Sex Magik

About losing of 'energy' by ejaculation:

I am female, so I don't know it from experience. According to my initiator (Andreas Firewolf), it has been a misunderstanding. The semen is loaded with vitamins and amino-acids. Most of the time, people had not enough to eat. So it was difficult to replace the vitamins and amino-acids. When you ejaculated to much, you became weak. Not from to much ejaculation, but from mal-nutrition.
I know from my own experience, that the ejaculate of healthy men is very nutritious and it gives me energy. When it is ejaculated in my womb, I get much energy from my umbilical-chakra (hara). I suppose, my womb uses some of the vitamins and amino-acids. When I swallow the semen, my throat-chakra, heart-chakra and stomach-chakra (manipura) are stimulated.

When I have sex with a male, he leaves energy and matter inside me. When I was un-experienced, I had bad experiences, head-aches after sex, etc. Andreas made me aware of the things males leave behind in the female. When males smoke, get drunk, eat to much meat or when they are very aggressive or depressed, their energy and their semen gets dirty. With sex, they inject that dirt in us females. When semen is dirty, the taste is wrong. Semen of vegetarians taste better than that of meat-eaters. Since a few years I have only sex with people who live healthy and are clean on the psychic, mental and physical level. Having sex with healthy people gives me strength.

Chela wrote:
Anything that is outside the bonds of marriage and not between a man and a woman is Black Sexual Magic.

I disagree with that. I have no intention of getting married. Maybe I start a coven with some women and men and enjoy groupsex. :eek: Then we can bring-up the children together. At the moment I am teaching and healing a younger woman, and that is really great. Her internetname is Eir1986. One day, she will be a great sexual healer, a real tantrica. (Eir is a sexual healer in north-european mythology and lives in Byrgir, a deep well in Vanaheimar. Vanaheimar is in the sea-root of the tree-of-worlds Yggdrasil. For a picture of the corresponding card in the runic-tarot see:

In my opinion, it is offensive to tell other people that what they do is wrong. (So, I really find the pope offensive and a black magician. He is interfering with the private lives of other people. Do what thou wilt, is the whole of the law.)

Chela wrote:
I also warn against anyone who has sexual relations outside of marriage. Karma is represented in part physically as blood. Those who share fluids remained karmic linked... your troubles will be theirs and theirs will be yours.

I like creating karmic bonds. I have been with Eir1986 in previous-lives and I initiate and teach her in this live. Perhaps we will start a coven. I really want to bond with her. In the next, we will meet again and enjoy sex again. And again. And again. :):):) And yes, her troubles will be mine. And her sorrow, and her pain. When she is hurt, I am in pain. I love it, when she shares her pain with me. But on the other hand: her joy is my joy, her orgasms are my orgasms. (So when we come together, we have a double-orgasm! :D )

Chela wrote:
Magic, according to Novalis, is the art of influencing the inner world consciously.

I agree with that. I also believe, that you can influence the outer world consciously. By the way, according to Andreas Firewolf:
There is no proof that there is an outer world. There is proof from neurology, that the world as we see it, only exists in our minds or nerves-system.

In his book "Rituele en Seksuele Magie" (Ritual and seksual magic) Andreas Firewolf describes the circle as a symbol of your consciousness and the surroundings of the jungian unconscious. When you evoke a demon, you evolve communication between the ego and repressed or otherwise unconscious elements. When you invoke and absorb a demon or a divine creature, you integrate that part of your psyche in your conscious mind.

How do I use sexual energy in magic work:
I am not a crowleyan, so I don't use the word magick in respect to what I do.

When I made my rune-staves, I cut three branches from a tree and cut my arm. Then I tended the wound of the tree with my own blood. We are blood-sisters now. :p I also had sex with the tree, but I don't want to bore you with the details.

Then I cut the branches in three times eight staves, carved the runes in it and coloured them with my blood. In a ritual I had sex with the staves, touched myself with the staves at my heart, breast and other places. When I came, I projected all the energy from my womb into the staves. It was a powerfull experience. :eek:

At another time I had a ritual with Andreas Firewolf. I can not give you much details. We were both naked and there was much energy. He didn't need to touch me or penetrate me, I just came. I felt Jormungandr (the midgard-snake / kundalini) rise from my anus, through my vagina and womb into my heartchakra. Since that time I have certain powers.
Concerning the use of the sexual function in spiritual pursuits, we have to understand that awakening is a duality. Society sleeps profoundly. Thus, every religious teaching speaks of awakening, of enlightening, etc.

And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. – Daniel 12:2

How one uses the sexual energy is how one awakens. If you mix desire with sexuality and willpower, you will awaken consciousness inside of desire. Thus, one gains negative tantric powers, limited to only the Inferior Worlds (Hell). This is how one develops into an authentic demon. If one performs sexual magic without desire, then the consciousness awakens positively, and one becomes an Angel, a Buddha, etc.

The best way to transmute is through sexual magic. This is the best way to love. Before one can understand why sexual magic (intercourse without desire and without the orgasm) works, one must understand what sexual transmutation is.

We have moved from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. In Pisces the Fish move within the Waters of Life. In Aquarius the Waters are turned over in a revolutionary manner. The Waters are the Waters of Creation, the Waters of Genesis, the Waters of Sexuality. Thus, when Aquarius started to influence society, the “sexual revolution” occurred combined with intensive spiritual longings occured. This new influence can and has been polarized in a good way or an evil way. Thus, people are now using sexuality in a good way through the many doctrines of sexual transmutation have been appearing, or in an evil way through the many doctrines of the indulgence of sexual desire that have also appeared. Compare the doctrines of Osho, Aleister Crowley, etc., which advocates the mixture of sexuality and desire, vs. the doctrines of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, Swami Sivananda, Samael Aun Weor, the proliferation of the esoteric teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, particularly the Kalachakra, which derives from the same source H.P.B. based her work The Secret Doctrine upon, which speak verily clearly about the removal of desire the importance of the sexual energy.

The sexual energy is also the creative energy, literally. Thus, we can say without any fear of being wrong that the sexual energy is the very energy that intermediates between man and divinity. The very energy that the Creator uses to create man has its potency within that very man's seed.

Let us reflect a little about the Third Logos, the Holy Spirit, Siva. There are three centers in the biological organism of the intellectual animal we call “man.” Gurdjieff called them the three brains: the Intellectual, the Emotional, and the Motor-Instinctual-Sexual. The Intellectual is related with the brain, which requires Air: the Father. The Emotional is related with the heart, the Second Logos, the Son. It is amazing that blood is vivified through the lungs that take the air and extract the oxygen and insert it into the blood. Lastly we have the Third Logos, the Holy Spirit. Its physical analogue is the semen in man, the ovum in the woman, and all the sexual fluids and endocrine fluids, those magnificent chemicals we call hormones.

The semen is formed from the best fluids of the blood. The semen is directly related with the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit is always the impregnator. Do we see how the sexual energy is an expensive fluid for the biological organism to create? It must come from the air, into the blood and finally condense into the dense or crude creative energy. The sexual energy, the creative energy, is the most important energy to use wisely. The creative energy is called Mercury in the Occult Philosophy (Alchemy).

The way to awakening ones consciousness is directly related with the use of the sexual energy. In history the total abstinence of sex was required by just about every spiritual school, and this is because, as we know the energy of Creation is very important. This sacred substance can create not only physically, but spiritually. To use the Holy Spirit in a way to merely gratify the senses is what is called “selling doves in the temple.” The dove is the Holy Spirit, and to sell it for money (sensual pleasures) in the inner temple (the body) is like selling the Energy of the Creator (God), the Creative-Sexual Energy, for a few coins of silver. In the Age of Pisces things where hidden, yet in the Age of Aquarius it is now time to be open about this important matters of sexual transmutation.

Total abstinence was merely a preparation for the esoteric teaching of sexual transmutation, and eventually sexual magic. If one is abstinent but does not transmute through such things as pranayama, vocalization or meditation, then it is inevitable that he will have wet dreams. The monks and nuns used to know how to transmute, but today all the wisdom has been lost. Thus, they reject sex entirely and end up converting themselves into people who no nothing more of God than anyone else, or worse, into pederasts, or who people who miserably masturbate in secrecy. This is terrible! Few people know how to deal with these problems because one can not understand what one rejects.

To reject sexuality itself is to reject the Holy Spirit, and Christ can not be born in the heart of anyone who does not transmute the sexual energy in one way or another. How is the Holy Spirit going to perform the Immaculate Conception in the heart of someone who does not know how to properly make use of the Holy Spirit in its physical manifestation (through the transmutation of the semen into energy)? It is like when Jesus said, “I tell you of Earthly things and you do not understand, how are you going to understand the Heavenly?”

I hope this post cleared up some very basic misunderstandings concerning sexual magic. Please, if anyone has any questions about this, do so in order for everyone to understand better.
Here's three questions (sort of), only two related to sex magick:

1. Coming back to homosexuality and that quote from that Gnostic scripture, why would we take it literally when we take so many other excerpts from the scriptures metaphorically? Since magick is focused on all but the mundane, wouldn't it be logical to assume that physical homosexuality has absolutely no bearing on sex magick? After all, if one believes in reincarnation they will have to admit that one is not reincarnated as a single physical sex throughout history, and also that things may get mixed up from time to time. Perhaps they forgot(!) to take a drink from Lethe or something. Even without recognizing or believing in reincarnation, it is very apparent that even in homosexual relationships, the principle of (sexual) polarity is expressed. I don't want to offend anyone here, so forgive me if I do, but there can be seen in homosexual relationships a member that is more passive (female) and another that is more active (male).

Thus I think that perhaps the reference to homosexuality may be to something more serious than physically liking someone with the same bits as you; something perhaps, to do with actively going against the principle of polarity as described in the Kybalion. Heck, it might even be one of those noble lies to prevent the unprepared from experiencing things beyond their scope.

Also, I doubt that even those people committing the most heinous offenses would be left to "oblivion" and dissolution; the cycle would just continue and wax and wane ad infinitum.

2. Just to be clear, are you saying that sex magick is the only way to reach enlightenment/salvation/freedom etc.?

3. Lastly, and unrelated to sex magick, where is your justification for making so many wild correspondences and apparent eisegetical readings of such texts and principle? I mean, I can understand some things lending themselves to metaphor, but I think there is also a point where ascribing alternate meanings and relations to things that are almost totally unrelated and incompatible (of course, I also realize that all things are related to an extent but that does not mean an apple is an orange, etc.). What I mean is, have you learned these things from some place or are they simply intuitional?
Chela said:

In reality, there are only three types of sexual magic. Every sexual act is infact a magical act. They are one in the same. Right hand path or White Sexual Magic is performed between the married couple (man and woman) wherein the creative-sexual energies are retained. Neither orgasm nor ejaculation occur. Left hand or Black Sexual Magic path is performed likewise, however, the creative-sexual energies are dispelled, and later reabsorbed into the body. Grey Sexual magic pertains to those sexual activities that are done without any spiritual longing, where the creative sexual energies are dispelled, but for reproductive purposes.

I can only speak on behalf of White Sexual Magic because it is the only one I practice.

What exactly is sexual magic.
Is it possible to do it unknowingly?
Hello moseslmpg,

moseslmpg said:
1. Coming back to homosexuality and that quote from that Gnostic scripture, why would we take it literally when we take so many other excerpts from the scriptures metaphorically? Since magick is focused on all but the mundane, wouldn't it be logical to assume that physical homosexuality has absolutely no bearing on sex magick? After all, if one believes in reincarnation they will have to admit that one is not reincarnated as a single physical sex throughout history, and also that things may get mixed up from time to time. Perhaps they forgot(!) to take a drink from Lethe or something. Even without recognizing or believing in reincarnation, it is very apparent that even in homosexual relationships, the principle of (sexual) polarity is expressed. I don't want to offend anyone here, so forgive me if I do, but there can be seen in homosexual relationships a member that is more passive (female) and another that is more active (male).
Magic is nothing more than skillfully applied willpower, and it relates to the mundane as well as to the infra and the ultra.

Yes, a "soul" can be born in either suit of flesh (male or female). The physical body is a machine that transforms energies. A male body transforms energies differently than a female body. The physical body interfaces and interacts with the more subtle bodies according to its type. This is one of the reason for the different bodies in the first place, they transform energy in opposite ways and nourish the upper parts of the Being with different types of developmental wisdom. Or in the case of those who are self-realized, they provide the Being with different types of energies: a Master may want a female physical body because that type of body will aid in their specific cause.

What differences the homosexual male/female body from the heterosexual male/female body is the endocrine system. People are now being born with modified endocrine systems because of action undertaken in previous lifetimes related with the sexual act; in other words homosexuality is a type of karma related with the misuse of sexuality in a previous life. Karma always works itself out in the same sphere that the original action took place in.

This karma is spoken of in the Bible:
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Cr 6

Jesus said, “Whoever blasphemes against the Father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the Son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either on earth or in heaven.”
– Saying 44, The Gospel of Thomas
Karma against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven, thus one has to pay through the same type of means that one performed the incorrect action. The Holy Spirit is always related with sexuality.

Thus I think that perhaps the reference to homosexuality may be to something more serious than physically liking someone with the same bits as you; something perhaps, to do with actively going against the principle of polarity as described in the Kybalion. Heck, it might even be one of those noble lies to prevent the unprepared from experiencing things beyond their scope.
Sex is far beyond the "bits" of man and woman. To mussel sexuality into such confines produces nothing good. A true sexual education is lacking in society today because we believe that sexuality is sensation when in reality sexuality is creation; yet this creation is not just physical, but also psychological and spiritual. The problem is that we use sex to create sensation, and we crave and identify with that sensation, which has specific detrimental psychological consequences that we entirely ignore (even though these consequences have already been elucidated through the doctrine of Buddha). Today people have a very dense, crude and uneducated understanding of sexuality and it is leading people to make a lot of mistakes. Religion and sexuality have always gone hand in hand, yet today because no one understands the reasons for this union, people forget about it and do not attempt to comprehend the warnings given in any spiritual text concerning sexual misconduct (fornication).

Many people erroneously believe that because they are born in a certain way, that is the plan of God, yet this is not so. In the beginning of our the current monadic evolution of this current humanity we were in the image of God, yet through many lifetimes we have degenerated ourselves. Man was indeed created in the image of God, yet God is not a homosexual because homosexuality can not Create. Thus, for a gay couple to have child through the act of homosexuality is impossible. Once we understand that sexuality takes place not just physically, but upon six other, more subtle, more powerful dimensions of the self, then we can begin to comprehend what exactly this "sex" is that our modern society seems to crave so much.

