Senior Moments

Senior moment from Friday: brought in the wrong rent certificate for my homestead. Gotta bring in the amended certificate Monday (I loathe dealing with the person who's doing my homestead tax form with a passion, but I could use the refund...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Today my mother asked if I could get a senior discount at IKEA, but I said that they would likely need an ID which qualifies for that.
A "senior moment" today was that I forgot to ask my new cardiologist about an ACE inhibitor (especially since my BP has gone rather low...)

I don't want to end up passing out!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Senior moment: grateful that I took a pain killer against back pain before going to the counter-protests today where we tried to block flag-waving nazis from parading through town on this national holiday of the German Reunion.
Forgot to schedule two doctor's appointments (one with my PCP, the other with my ophthalmologist.) I don't want to delay the eye doctor since I had minor cataracts last time, and I don't want to end up having to undergo two different operations like my late mother (she first underwent cataract surgery, then she ended up with a detached retina [the retinal surgery failed, plus it made her cancer diagnosis that more difficult].)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Senior moment: grateful that I took a pain killer against back pain before going to the counter-protests today where we tried to block flag-waving nazis from parading through town on this national holiday of the German Reunion.

Oh dear :(
I suffer from back pain .. it can be quite debilitating at times.

This increasing nationalism in the world is very disturbing.
Everybody wants a "bigger share of the pie", yet on death, it becomes irrelevant.
Oh dear :(
I suffer from back pain .. it can be quite debilitating at times.

This increasing nationalism in the world is very disturbing.
Everybody wants a "bigger share of the pie", yet on death, it becomes irrelevant.

Unfortunately for everyone, there's also racism/sexism/agism/etc. besides nationalism haunting our footsteps. "We" just put blinders on for the ultimate equalizer that you mentioned, Death.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Guess I'll stick this here rather than starting a new thread as it's something that often happens to us as we get older....

"Our Parent's Words Coming Out of Our Mouths!"

Mom always insisted on doing the laundry, but had the one stipulation that we empty the pockets of any clothes put into the laundry bin. This of course came under penalty of death! I can still here her plain as day, "For goodness sake, make sure there's nothing in the pockets!" Damn, I hated that... :mad:

Well, fast forward 40 some odd years and then some and I find myself the one relegated to doing the laundry. As the wife was leaving for work today, she asked if I'd wash her work clothes. Out of my mouth without even thinking, "Make sure there's nothing in the pockets!" :eek:
You're looking at senior moments the wrong way. It's not about loss, instead, it is about reinvention. Us old dogs have much to offer with years of wisdom and experience. Don't be afraid to take risks especially now as a senior. Life is an adventure, and one must live to the fullest no matter what your age may be. As a matter of fact, I am 65 years old and Wednesday I am meeting my new scuba diving instructor and at that time I will get a medical release form for my doctor to authorize.

By far, learning how to scuba dive will one great achievement
I'm with you, one year older ... first sign of dementia or some debilitating condition and I'm joining a 'dangerous sports' club!

Scuba Diving? How about Shark Annoying?
I'm with you, one year older ... first sign of dementia or some debilitating condition and I'm joining a 'dangerous sports' club!
You are a year older than me, how do you stay young? Are you a risk taker? I sat in my own world for 34 years of my life and since that time I started college and graduated with honors while working part time. Lately, my wife and I are renovating our house inside and out with a new roof and siding, new flooring in three rooms and completely renovated bathroom, however, neither my wife or myself are talented carpenters but we are able to have these things done.
Two separate "senior moments" of mine:

1) I forgot to let my DB know that mom's memorial prayer/ritual takes place tomorrow night (he needs that long to make sure that he does it)

2) I misplaced one of my winter gloves (I don't require it right now luckily!)

At least I remember to keep a safer distance between me and other people whenever possible (same cannot be said about several of my neighbors or several kids/"kids" that I've encountered while shopping!)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine