Registered Sex Offenders - Megan's Law

National Missing Children's Day is May 25

Mon May 19, 2008 3:06pm EDT

ALEXANDRIA, Va., May 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Every year in America an
estimated 800,000 children are reported missing, more than 2,000 children each
day. Of that number, 200,000 are abducted by family members, and 58,000 are
abducted by non-family members. The primary motive for non-family abductions
is sexual. Each year 115 children are the victims of the most serious
abductions, taken by non-family members and either murdered, held for ransom,
or taken with the intent to keep.

National Missing Children's Day is May 25 | Reuters

I'm not a mathematician, but let's see here:

800,000 a year
-200,000 a year taken by family
=600,000 a year
- 58,000 a year taken by strangers
=542,000 a year completely unaccounted for. Hmmmm. And this doesn't raise any red flags about playing fast and loose with numbers? Numbers don't lie...but you *can* lie with numbers.

The thread was started and titled about registering child sex offenders. Yep, you're right: truth, justice and the right to a fair trial have absolutely nothing to do with it. Just pull numbers out of the air and point fingers at whoever's life you want to destroy...that's what this thread is all about.
I'm not a mathematician, but let's see here:

800,000 a year
-200,000 a year taken by family
=600,000 a year
- 58,000 a year taken by strangers
=542,000 a year completely unaccounted for.

if that many were not accounted for, that should tell you there is a problem with REAL children missing, not just numbers.
What you tried to claim here is there would be no children left.
For those who may want to help and do not know, there are things you can do to help children in your area by becoming a volunteer. It gives you the opportunity to present a lifeline in your neighborhood for problems that will happen during the school year.

There will be a sign, such as a red hand, a green turtle, or some kind of sign that the children in your school district will recognise in the front window of your home. The children are made aware that these homes are a safe place they can get help if they need it going to and from school with a responsible adult.

There are over 60 million parents in the USA who volunteer in these different situations. One of them is known as a Safety House.

Safety House W.A. - Frequently Asked Questions

When can children use a Safety House?

Children can use a Safety House whenever they feel scared, unsure, or need assistance. More specifically, when:
They are approached by a person who makes them feel scared or causes them harm

They are involved in an accident

They are being bullied

They feel ill, or are injured

They feel lost, or are frightened
and for the sad situation in India:

Missing Children Missing Kids lost children National Centre For Missing Children India

A missing child is a parent's worst nightmare.

Every day thousands of children are reported missing.... Many are never found.

Many of the kidnappings/abductions end tragically in rape, assault and death.

Since its inception in 2000, National Centre For Missing Children is making a impact in protecting India's children, it offers hope to families who know that the search will not end till their child is found. We need your help to get these missing children home soon and safely. It is impossible for any one person, organization or government to search for the missing children on their own. All of us have to join together and help in the search for missing children. Please visit the page "You Can Help" for more details.
Tracking predators: a job that never ends

The Internet has multiplied opportunities to stalk children

By Tricia Bishop | February 1, 2009

The number of offenders sexually exploiting children, particularly through pornography, has skyrocketed with use of the Internet, law enforcement professionals say. That has led to a more than 20-fold increase in cases investigated since the late 1980s and an even bigger jump in those prosecuted at the federal level, which ramped up efforts through the Project Safe Childhood initiative in 2006. Since then, sex offender registry laws have been tightened, millions of dollars in new national grants disbursed, databases built, state initiatives launched in Maryland and elsewhere, and federal and local partnerships created.

But the concentrated attack has a tiny impact on a large and burgeoning problem. The Maryland State Police has just four full-time investigators focusing on such child exploitation; they work roughly 30 active cases at any given time. If they had the resources, they "could have 180" cases, said Lt. John Wilhelm, commander of the state police's computer crimes division.

Child sexual abusers once had to find their prey in the schoolyard or neighborhood and risk receiving pornography in the mail. But the Internet gives them easy access to kids through social networking sites, pornography through peer-to-peer sharing sites, and a community of like-minded people through online chat rooms.

