Registered Sex Offenders - Megan's Law

the best thing you can do with child molesters, in my opinion, is hang them... and hang them high...

I'd say plasticize them, turn 'em into doorstops and sell 'em at IKEA for $9.95.

Now THAT's the best thing you could do with child molesters. :rolleyes:
Mate, youtube 'Geoffrey Leonard' And then come back and say that again lol....

people like geoffrey leonard and dennis ferguson do have amental disease but its not being a rockspider.
they are just plain f----d in the head, i have had this discussion before and it upsets me,,,
my view, child molesters do not deserve to breathe oxygen,
one way to guarantee they will never reoffend. ie: a bullet.
dont hide behind "sickness", PLEASE that is an insult to those who actually suffer from a disease.
greymare out
Nice to see how religion helps to make people more compassionate...

NOT! :eek:
yep, mybad, i lack compassion for these types.
I have compassion for their victims and the families.
It maybe a fault of mine in some peoples eyes, i guess i will have to answer to God on that one.
yep, mybad, i lack compassion for these types.

"Those types" are a product of their environments as well as their genetics as well as their deviant mentalities. How many opportunities were lost during their lives to set them on the right track, to prevent them from becoming the monsters that you see them to be?

I'm not going to say "society is to blame".

But I'm not going to suggest we are entirely blameless either.
Hmmm, ok. Some hve been victims themselves, perhaps genetics, perhaps deviant metalties.
There are things that have happened to everyone in the past, good and bad.
However, I do not agree with the "I had a bad childhood" defense. That is a copout.
Harsh, i am aware, much better that we defend the most precious gift we have, (children) than to pander to the perps.
No worries.

I'm just a soft headed, politically correct, commie loving, bleeding heart liberal anyway.
lol, and im a pig headed, politicially incorrect, hardnosed, mixed breed, self opinionated, pointless poster, old girl.
(and tht is my good points. ) lol.
the best thing you can do with child molesters, in my opinion, is hang them... and hang them high...

the law won't stop them- after all, you prosecute retrospectively... the crime comes before the prosecution, so no matter how long or arduous the sentence the crime has already occured...

the figures here (in the UK) show that 1 in three women and one in five men will be raped or sexually assaulted in their lifetimes...

I view it as equal to murder so I have no problem with hanging them for invading and destroying other peoples lives for their own greedy lusts. A noose would be a great way to curve the crime, while the criminal mind would think twice before acting, and rid of the list all at the same time. If they do not want to be on the list or hung, then they should not do cruel things to people that are against their own will just to satisfy selfish fleshy desires. Hang em high and hang em long! Now you have my judgment along with everyone else.

We can reduce this crime by reducing the number of prey, by education.

Awareness and education does help to prevent becoming a victim.
You're not thinking BIG enough bandit.

Draw and quarter them and make the executions Pay-Per-View.

You could probably make a little more with a pre-execution stoning: $50 a rock / 3 rocks for $100. Help pay for the cost to feed and house the sumbitch!

Think of the possibilities. :rolleyes:
I love how so many religious people come in... and the teachings of their "leaders" get thrown out the freaking window... It comes down to an eye for an eye...

Oh how dare they take/ruin others lives!!! I on the other hand have the the right to chose to take life and judge that soul.... there is no problem with me doing the same to them however.
You could probably make a little more with a pre-execution stoning: $50 a rock / 3 rocks for $100. Help pay for the cost to feed and house the sumbitch!

I do not want to help those who harm others by feeding and housing them. The cheapest way is to pitch in my nickle for the rope to get rid of them and get rid of the list at the same time. One rope can hang a lot of creepy people. If I am going to raise money from the viewing(s), it will go toward helping the victims and their families.
Because money makes it all go away...
I wish it did but I know that victims somehow never fully recover. They do heal slowly after decades of living in fear and shame, not so much from money.
I never understood the money thing... someone crosses another, kills another, rapes another whatever.... Chose a theme. People raise funds or people get sued... or whatever for money to "help" the victims, or help the family of the victims (incase of murders or death by accident say drink driving..) But that money is pointless... Even if you held every single penny in the world.... You can't buy back time.. What is done is done and if you are fortunate to still be alive, you have to sadly live with it and as you say, attempt to heal over time. and I feel two ways... Are they just in this for a quick buck? (I know that sounds really low... but sorry it's a thought that comes to my mind) and the other thought is... are they that grudgeful?

Wasn't really trying to get at you with the money post previous, just baffles me when you hear send money to help the victims!
no, money will not make it all go away, but id rather my taxes going to the victims than putting a roof over the heads of the vile scum and giving them 3 meals a day.
harsh, but then again, so is the crime.
ok, if you look at it unemotionally and objectively, yes the money will help.
I dont know how the "powers that be" decide how much, but there are a lot of extra expenses that cause unnecessary hardship in these circumstances..
Not everyone has the extra cash to outlay for this.
If your child needs councelling/psychiatric help etc, this is not cheap.
Also, the parent of the child may have to take time off work... not everyone has amassed holidays that they can use for this......... Loss of wages etc and all the practical things are a huge burden on an already fragile family.
So, no money wont take back time....... But sometimes if the family dont have to worry so much about the everyday things, they can concentrate on the "issue" at hand.
Better to offer a hand than to bury your head in the sand.
Wasn't really trying to get at you with the money post previous, just baffles me when you hear send money to help the victims!

I know what you are saying.

It baffles me that people would prefer to help those who bring harm to others with money and make the victims look like the bad guys.

I think money is needed sometimes for helping victims through counseling, legal fees, education and things like that. I work with a girl who was raped as a little girl for 10 long years by her step dad. She has spent tens of thousands of dollars on counselors and that counseling is expensive but it is helping her, not so much money itself. Twenty years after the fact and she is still a wreck.