporting sex offenders in any way other than a rope, the list and thick bars.
more likely to kill the person that they were raping.

that is what got the list going. someones little daughter was raped and then killed. the offenders on the list only represent a fraction.
that poor poor darling.
i hope he got whats coming to him

he got away with that so far. It is a real bad case and she confides in me and knows my story.

do you want to know what the real sick part of that is? Her real mother knew about it and allowed it to happen. 20 years later she still hates her mother for those dark days when she would not hear her daughters cries! It kind of reminds me of child slavery, where they sell their kids for money. To me it is just as bad as murder and the sex offenders themselves. Not a pretty picture.

ok, if you look at it unemotionally and objectively, yes the money will help.
I dont know how the "powers that be" decide how much, but there are a lot of extra expenses that cause unnecessary hardship in these circumstances..
Not everyone has the extra cash to outlay for this.
If your child needs councelling/psychiatric help etc, this is not cheap.
Also, the parent of the child may have to take time off work... not everyone has amassed holidays that they can use for this......... Loss of wages etc and all the practical things are a huge burden on an already fragile family.
So, no money wont take back time....... But sometimes if the family dont have to worry so much about the everyday things, they can concentrate on the "issue" at hand.
Better to offer a hand than to bury your head in the sand.

That is how I am. A child/family is needed and being a loving parent is required before all of that is fully understood.
and almost nobody understands the laws or the nuances of the court process. You learn it when you get there, which is why lawyers own us.

I am ignorant with most laws, but not this one. It is true we dont know it until we need it.
When do you think we should start learning stiff and hard laws? have special classes at school when they are in first grade to make them aware of predators and victims? then something helpful in junior high? then have a mandatory class at some point in high school? Like government? call it law and order? These types of subjects used to be hush hush, and no one wanted to talk about about it 30 years ago because the people who were raped & abused were looked down upon in society and no one knew what to do. That is changing.
It would have to be a class where you hear it every day for awhile, like government, not something that is only brought up only one time then never heard of again. Way better than my visit last month.:)

That and Wils idea of educating them real young is probably the best idea I have heard and would make both criminal thoughts and potential victims aware of what can happen, when this happens.