Also, I doubt that even those people committing the most heinous offenses would be left to "oblivion" and dissolution; the cycle would just continue and wax and wane ad infinitum.
There is a mistake regarding the word "eternity." People spend an eternity in Hell, yet even this does not denote time stretched to the infinite. Heaven and Hell exist within eternity, yet even within that sphere there exists Cosmic Days and Cosmic Nights. Hell is just a place to pay our karma. Once we are payed in full, the soul-essence leaves that place. If one payed something they did not owe, then theintelligence we commonly call "God" would be a tyrant, and God is not a tyrant.

The whole "Second Death" of The Revelation of St. John is the psychological death of the ego, because this is where all our karma is within. So in asense the "I" dies, yet the soul-essence can never be destroyed, it must undergo hell because it is trapped within the ego (the false "I," or "Satan"). Once the ego is removed (which is very painful), the essence is free once again. In order to prevent entering into Hell, one has to kill this false I through their own individual willpower (as opposed to the willpower of superior intelligences through "Hell"). Which is why Jesus says: To follow me, deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me. To deny one's self is to destroy the "I". The entire Buddhist praxis is performed to destroy the "I".

2. Just to be clear, are you saying that sex magick is the only way to reach enlightenment/salvation/freedom etc.?
There are levels and levels of salvation. Tantra is needed to create the "soul," or the "Wedding Garments of the Soul," the Merkabah, the To Soma Heliakon (Golden Body of the Solar Man). Jesus said, "In patience you will possess your souls," which means we do not currently have a real, authentic soul. What we do have is the tathagatagarba or the essence, yet this needs to be developed. Read the Wedding Parable. The man who was not dressed (in other words the man who did not have a true soul) for the wedding was bound hand and foot and thrown out of the wedding where there is heard wailing and gnashing of teeth. Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is the same. The problem is that people believe that they can create the soul through an idea or by believing in it. No theory can create anything; surely to affirm that one is "Born Again" does not mean that they have actually given birth to the soul. All Creations take place in the sphere of Jehovah Elohim (Binah, the Holy Spirit, Shiva-Shakti, etc.), which exists within man and woman as the "sexual energy."

Thus, all religion has specific sexual protocol in order to prepare the aspirant for the second birth; the preparation is supposed to culminate once the sexual act itself was practiced through "sexual magic," yet eventually the wisdom of sexual transmutation was forgotten and replaced with celibacy which invariably harms the soul-essence. This preperation could take an entire lifetime, this was the way of Piscean Age. Yet in the Aquarian Age everything is different; that is why all the esoteric knowledge is now freely given.

So we need to become a "Twice-Born." After crystallizing the soul (or the Higher Being Bodies as Gurdjieff calls them), one may refrain from the sexual act for periods of time (entire lifetimes if desired). Once the bodies are perfected though, the sexual act is absolutely prohibited, because no further creation is necessary. In the Book of Enoch it is told of Arch-Angels who reached such perfection took the wives of men and thus they fell. The problem is that people renouce sex before they are "complete," people belive they are already a total human being, when in reality we only have the physical body of a human. Our emotional body, our mental body and our will body are still animals. We have the physical appearance of a man but our psyche or psychology is still nothing more than an animal with intellect.

If you want the quickest path to liberation, learn the science of sexual transmutation and eventually enter into Anuttara Yoga Tantra (sexual magic).

3. Lastly, and unrelated to sex magick, where is your justification for making so many wild correspondences and apparent eisegetical readings of such texts and principle? I mean, I can understand some things lending themselves to metaphor, but I think there is also a point where ascribing alternate meanings and relations to things that are almost totally unrelated and incompatible (of course, I also realize that all things are related to an extent but that does not mean an apple is an orange, etc.). What I mean is, have you learned these things from some place or are they simply intuitional?
This depends on the instance. To understand any scripture you have to comprehend the fundamental symbols they contain. The same type of symbols that appear in your dreams are the same that appear in the scriptures, because these symbols are the language of God. The language of God is symbolic. When one studies and lives the way of initiation, one begins to comprehend the initatic symbolism deposited within religion.

You can read lots of books on "esotericism," but the best ones are those that provide the praxis to awaken the consciousness. It is easy to educate the intellect, this is means absoutely nothing, we have to destroy the "I" and create the "soul." Personally I have found no books provide a more powerful method of self gnosis than those by Samael Aun Weor.
OK, thank you for clearing up a few things. However I have come up with more questions.

Firstly, if homosexuality is a punishment for bad deeds in a past life and is also detrimental to future lives, since it is "sinful," what are homosexual people supposed to do? Should they force themselves to have sex with members of the opposite sex that are unappealing and perhaps even repulsive to them? And how does being put in a position where you are doomed to forever curse yourself to sin constitute justice by the non-tyrant God?

Chela said:
Sex is far beyond the "bits" of man and woman. To mussel sexuality into such confines produces nothing good. A true sexual education is lacking in society today because we believe that sexuality is sensation when in reality sexuality is creation; yet this creation is not just physical, but also psychological and spiritual. The problem is that we use sex to create sensation, and we crave and identify with that sensation, which has specific detrimental psychological consequences that we entirely ignore (even though these consequences have already been elucidated through the doctrine of Buddha). Today people have a very dense, crude and uneducated understanding of sexuality and it is leading people to make a lot of mistakes. Religion and sexuality have always gone hand in hand, yet today because no one understands the reasons for this union, people forget about it and do not attempt to comprehend the warnings given in any spiritual text concerning sexual misconduct (fornication).

Many people erroneously believe that because they are born in a certain way, that is the plan of God, yet this is not so. In the beginning of our the current monadic evolution of this current humanity we were in the image of God, yet through many lifetimes we have degenerated ourselves. Man was indeed created in the image of God, yet God is not a homosexual because homosexuality can not Create. Thus, for a gay couple to have child through the act of homosexuality is impossible. Once we understand that sexuality takes place not just physically, but upon six other, more subtle, more powerful dimensions of the self, then we can begin to comprehend what exactly this "sex" is that our modern society seems to crave so much.
Yeah, that's what I saying, sex is beyond the bits so very little importance should be given to them. It is about creation ultimately, but since the bits don't matter, it cannot matter if both parties are of the same physical sex disregarding the endocrine system. For example, if someone had a sex change without chaning the endocrine system, theoretically, would their union (theoretically again) with a member of the same physical sex (to whom they were married) be blasphemous? Also, how can people not be born according to the plan of God? Surely God's plan is all things that happen, because if such finite beings were able to defy his plan, he would not be omniscient or omnipotent. Man was created in the image of God, but not his physical image, so the point of physical homosexuality is pointless. Everything unites in opposites, same thing with homosexual union, albeit not physical opposites. There is cloning nowadays, so homosexual couples can theoretically have children formed only of their genetic information, although I do concede that this is not a sexual process in the traditional sense.

Another thing, what does marriage have to do with any of this? Does it have to be marriage under any particular god to get people off the hook or can it just be done by a judge somewhere? For instance, if I was married to a woman under Shub Niggurath in a perfectly legal wedding ceremony, and we had intercourse, would I be damned or what? Basically what constitutes marriage?

Also, how would one who does not plan on being married or having intercourse practice sexual magick? I don't really forsee myself being married to someone, and thus I would be forced to a life of physical celibacy, unless I chose to sin or something. Masturbation is out of the question right, since the seeds are lost, but what about if you donate them to the sperm bank or something? And it's not like millions of sperm don't die during the reproductive act anyway.

Chela said:
There is a mistake regarding the word "eternity." People spend an eternity in Hell, yet even this does not denote time stretched to the infinite. Heaven and Hell exist within eternity, yet even within that sphere there exists Cosmic Days and Cosmic Nights. Hell is just a place to pay our karma. Once we are payed in full, the soul-essence leaves that place. If one payed something they did not owe, then theintelligence we commonly call "God" would be a tyrant, and God is not a tyrant.
Eternity means forever, i.e. a time without end, and technically without beginning. And some people believe that Hell is the place where things are destroyed so that nothing recognizable is left. I suppose that people do pay what they do not owe, but other people rationalize this with things such as karma and transcendent justice. It seems mighty convenient to me, and not to mention totally unable to be verified in any way.

If you want the quickest path to liberation, learn the science of sexual transmutation and eventually enter into Anuttara Yoga Tantra (sexual magic).
But we don't have to do it if we just want to cruise along, right? I mean, everyone's going to the same place eventually.
YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
What exactly is sexual magic.
Is it possible to do it unknowingly?
When I say sexual magic I am referring to act of intercourse where transmutation of sexual energy occurs through the renunciation of the orgasm and ejaculation. This is more specifically called white sexual magic, in contrast to black sexual magic in which willpower is mixed with desire. In this sense, sexual magic cannot be performed on accident.

The topic of sexual transmutation is difficult itself, yet it is necessary to understand in order to understand sexual magic.

This is what the 14th Dalai Lama said in reference to Anuttara Yoga Tantra (Highest Tantra Yoga):
I think, from the viewpoint of the Viniya Sutra, the main purpose of celibacy is to try to reduce desire or attachment.

From the viewpoint of Tantrayana, particularly the Highest Yoga Tantrayana, the energy, 'drops' or special bliss is the source of energy to dissolve the grosser level of consciousness or the grosser level of energy. Through experience of that special bliss, there is the possibility that the grosser level will eventually dissolve. So the drops are the key factor for the bliss.
In Tibetan Buddhism, especially if you look at the iconography of the deities with their consorts, you can see a lot of very explicit sexual symbolism which often gives the wrong impression. Actually, in this case the sexual organ is utilized, but the energy movement which is taking place is, in the end, fully controlled. The energy should never be let out. This energy must be controlled and eventually returned to other parts of the body. What is required for a Tantric practitioner is to develop the capacity to utilize one's faculties of bliss and the blissful experiences which are specifically generated due to the flow of regenerative fluids within one's own energy channels. It is crucial to have the ability to protect oneself from the fault of emission. It is not just a purely ordinary sexual act. And here we can see there is a kind of special connection with celibacy. Especially in the practice of the Kalachakra Tantra, this precept of protecting oneself from the emission of energy is considered to be very important. The Kalachakra literature mentions three types of blissful experience: one is the blissful experience induced by the flow of energy; one is the immutable blissful experience; and one is the mutable blissful experience. To me, when Buddha took the celibacy vow, at that level he did not explain all the reasons behind that rule or that discipline. The complete explanation comes when we know the Tantrayana system. (p. 100, The Heart of the Buddha's Path)
I have quoted this previously, but this is a fuller version that adds more context.

There are special types of phenomena that only arise through intercourse when the 'drops' (seminal energy) are transformed. When the sexual energy is not let out through the sexual spasm, that energy is transformed upwardly and inwardly, it returns back to the blood stream and also rises up the spinal nadis called Ida, Pingala and Sushuma; this is what develops into Tummo or Kundalini. This is what provides the bliss that the Dalai Lama is referring to when he says: "What is required for a Tantric practitioner is to develop the capacity to utilize one's faculties of bliss and the blissful experiences which are specifically generated due to the flow of regenerative fluids within one's own energy channels."
moseslmpg said:
Firstly, if homosexuality is a punishment for bad deeds in a past life and is also detrimental to future lives, since it is "sinful," what are homosexual people supposed to do? Should they force themselves to have sex with members of the opposite sex that are unappealing and perhaps even repulsive to them? And how does being put in a position where you are doomed to forever curse yourself to sin constitute justice by the non-tyrant God?
Well they are in a very difficult situation; this is why we need to be very clear in these matters. From what I understand: if someone who is gay wishes to be heterosexual, he would have to stop engaging in homosexual activities firstly. Then he would have to meditate, meditate, and meditate to destroy desire; from a psychological staind point he would have to "deny" or destroy everything he is. He will suffer quite a lot until granted a new body.

No one is doomed forever; if I said this it was a mistake.

Yeah, that's what I saying, sex is beyond the bits so very little importance should be given to them. It is about creation ultimately, but since the bits don't matter, it cannot matter if both parties are of the same physical sex disregarding the endocrine system. For example, if someone had a sex change without chaning the endocrine system, theoretically, would their union (theoretically again) with a member of the same physical sex (to whom they were married) be blasphemous? Also, how can people not be born according to the plan of God? Surely God's plan is all things that happen, because if such finite beings were able to defy his plan, he would not be omniscient or omnipotent. Man was created in the image of God, but not his physical image, so the point of physical homosexuality is pointless. Everything unites in opposites, same thing with homosexual union, albeit not physical opposites. There is cloning nowadays, so homosexual couples can theoretically have children formed only of their genetic information, although I do concede that this is not a sexual process in the traditional sense.
The sexual organs do matter, yet, it is not all that matters. The sexual organs are part of the machines we call a physical body. There are super-subtle flows of energy coming to and from the sexual organs that materialistic science is unaware of. To have a "sex change" doesn't really do anything but remove the ability for these organs to function the way they should.

To truly understand God requires infinite levels of sophistication, this is what Jonah discovered: even though he spent three days in the belly of the whale (he achieved the resurrection in Christ), still he had a "worm" (discontentment) in his "gourd" (mind) about not knowing God enough, so he was impelled to reach even greater perfections. So, to simply say this or that about God's plan is not integral enough to resist superlative analysis. Yes, God is omniscient and omnipotent, but only in potentiality. The Absoulte is pure potentiality, and "God" is THAT which IS the Great Breath of Life that is profoundly unknowable to itself, yet it wants to know itself.

Now, from what I see is that God's plan includes free will, so everyone is free to do that they choose. That is why Adam and Eve were free to eat the fruit.

Is "God's" plan for one person to murder another? Well, yes and no depending upon what you want to call God.

Getting back on topic, people are born based upon karma: action and consequence. Your psychology, your physiology, your family, your location, your social status, your tendencies towards this or that, etc. is all based upon karma. Everything is karma. Unless one is even with the law of karma to some substantial degree ("enlightened"), one does not have any choice whatsoever in when and where and how they are born, and when and how and where they die.

Man is in God's image in the "Seven Fold Spirit": his physical-energetic image, his emotional image, his mental image, his image of will, his image of consciousness, and his image of self.

Another thing, what does marriage have to do with any of this? Does it have to be marriage under any particular god to get people off the hook or can it just be done by a judge somewhere? For instance, if I was married to a woman under Shub Niggurath in a perfectly legal wedding ceremony, and we had intercourse, would I be damned or what? Basically what constitutes marriage?

Also, how would one who does not plan on being married or having intercourse practice sexual magick? I don't really forsee myself being married to someone, and thus I would be forced to a life of physical celibacy, unless I chose to sin or something. Masturbation is out of the question right, since the seeds are lost, but what about if you donate them to the sperm bank or something? And it's not like millions of sperm don't die during the reproductive act anyway.
The authentic ritual of marriage is the sexual act itself. God is not interested in papers and protocol of worldly law; if you are in a committed relationship with someone, and you are in love, and you have had sexual relations, then you are married in the eyes of God: you become one in flesh because intercourse creates a mixing of karma for the individuals involved. When I used the word "marriage" before I did so in order to differentiate with "one night stands," or any relationship based upon sensual desires.

