Sex Magik

bgruagach said:
If I'm understanding what you're saying, a sperm is only involved in an act of sexual magic when it meets with an egg in union, correct?
If one escapes and does not reach an egg, my understanding is that it is not considered fornication. That is an acceptable loss; how often if ever this happens, I don't know. However realize that even one drop of semen contains thousands of sperm, so even one drop escaping the body is fornication, but a single sperm that escapes without seminal loss is not.

Sexual energy is going to be used up in the sexual act. Hormones and chemicals are going to be released. It actually take a good deal of energy to sustain an erection and for a woman to become ready. But these are acceptable usages as well. It is nothing compared to energy loss of the orgasm/ejaculation.

bgruagach said:
By that definition a man fornicates every time he has an ejaculation, even if a baby is conceived. After all, in each ejaculation there are thousands of sperm, and only one of those joins with the woman's egg to fertilize it.
Right. Esoterically, fornication is the orgasm/ejaculation in any form.

Fornication is the method of sexuality of the animal kingdom; it is incredibly wasteful from an individual standpoint but it provides the Earth with energy its needs; the animal kingdoms are related with group-will. But once we reach the intellectual-animal kingdom (incorrectly called the human kingdom) things work differently because it is here that we begin to develop individuality. The current "humanity" is really just a physical human appearance with an intellectual animal mind, an animal will, and an animal sexual behavior. The true human is born when he dies to his animal sexuality by working with sexual transmutation, in order to become a "Twice-Born" to be "Born Again" of the Spirit. The true human is Christ Mind, Christ Emotion, and Christ Will. This is why Christ says that anyone who wants to follow me his must deny himself; that is to say, deny your animal self, to destroy it.

I died from the mineral kingdom and became a plant;
I died to vegetable nature and became an animal;
I died to animality and became a human being.
Next time I will die to human nature and lift up my head among the angels.
Once again I will leave angelic nature and become that which you cannot imagine.

Here Rumi is talking about the death of the human to become an angel. But what he is calling the human is really better worded as the intellectual animal, and the angel is the true human being.

So, when the animal gets intellect, God says, "Thou shalt not eat of the fruit of good and evil" because he wants us to eventually become a real human being. "Thou shalt not fornicate," which is the real wording of the Sixth Commandment, is related with the Sixth sephera, which is the seat of the human soul (Tiphereth, Superior Manas). So to reach the sixth sephera you have to listen to the sixth commandment.
Thanks for all the info, Chela. I read up a little more on this stuff and it seems to make sense now. Although, I read that you should not go straight into pranayama unless you have been prepared through daily meditation, etc. Although, I don't exactly agree with some of the biological aspects of this system (but they are trivial in any case), I do agree with the general idea and I see what you were saying before.

Here's the site I read where I read a little more about it. It's a yoga site apparently, so there are discussions on tantra and kundalini, etc..
moseslmpg said:
Thanks for all the info, Chela. I read up a little more on this stuff and it seems to make sense now. Although, I read that you should not go straight into pranayama unless you have been prepared through daily meditation, etc. Although, I don't exactly agree with some of the biological aspects of this system (but they are trivial in any case), I do agree with the general idea and I see what you were saying before.

Here's the site I read where I read a little more about it. It's a yoga site apparently, so there are discussions on tantra and kundalini, etc..

Different schools require different levels of preparation. The specific type of pranayama one should practice is HAM-SAH, explained in the fourth part of The Transmutation of Sexual Energy link below. Personally I think pranayama can be done by anyone, but it should be complimented with meditation.

I don't think any yogic school teaches the equivalent of sexual magic (white tantrism) publicly, some even keep their pranayama techniques secret. Many schools of left hand path teach black tantrism as a way to liberate consciousness. My advice is: Never play with desire and spirituality, especially when coming to sexual matters, because you can do a lot of harm to your soul.

