What/Who Is God?

One of the most common misquotes. Money is not evil..."The love of money is the root of all evil." Greed is the evil. One cannot serve both G!d and Mammon (money).

Indeed. Money in itself is a blessing. [ and also a test ]

It is how we spend it and obtain it that decides whether it is a benefit or a hindrance to our souls.
Being rich is not a crime, but there are very few people in the world that become rich lawfully :(

..hence the saying about the camel going through the eye of the needle.
Nope, it didn't (of course neither did mine after 20 years) things happen, people change...

Another fun thing...there was a painting a member made that had a contest to win...a number of us entered and my entry won somehow.(wonder if anyone can find that?) But I gave it to the bride and groom..

I thought I remembered it right. As for the bride and groom, not sure if I'm getting them right but I think it was Ms. GreyMare and Quoham1? Even though it had all already happened long before I read it in the archives, I found myself wanting to intervene, "No, don't trust that little man, Ms. GreyMare!", but alas. Dude had an ill-favored look to him, and so skinny... Looked like a toothpick with a hairball stuck on the end of it.

Even though the star-crossed marriage very quickly hit the skids, I find myself still wondering what happened to them. Mysteries upon mysteries, I never could resist a mystery.
Thanks, Stranger. That appreciably improved my morale! :)
More confidant to face the world. :D

Glad to hear it! These days I find fulfilment in my service to others, and I owe it all to you folk here at IO. I was but a penniless stranger down on his luck, but you found me and helped me get back on my feet, nourished me as a mother would care for a newborn child. I will forever be a debtor, but can repay only as I am allowed. :(
Yeah, we are always in debts. In Hinduism, they say 'three debts' (Rina-traya): To the sages, study of the Vedas (Rishi-rina); to ancestors, a son (Pitr-rina); and to Gods, worship (Deva-rina). And three goals; artha (material success); dharma (righteous social behavior); and kama (sensual pleasures). :D
Yeah, we are always in debts. In Hinduism, they say 'three debts' (Rina-traya): To the sages, study of the Vedas (Rishi-rina); to ancestors, a son (Pitr-rina); and to Gods, worship (Deva-rina). And three goals; artha (material success); dharma (righteous social behavior); and kama (sensual pleasures). :D

Wow, my head is spinning. El complicato. I must simplify by saying, "I do what I can".
Or as I say, "the best I can with what the Good Lord gave me."

Yes, this is true Juan. From my own Christian tradition, John 5: "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."

Has anyone looked up the definition of "Gestalt"?

If prophecy exists in the Bible, and clearly it does, then this current world we live in is a program.
Apart from time, the Lord knows our future.
- It is a known.

The Essene's are perceived to be the group who are responsible for the Dead Sea Scroll's.
Which under scrutiny and research reveals that our present translations or versions are largely accurate, regarding the old testament writings.
Every program has a programmer of it. But regarding this current world system, since the "Fall"... who is the Programmer?
(But, either way, it is a known, apart from time.)

(Should I post a picture of the book?)

Stranger -
"There has been a rift, and all creation seeks to bridge the gap, perhaps due to the half remembered dream of what once was. I call this "organic symbolism"... Here is the stage, the battleground, the game, the heart-wrenching struggle. Here we operate at a disadvantage and are constricted to the cards we have been dealt."

Regarding "the sin of the world", the price has been paid by Christ. Redemption and re unification takes place in the believer.
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Redemption and re unification takes place in the believer.
Even in a non-believer. Redemption is to accept one's wrong and to do better the next time. Reunification is with what? We all (humans, animals, vegetation and non-living substances) probably started from a ball of energy at the time of inflation. We are still that. There is no separation and no reunion, only understanding of this.
organic symbolism"..
Being picky I'm not sure the word 'organic' encompasses all nature which includes the mineral kingdom and also suns and neutron stars and light and radiation and all the particles and forces that are manifest in time and space? It's all filed under nature, imo
  1. the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
  2. "God's plans for the redemption of his world"
  3. the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.
Key word here, is "Regaining", Aupmanyav. According to Revelation 12:4
Corbet, apparently, which Adam and Eve became part of, post Fall.

According to the chief rebel's design.

An alternate timeline, and paradigm.
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Regarding "the sin of the world", the price has been paid by Christ. Redemption and re unification takes place in the believer.

Geo, yes, this is from the Christian perspective. The molds have been prepared from of old. All that remains now is for us to pour ourselves into them.
Being picky I'm not sure the word 'organic' encompasses all nature which includes the mineral kingdom and also suns and neutron stars and light and radiation and all the particles and forces that are manifest in time and space? It's all filed under nature, imo

Yes, my term for it is very loose but then I am perhaps not as picky as I should be. Organic, nature, the ten thousand things -- all just words we use to designate a mystery. This is also good: "As below, so above, and as above, so below." It shows the connectivity of both realms while retaining the integrity of the same. Above is still above and below is still below.
"It shows the connectivity of both realms while retaining the integrity of the same. Above is still above and below is still below."

Yes. That's been the issue since the Fall.
Jesus is bringing heaven with Him.