Swine Flu


Peace, Love and Unity
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Down with some kind of flu this week - not surprised after going on holiday and spending lots of time in busy places, not least Gatwick. Lots of opportunity for viral transfer. Neaby Inverness is a Swine Flu hotspot as well, and we flew to London from here. Good old recycled air in planes. :)

Knew catching Swine Flu would be a danger with travelling, but my intuition didn't set off the spidey-sense. Perhaps catching something now is better han later if it does turn nasty - get some immune response now.

Lots of insomnia again as well, so I'm having difficulty concentrating while my brain goes "fizzle pop".

All good fun. :)
the flu is a bugger...but I've not yet been vaccinated for any of them and don't see myself getting the shot when this thing comes out.

vaccines scare me more than the bug...
What, less than 1,000 people have died from this swine flu, as compared to what, 300,000 people worldwide who die from the regular flu every year? :confused:
I have been reading up on this a bit and the virus H1n1 is the same (or very similar) as the virus that did all the damage back in 1918 or thereabouts.
In any case (as some anecdotal point of interest)
it was noted at the time, that those people who imbibed a lot of cod liver oil had a far lower incidence of contracting the virus in the first place, if they did they had a lower mortality rate and faster recovery.
Now there are better varieties of cold water fish oils available.
do a search on DHA/EPA.
What, less than 1,000 people have died from this swine flu, as compared to what, 300,000 people worldwide who die from the regular flu every year? :confused:
Yes, but we haven't had it for a flu season yet...tis our latest hype. C'mon, join the band wagon get riled up!

My son's camp had a list of symptoms and if you had more than three of the 'constellation' of symptoms you had to go home until a doctor said you weren't infectious. Runny nose, Fever, Vomiting, Diarhea, Dizziness, Joint/body ache
No idea if it is swine flu, but considering the rapid spread of it, a hotspot on our doorstep at Inverness, plus mixing in major population centres of late and travelling in flying metal cyclinders that since the smoking ban now just recycle the air instead of trying to clean it, I wouldn't be surprised.

Either way, not concerned - at present, it acts just like a normal flu according to reports. Not bothering to ring NHS direct because they'll simply tell me to stay at home - which is what I'm doing anyway. Seems little point in trying to get Tamiflu because I'm probably near the end of the infection of whatever flu I have at present.

Here's an interesting thought - it's been suggested that Swine Flu could mutate into a more dangerous form in the near future - ie, within a year.

In which case, it has me wondering - were previous pandemics so bad because so few people caught the early stage of the flu, and thus were hit with no immunity by the fuller version - and this is where problems arose?

In which case, if the current Swine Flu results in a high infection rate among the world's population before turning more nasty, will the fact that a larger percentage of the population have some immune resistance mean the chances are any nasty phase will be correspondingly less harmful by comparison?

I'm thinking about how much more common international travel is nowadays compared with previous decades, and how as an infection vector, means the virus will have the opportunity to spread much faster.

Just thoughts.
Namaste Brian

I'd just like to know why in your infinite wisdom you decided to bring this to the lounge to affect all of us...heaven's knows what you've touched, can someone bring in the sanitizer?

Don't you think this would be much more appropriate in the health section where they are taught to deal with these things? Or maybe news where they can sensationalize it to no end. Or maybe politics as you are so insistent on discussing the small world ramifications?
Namaste Brian

I'd just like to know why in your infinite wisdom you decided to bring this to the lounge to affect all of us...heaven's knows what you've touched, can someone bring in the sanitizer?

Don't you think this would be much more appropriate in the health section where they are taught to deal with these things? Or maybe news where they can sensationalize it to no end. Or maybe politics as you are so insistent on discussing the small world ramifications?
You do realize that you do have the power, as a Super moderator, wil, to move this thread to the health forum, leaving a redirect here?
I started to exhibit flu like symptoms last Wednesday. Because I work with vulnerable adults I'm banned from work and had to get in touch with NHS Direct. They referred me to the new pandemic website. I filled in their questionaire, clicked on my four quite mild (for flu) symptoms and was immediately issued with Tamiflu