The Internet has simply made it easier to be a predator, and some - including Maryland U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein - say that has made for more predators. At any given time, according to federal data, about 50,000 pedophiles are seeking victims online. As the number of offenders mushrooms, authorities say they can't keep up.

One thing is certain, however: The problem is receiving more attention than ever from both law enforcement and the media, through news reports and shows like Dateline NBC's To Catch a Predator.

"We could have our entire squad working it, and there would still be more work to do," said David Musgrove, the supervisory special agent in charge of the FBI's cyber crime unit in Baltimore. There, six full-time investigators work roughly 80 active child sexual exploitation cases. Nationwide at the end of October, there were 5,300 such FBI cases open.

"The best we can do is make people see it's a really big problem," he added

Those are only snippets. For the whole story:

Tracking predators: a job that never ends --


I do realize this space does not have that many active members, but for those who may only read and never speak, or who have just gone through a hard situation as a vicitim and still cannot speak and perhaps it takes decades to recover, know that people do care and are trying. Victims are not going to remain silent like we had to 20 years ago.
if that many were not accounted for, that should tell you there is a problem with REAL children missing, not just numbers.
What you tried to claim here is there would be no children left.

Let's not confuse issues, you are the one claiming 2,000 missing children a day exploited by sexual let's sign 'em all up without a fair trial.

Yet, the very same numbers you use for evidence are over half a million off. Don't put that on me, they're your numbers.

But then, this isn't about truth...or justice...or the right to a fair trial.

If you want to set up "safe" houses for kids to play, I have no problem with that. Go for it. You don't need to instill hysterical paranoia to go about it.

But you might want to consider...a lot of the *real* child stalkers, find their way to work at these so-called safe places...teaching karate, tutoring after school, teachers or custodians at public schools, etc. Let me be clear, not everyone in these positions is a pervert. But the truth remains that these are the kinds of positions that serial child stalkers go after. Even with thorough background checks, they still manage to get these positions. I see it all too often out of Jacksonville and Tampa and Orlando...some guy finally gets caught for fondling half a dozen kids only to find out he's been doing it for years out of a karate studio, school, or some other "safe" place.

Not trying to scare you, just trying to get some eyes to open up a bit.
RAINN does a decent job in explaining it for sexually assaulted older persons, presenting facts and warnings.

About Victims

  • 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men will be a victim of sexual assault in their lifetime.
  • College age women are 4 times more likely to be sexually assaulted.
Learn more victim statistics
Sexual Assault Numbers

  • In 2006, there were 272,350 victims of sexual assault.
  • Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.
Read more sexual assault numbers
Reporting to Police

  • 60% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police.
  • Reporting has increased by 1/3 since 1993.
Learn more reporting statistics
About Rapists

  • Approximately 73% of rape victims know their assailants.
  • Only 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail.

It offers an 800 number hotline as well.
Statistics | RAINN | Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
ok, my opinion.

i know it would be time and money consuming, but we are talking about our most valuable assets are we not? so , it is money and time well spent.
individual circumstances of cases need to be throougly investigated. (obviously).
However, that being said, those that are found guilty of child rape for eg one here inparticular....Dennis Ferguson...(repeat offender....) should be "put down".
Harsh, i know but he is a repeat offender, and there is no doubt as to his guilt of crimes etc.... The only way to guarantee he will never reoffend... .
Unfortuantely we are all aware that there are many of his kind around... there will be less if they are also given the same treatment.
I am not talking about the "maybe" cases, im talking about the absolutely without a shadow of a doubt cases..
I dont have the answers to everything, but i am working on it...
Leave it to me, Make me the boss and Ill fix everything. LOL.

