why worship God ?


There is a River
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why do people worship God ?

what do we get out of it, and what does God get out of it if anything ?
I don't think G!d requires worship, it just wouldn't make much of an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being that did.

I think we like to blame more, why me, why does this evil happen, why do you let my ________ suffer.

So I think we worship, for risk of sounding like a broken record, to avoid personal repsonibility. We hate to think we are the cause of our own problems.

However once we discover there are no problems...we reduce that need.
I don't think G!d requires worship, it just wouldn't make much of an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being that did.

I think we like to blame more, why me, why does this evil happen, why do you let my ________ suffer.

So I think we worship, for risk of sounding like a broken record, to avoid personal repsonibility. We hate to think we are the cause of our own problems.

However once we discover there are no problems...we reduce that need.

why do you think stuff happens when we worship, like being whacked by the holy spirit, drunk on the new wine, slain in the spirit etc
As a group, it is a group think, the same way we can watch a mob after a ball game, burning, tipping cars...they are on a group high and do things they wouldn't ordinarily do... happens all the time in every venue when mass and emotions combine.

Individually a form of self hypnosis from concentration/contemplation/circumnambulation/meditation/focus on a topic.

The good/bad effects are outcomes of the practice group and/or solo... and I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the practice.
There's a "love affair" between God and His creation.. It's been going on for a looong time.

First there is love of God for us.. more than say a parent's love but that is an example of how a baby at first may be unaware of such love..

Then there is love of the creation for God..We respond to God's love.

and there is love for our fellows ... neighbors, enemies and such.
As a group, it is a group think, the same way we can watch a mob after a ball game, burning, tipping cars...they are on a group high and do things they wouldn't ordinarily do... happens all the time in every venue when mass and emotions combine.

Individually a form of self hypnosis from concentration/contemplation/circumnambulation/meditation/focus on a topic.

The good/bad effects are outcomes of the practice group and/or solo... and I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the practice.

thats a very cynical view Wil :eek:

Have you not been in crowds which went the wrong way instead of the right?

Have you not seen footage on television of college towns after they win the 'big game'

Would it be correct for me to suspect that you surmize in your situation G!d jumped in and the other case the devil did? And not that it is common mob mentality that controlled both situations?
What is 'worship'? To me it's a mixture of gratitude, awe, and love combined with openness to correction and a willingness to take G-d's intentions seriously.

Why worship? Because worship is the only attitude that makes sense. What other attitude make sense when you recognize the essentially sacramental character of existence?

what does God get out of it?
As I see it, Creation is an aspect of G-d. Go-d becomes more fully Himself when the interdependence of Creature and Creator recognized within the life of the individual, so that grace can be energized and divine goodness can be more adequately effectuated in the world. If this was of no interest to G-d, why would He have made a point of communicating that He wanted a divine partnership or covenant?
My relationship with G!d is similar to cuddling up in a chair in my grandmothers lap. I feel and give the love, comfort, caring, compassion...to me praise and worship is something you do to a child to encourage them...something ego's need. I don't see G!d with an ego, I guess cause I'm not a bible literalist. I have no fear of lightning bolts or plagues.

And yes I call myself a Christian, which doesn't mean I have to ignore reality to do it.
Wil's the best kind of Christian in my book, one who doesn't follow blindly, but leads with open eyes. Rock on you bad Christian!

As for why worship God? We are God. We are made of God. We are intimately connected to God's wisdom and compassion. It courses through us. We don't worship God, so much as God worships God... the divine adores the divine. The best thing to do is to get out of the way, and let the love happen.
Wil's the best kind of Christian in my book, one who doesn't follow blindly, but leads with open eyes. Rock on you bad Christian!

As for why worship God? We are God. We are made of God. We are intimately connected to God's wisdom and compassion. It courses through us. We don't worship God, so much as God worships God... the divine adores the divine. The best thing to do is to get out of the way, and let the love happen.

you dont half talk some garbage mrs, if you are God go and create a universe something :D
you dont half talk some garbage mrs, if you are God go and create a universe something :D
Been there, done that.:cool:

Now this is quite interesting, ie that is what Athiests are asking us to have G!d do all the time isn't it? Perform a miracle, give me some proof.

And the flip side our proof is we have a book, a book we say is divinely inspired, why? Because it says so. If anyone else presented us with that argument we'd call it circular reasoning and toss them out on their can. But for us it is ok...awfully interesting is it not?
Been there, done that.:cool:

Now this is quite interesting, ie that is what Athiests are asking us to have G!d do all the time isn't it? Perform a miracle, give me some proof.

I like how the atheist (me) believes that I am one with God, while the believer thinks they are separate from God.

It's all topsy-turvy. :D
Curiouser and curiouser.

I am not sure how to answer this question. It all depends on what one means by "worship." I'm somewhere along the lines of combining Netti, Wil, and CZZ.
the believer thinks they are separate from God.
In a sense this is a preferred attitude because it helps keep in perspective the Transcendent Otherness that gives rise to the kinds of reactions that are documented for religious experience: ineffability, a sense of complete and total dependence, submission, oceanic feeling, awe, gratitude and such.
This is the God I am talking bout

5 This is what God the LORD says—
he who created the heavens and stretched them out,
who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it,
who gives breath to its people,
and life to those who walk on it:
now this is a challenge to anyone on the forum who thinks they are God :rolleyes:

I challenge you to create an entire universe and everything in it, and then I want I grand tour of your creation as proof ;)

And just to make it fair u have 7 days to do all of this, since thats how long it took God according to to the Bible.

Now if you cant do this then that means that you are not God but that you only think you are God because u read it in a book or because someone told and u swallowed the doctrine.
Curiouser and curiouser.

I am not sure how to answer this question. It all depends on what one means by "worship." I'm somewhere along the lines of combining Netti, Wil, and CZZ.

well what does the Bible say ?

Psalm 95 says

Psalm 95:1-7 (New International Version)

Psalm 95

1 Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD;
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving
and extol him with music and song.
3 For the LORD is the great God,
the great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are the depths of the earth,
and the mountain peaks belong to him.
5 The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.
6 Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;

7 for he is our God
and we are the people of his pasture,
the flock under his care.
Today, if you hear his voice,
I challenge you to create an entire universe and everything in it, and then I want I grand tour of your creation as proof ;)

G2G, imagine two cells a conversation...

One cell (me) says, "I believe that all the cells are part of a body, that there is unity and wholeness to our existence even though on our level we just look like individual cells living and dying."

The other cell (you) says, "Oh yeah? Well if you're the body, let's see you walk to the store and buy a quart of milk."​
G2G, imagine two cells a conversation...
One cell (me) says, "I believe that all the cells are part of a body, that there is unity and wholeness to our existence even though on our level we just look like individual cells living and dying."

The other cell (you) says, "Oh yeah? Well if you're the body, let's see you walk to the store and buy a quart of milk."​

imagine this two cells having a conversation

cell1 says "hey i am God"

cell2 says "wow really, prove it, can you create a whole universe and life itself ?"