Why is God invisible ?



The simple response to this question would be. " It is because we cannot see Him"

But in reality if God was visible, everyone would want to capture Him and own Him. That would be a big problem.

Since He (or They if you see God as a Parent) is not visible, we cannot touch Him but we can own His love. That is fine with me.
The simple response to this question would be. " It is because we cannot see Him"
But He isn't. There are those who see the signature of the Deity all around them, the handiwork of God is as plain as day, so your very statement signifies a degree of 'not-knowing' that does not apply to all.

But in reality if God was visible, everyone would want to capture Him and own Him. That would be a big problem.
But I dare to say such is precisely what you're doing.

Since He (or They if you see God as a Parent) is not visible, we cannot touch Him but we can own His love. That is fine with me.
Not with me ... the moment you try to 'own' or 'possess' love, you've lost it. Love is giving, not taking.

But He isn't. There are those who see the signature of the Deity all around them, the handiwork of God is as plain as day, so your very statement signifies a degree of 'not-knowing' that does not apply to all.
Yes, I agree with you, we can see God through His creation, even in one flower. I was talking of God himself being invisible

But I dare to say such is precisely what you're doing.

Not with me ... the moment you try to 'own' or 'possess' love, you've lost it. Love is giving, not taking.
Yes I agree with you, love starts with the other and should not be centered on myself.
What I meant with my poor choice of words is that when we are one, we feel that my love is yours and yours is mine.

So even is God Himself is invisible, we would be all right when we feel that kind of oneness in love. I believe that is also the kind of love God would want to experience with us.

Yes giving is higher than receiving because God gave first
God is invisible, because much of what we picture Him to be is a myth. And the sooner we let go of the myth the better.

But God as a source of compassion and wisdom is not a myth. That is something we are intimately connected with and can access anytime. It doesn't make it any less powerful that it isn't seen and is instead felt. In fact, feeling has far more impact than sight. I'd say we are experiencing God in exactly the right way.
actually God is visible and already logged onto the forum apparently ;)
The simple response to this question would be. " It is because we cannot see Him"

But in reality if God was visible, everyone would want to capture Him and own Him. That would be a big problem.

Since He (or They if you see God as a Parent) is not visible, we cannot touch Him but we can own His love. That is fine with me.

where would he be though, since God is the first, the last eternity and all that maybe if we fade into eternity we might see him.
God is invisible because the invisible is the eternal, while the visible is temporary (I can discuss this further with verses). I once posted that the Bible is a giant parable.....In fact all of creation is a parable. In other words when Jesus spoke parables He mentioned plants, people and places (in other words physical things). The truth is all physical things will pass away...

It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. (I Cor. 15:44-46)

also Rev. 21:1,4

All things seen are created by the unseen. The best way to describe this is to think of an invention... any invention, at first it is not physical...It is in the mind....then it is created.

Think of your car or automobile and a picture of it will come up on your mind, think of your refridgerator and a picture of it will come up on your mind, think of your mother etc, etc....Now think of your mind.....Now most will think of the brain, but the brain is no more your mind than your fingers. The truth is no one has ever seen the human mind that is why people have such a hard concept when trying to use it!!:D. That is why Solomon said...

Where there is no vision, the people perish... (Prov. 29:18)

The human mind is movement and the body is a manisfestation of that movement.

One could even say the same for God? The truth is if God was visible nobody would BELIEVE in Him...Children need to see to believe.... to have belief in the invisble is one of the greatest gifts of all...
The simple response to this question would be. " It is because we cannot see Him"

But in reality if God was visible, everyone would want to capture Him and own Him. That would be a big problem.

Since He (or They if you see God as a Parent) is not visible, we cannot touch Him but we can own His love. That is fine with me.
Maybe God isn't invisible...

Is air invisible? Depends on how it is being viewed. Looking in front of one's self air can't be seen. But looking at the horizon or the sky at mid day, and the air is seen quite clearly and vividly...if people realized they were indeed looking at air, when they view the "blue sky". Rayleigh scattering allows us to see the difused blue frequency of the light spectrum, as it passes through the earth's atmosphere. In other words, the oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere we have reflects "blue light", thus allowing to "see" the air.

Once we realized this, we could see "air". Perhaps God is right in front of us too, but since we don't understand God, we can't see God...

just a thought...


Scripture tells us God is invisble. Col. 1:15, I Tim. 1:17, Heb. 11:27.

God is Spirit, therefore to "see" God we need Spiritual eyes.
He's not!!

Scripture tells us God is invisble. Col. 1:15, I Tim. 1:17, Heb. 11:27.

God is Spirit, therefore to "see" God we need Spiritual eyes.

I agree to a point, but God is much more than Spirit alone. I'm reminded of Romans

For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. Romans 1:19-20 (ESV)

So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Romans 1:20-23 (ESV)

God is much more than Spirit - I believe He is existence itself. (I Am - All in all)

Hi all,

Gatekeeper I can understand what you're saying. It was similar to what I said previously.

The human mind is movement and the body...manisfestation of that movement.

One could even say the same for God?

The body represents the mind...

Like maybe how Jesus Christ represents God?

"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature..." Col. 1:15)

And then God's chosen elect represent Jesus Christ.

"So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another." (Rom. 12:5)

"But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body". (I Cor. 15:38)

God's chosen elect are also His Spiritual temple.

I Cor. 3:16-17

So like the visible representing the invisible.

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be [ It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. ( I Cor. 15:44) ] : but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." (I John. 3:2)

When we have a Spiritual body perhaps then we will see Him?

"...And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads."(Rev. 22:4)
God isnt invisible to me. I see Him everywhere. It may be a simplistic view, but I believe there are some things that if you look too hard into them, then you just cant see them. You know the saying,..."you cant see the forest for the trees..." It maybe to me, that we look too hard with our eyes, perhaps if we look with our hearts?
Maybe God is visible. Maybe we just can't see him cuz our eyes suck. ;)

Seriously though, everything is god, and God is in everything. So he is very visible. You can see him everywhere.

I bet kitties can see him. Kitties see everything.
So he can watch your children in the shower. :(
So he can laugh at the faces you make while having sex.
So he can laugh at the faces you make while doing a number tooos!
So he can pretend to be a ninja.
So he can move your car keys somwhere that will take you an age to find.
So he can trip you up and then laugh.
So he can pass wind and watch you futile little mortals argue who did it.