This is a great point.
I think the system may actually be working for the better because some studies in Mississippi show that only 5% of offenders released will offend twice and out of those, 40% offend again within the first year. I think that is good. When you know you are going back for life if you harm someone twice, you will think long and hard about those actions.
We might make two good bosses working together:)
I never checked into the exact numbers, and I guess I could say I sometimes did my own kind of investigation whenever I could, including looking low, and looking even lower. And found nothing.

As I find it really odd to find so many missing children postal in the mailbox every day. Any information I`ve found that is available IMO, doesn`t explain the numbers that seem excessive.

I`d like to think I could differentiate a murderer to someone who`s never killed. And especially those who have killed children, but I don`t think they are walking around on the streets at any time anywhere, if they exist.

Unlike y`all, I have always somewhat thought that the only explanation for so many missing children, despite factoring all the regular reasons and conspiracies, cannot be explained except by factoring in some sort of syndicated organized crime. Sorry excessive numbers of pervs and emotional parents doesn`t convince me in terms of accounting for the numbers in this case.

I never checked into the exact numbers, and I guess I could say I sometimes did my own kind of investigation whenever I could, including looking low, and looking even lower. And found nothing.

As I find it really odd to find so many missing children postal in the mailbox every day. Any information I`ve found that is available IMO, doesn`t explain the numbers that seem excessive.

I`d like to think I could differentiate a murderer to someone who`s never killed. And especially those who have killed children, but I don`t think they are walking around on the streets at any time anywhere, if they exist.

Unlike y`all, I have always somewhat thought that the only explanation for so many missing children, despite factoring all the regular reasons and conspiracies, cannot be explained except by factoring in some sort of syndicated organized crime. Sorry excessive numbers of pervs and emotional parents doesn`t convince me in terms of accounting for the numbers in this case.


That is certainly a possibility. I've got a hunch though that the majority are teenage runaways, not abductees. That would fill in the unaccounted numbers in my mind but it seems like if my guess is correct, then the numbers are being manipulated in a rather dubious way to fuel the hysteria. This kind of thing is done routinely in sales, playing off of Maslow's lower order need of security, but in this case I think it is way overboard and leads to some misleading conclusions.

Thanks for sticking around, TK.
Let's not confuse issues, you are the one claiming 2,000 missing children a day exploited by sexual let's sign 'em all up without a fair trial.

Incorrect. I never said they were all due to sexual offenders. YOU just said that. So do stop confusing your issue.
You also said that with that many children missing there would be no children left in the USA. So do stop confusing your other issue.

What I stated was a fact that there are in fact 2000 children missing every day. How you take that is up to you. That really must bother you and since it bothers you so much that all you want to do is bicker about it instead of trying to help, you should go tell the FBI that their figures are wrong because that is where the data comes from and that is where the calls end up.
You're right, it's a hot button topic with me. And I *am* trying to help cure insanity.

You are not helping cure anything, but you do a great job bickering and not admitting when you are wrong and you are clearly wrong more than once here. Once you lose the hostility and revenge all wrapped up inside you, then you might be able to help. Go educate youself on the topic instead of trying to change the subject and give your own personal measure of justice and revenge.

I realize that will be difficult.
No, you're right. How silly of me. Fascism is so much more preferable to Republican Democracy. Hysteria in the guise of righteous indignation is so much more preferable to common sense and a level head. How could I be so blind?
Pretty soon.. Juantoo, Bandit may be telling you to "prepare thyself.." LOL.

And then he`ll post messages implying self-destruction, and how much you suck, and by the time you`re telling him to backoff in a mean way, maybe Dauer will be sending you an infraction, LOL.

you should go tell the FBI that their figures are wrong because that is where the data comes from and that is where the calls end up.

