Sex Magik

Namaste Juan,

thank you for the post and the kind words.

Germ Theory... gotta love that science, eh? ;)

i'm feeling 100% better.. though i'm not quite done with the cycle yet.

juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Vaj!

I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well lately. I wish you a speedy recovery!
For those interested in the Western "improve your sex life and stir up your internal energy" variety of Tantra, I came across this notice on one of my email lists today:

Carla Tarantola, tantra instructor, will be hosting a new Internet radio show called 'Tantra Today' beginning Thursday October 28 at 1 pm EST at:
Feeling let down but glad

Vajradhara said:
Namaste Susma,

thank you for the post and your concern.

a viral infection in my jaw.

i know... it seems so exotic and strange.. yet... it's completely ordinary. eh.. i suspect that it has to do with perception more than anything else.

well... since it's temporary and is a minor byway, i think that this should be something that you explore for yourself. i'm not all that interested in presenting minor techniques which the teachers themselves feel are not worthwhile.

it's not a matter of deciding what your capacity is... it is what it is. it is either greater or lesser than other beings, and, in the Taoist Spiritual Alchemy teachings, beings are considered of three sorts, inferior capacity, lesser capacity and greater capacity.

in this sense, capacity is used to indicate the ability of the being to comprehend the message, understand the exoteric and esoteric and to put them actually into practice.
About viral infection, did your doctor give you antibiotics? The idea seems to be ready for any opportunist bacteria lurking about. In my 'practice' I would rather wait until the bacterial infection appears before I dispense antibiotics.

About sex magik, I guess I don't have to worry about missing something that my being a creature of habit might have to learn new lessons to enjoy.

Re: Feeling let down but glad

Howdy susma,

thank you for the post.

Susma Rio Sep said:
About viral infection, did your doctor give you antibiotics?
nope... it would be foolish to take an antibiotic for a viral infection :)

The idea seems to be ready for any opportunist bacteria lurking about. In my 'practice' I would rather wait until the bacterial infection appears before I dispense antibiotics.
i don't take prescribed medicines unless it's a very serious issue.
I myself Practice sex magic and will write more on it when I have more time but for now I just wanted to address the Idea of squeezing the penis to retain the seamen - this is actually a tantic practice but the point is the perineum behind the testicles - if you press this point hard at the moment of orgasm you will not ejaculate - it works and I have taught it for years - its a sort of cheat for the novice while learning how to clinch the muscle so that the same end result is achieved. The sensation is strange in the beginning but once you are used to it, normal ejaculation feels inadequate. I will talk more later on the benefits I believe this to give but for one you will be able to continue with the sex act again very quickly and for the very practiced in continuity - so for the women it is very beneficial if she is wanting you to last a bit longer. Give it a try
Namatse Chela,

thank you for the post.

Chela said:
Yes but every system of representation is interdependent, and therefore all the same.
interdependence is a fairly significant point within the Buddha Dharma, however, that does not mean that all things are the same. this is a teaching of monsim which Buddhism does not accept as accurate.

Ten is defined by base 10 apples, or 1010 base 2 apples, or "whatever" in some other base, but they are all referring to the same number of apples, and, every representation can only refer to other known representations to define its value.
actually, this is not so. in Base2 maths, for instance, you cannot have a value called "ten". you have, instead, values of "one" or "zero" if you could have a value called "ten" youd be using Base10 maths. if, however, what you are saying is that linguistic categories do not represent the actual state of being, then i would tend to agree with you.

The only real way to know about this value is to see this number of apples, and understand the concept of "1" and "2."
what do you mean by the terms "only" and "real"? this implies that all other methods of knowing are invalid on their face, which i wouldn't imagine is a position that can be well supported.
I agree with you about monism!

I agree with you about math!

I agree with you about knowledge!

But why discuss such non-topical things? I thought this thread was about sexual magic.
In Tibetan Buddhism, especially if you look at the iconography of deities with consorts, you can see a lot of very explicit sexual symbolism which often gives the wrong impression. Actually, in this case the sex organ is utilized, but the energy movement which is taking place is, in the end, fully controlled. The energy should never be let out. This energy must be controlled and eventually returned to other parts of the body. What is required for a tantric practitioner is to develop the capacity to utilize one's faculties of bliss and the blissful experiences which are specifically generated due to the flow of regenerative fluids within one's energy channels. It is crucial to have the ability to protect oneself from the fault of emission. It is not just a purely ordinary sexual act. - The Fourteenth Dalai Lama

I also agree with H. H. The Fourteenth Dalai Lama. However I do not agree with the "three finger lock" technique that is popular among some Daoist alchemists because instead of raising prana into the brain it devolutes into the personal infernos of man, giving him the tail of a demon!

I most solemnly warn all student against making any effort whatever in the direction of awakening these tremendous forces, expect under qualified tuition, for I have myself seen many cases of the terrible effects which follow from ignorant and ill advised meddling with these very serious matters. The force is a tremendous reality, one of the great basic facts of nature, and most emphatically it is not a thing to be played with, or to be lightly taken in hand, for to experiment with it without understanding it is far more dangerous than it would be for a child to play with nitroglycerine. As it very truly said in the Hathayogapradipika: “It gives liberation to yogis and bondage to fools.” (iii. 107.) …The really appalling dangers are connected not with its upward rush, but with the possibility of its turning downwards and inwards. - C. W. Leadbeater

Sexual energy is not to be played with, it converts man into an God or a Demon. Nothing is born without the sexual energy, creation itself is sexual problem.
Namaste Chela,

thank you for the post.

Chela said:
I agree with you about monism!

I agree with you about math!

I agree with you about knowledge!

But why discuss such non-topical things? I thought this thread was about sexual magic.
indeed, it is. however, to have such a discussion, would it not be prudent to establish the symbol set that each being is working with? in order to facilitate communication, if nothing more.

typed communication tends to be a bit wordy and overly convoluted compared to face to face communication, mainly since we lose the information that is transmitted via non-verbal signals.

In Tibetan Buddhism, especially if you look at the iconography of deities with consorts, you can see a lot of very explicit sexual symbolism which often gives the wrong impression. Actually, in this case the sex organ is utilized, but the energy movement which is taking place is, in the end, fully controlled. The energy should never be let out. This energy must be controlled and eventually returned to other parts of the body. What is required for a tantric practitioner is to develop the capacity to utilize one's faculties of bliss and the blissful experiences which are specifically generated due to the flow of regenerative fluids within one's energy channels. It is crucial to have the ability to protect oneself from the fault of emission. It is not just a purely ordinary sexual act. - The Fourteenth Dalai Lama
from whence was this quote derived? do you recall from which Tantra this was taken?

I also agree with H. H. The Fourteenth Dalai Lama. However I do not agree with the "three finger lock" technique that is popular among some Daoist alchemists because instead of raising prana into the brain it devolutes into the personal infernos of man, giving him the tail of a demon!
clearly, given my views of the alchemical texts, i view the physical aspect as a minor byway, a bit of a fun juant through the country lane, as it were, but more of a distraction than anything else. as referenced earlierly, this is a view which is shared amongst the classics of the Complete Reality Schools, as such, other schools may disagree.

I most solemnly warn all student against making any effort whatever in the direction of awakening these tremendous forces, expect under qualified tuition, for I have myself seen many cases of the terrible effects which follow from ignorant and ill advised meddling with these very serious matters. The force is a tremendous reality, one of the great basic facts of nature, and most emphatically it is not a thing to be played with, or to be lightly taken in hand, for to experiment with it without understanding it is far more dangerous than it would be for a child to play with nitroglycerine. As it very truly said in the Hathayogapradipika: “It gives liberation to yogis and bondage to fools.” (iii. 107.) …The really appalling dangers are connected not with its upward rush, but with the possibility of its turning downwards and inwards. - C. W. Leadbeater

Sexual energy is not to be played with, it converts man into an God or a Demon. Nothing is born without the sexual energy, creation itself is sexual problem.
interesting choice of words... clearly, i would disagree with several of the conclusions you've reached... however, i do agree that engaging in sex magik without going through the proper training is not going to be of benefit and may, in fact, be of harm.

of course, i also don't believe in Creation... so.. there's that..
indeed, it is. however, to have such a discussion, would it not be prudent to establish the symbol set that each being is working with? in order to facilitate communication, if nothing more.
You are over complicating the issue here. The different radix examples I used were done to show the reader that the number itself is never seen, only representations or forms of that number. It does not matter what radix one uses. The issue seems very simple.

from whence was this quote derived? do you recall from which Tantra this was taken?
I believe it is from a book entitled The Heart of the Buddha's Path.

clearly, given my views of the alchemical texts, i view the physical aspect as a minor byway, a bit of a fun juant through the country lane, as it were, but more of a distraction than anything else. as referenced earlierly, this is a view which is shared amongst the classics of the Complete Reality Schools, as such, other schools may disagree.

Serkong Rinpoche never claimed himself to be a yogi or to have any special powers. If we wanted an example of someone who did, he said we did not need to look only to the remote past. His father, Serkong Dorjey-chang, was a clear example. As a monk at Ganden Jangtsey Monastery, his father had attained the stage of anuttarayoga tantra at which he could practice special yoga techniques with a consort to reach the deepest level of mind. This advanced point on the complete stage requires full mastery of the subtle energy system, with total control over both internal and external matter and energy. His vows of celibacy would normally prohibit him from such practice. When His Holiness the Thirteenth Dalai Lama asked for proof of his attainment, Serkong Dorjey-chang tied a yak horn into a knot and presented it. Convinced, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama permitted Serkong Dorjey-chang to keep his monastic holdings while practicing at this level. Rinpoche matter-of-factly mentioned that they kept this horn in his home as a child.

- A Portrait of Tsenzhab Serkong Rinponche

It is clear that other great gurus have had a consort or wife -- such as great poet Milarepa!

interesting choice of words... clearly, i would disagree with several of the conclusions you've reached... however, i do agree that engaging in sex magik without going through the proper training is not going to be of benefit and may, in fact, be of harm.
You would or you do? Conclusions of logical discussion are good, but always flawed; lived experience is better when combined with perfect awareness!

of course, i also don't believe in Creation... so.. there's that..
Don't you mean that you do not believe in the Creation that you think I am talking about?
Namaste Chela,

thank you for the post.

Chela said:
You are over complicating the issue here. The different radix examples I used were done to show the reader that the number itself is never seen, only representations or forms of that number. It does not matter what radix one uses. The issue seems very simple.
i would disagree, the issue may seem simple, yet it is not. for instance, what do the terms "raven and rabbit" mean to you? this is a very specific symbol set within the Northern school of Complete Reality Taoism and having a misconception of this term is going to result in missing the mark.

I believe it is from a book entitled The Heart of the Buddha's Path.
interesting... i don't think i've seen that book before.

It is clear that other great gurus have had a consort or wife -- such as great poet Milarepa!
who is disputing this? certainly not i. please understand that Taoism and Buddhism are not the same practice, though they have many commonalities, especially amongst the Varjayana and the Complete Reality schools.

T'song Khapa also taught that one can use a phsyical action seal, nevertheless, because students of later generations are prone to misunderstanding, he didn't use an action seal, perfering instead liberation in the Between.

You would or you do? Conclusions of logical discussion are good, but always flawed; lived experience is better when combined with perfect awareness!
i do. ideas such as "god" and "demon" are, essentially, meaningless to me. these are aspects of rebirth, in our view, anyway... one could take rebirth in the heavenly or hungry ghost realms. also the assumption that there is "creation" is one that i cannot accept.

Don't you mean that you do not believe in the Creation that you think I am talking about?
er.. well... i don't believe in Creation, period. by this i mean to indicate the multiverse and all of their contents is not created. if you mean something other than the sum of ontological reality with the term "creation", then i may or may not disagree... depending on how the term is defined.
i do. ideas such as "god" and "demon" are, essentially, meaningless to me. these are aspects of rebirth, in our view, anyway... one could take rebirth in the heavenly or hungry ghost realms. also the assumption that there is "creation" is one that i cannot accept.
Ideas such as the meaningless of "god" and "demon" are, essentially, meaningless to me. :p

But God and Demon do have meanings, otherwise Buddhism would not define them, and picture them on tangkas!

er.. well... i don't believe in Creation, period. by this i mean to indicate the multiverse and all of their contents is not created. if you mean something other than the sum of ontological reality with the term "creation", then i may or may not disagree... depending on how the term is defined.
Even if neither of us exist, nevertheless, we do. :)

If you did not exist, you would not have the ability to state it!
Namaste Chela,

thank you for the post.

Chela said:
Ideas such as the meaningless of "god" and "demon" are, essentially, meaningless to me.
thank you for the conversation. see you out there :)
Vajradhara said:
Namaste Chela,

thank you for the post.

thank you for the conversation. see you out there :)
Where is your sense of humor Vajradhara?