True fornication is the orgasm in any way under any circumstance whatsoever. Today fornication is understood as the same thing as adultery, but really it is not the same thing. The orgasm is not needed to engender a child. Only one sperm is required to engender; to spill millions is fornication. One sperm can unite with one egg when sexual magic is practiced. This is the Immaculate Conception of a physical child. There is also the inner Immaculate Conception that occurs in one's heart when the Christ is born through the transmutation of sexual energy.

Because of fornication, all the inner glands of secretion begin to atrophy. Yet, for those who practice sexual transmutation, the opposite occurs: the glands become more healthy and secrete hormones more potently. Thus, eventually a fornicator become impotent, or not potent of the Holy Spirit, and a true adept of transmutation becomes super-potent of the Holy Spirit. This aids tremendously in spiritual pursuits such as meditation.

Eternity means forever, i.e. a time without end, and technically without beginning. And some people believe that Hell is the place where things are destroyed so that nothing recognizable is left. I suppose that people do pay what they do not owe, but other people rationalize this with things such as karma and transcendent justice. It seems mighty convenient to me, and not to mention totally unable to be verified in any way.

Eternity is a dimension is space, it is not time without end; this is where the confusion is. God's are eternal, yet they get swallowed up into the Absoulte at the end of each Cosmic Day, so even the God's "die."

No one can go to hell forever and no one pays for debts they do not owe, if I said otherwise that was a mistake.

Work on awakening all the aspects of your consciousness and you will find that things you thought to be impossible are actually quite possible. People say it is impossible to know when you are going to die, yet, there are many stories of yogis who choose their time and place of death, and literally say, "Ok, here is where I will die." Then they die. Personally, that is to say from my own personal efforts and experience, I have experienced many things thought to be impossible by others, yet, in reality they are just the ordinary effects of working with the right tools. For example, if you work with weights at the gym, your body will be effected. Thus, if you know how to work with your consciousness, results occur within your consciousness. The problem is that all the tools and methods have been lost for quite some time to the general public, so people have come to the conclusion that this or that is impossible.

But we don't have to do it if we just want to cruise along, right? I mean, everyone's going to the same place eventually.
According to the Bible, if you are not preparied for the Wedding you will bound hand and foot and thrown into the outer darkness where wailing and gnashing of teeth is heard. This is contextually found in the Bible. Of course you will eventually return to the Absoulte, just not with the knowledge of good and evil.
Chela said:
When I say sexual magic I am referring to act of intercourse where transmutation of sexual energy occurs through the renunciation of the orgasm and ejaculation. This is more specifically called white sexual magic, in contrast to black sexual magic in which willpower is mixed with desire. In this sense, sexual magic cannot be performed on accident.."

Ok, let me see if I got this stright

White sexual magic is willfully allowing part of the enery you have to be given to someone else.

i.e. A married couple willfully engage in intercourse and exchange thier energy back and forth for the purpose of (lets say) having a child.

Where as doing the act soley for your own pleasure and not for the pleasure of the other person, married or not. Which can be called black sexual magic.

am I close?
YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
Ok, let me see if I got this stright

White sexual magic is willfully allowing part of the enery you have to be given to someone else.

i.e. A married couple willfully engage in intercourse and exchange thier energy back and forth for the purpose of (lets say) having a child.

Where as doing the act soley for your own pleasure and not for the pleasure of the other person, married or not. Which can be called black sexual magic.

am I close?
Let me try to be a little clearer:

An act of white sexual magic occurs when the couple unite and stop prior to orgasm and the sexual energy is transformed into energy that provides enlightenment.

An act of black sexual magic occurs when the couple use the orgasm in some way, such as for gaining occult powers, influencing the minds of others, etc.

For those people who are simply having sex for procreation or pleasure, this is is not really any form of "magic" at all.
OK, to be clear: White sex magick in heterosexual couples is just having sex without the male ejaculating (gender equality FTL, I suppose), and pranayama in singles? That's it? Is there some kind of manual on the specific practices involved?

Chela said:
Well they are in a very difficult situation; this is why we need to be very clear in these matters. From what I understand: if someone who is gay wishes to be heterosexual, he would have to stop engaging in homosexual activities firstly. Then he would have to meditate, meditate, and meditate to destroy desire; from a psychological staind point he would have to "deny" or destroy everything he is. He will suffer quite a lot until granted a new body.
Well, how would one know that they had committed some offense against God or whoever? The only reason that homosexuality seems wrong is because heterosexual people say it is wrong, and the only reason a gay person would want to be heterosexual is because they are socially persecuted because of what they were born to be. I mean, maybe black people committed some sin in their past life so they were born with dark skin. This karma explanation can be used to rationalize absolutely anything. Where does it end?

I suppose everyone is supposed to meditate and destroy themselves eventually though, so I guess that's ok.

The sexual organs do matter, yet, it is not all that matters. The sexual organs are part of the machines we call a physical body. There are super-subtle flows of energy coming to and from the sexual organs that materialistic science is unaware of. To have a "sex change" doesn't really do anything but remove the ability for these organs to function the way they should.

Yes, God is omniscient and omnipotent, but only in potentiality. The Absoulte is pure potentiality, and "God" is THAT which IS the Great Breath of Life that is profoundly unknowable to itself, yet it wants to know itself.

Is "God's" plan for one person to murder another? Well, yes and no depending upon what you want to call God.

Man is in God's image in the "Seven Fold Spirit": his physical-energetic image, his emotional image, his mental image, his image of will, his image of consciousness, and his image of self.
OK, I get where you're coming from now. As long as we are physical beings, the physical manifestation of ourselves does matter in some respects. But does having a sex change make further relations sinful? That is, if one has a sex change from a man to a woman, and has sex with a man, is this still considered a homosexual union?

Isn't the Absolute ineffable? So it can't be pure potentiality, nor can it even be ineffable, because that is a quality. But do you take God and the Absolute to be the same thing?

Well, maybe not murder, but He does seem to be very fond of killing and death to those opposed to his Jewish and Christian religions. In fact, he seems worse than the Devil at some points. I'm of a more Valentinian persuasion when it comes to God in some cases. Which is why I'm not so fond of his Commandments and vindiction and hatred against certain peoples and the seven motif.

What do you mean by physical-energetic? You believe that man looks visually like God, e.g. two eyes, two ears etc? Or that he resembles God in the same way that the Tree of Life resembles God?

The authentic ritual of marriage is the sexual act itself. God is not interested in papers and protocol of worldly law; if you are in a committed relationship with someone, and you are in love, and you have had sexual relations, then you are married in the eyes of God: you become one in flesh because intercourse creates a mixing of karma for the individuals involved. When I used the word "marriage" before I did so in order to differentiate with "one night stands," or any relationship based upon sensual desires.

True fornication is the orgasm in any way under any circumstance whatsoever. Today fornication is understood as the same thing as adultery, but really it is not the same thing. The orgasm is not needed to engender a child. Only one sperm is required to engender; to spill millions is fornication. One sperm can unite with one egg when sexual magic is practiced. This is the Immaculate Conception of a physical child. There is also the inner Immaculate Conception that occurs in one's heart when the Christ is born through the transmutation of sexual energy.
OK, so you're saying that a legal marriage isn't needed, I can respect that. But I suppose the legalities do make it seem more concrete to people. But what if the relationship doesn't work out and you have already been "married," do you just have to give up on sex and relationships altogether for the rest of your life? I mean, does it have to be monogamy for better or for worse and what about the polygamy mentioned in the Quran? That's not to say that I want to be a polygamist or anything; I'm not too happy about having to be a monogamist even.

OK, if you don't orgasm/ejaculate, how exactly does the sperm get out of the testes and meet the ovum? Don't tell me you believe that through sex magick, that a baby just comes out of nowhere? Immaculate conception refers to something born without sin, not a virgin birth like Jesus'. Mary, his mother, is said to have been an immaculate conception. Hey, what about ovulation? Is that not sinful as well?

Eternity is a dimension is space, it is not time without end; this is where the confusion is. God's are eternal, yet they get swallowed up into the Absoulte at the end of each Cosmic Day, so even the God's "die."

Thus, if you know how to work with your consciousness, results occur within your consciousness. The problem is that all the tools and methods have been lost for quite some time to the general public, so people have come to the conclusion that this or that is impossible.

According to the Bible, if you are not preparied for the Wedding you will bound hand and foot and thrown into the outer darkness where wailing and gnashing of teeth is heard. This is contextually found in the Bible. Of course you will eventually return to the Absoulte, just not with the knowledge of good and evil.
What I was saying is that eternity means a time without beginning or end, that is it's definition. You are using it to mean age or eon instead. I know Gods die, but the Absolute is eternal.

OK, do you know where these tools and methods are presented in a succint and easy to understand fashion? Or are they just scattered across myriads of holy books, unaccesible to the lay person, thus dooming them to whatever fate is before them?

Well, I guess that sucks for me. If you don't practice sex magick in your life you get thrown out into the darkness. But, I don't remember Jesus practicing sex magick, or many of the famous holy people, in fact. If I recall, very few of them ever had sex at all. Looks like there's a hole in the theory here. Also, wouldn't eating the fruit give me the knowledge of good and evil anyway? Isn't that the supposed reason that everything is so crappy according to the Bible? Who cares about good and evil anyway, aren't they views to be transcended in the first place?

You know, if you could provide some source for all this or some concentrated form of this info somewhere, I would be appreciative. I could keep asking you questions forever and never get a good picture of what you mean.
Chela has as his first and foremost principal, that the bible or the yewish scriptures are truly the word of god. And he demands, that we follow him in this believe. Everything he writes is founded on this assumption. Let us examine his foremost principal.

There was a yew, Moses. A man was beaten by an egyptian. Moses came back to that egyptian, killed him and tried to hide the corpse. When it was found out, he fled to the dessert.

Moses claimed that he was the adopted son of a farao. If he was, there was no need for him to flee. As a son of the pharao he was above the law. So the bible says:
Moses was a lier, a psychopatic murderer, and certainly not a son of a pharao.

In the dessert he met Yethro, a priest of the order of Melchi-zedek. He married the daughter of Yethro. Yethro thought him Persian fire-magic. After a while, Moses got bored, left his wife and went back to the yews.
Leaving your wife in such a manner is a disgrace, certainly in those days.

Moses lured some of his tribal people into the dessert. After a while they began to protest. They wanted to go back to the meat and pies of the Egyptians, is stated in the bible.
If there live in Egypt was so good, they were not slaves, as Moses wrote.

Moses was a cult-leader who leaded peacefull tribesmen and -women into the dessert. There they suffered for over 40 years. In those 40 years they became the yews: a hatefull group of psychological damaged people, followers of a deathly cult. They started to take whatever they wanted, saying that this was the will of there god. They committed genocide against many people.

Now we have studied the source of Chela's teachings, we should ask ourselves: "Is the bible the word of god?"
Moses wrote between the lines that he was a psychopathic murderer, lier and leader of a death-cult. He wrote the first books of the bible. Should we follow this book faithfully? Or should we throw it in the fire?

No, we should not throw it in the fire. At least not if we follow the teachings of Melchi-zedek and zarathustra Spitaman. For the fire should be kept clean. Throwing the bible into the fire would make the fire unclean.

Some people might say, that I should respect the believe of Chela. I disagree. Chela does not respect me or my believe. He demands us to follow a book that says that women are less than men. He wants us to believe that I (a woman) am less than him, just because he has a penis. Such a believe is disrespectful towards me and all other women.

This week Madonna did give two concerts in my country. There was a biblical political group, that demanded from the justice-department that it should arrest Madonna and prevent the concerts. This political-group was allready condemned by a judge because they violated the rights of women.

Christians state, that Madonna is disrespectful toward christians, because of her show.

Let me state this very clear:
Madonna is the daughter of the Great Goddess, as am I.
Madonna is one of her prophetesses, as am I.

Jesus said, he would come back in disguise. Are you sure he is not Madonna? Or any other woman? Why do man believe that Jesus will return as a white upperclass male? Is this believe not disrespectful towards women?

Suppose Jesus really existed and suppose he will come back. Then maybe he will come back as a black homo-sexual, just to tease the white anglo-saxian christians.

Homo-sexuality, feminism
I am a dike, a lesbian. Chela is very disrespectful about my sexual identity.
According to his reasoning, I have done something wrong in a past live or something like that. Maybe males have done something wrong and I decided to come back as a female who loves females. Maybe the yewish, christian and muslem-males are so disgusting, that more and more women turn their backs to them.

Chela also does not know a thing about biology and sexual orientation. Many animals are homo-sexual. Ask biologists.
Marian Diamond did experiments with rats and produced transgender rats, homo-sexual rats, etc, only by putting the motherrat into a stressfull event during some day of the pregnancy. There is some sociological evidence that a man is more likely to be homo-sexual if his mother during the 3th or 4th month of the pregnancy experienced stress. This is likely to occur when there is a civil war. So a civil war produces homo-sexual males. That is good for society: make love, not war.

The Great Goddess has an anwer to almost everything. When males are fighting to much, her daugthers change their hormones and produce gay males. Isn't that great?

Who needs a book written by a psychopathical murderer and lier, one who abandoned his wife to become a cult-leader? I don't. And I don't like it when people demand that we should take that book seriously.

And just for the record:
I have never met a yew, a christian or a muslim male who really respects women. Only heathen males respect women.
Why should we respect followers of a creed that is disrespectful towards half of the human population?
Yews, christians and muslems will reap what they have sowed. Disrespect is answered with disrespect.
moseslmpg said:
OK, to be clear: White sex magick in heterosexual couples is just having sex without the male ejaculating (gender equality FTL, I suppose), and pranayama in singles? That's it? Is there some kind of manual on the specific practices involved?
Neither one in the couple should reach the spasm, meaning no orgasm for the woman and no orgasm or ejaculation for the man. Also, any lustful imagination or attempts to stimulate desire have to be eliminated if transmutation is to take place. The sexual act arouses the energies, and the refrainment from desire transmutes them. The sexual act is referred to as the "furnace" in Alchemy.

Yes, pranayama for singles.

Understand that vocalization (mantras), meditation, self-observation (awareness) throughout the day, are all complements of the transmutation of energy. When practiced correctly they are too transmutation at their own levels. Listening to classical music by the great masters also provides transmutation. Moderate exercise provides transmutation on its level. Any creative act such as painting, writing, singing, etc., provides a level of transmutation. The transmutation of sexual energy provides the fuel for awakening the consciousness. Nothing else has that power.

moseslmpg said:
Well, how would one know that they had committed some offense against God or whoever? The only reason that homosexuality seems wrong is because heterosexual people say it is wrong, and the only reason a gay person would want to be heterosexual is because they are socially persecuted because of what they were born to be. I mean, maybe black people committed some sin in their past life so they were born with dark skin. This karma explanation can be used to rationalize absolutely anything. Where does it end?

I suppose everyone is supposed to meditate and destroy themselves eventually though, so I guess that's ok.
One has to search within. If one is sad, depressed, lonely, "empty," confused, frightened, etc., it should be understood that something was done to have those states of mind arise. Everything is action and consequence. Those states of mind arise when we perform Wrong Action (as opposed to Right Action as defined by Buddhism). If one has no impulse to change within, then it is obvious that person is not going to change. Few people are ready for liberation. This is the Narrow Gate.

All types of desire are "wrong" for spiritual development, heterosexual desire is wrong and so is homosexual desire. Yet, only the Law of Three (Trinity) can create, and that requires a positive, negative, and a neutral. Using a positive-positive or a negative-negative can not create a spiritual nature, yet using a positive-negative-neutral uses the power of the Law of Three to create a spiritual nature. This is how we transform ourselves. The Holy Matrimony is a Tri-Mony of Man, Woman, and God.

It is better to understand karma as the Law of Cause and Effect. There is a reason why all the religions state that homosexuality is "wrong" for spiritual development. I am simply giving you those reasons. You are free to accept or reject them, yet I only ask that you first comprehend them. When you accept something, you have not comprehended it. When you reject something, you have not comprehended it. Yet, when you comprehend, there is not optional choice to accept or reject, it simply is.

moseslmpg said:
OK, I get where you're coming from now. As long as we are physical beings, the physical manifestation of ourselves does matter in some respects. But does having a sex change make further relations sinful? That is, if one has a sex change from a man to a woman, and has sex with a man, is this still considered a homosexual union?
I think so because homosexuality is psychological as well as chemical.

moseslmpg said:
Isn't the Absolute ineffable? So it can't be pure potentiality, nor can it even be ineffable, because that is a quality. But do you take God and the Absolute to be the same thing?
Well, the nature of the Absoulte has to be intuited because in reality it does not have any qualities. Yet, I am just trying to give an approximation. The Absoulte is the TAO, and there are whole books on Taoism that attempt to describe its "nature" even though it is impossible.

The Gods and Goddesses are like ants compared to the Absoulte. And we are ants compared to God!

moseslmpg said:
Well, maybe not murder, but He does seem to be very fond of killing and death to those opposed to his Jewish and Christian religions. In fact, he seems worse than the Devil at some points. I'm of a more Valentinian persuasion when it comes to God in some cases. Which is why I'm not so fond of his Commandments and vindiction and hatred against certain peoples and the seven motif.
The 10 Commandments are the ten rules related with how to awaken within the 10 sephiroth of the Kabbalah. If you want to awaken within them, you have to follow them. Yet, even these commandments have their esoteric meaning which supersedes their mundane meaning.

God destroys entire humanities because everything that is born is subject to death. This is the nature of creation. Also realize that many of the killings in spiritual texts relate to the war we must wage on our inner self. This the Mahabrata (Great War) where Krishna tells Ajurna that he has to kill is own family! Yet, this is his inner psychological aggregates that in sum formhis ego.

moseslmpg said:
What do you mean by physical-energetic? You believe that man looks visually like God, e.g. two eyes, two ears etc? Or that he resembles God in the same way that the Tree of Life resembles God?
By physical-energetic I mean the physical-vital bodies that I spoke of earlier.

Well each person's spirit is a "God," these is stated repeatedly in the Bible. When one perfects their soul they become a perfect reflection of their Inner God. There are 10 fingers related with the 10 emanations of God; and all the parts of the physical body are related with the different parts of the Tree of Life, the Tree relates to every level of God. Even the physical body becomes a soul when it is perfected.

moseslmpg said:
OK, so you're saying that a legal marriage isn't needed, I can respect that. But I suppose the legalities do make it seem more concrete to people. But what if the relationship doesn't work out and you have already been "married," do you just have to give up on sex and relationships altogether for the rest of your life? I mean, does it have to be monogamy for better or for worse and what about the polygamy mentioned in the Quran? That's not to say that I want to be a polygamist or anything; I'm not too happy about having to be a monogamist even.
Well if it doesn't work out then who is to blame? Everyone has their karma to work out. Do your best. In the case of prophets, many of them had more than one wife in a lifetime because it was necessary for them to remove the karma related with more than one partner they accumulated in previous lives. For example: Padmasambhava.

moseslmpg said:
OK, if you don't orgasm/ejaculate, how exactly does the sperm get out of the testes and meet the ovum? Don't tell me you believe that through sex magick, that a baby just comes out of nowhere? Immaculate conception refers to something born without sin, not a virgin birth like Jesus'. Mary, his mother, is said to have been an immaculate conception. Hey, what about ovulation? Is that not sinful as well?
A single sperm can escape without the need to ejaculate. There is the pre-ejaculate fluid which can contain sperm. Virgin, by the way, is esotericly understood as someone who is 100% chaste on all the levels of the mind, someone who does not fornicate. And sexual magic is not fornication. So, when a someone reaches the higher levels of spiritual initiation, s/he becomes a "virgin," even though s/he is practicing sexual magic. This is how the physical body of Jesus was born. Max Heindel is actually pretty clear about this without actually stating it.
It must not be supposed, however, that Jesus was an ordinary individual. He was of a singularly pure type of mind, vastly superior to the great majority of our present humanity. Through many lives had he trod the Path of Holiness and thus fitted himself for the greatest honor ever bestowed upon a human being.

His mother, the Virgin Mary, was also a type of the highest human purity and because of that was selected to become the mother of Jesus. His father was a high Initiate, virgin, and capable of performing the act of fecundation as a sacrament, without personal desire or passion.

Thus the beautiful, pure and lovely spirit whom we know as Jesus of Nazareth was born into a pure and passionless body. This body was the best that could be produced on Earth and the task of Jesus, in that embodiment, was to care for it and evolve it to the highest possible degree of efficiency, in preparation for the great purpose it was to serve.
In other words, Jesus was was born through the act of sexual magic.

Ovulation is not fornication because loosing one egg a month is not wasteful. Just as a man loosing a sperm when practicing sexual magic is not wasteful. Yet to spilling millions is, or to take all the chemicals and hormones of the body for sensory stimulation is. Realize that the hormones come from the glands, and each gland is related with a chakra, and each chakra is related with things of a spiritual nature that I will not go into right now. This is all related with the Four Rivers of Eden, those four "rivers" condense into your biology and are the key to re-entering Eden.

moseslmpg said:
What I was saying is that eternity means a time without beginning or end, that is it's definition. You are using it to mean age or eon instead. I know Gods die, but the Absolute is eternal.
The point is people in history have used the word eternity for different things.

moseslmpg said:
OK, do you know where these tools and methods are presented in a succint and easy to understand fashion? Or are they just scattered across myriads of holy books, unaccesible to the lay person, thus dooming them to whatever fate is before them?
Yes, read The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor. This book teaches how to dominate the passions of the mind in a context that is not "religious".
All the actions of our life must be the outcome of an equation and an exact formula in order for the possibilities of the mind and the functionalism of understanding to surge forth.

The Revolution of the Dialectic has the precise clue in order to create an emancipated and unitotal mind; this is the clue to form minds free of conditioning, free of optional concepts.