More links:

The Transmutation of Sexual Energy, Parts 1, 2, 3 ,4
Kundalini, Tantra and Sexuality

The Basic Laws of Transmutation by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

Techniques of Sex Sublimation by Swami Sivananda
I feel kind of bad for dragging this on again, but I have come up with more questions:

Firstly, is the point here the desire or the actual orgasm? I ask this because in that link I provided above, in the tantra section the guy is talking about using bhakti (which I believe he equates with desire, all kinds not just sexual) to further spiritual development. Is this compatible with Samael and Swami Sivananda's systems or not?

Secondly, is all you have to do is Ham Sah pranayama as described there? I mean, Samael doesn't give that much instruction and I would be appreciative if someone could help me out, being a person that does not meditate at all right now.

Thirdly and most unrelatedly, why is Samael named after a demon/Demiurge? It kind of puts me off to him, along with his lack of citations to other sources.
Chela said:
The reason someone would want to work with the sexual energy is because this is the most powerful center and source of energy that a single person can harness.

The sexual energy is the same thing as the creative energy. We create with the sexual energy. So, we can call it the creative-sexual energy.

God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. His potential creative force is found within the man and woman as the creative-sexual energy. The Creative force of God is found within every person.

Do you see how the Creative-Sexual Energy is related with the Creator? The same type of energy that God used to create the universe is found in us, here and now.

So, there are different ways to work with this energy, and they are all related with creating something:

1) Creation of new physical bodies (babies).
2) Creation of desire when we crave for sexual stimulation (especially when we orgasm) - or - the creation of aversion when we develop fear or hatred of sex; this repression or craving of sexuality creates sub-consciously.
3) Creation of the soul through sexual transmutation; this creates a super-conscious nature.

White tantra is the only means to create the soul. When the sexual energy is transformed inside of the body, instead of creating a new physical body, it creates the internal bodies, the soul. These internal bodies are like a very high wattage light bulb, they allow the super high voltage of Christ to enter into the individual and enlighten him.

Does this make sense?

Sorry for the late response.

So Basically, are you saying, having children is an act of humans exercising our GOD given power?
moseslmpg said:
I feel kind of bad for dragging this on again, but I have come up with more questions:

Firstly, is the point here the desire or the actual orgasm? I ask this because in that link I provided above, in the tantra section the guy is talking about using bhakti (which I believe he equates with desire, all kinds not just sexual) to further spiritual development. Is this compatible with Samael and Swami Sivananda's systems or not?

Secondly, is all you have to do is Ham Sah pranayama as described there? I mean, Samael doesn't give that much instruction and I would be appreciative if someone could help me out, being a person that does not meditate at all right now.

Thirdly and most unrelatedly, why is Samael named after a demon/Demiurge? It kind of puts me off to him, along with his lack of citations to other sources.
The point of white tantra is the elimination of desire. So that page you found is the polar opposite of what I am attempting to elucidate. This is a good example, because people of the left hand path (black tantra) and the right hand path (white tantra) use the same exact vocabulary yet they speak different things. So be careful!

Tantra that includes the orgasm uses the sexual energy to awaken the consciousness within the Inferior Worlds (The Infernio, Kliopth, Hell). Remember that awakening the consciousness is a duality, if one awakens within desire, in Hell, then they gain powers within that region, yet they are still bound by karma and they have no power over true adepts who live in the Superior Worlds. People do not understand that there is two ways to awaken, and many begin to awaken negatively and believe they are awakeningpositively just because some "para-normal" experiences occur.

If you perform the Ham Sah pranayama every day for 10 minutes you will begin to learn how to transmute the sexual energy. You can perform this for longer, for as long as you wish really. The pranayama technique is actually very simple. Perform it without thought; one should not try to transmute through the intellect because it is not the intellect that does the transformation, it is the atomic intelligence within you that is called the Divine Mother Kundalini that performs it. Just as your intellect cannot digest your food, or take the air into your blood, the same is true with the transmutation. Is this all you have to do? No, you have to utilize this transmuted energy in order to aid your creative comprehension of your self (ego). This is something that takes a lifetime to master.

You have to begin self observation and everything that goes along with it. It is too much to say here but there are a number of books Samael Aun Weor. Try reading Revolutionary Psychology or posting questions here.

People have a very incipient understanding of the Logos Samael.