I did, and this is what the horse's mouth had to say:

NCIC Missing Person and Unidentified Person Statistics for 2007
Pursuant to Public Law 101-647, 104 Statute 4967, Crime Control Act of 1990 Requirements​

The National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) Missing Person File was implemented in 1975. Records in the Missing Person File are retained indefinitely, until the individual is located or the record is canceled by the entering agency. The Missing Person File contains records for missing persons who:

• have a proven physical or mental disability (Disability—EMD),
• are missing under circumstances indicating that they may be in physical danger (Endangered—EME),
• are missing after a catastrophe (Catastrophe Victim—EMV),
• are missing under circumstances indicating their disappearance may not have been voluntary (Involuntary—EMI),
• are under the age of 21 and do not meet the above criteria (Juvenile—EMJ), or
• are 21 and older and do not meet any of the above criteria but for whom there is a reasonable concern for their safety (Other—EMO).

As of December 31, 2007, there were 105,229 active missing person records in NCIC. Juveniles under the age of 18 accounted for 54,648 (51.93%) of the records, and 12,362 (11.75%) were for juveniles between the ages of 18 and 20.*

During 2007, 814,967 missing person records were entered into NCIC, a decrease of 2.53% from the 836,131 records entered in 2006. Missing person records cleared or canceled during the same period totaled 820,212. Reasons for these removals include: the subject was located by a law enforcement agency; the individual returned home; or the record had to be removed by the entering agency due to a determination that the record was invalid.

In 2007, there were 518 records entered as Abducted by a Stranger; 299,787 entered as Runaway; and 2,919 entered as Abducted by Non-Custodial Parent. This only accounts for 303,224 entries of the 418,967 entered, or 72.4%, which is an increase from 297,632 entries of the 836,131 entered, or 35.6%, in 2006. The Missing Person Circumstances field is optional and has been available since July 1999 when the NCIC 2000 came online. This is not an accurate reflection of the actual circumstances of all the entries.

Contact Information:
The Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division’s Investigative and Operational Assistance Unit ( IOAU) NCIC Team receives monthly NCIC extracts concerning the Missing and Unidentified Person Files. The Missing Person Active/Expired Analysis and the Unidentified Person Active/Expired Analysis are distributed by the IOAU to each CJIS System Officer and/or to the agency in the state that has been designated as a point of contact.

The IOAU responds to inquiries by law enforcement and media regarding NCIC Missing and Unidentified Person File statistics for all of the United States, its territories, and Canada upon request.

The monthly statistics are calculated to address the most frequently requested inquiries. Archive statistics are available upon request.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the FBI’s IOAU NCIC Team at 304-625-3000 or

*This fulfills requirements as set forth in Public Law 101-647, 104 Statute 4967, Crime Control Act of 1990 stating the Attorney General is to publish a statistical summary of reports of missing children. This act was modified on April 7, 2003, by "Suzanne's Law," which changed the age of mandatory missing person record entries from under 18 to under 21 years of age. [ref. 42 USC 5779(c)]


ACTIVE ENTRIES AS OF 1/1/2008 ----105,229


ENTRIES ----- 814,957

REMOVED ----- 820,212

LOCATES ---- 51,638

MODIFIES ----- 292,383




REMOVED ------------- 814,957


ENTRIES—Records entered do not include supplemental record entry messages which are used to add specific identifiers, including dental data, to a missing person record on file in NCIC.

REMOVED—Records removed are a total of the cancel, clear, and locate messages received by the NCIC computer. Excluded are counts of supplemental record cancellation messages which are used to remove specific identifiers, including dental data, from a missing person record.

LOCATES—Are transactions to remove entries when the subject has been found by an agency other than the entering agency.

MODIFIES—Modifies include base record modification messages, supplemental record entry messages, and supplemental record cancellation messages. Counts of supplemental dental entry messages and supplemental dental cancellation messages are not available.

QUERIED MISSING PERSON FILE ONLY—Records queried are when agencies inquire on a record for information purposes.

In January 1987, clears and cancels were combined on the statistical report.