I was attempting to get a point across but I guess I failed! (Or perhaps I am failing to understand you?)
What about the intricasies of Sex magic where are they.......!!
What about the intricasies of Sex magic where are they.......!!
Let us begin with this:

Magic, according to Novalis, is the art of influencing the inner world consciously.

It is written with fiery coals in the extraordinary book of life that ardent love between man and woman works magically.

Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice-great God Ibis of Thoth, said in his Emerald Tablet: “I give thee love, within which the whole summum of wisdom is contained.”

All of us possess some electrical and magnetic forces within, and, just like a manget, we exert a force of attraction and repulsion… Between lovers that magnetic force is particularly powerful and its action has a far-reaching effect.

Sexual Magic (The Sahaja Maithuna) between husband and wife is based on the polar properties which certainly have their potential element in sex.

Neither hormones nor patented vitamins are what we need for life, but rather authentic knowledge of YOU and ME, hence the interchange of the most selected, affective and erotic faculties between man and woman.

The medieval asceticism of the bygone age of Pisces rejected sex, characterizing it as taboo or sin.

The new revolutionary asceticism of Aquarius is based on sex. It is clear that the clue of all powers is found within the mysteries of Lingam-Yoni.

From the intelligent combination of sexual yearning and spiritual enthusiasm arises, as if by enchantment, magic Consciousness.

A wise author said: “Sexual Magic leads to the unity of the Soul and sensuality, in other words, to vitalized sexuality. Sexuality is no longer characterized as suspicious and scornful, to be practiced only in secrecy and with a certain confessed shame; on the contrary, it is placed at the service of a marvelous rejoicing of life, permeated by it and elevated to a component of the affirmation of existence, which happily assures the equilibrium of free personality.”

We urgently need to escape from the dismal daily tendency of vulgar ordinary coupling and to enter into the luminous sphere of magnetic equilibrium in order to rediscover oneself in one’s spouse, to find in him/her the Path of the Razor’s Edge, the secret way which leads to the final liberation.

“Only when we know and use the laws of magnetism between bodies and souls will al the words spoken about love, sex and sexuality cease to be transitory, senseless images, mists that vanish with the light.”

The tremendous difficulty, which is present in the study of Sexual Magic, is evident. Since, Sexual Yoga, the Maithuna, with its control over the most delicate nervous currents and the multiple subconscious, infra-conscious and unconscious influences over the soul, is not easy to demonstrate as apprehensible and visible.

Let us speak clearly and bluntly: This theme of Sexual Yoga is a matter for direct and intimate experimentation, something very personal.

In Sexual Magic it is essential that we renounce bestial concupiscence for the sake of spirituality if we truly want to find Ariadne’s Thread of Ascension, the Golden Twine that will take us from darkness to light, from death to immortality.

A great philosopher whose name I do not want to mention said: “If the authentic procreative energies of both Soul and spirit are situated in the depths of our Consciousness, then it is precisely within the sympathetic nervous system that we encounter the mediator and guide to internal reality with its radiating network of sensitive ganglia, which not only influences the organs of the Soul but also governs, directs and controls the most important centers within the body; in the same mysterious manner it guides the marvel of conception to the birth of a new being, as well as the phenomena of the heart, kidneys, suprarenal capsules, generative glands, etc.

“On the other hand, the sympathetic nervous system as the authentic Spiritus Creator of the body with all its spirituality and sensitivity to the rhythms of life, attempts to balance all subordinate psychic and physical elements in the rhythm of the Universe through the direction of molecular currents and the crystallization of cosmic rays.

“Indeed, this Nervus Sympaticus is also a Nervus Ideoplasticus which must be understood as the mediator between our unconscious instinctual life and the moderation of living image impressed in our Spirit from many eternities. It is the great medium equilibrator which can pacify and reconcile the perpetual polarity in the rising and setting of the soul’s sun, in the manifestations of black and white, love and hate, God and devil, exaltation and discouragement.”

The Divine Androgyny from the first human root race, Adam Kadmon, procreated themselves with only willpower and magic imagination unity in vibrant harmony.

The ancient sages of the Kabbalah affirmed that such volitional and imaginative power was lost because of the fall into sin; this is why the human being was cast out of Eden.

The synthesis of this magnificent conception from the Hebraic Kabbalah is based on the tremendous truth. Therefore, the precise function of Sexual Magic is to reestablish the original Divine unity of paradisiacal Androgyny within ourselves.

