Senior Moments

A joke for all of us:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
In my case, 'Where did I leave my spectacles or match-box (I use safety-matches to light my cigarettes, was never enamored of lighters)?" A constant question.
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In my case, 'Where did I leave my spectacles or match-box...

Those ****** beedis are so hard to quit, aren't they?
Never mind .. there are surely worse things than smoking .. but it would be nice to be free of it, all the same.
Not beedis, but the modern version, cigarettes. My youngest brother was hooked on beedis (alas, he is no more. Alcohol took him away). They are too strong for me. Covid-19 and lock-downs changed the scene in India (cigarettes and paan shops were closed for five months). Now I am down to one cigarette a day, just for old-times sake. :D
My wife gives me one cigarette in the morning for the day. I have to manage with that unless I am able to raid her stock and pilfer one extra. :D
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I just got back from the ophthalmologist, and I need to undergo cataract surgery in both eyes, especially the left eye.. :bigcry:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I just got back from the ophthalmologist, and I need to undergo cataract surgery in both eyes, especially the left eye.. b:bigcry:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Very sorry to hear that Phyllis. But at least they'll get it fixed for you

This growing up lark is not half as much as it's cracked up to be, is it?
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I just got back from the ophthalmologist, and I need to undergo cataract surgery in both eyes, especially the left eye.. b:bigcry:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
No surgery is without risk, without potential problems, but I’m confident you’ll do fine. My wife had both eyes done a few years back. May you be blessed with r’fuah sh’leima - the wholeness of healing.
No longer sure where to put things here on the list but just wanted to make a confession. These last few days I had been going at work like I was 30 again, and it has taken its toll on me. The heat combined with loss of bodily fluids has forced me to make a concession and take off today. :( Sure, I could have shifted into cruise control and just kept going, but my conscious was bothering me and I knew that my production would not be up to my usual standards. So I decided to take a short hiatus and come back strong next week, when my talents as a finisher will be most needed, as the jobs I am working on have reached a critical point and the owners are needing to see what all this labor they are paying for is about (the finished product).

I hate getting old but try to bear it with as much dignity as I can muster. :(

By work I mean real work and not posting here on this list, which is practically effortless and will continue.