Samael is one of the Seven Thrones before God. The Seven Logoi are:

1. Moon - Regent Gabriel
2. Mercury - Regent Raphael
3. Venus - Regent Uriel
4. Sun - Regent Michael
5. Mars - Regent Samael
6. Jupiter - Regent Zachariel
7. Saturn - Regent Orifiel

Samael Aun Weor is the Human Soul of the Logos Samael. Samael is the Fifth of the Seven principles that palpitate within each atom of the infinite cosmos. A monad called Aun Weor self realized itself and then went even further to self realize the "Samael" within. So there is Samael the Logos and Samael Aun Weor the human soul.

If you study the Kabbalah you know that Samael is present next to Eve when she ate the fruit and thus fell. Samael is the related with the strength of Geburah, and by strength we mean sexual strength. Let us remember Samson; the hair is the key to understanding the story of Samson, who falls asleep after his hair, “his strength,” is cut off. Here in the Bible, strength is really sexual strength or chastity. So when Samson loses his hair, he loses his strength. This means that he falls psychologically asleep when he begins to profane the sexual force; he fell to the temptations of Delilah, he fornicated with her and thus he lost his strength.

So Samael was next Eve when she ate the fruit because Samael is the sexual strength and eating the fruit is the orgasm. Samael is always vibrating in the sexual act. Samael works through the sexual act. Thus, Samael Aun Weor's doctrine is based entirely on the intelligent use of the sexual energy. Samael, which again is the fifth of the seven principles, being the (sexual) strength within each individual, is "blind" in the fact that "he" (your sexual strength that vibrates within the sphere of Geburah) will convert you into an Angel or a Demon depending upon how you use "him" (the sexual strength). Thus he is called a "blind god". Combine with with the fact that Samael Aun Weor was a fallen angel for many centuries and we find much literature referring to Samael as Satan or the Devil.

“Now the archon (ruler) who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas (“fool”), and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, ‘I am God and there is no other God beside me,’ for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.”

The above quote is from the Apocryphon of John which related the Demiurge to the three primary forces which in the human body are the mind (Yaltabaoth), the emotion (Saklas) and the sex (Samael). And Samael is ignorant of his (sexual) strength, the place from which he had come because we have forgotten how to use sex the right way. In this way, the Demiurge is our own creative powers. Also realize that every Cosmo Creator is Demiurge and the creator of all good and evil (evolution and devolution), but the ignorant demiurge is the one that is within. That demiurge power is within everyone to a degree, thus we use those seven principles in the negative way to create a false creation (the ego) traps the spirit within it and that causes all the suffering in the world.

As for citations, that really is not necessary for anyone who is looking for the truth. You will find the truth inside of yourself, this is why one must awaken their consciousness in the positive manner. Let us remember H.B.P., a brilliant woman who had much compassion for humanity. She delivered works that contained thousands of citations, yet, the intellectuals reject it anyway. Ultimately nothing satisfies someone who does not search within, and really Samael Aun Weor is not too concerned with convincing the incredulous; he has no concern for believers or followers, if YOU don't know the truth than nothing else matters. The skepticism that intellectuals love is just a nice way to cover up their profound ignorance, because the skeptical intellectual knows that he can never really know the truth. The intellect knows NOTHING, and those who know nothing but the intellect consequently know nothing about these matters. The worst type of intellectual is a spiritual intellectual because this one takes the most divine things and transforms them into torpid cages of the mind in which they not only ensnare themselves, but everyone else they can recite their absurd theories to regarding god; theories, which by the way, in reality, they have never actually experienced. The intellectuals are the Pharasees in the Bible that Jesus call a generation of Vipers. Thus those who criticized H.P.B. concerning, for example, the Books of Dzyan are manifestly ignorant, because today we know that these texts came from the same or similar source of the Tibetan Kalachakra. Yet those skeptics with their theories stated these books were a figment of H.P.B.'s imagination, they called her a liar and charlatan, etc., etc., simply because they could not find a source with their limited scope (skeptic) of perception.
YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
Sorry for the late response.

So Basically, are you saying, having children is an act of humans exercising our GOD given power?
Yes, that is a way to use the creative power.

Yet, there are other, superior, ways to use the creative power.

When someone transmutes the sexual energy, either through sexual magic or through a practice such as pranayama, they use the creative power to create a spiritual nature within. This is how we create the soul.

The earth has four basic kingdoms: mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, animal kingdom and human kingdom.

This entire "humanity" is really not human, it is more correct to say that we are in the animal kingdom. We are animals with intellect, or intellectual animals.

This is because although we have the appearance of a man, our emotion, our mind and our sexual behavior is that of an animal.

Only animals reach the orgasm in order to procreate.

True, legitimate, authentic sexual expression of a human being is sexual transmutation.

Thus, when we enter into the intellectual animal kingdom, we are told, "If you want to reach the real human kingdom, you must not eat from the Tree of Good and Evil."

This is the way it is told in Genesis that we should not fornicate (reach orgasm).

Verdi knew this when he wrote his opera Mephistopheles; in the first act a lustful couple is characterized has having sex under the Tree.

Religions teach to refrain from the sexual act because they are supposed to teach sexual transmutation. But many religions have forgotten this mystery and have replaced it with a crude sexual abstinence that never does anything good.

Moses, the great initiate, condemns the spilling of the semen, he stated: “And if any man’s seed of copulation go out from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the even. And every garment, and every skin, whereon is the seed of copulation, shall be washed with water, and be unclean until the even.

The woman also with whom man shall lie with seed of copulation, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the even.” - Leviticus 15: 16, 17, 18

There is a literal understanding of this line of scripture, and there is the allegorical understanding. The literal understanding is evident. The allegorical understanding is that one remains unclean until the "even" which represents the darkness (subconsciousness) that one must enter into through the door of meditation. One has to meditate on their lust, and clean every atom of their mind that is unclean. And being washed with the water reminds us of the baptism, which itself is a symbol of sexual transmutation. When a couple bathes in the waters together, they are performing sexual magic.

So, sexual magic is the superior way to use the sexual nature within ourselves. And, when we totally die to every part of ourselves that is an animal, we resurrect within Christ. Once this is done, even sexual magic must end, because the superior creation is completed.
moseslmpg said:
I feel kind of bad for dragging this on again, but I have come up with more questions..

Please do not hesitate to ask anything. I do not have any problem explaining these things. It is the right of everyone to understand the ways to awaken the consciousness and to remove their karmic debts.
Ah, ok the Samael stuff makes sense now. I had not considered the characterization of the blind god as Geburah. Is all of this stuff on that site? Because I start to realize that I know most of these things but in the wrong way, and I could ask questions forever and never get anywhere because I don't know the basic material. For instance, where can one find a reliable source of the thrones before God, etc.? I can't wait to get started with this.

Also, you guys can call me Moses. The lmpg makes it sound so formal. :p

Edit: While we're on the subject, how exactly does one start with Samael? I mean, he wrote like a trillion books. Which ones are the important ones?
Chela said:
Yes, that is a way to use the creative power.

Yet, there are other, superior, ways to use the creative power.

When someone transmutes the sexual energy, either through sexual magic or through a practice such as pranayama, they use the creative power to create a spiritual nature within. This is how we create the soul.

The earth has four basic kingdoms: mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, animal kingdom and human kingdom.

This entire "humanity" is really not human, it is more correct to say that we are in the animal kingdom. We are animals with intellect, or intellectual animals.

This is because although we have the appearance of a man, our emotion, our mind and our sexual behavior is that of an animal.

Only animals reach the orgasm in order to procreate.

True, legitimate, authentic sexual expression of a human being is sexual transmutation.

Thus, when we enter into the intellectual animal kingdom, we are told, "If you want to reach the real human kingdom, you must not eat from the Tree of Good and Evil."

This is the way it is told in Genesis that we should not fornicate (reach orgasm).

Verdi knew this when he wrote his opera Mephistopheles; in the first act a lustful couple is characterized has having sex under the Tree.

Religions teach to refrain from the sexual act because they are supposed to teach sexual transmutation. But many religions have forgotten this mystery and have replaced it with a crude sexual abstinence that never does anything good.

Moses, the great initiate, condemns the spilling of the semen, he stated: “And if any man’s seed of copulation go out from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the even. And every garment, and every skin, whereon is the seed of copulation, shall be washed with water, and be unclean until the even.

The woman also with whom man shall lie with seed of copulation, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the even.” - Leviticus 15: 16, 17, 18

There is a literal understanding of this line of scripture, and there is the allegorical understanding. The literal understanding is evident. The allegorical understanding is that one remains unclean until the "even" which represents the darkness (subconsciousness) that one must enter into through the door of meditation. One has to meditate on their lust, and clean every atom of their mind that is unclean. And being washed with the water reminds us of the baptism, which itself is a symbol of sexual transmutation. When a couple bathes in the waters together, they are performing sexual magic.

So, sexual magic is the superior way to use the sexual nature within ourselves. And, when we totally die to every part of ourselves that is an animal, we resurrect within Christ. Once this is done, even sexual magic must end, because the superior creation is completed.

Wow, that is very interesting.
Why is it refered to as Magic?
I assume because it involves a conscious direction of the will in the act of sexual transmutation.

On a related note, this Ham Sah stuff is not working for me. In fact, it seems to have been counterproductive, if you know what I mean.
moseslmpg said:
Ah, ok the Samael stuff makes sense now. I had not considered the characterization of the blind god as Geburah. Is all of this stuff on that site? Because I start to realize that I know most of these things but in the wrong way, and I could ask questions forever and never get anywhere because I don't know the basic material. For instance, where can one find a reliable source of the thrones before God, etc.? I can't wait to get started with this.

Also, you guys can call me Moses. The lmpg makes it sound so formal. :p

Edit: While we're on the subject, how exactly does one start with Samael? I mean, he wrote like a trillion books. Which ones are the important ones?
This depends upon you. Revolutionary Psychology, The Great Rebellion, Introduction to Gnosis, are all good, but different books. If you want to know about sexual magic, mantras, exercises, etc., then, The Perfect Matrimony and The Mystery of the Golden Blossom are good sources. The Pistis Sophia Unveiled is the most superior expression of his doctrine, yet much more difficult to understand. You can buy books here (many are out of print right now though).

This link is good for beginner information.

These courses on Meditation, Dream Yoga, and Karma are also good. There are many more courses on that site, such as The Transformation of Energy which deal with tantrism, and the Gnostic Kabbalah along with the 22 Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah which are excellent, yet denser.

moseslmpg said:
On a related note, this Ham Sah stuff is not working for me. In fact, it seems to have been counterproductive, if you know what I mean.
I’m not sure what you mean by counterproductive. We have to have a lot of patience in these studies. I would try reading the meditation course and just begin with learning how to relax the body. Then move on to relaxing the mind, letting it rest. Then try pranayama. But even then, it takes time and effort to see the effects, which will not always been physical or sensual (although they can be).
YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
Wow, that is very interesting.
Why is it refered to as Magic?
Moses was right when he said: it involves a conscious direction of the will in the act of sexual transmutation.

Our society has degenerated the word "magic."

Magic is nothing more than directed will.

Remember the tree Magi that visited Jesus. They were Magi, Magicians (in the real sense). A magi is a priest. The true priest is a magician. The true craft of magic is the sacred acts of preisthood.

The true magician is the not the terrestrial person, but the Father in Heaven. Thus, Jesus said, "THY WILL BE DONE."

Thy = God's
Alright, thanks a bunch Chela! You've been and continue to be a great help on this matter.

Chela said:
I’m not sure what you mean by counterproductive. We have to have a lot of patience in these studies. I would try reading the meditation course and just begin with learning how to relax the body. Then move on to relaxing the mind, letting it rest. Then try pranayama. But even then, it takes time and effort to see the effects, which will not always been physical or sensual (although they can be).
By counterproductive, I mean the opposite effect transmutation. Like how transmutation is supposed to stop certain things from happening at certain times of the night etc. I don't know what I did wrong, but until last night, that particular occurence had not happened for something like 3 years. Is that normal or what?