A certain sage emphatically stated the following: “Sexual Magic works transfiguring the body and brings about an ideal accentuation within the soul of that which is sexual. For this reason only those beings who try to overcome the dualistic dilemma between the world of the soul and that of the sense are capable of Sexual Magic; those being who are endowed with innermost wakefulness, those who are absolutely free from any kind of hypocrisy, sanctimoniousness, denial or devaluation of life.”

-- Samael Aun Weor, Chapter 1, The Mystery of the Golden Blossom
Chela said:
Let us begin with this:
[Material omitted for brevity]
-- Samael Aun Weor, Chapter 1, The Mystery of the Golden Blossom

***Moderator warning***

Just a reminder, everyone, that posts which are really nothing more than copied sections of other people's material are discouraged according to the Code of Conduct. The material might be very relevant for the discussion but we don't want to risk getting in trouble for copyright violations.

If you must quote someone else's material, please keep the quote brief or instead provide your own summary along with a link or reference where people can look the material up themselves. Make your own posts part of the actual discussion by telling us all what it is you have to say about the issue!

I'm going to leave the posts in this thread intact for now as it's not clear what is quoted material and what might actually be the posters' own words -- but in the future please make it very obvious or else you might find posts are edited to conform to our Code of Conduct regarding copyright and quoting materials from other writers.


Ben Gruagach,
moderator, Alternative section of Comparative-Religion
Any Practical advice....on how to achieve this magical balance.......

Any couple is in need of sexual magic in order to engender a balance. What we are looking for, obviously, in the reconciliation of opposites, is a synthesis, the superior regenerative aspect to give us a balance.

Fortunately, we have such a synthesis lying latent in the depths of our soul, albeit in a sleeping state.

In order to awaken this subtle and volatile force, one must transform lead into gold and to witness the sun at midnight.

The transformative powers of our latent sexual-creative energy are tremendous.

People laugh and push aside sexual magic because they neither comprehend nor care about it, nevertheless, if these people where to understand Sexual Yoga, instead of laughing, they would be crying. To waste the formerly noted (yet rarely understood) tele-causal factors that ignite like fiery coals under the blazing fire between a Man and Woman is akin to selling one’s birthright for a bowl of porridge.

To ignite such fires requires ardent kisses, loving, tender expression... This is much is known to everyone. However, in order to keep the transformative and Volcanic furnace of God ignited, it is important to never loose the sexual creative energy.

To waste the sexual creative energy in a moment of fleeting desire, to abuse the sexual energy for bestial acts is precisely the conduct of unbecoming a Man (Woman). To keep it bottled up is no better, what we strive for is transmutation. This is accomplished through pranayama, meditation, vocalization, but nothing is more profound than sexual magic.

Sexual magic is properly performed when the couple begins and finishes coitus without any loss of sexual energy: no orgasm, no ejaculation. This will provide the energy needed to transform the psychology, the soul. This is they to achieve the balance. There is nothing more practical than this key, because it will transform one totally. The mind, being complicated, wants something complicated, in reality it is very simple.

This link will give more information:


In order to avoid such issues, Samael Aun Weor stated the following:

“Now, my dear friends, and forever, I renounce, have renounced and will go on renouncing copyrights. My only wish is that these books be sold at a low price, affordable to the poor, affordable to all the children of God. I wish that even the poorest, most destitute citizen be able to obtain these books with the few pennies he carries in his pocket.

In fact, I do not have any income, I do not demand anything in exchange for my works. Whoever wants to publish them let him publish, for the benefit of diseased mankind.”

Samael Aun Weor, Guadalajara, Mexico, 1976

I have already made many posts regarding my personal understanding, that was simply one post of seven pages of discussion! But I will refrain from such long quotes in the future if that is required.
Chela said:

In order to avoid such issues, Samael Aun Weor stated the following:
[Quote from Samael Aun Weor stating that he permits his work to be freely copied and distributed.]

I have already made many posts regarding my personal understanding, that was simply one post of seven pages of discussion! But I will refrain from such long quotes in the future if that is required.

Thanks for clarifying the copyright issue with regard to Samael Aun Weor's work. Please try to keep quotes of his material to a minimum, though, and focus more on your own words. People who see posts that are nothing more than long quoted sections of other authors' work might falsely come to the conclusion that it's OK to violate copyrights.

We're always interested in what our participants have to share. Please continue to give references to books etc. that might be relevant to the discussions, but also try to make sure the majority of the post is your own. People who are interested in the reference material are encouraged to look it up directly.