The Revolution of the Dialectic does not have dictatorial norms for the mind.

The Revolution of the Dialectic does not seek to abuse intellectual liberty.

The Revolution of the Dialectic wants to teach how one should think.

The Revolution of the Dialectic does not want to cage or imprison thought.

The Revolution of the Dialectic wants the integration of all the values of the human being.
There are also many other books by Samael Aun Weor such as The Great Rebellion and Revolutionary Psychology that are based on how to acquire psychological change. Concerning sexual magic, read The Perfect Matrimony and The Mystery of the Golden Blossom.

moseslmpg said:
Well, I guess that sucks for me. If you don't practice sex magick in your life you get thrown out into the darkness. But, I don't remember Jesus practicing sex magick, or many of the famous holy people, in fact. If I recall, very few of them ever had sex at all. Looks like there's a hole in the theory here. Also, wouldn't eating the fruit give me the knowledge of good and evil anyway? Isn't that the supposed reason that everything is so crappy according to the Bible? Who cares about good and evil anyway, aren't they views to be transcended in the first place?
Everyone is given what they need to overcome their karma. If you work in the right way to exhaust your karmic debts, you will be given the chance to practice sexual magic.

Sexual magic has always be secret, no one ever talked about it until very recently.

Eating the fruit opened our eyes to the understanding of good and evil. In this way, we are like Gods, because prior to that we did not know the different between good and evil, we were innocent. Yet, eating the fruit is the wrong way to know of good and evil. Eating the fruit is the way of animals, so in the animal kingdom we find all sorts of sexual acts related with the animal kingdom. Yet the way of a human being is not the way of an animal, so when we enter into the humaniod kingdom, we are told to no longer eat the fruit in order to become a real human with what Paul calls a "soma psuchicon."

Concerning the words good and evil, these are just way to describe the flow of energy: evolutive energies and devolutive energies. In this way good and evil are real, yet when one connects morality to them, they only serve to cause harm.

moseslmpg said:
You know, if you could provide some source for all this or some concentrated form of this info somewhere, I would be appreciative. I could keep asking you questions forever and never get a good picture of what you mean.
Here you go:
OK, thanks for the links. I think I better comprehend (or whatever you want to say) your philosopy now. Only two more questions left:

1. If sex is not meant to be pleasurable and waste sperm, then why is this a biological function?

2. How is ovulation not wrong? The egg is still lost. Is it because the egg is representative of the passive aspect which is less energetic, and so wasting sperm is worse than wasting an egg?

Also, on the issue of homosexuality, I think I understand now. You're not so much homophobic as you lament homosexuality as a matter of spiritual development, which I think comes off as homophobic in the beginning of the thread or when one begins reading.
Chela said:
Let me try to be a little clearer:

An act of white sexual magic occurs when the couple unite and stop prior to orgasm and the sexual energy is transformed into energy that provides enlightenment.

An act of black sexual magic occurs when the couple use the orgasm in some way, such as for gaining occult powers, influencing the minds of others, etc.

For those people who are simply having sex for procreation or pleasure, this is is not really any form of "magic" at all.

oh, ok

Seems I was off.
Continue..please...and be as simple as possible..because I am totally new to this sex magic thing...Also to Magic too...Just curious as to what it is and why someone would want to do it.:confused: What exactly do you gain?
This is a gentle reminder from a moderator to keep the discussion respectful. While it is acceptable to discuss issues please refrain from slandering specific religions, sexual orientations, or individuals.

For instance, it is treading on dangerous territory to pick a religion (any religion) and describe it as despicable.

It is also treading on dangerous territory to make absolute statements such as "all religions condemn homosexuality." This is not true as well as being disrespectful of people who happen to not be heterosexual.

Thanks for complying.

Ben Gruagach
moderator, Alternative section of forum.
moseslmpg said:
OK, thanks for the links. I think I better comprehend (or whatever you want to say) your philosopy now. Only two more questions left:

1. If sex is not meant to be pleasurable and waste sperm, then why is this a biological function?

2. How is ovulation not wrong? The egg is still lost. Is it because the egg is representative of the passive aspect which is less energetic, and so wasting sperm is worse than wasting an egg?

Also, on the issue of homosexuality, I think I understand now. You're not so much homophobic as you lament homosexuality as a matter of spiritual development, which I think comes off as homophobic in the beginning of the thread or when one begins reading.
1: That’s a very long answer. The short answer is that it allows freewill, and that to experience some levels of "evil" (the downwardly flow of sexual energy) is necessary for the development of humanity. Yet, this humanity has experience way too much evil, and that is a mistake related with the Cosmic Demiurge. Also note that there is nothing wrong with sex being
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]pleasurable[/FONT][FONT=&quot]; it has its pleasures and they are actually much more fine and articulate when one pratices sexual magic. The problem occurs when we identify and crave sensation, each sensation in itself is not bad. The orgasm is the loss of engery though, which happens to be very pleasurable.

2: When a man looses one sperm in the act of sexual magic, it is not fornication. For a woman to loose one egg per month is not fornication; those eggs are already created in the woman and it is released at the proper time, and if it menstruation did not occur then the woman will be negatively charged with refuse that the woman, being the passive principle and more closely related with the flows of Mother Nature, accumulates each month. You see she is first charged with the evolutive energies that make her womb fertile, yet these energies after a time lose their creative potential and need to be discharged. Compare one egg per month with 100's of millions of sperm per ejaculation.

Chela said:
2: When a man looses one sperm in the act of sexual magic, it is not fornication. For a woman to loose one egg per month is not fornication; those eggs are already created in the woman and it is released at the proper time, and if it menstruation did not occur then the woman will be negatively charged with refuse that the woman, being the passive principle and more closely related with the flows of Mother Nature, accumulates each month. You see she is first charged with the evolutive energies that make her womb fertile, yet these energies after a time lose their creative potential and need to be discharged. Compare one egg per month with 100's of millions of sperm per ejaculation.

If I'm understanding what you're saying, a sperm is only involved in an act of sexual magic when it meets with an egg in union, correct?

By that definition a man fornicates every time he has an ejaculation, even if a baby is conceived. After all, in each ejaculation there are thousands of sperm, and only one of those joins with the woman's egg to fertilize it.
YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
oh, ok

Seems I was off.
Continue..please...and be as simple as possible..because I am totally new to this sex magic thing...Also to Magic too...Just curious as to what it is and why someone would want to do it.:confused: What exactly do you gain?
The reason someone would want to work with the sexual energy is because this is the most powerful center and source of energy that a single person can harness.

The sexual energy is the same thing as the creative energy. We create with the sexual energy. So, we can call it the creative-sexual energy.

God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. His potential creative force is found within the man and woman as the creative-sexual energy. The Creative force of God is found within every person.

Do you see how the Creative-Sexual Energy is related with the Creator? The same type of energy that God used to create the universe is found in us, here and now.

So, there are different ways to work with this energy, and they are all related with creating something:

1) Creation of new physical bodies (babies).
2) Creation of desire when we crave for sexual stimulation (especially when we orgasm) - or - the creation of aversion when we develop fear or hatred of sex; this repression or craving of sexuality creates sub-consciously.
3) Creation of the soul through sexual transmutation; this creates a super-conscious nature.

White tantra is the only means to create the soul. When the sexual energy is transformed inside of the body, instead of creating a new physical body, it creates the internal bodies, the soul. These internal bodies are like a very high wattage light bulb, they allow the super high voltage of Christ to enter into the individual and enlighten him.

Does this make sense?