Excuse me for being too forward, or not forward enough. I don't talk about this subject much. I'm not sure if I should be embarassed either, so I'll take a middle stance.
moseslmpg said:
Alright, thanks a bunch Chela! You've been and continue to be a great help on this matter.

By counterproductive, I mean the opposite effect transmutation. Like how transmutation is supposed to stop certain things from happening at certain times of the night etc. I don't know what I did wrong, but until last night, that particular occurence had not happened for something like 3 years. Is that normal or what?

Excuse me for being too forward, or not forward enough. I don't talk about this subject much. I'm not sure if I should be embarassed either, so I'll take a middle stance.
I see; I know exactly what you are talking about because I have gone through that process. It is very painful and embarrassing.

Really, that is actually a sign telling you that although you have stimulated your sexual energy, your internal pathways and subconsciousness still do not know how to transmute. This is like when you dig out a pathway in the jungle, or when a river has dug its path, it takes a lot of effort to change the direction of that river, the body has to make the flow go inwards and upwards, and today it is very used to going downwards and outwards.

Transmutation is a learning process of the mind and the body. It takes time and a level of willpower that is unknown to most. It will test you to the ends of your wits and this is why it is called The Path of the Razor's Edge...
Remember, the aim is not to suppress the seminal energy but to sublimate it. You do not know how to sublimate it. Learn the techniques of sublimation. But before that you should know what is the meaning of sublimation of seminal energy. […]

If the sexual energy is transmuted into ojas or spiritual energy by pure thoughts, it is called sex sublimation in western psychology. Sublimation is not a matter of suppression or repression, but a positive, dynamic, conversion process. It is the process of controlling the sex energy, conserving it, then diverting it into higher channels, and finally, converting it into spiritual energy or ojas shakti. The material energy is changed into spiritual energy, just as heat is changed into light and electricity. Just as a chemical substance is sublimated or purified by raising the substance through heat into vapor which again is condensed into solid form, so also, the sexual energy is purified and changed into divine energy by spiritual sadhana.
Ojas is spiritual energy that is stored up in the brain. By entertaining sublime, soul-elevating thoughts of the Self or atman, by meditation, japa, worship and pranayama, the sexual energy can be transmuted into ojas shakti and stored up in the brain. This stored up energy can then be utilized for divine contemplation and spiritual pursuits.

Anger and muscular energy can also be transmuted into ojas. A man who has a great deal of ojas in his brain can turn out immense mental work. He is very intelligent. He has lustrous eyes and a magnetic aura in his face. He can influence people by speaking a few words. A short speech of his produces a tremendous impression on the minds of the hearers. His speech is thrilling. He has an awe-inspiring personality. - Swami Sivananda
Chela said:
Moses was right when he said: it involves a conscious direction of the will in the act of sexual transmutation.

Our society has degenerated the word "magic."

Magic is nothing more than directed will.

Remember the tree Magi that visited Jesus. They were Magi, Magicians (in the real sense). A magi is a priest. The true priest is a magician. The true craft of magic is the sacred acts of preisthood.

The true magician is the not the terrestrial person, but the Father in Heaven. Thus, Jesus said, "THY WILL BE DONE."

Thy = God's

So, what are "magicians"?
A magician or magickian is commonly understood to be someone that directs their will towards the manipulation of (their) reality and/or creation of entities, etc. A magician is usually characterized by creation (especially of "lower" worlds), whereas a mystic is usually characterized by dissolution or absorption into the Absolute principle.

That's my understanding anyway.
YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
So, what are "magicians"?

A true magician is a true priest, a true monk, a true yogi, a true magi.
moseslmpg said:
A magician or magickian is commonly understood to be someone that directs their will towards the manipulation of (their) reality and/or creation of entities, etc. A magician is usually characterized by creation (especially of "lower" worlds), whereas a mystic is usually characterized by dissolution or absorption into the Absolute principle.

That's my understanding anyway.

good explanation.