Month ------ EMJ ENTRY ------ EMJ CANCEL
JAN -------- 52,038 --------------------------- 54,418
FEB -------- 46,961 --------------------------- 47,090
MAR -------- 57,440 -------------------------- 56,484
APR --------- 55,626 ------------------------- 55,161
MAY ---------- 61,162 ------------------------ 60,296
JUN ----------- 52,123 ------------------------ 52,826
JUL ----------- 48,370 ------------------------- 49,052
AUG ---------- 46,212 ------------------------- 48,386
SEP ----------- 52,404 ------------------------ 51,367
OCT --------- 58,805 ------------------------- 59,088
NOV -------- 51,462 ------------------------- 52,509
DEC --------- 44,033 ------------------------- 43,773
COL TOT ---- 626,636 ------------------ 630,450

ENTRY—Number of records entered during the month.

CANCEL—Number of records canceled/cleared during the month but entered from any time period.

EMJ—Entry of a person under the age of 21 who is missing and does not meet any of the entry criteria set forth in the other categories.

Source: NCIC Active/Expired Missing Person Analysis Report

NCIC Missing Person and Unidentified Person Statistics for 2007
the best thing you can do with child molesters, in my opinion, is hang them... and hang them high...

the law won't stop them- after all, you prosecute retrospectively... the crime comes before the prosecution, so no matter how long or arduous the sentence the crime has already occured...

the figures here (in the UK) show that 1 in three women and one in five men will be raped or sexually assaulted in their lifetimes...

the figures also suggest that the majority of these sexual offences will be committed by people the family knows and trusts... that's how paedo's operate... the chance of your child being randomly grabbed from the street is rare... far more likely they will be abused by members of their own family or friends of the family, or people in trusted positions, such as camp leaders or teachers, women are more likely to be raped by men they know...

I met a child molester once... he lived in the same place I did (a hostel for the homeless)... in that hostel was a family with small children... this child molester took the children to the shops for sweets every day- the parents were heroin addicts, and they did not care who took the children as long as the children where gone and they could use more drugs...


I met the brother of this sex offender, who hated his beast brother with a passion... I got him drunk, and he told me everything... I went back to the hostel to speak with the beast... he wouldn't open the door... so I waited...

I waited until this beast got his own flat, and then I went to pay him a visit... I went into his home and tied him up, hogtied, on the floor, and then I left him to it... I tied him up really tightly, and there was no way he was escaping... hopefully he died there and I have done the world a favour...

so, if you come into my social scene, and it transpires you're a child sex offender- watch your back, because one day there will be a knock on the door, and it will be me, with my ropes... if you're too big for me to lay out, then I'll be tooled up, too...

live in fear, beasts...
Taking charge.

What can I do?

Educate your children.

I remember when my twins were young and we were walking through the mall. I had them on straps to their wrists...:eek: First they wore little harnesses and the straps snapped to the middle of their back, they were on a 4' tether..:eek: Once they got used to that, once they learned to stay in my proximity and not tug or fight I changed it to a tether with a velcro strap around their wrist..:eek:

It was never an issue with them, they adjusted quickly as toddlers and when I opened the car door they raised their hands awaiting the strap to be attached before they could be unbuckled...:eek: Pavlov's dogs some might say, treating you kids like animals how terrible...these were exactly the words muttered under folks breaths and often to those they acompanied, but intientionally loud enough so I could here as if they were making some sort of statement I should know. When I did hear it, or when I saw the dirty looks I turned and said "Much better than finding their face on a milk carton don't you think??"

It is our job to insure our kids don't become a statistic. We taught them if they were ever grabbed or held against their will by someone to drop to the ground kicking the person and screaming at the top of their lungs "STRANGER....HELP ME.....STRANGER"

My kids are 15 now... for the past 10 years at Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs every year they've seen a video on sex offenders and how to protect themselves, and to insure they are never alone...don't go into someones house you don't know, you are never the one wrong, it is never your fault if anything happens to you from a family member, friend, relative, teacher or stranger....tell someone...tell an authority figure..tell a parent...and keep telling until someone listens...and if anyone tells you not to tell anyone...don't listen.

We can reduce this crime by reducing the number of prey, by education.