No-one has seen or spoken to me and I'm not that ill or in any of the high risk groups. They're dishing it out willy nilly to people who may not need it without even looking at them. And it was free! It's going to cost a fortune and people are going to take advantage

There's a lot of panic and over-reaction and it's all very unnecessary

It's going to cost a fortune and people are going to take advantage
Not to worry, we have already collectively paid for whatever aid we get a thousand fold, so take advantage.
It is your due.
And it is a pittance still.
There is no money shortage at all, only a shortage of compassion and generosity.
Don't you think this would be much more appropriate in the health section where they are taught to deal with these things? Or maybe news where they can sensationalize it to no end. Or maybe politics as you are so insistent on discussing the small world ramifications?

"Billy forgot."

Moved. :)
You do realize that you do have the power, as a Super moderator, wil, to move this thread to the health forum, leaving a redirect here?
I just wanted to make sure the guy wasn't hanging out in the lounge trying to spread the darn bug....heck I fall asleep on the tables in there...:D

I started to exhibit flu like symptoms last Wednesday. ... They referred me to the new pandemic website. I filled in their questionaire, clicked on my four quite mild (for flu) symptoms and was immediately issued with Tamiflu

No-one has seen or spoken to me and I'm not that ill or in any of the high risk groups. ... It's going to cost a fortune and people are going to take advantage
It is my underestanding this is hou about 80% of the HIV/AIDS cases are diagnosed in Africa....a questionaire:eek: and for similar reasons, the number/per capita infected means $$$$$
Feel better Brian and take care of yourself. I always get my flu shot every fall and I hope they get their act together and produce the vaccine for the swine flu virus before schools and universities become breeding grounds. Look what recently happened to the incoming Air Force Academy Class (they start basic training in the summer). Total class members: 1300

More cases of swine flu at Air Force Academy

Story By: Jamie Smith
Source: KOAA
Published Mon Jul 20, 2009, 06:44 AM MDT
Updated Mon Jul 20, 2009, 06:44 AM MDT

There are more confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus or swine flu at the Air Force Academy.

The number has risen to 103 incoming cadets that have been confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus, with 37 cadets still in isolation. There have been more than 130 complained of flu-like symptoms, they've been since released and are back in training.

All the cases are described as suffering mild to moderate seasonal flu-like symptoms.

So far no deaths but it is one of the most contagious viruses because none of us has any immunity to it.
There is gold in them there illnesses.
The big pharma didn't get filthy rich by curing them either.
They just like to sell us snake oil and patent medicine which deals with symptoms.
Blood sucking vipers that most of them are.:mad:
^ What?? Snake Oil? I guess since my health was destroyed by contracting the human parvovirus, I am cautious about being infected with any "flu" virus. I would love to see a vaccine that cures all viruses like the polio vaccine has wiped out poliomyelitis. Since polio immunization has become widespread in the United States, cases of polio are rare. However, now many parents are refusing to have their children immunized because of fear of complications from the vaccine. Oh well. to each their own and I, for one, am glad that I have a choice.
My point comes from a long awareness of the antagonism between allopathic and wholistic medicine.
or, eastern vs western medical philosophy.

Allopaths seek to deal with symptoms (and they are good at mending broken limbs and stitching people up (so don't get me wrong and think that I am being unreasonably antagonistic as I do see that there is much good that comes from our modern western allopathic medical model)

My point has more to do with the aforementioned issue.

Wholistic medicine seeks to keep people well by insuring they receive proper nutrition so as to function at optimal levels.

This, of course, is not good business sense for the pharmaceutical makers as they need sick people to sell their pills to.
In fact, the best business model for them to encourage would be one where processed and nutritional depleted foods are the normal diet, herbs and vitamins are discouraged (or outlawed) and people are suffering from a wide range of illnesses which require constant medication.....oh:eek:....we already have that.:mad:

Corporations always put profit in front of people, as they are legally bound to make money for their shareholders.
Gotcha..I agree that preventative medicine is best for our health and that the pharmaceutical companies spend a fortune on lobbies here in the USA to influence Congress to vote against any competition that threatens their obscene profits. A vicious cycle and a fine example of corporate welfare. :mad: