Suggestions on a straightforward translation of Tao

Concerning the query of the Original Post (OP) for
A simple straight forward translation of the Tao
has been provided, for myself at least, by Witter Bynner in the statement:
"The Way to do is to be."

As with many simply stated truths, such as "to thy own self be true," When they are closely examined, rather than just repeated by rote, via the mechanism of, as luecy7 put it, "mental masturbation" they appear to expand almost exponentially.

Many of the lessons to be found within the study of the Tao are like this, hence their somewhat cryptic nature. "Mental masturbation" is insufficient to achieve the fullness of these lessons and therefore Mr. Bynner's suggestion is of significant import.

The Way to Do (Tao) is to be (Tao).
The Way to do (The Way) is to be (The Way).

Not a separate part from The Way
for this would require of one a precarious balancing act(ion).
Nor is it enough to be a part of The Way
for it is here that distinctions from the Tao are drawn.
Nay, one must BE The Way
be the fullness of the Tao that is the Way.
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The picture of the "Three Vinegar Tasters," that has been so graciously posted by Seattlegal (thank you), appears to lack sufficient detail, at this resolution and with this screen size, for the casual observer to discern the fullness of the facial expressions of the three worthies illustrated. It is of some small import to note, upon closer study, that while the likenesses of both Confucious and Sidharta show frowns, most probably from the bitterness (low Ph) of the impure acetic acid solution (vinegar) being sampled, the likeness of Lao Tzu simulates a smile.

As a rhetorical question, Could not one state that this illustration reflects somewhat upon the outlook of the similar, but differing, philosophies?
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I have neglected this thread. Thank you DrumR for your insights, I shall read through what you said more closely, but what I have read so far is a much appreciated perspective.
Any thoughts on the Tao of Pooh or the Te of Piglet?

Note while this may not sound serious it is, I heard these two are a great light introduction and tease/enticement/preparation for serious inquiry.

Oh bother.

So I haven't gotten very far in studying the Tao, but I did buy the Pooh and Piglet books for someone, who I though needed to see a relaxed view of life, and at times we read a bit out loud before going to bed. I agree that it is a good introduction and it touches on all the points without going too deep. I'm somewhat resistant though because it takes such a hard, negative view on clever (Rabbit) and knowledgeable (Owl) and I don't respond well to superiority. I prefer to see the merit of all things.
Hehe, thanks seattlegal, it doesn't get any more straightforward than that I think. It wasn't what I had in mind but it's really cool and I will keep this and compare other works to it.

And thank you Snoopy and wil. Pooh and piglet, as in winnie the pooh? I have only seen the cartoon as a kid but I think I remember a simple sort of philosophy that might meld well with the tao.

I will also see if I can find a copy of Ray Grigg.
Oh, I know this post is years old and the poster possibly long gone -- but the Tao of Pooh was a book that was popular in the early 90s. It may be a little older than that though. I never read it but saw it over and over again when I worked in a bookstore at that time.