'You will burn in hell!'

The zealots cannot help themselves...

They feel they have the answers to the world and have been kicked out of a dozen forums for getting in folks faces and then they find us...
Note: I am not against Christianity as a personal belief. What rankles me is preaching (which perhaps should not be done in this forum).
I tend to think it's not religion that's preached here, it's opinion and prejudice.

This thread was started by someone who's ignorance was only matched by their prejudice. The Welsh equivalent of the Westboro Baptist Church!
So who is wrong? Moses or Jeremiah? Both prophets! One is lying. Are they all lying? Is Jesus lying? We have a saying in India when you cook rice, you check only one grain. I find the grain false. What is to prove that they are all not lying? Just making up what is convenient to them at that time.

Note: I am not against Christianity as a personal belief. What rankles me is preaching (which perhaps should not be done in this forum).

You are the one using the word "preaching". Why not "interfaith" discussions? I hope you are not against interfaith discussions.

Moses was not wrong. He simply used "pichuach nephesh" to succeed effecting the Exodus from Egypt. Pichuach nephesh is an allowance in Judaism to break a commandment in order to uphold a more important one.

Moses had been commanded to take the Israelites out of Egypt and, probably, he had been questioned about sacrifices as part of the religion of Israel and, probably he must have denied them as a pagan method to worship.

Realizing that he had made a mistake and would lose the chance to fulfill God's command, he used pichuach nephesh by saying that God had ordered the sacrifices.

Since with History the Israelites were exaggerating with those rituals, Jeremiah revealed the secret that God had never ordered sacrifices of animals. (Jer. 7:22)

Therefore, neither Moses nor Jeremiah was lying. Evidence of the fact is that, if sacrifices had been ordained for the sins of the people, how could be explained that after 70 years of exile in Babylon with not a single animal sacrifice, at the end of the exile, the sins that had caused the exile had been forgiven to all? (Dan. 9:24)
Who else used "pichuach nephesh"? Did they all use it? Munafiqun! Say so if it suits you, otherwise deny. Why did Moses have to use the word 'sacrifice' instead of 'praying' when 'praying' also could have got him what he got by using 'sacrifice'?
I have been posting on another forum where some 'born again' Christian posters seem to be salivating at the idea of heathens like myself burning in hell forever and ever. How sick is that? They also keep saying the deity is a 'God of love', can't they see that condemning people to burn in hell for mere unbelief would be the act of an evil psycho?

I peronally think that our faith is not what matters most. I guess that our behaviour is more important. Let's make an example. Some of you perhaps already know Tomas de Torquemada, a Spanish inquisition member. He is one of the worst catholic inquisitors in the whole history. He hath killed hundreds of people among Jews, atheists and heretics. So, on the other hand, we have mother Teresa. She dedicated her whole life healing poor and sick people, no matter if they were Christians or Hindus or Muslims. Yet both Tomas and Teresa were Roman Catholics and they both thought they were doing the right thing.
Or we can have an opposite example. Let's think of Hitler and Stalin. They had opposite believes, they were enemies, but we don't know who hath been worst.
So, I believe that you don't need to believe in Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc., but you have to respect your neighbour, and as long as you do this you can also be atheist without any fear.
Hi progettoecumene
I peronally think that our faith is not what matters most. I guess that our behaviour is more important.
Agreed. As the song goes, 'it's not what you do, it's the reason why you do it'. Thus morality and ethics comes into play. Our beliefs shape our actions?

So, I believe that you don't need to believe in Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc., but you have to respect your neighbour, and as long as you do this you can also be atheist without any fear.
Agreed. You don't need to believe in God to justify respecting one's neighbour.

The way I see it, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha etc., were more about a different way of seeing oneself, and one's neighbour. A Buddhist, for example, will see his or her neighbour in 'a different light' to that of, say, a secular humanist, although how they behave towards their neighbour might appear exactly the same.

Welcome aboard.
Who else used "pichuach nephesh"? Did they all use it? Munafiqun! Say so if it suits you, otherwise deny. Why did Moses have to use the word 'sacrifice' instead of 'praying' when 'praying' also could have got him what he got by using 'sacrifice'?

No, it could not. Perhaps you have no idea what is 430 years of slavery in a country of animal sacrifices to enhance the religion of the Egyptians. That was enough time for many dreams to be dreamed of a Jewish religion with priests and sacrifices. No wonder as Moses spent 40 days up on Mount Sinai the people got bored and built a golden calf to offer animal sacrifices to it.