What/Who Is God?

Only a couple of times that I remember. However, my memory is not what it used to be. But this is beside the point.
If you have a specific complaint against the staff on this site I'm sure it can be sorted out ...
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Dream on, my brother, lol. The degenerative philosophy of conflict resolution is the product of one mind (I have no idea how so many have bought into it) if I am not mistaken. However it is not my true bent. It leads them to seek false saviors in an endless cycle of temporal relief. No, tensions needn't be created artificially. They occur naturally if we only give them time. Many are impatient and settle for the help of little "gods", when only a little patience and faith would bring them to the everlasting arms, where true and lasting relief can be found. Here I compare the strange fire of the temporal with the true and everlasting fire of the Most High. It doesn't take much guesswork to determine who is going to get the short end of the stick.
The degenerative philosophy of conflict resolution is the product of one mind (I have no idea how so many have bought into it) if I am not mistaken.
Possible to expand a bit?
Internet forums are a great equalizer, really? It doesn't matter who you are, rich or poor, what you look like, where you're from or what you do -- you are taken at the quality of what you write? You don't have to reveal your name or gender ...
God manifests completely and powerfully within religions, imo
For example, when I used to peruse the old files I think I read that Juan and Wil had attended a wedding together irl? If they did it irl, then I would tend to think others have also? I could be wrong however.
That was an interesting moment in time...one time.

Back then we were.speaking of.meetups...but we were all around the world. When an American contributor and an Aussie contributor decided to get married....and it happened local to me...heck yeah! And then one from hours a day and one from days away had also shown up the five of us were quite pleased and that (as far as I know) was the maximum number of us in any one place. (And the bride and grooms family were all like, "who are these folks from some internet forum)...after that/since that our interaction returned to here...and over time it is only Juan and I still here.

Funny thing is I was speaking of that instance to my sister just yesterday...

It is a fond memory.
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moderators, asministrators, and list owners, who discuss things behind the scenes
Boring stuff, thankless work...cleanup on aisle three, spammer or hacker issues...all stuff trying to keep discussion flowing and complaints and electronic disruptions down.

They are our angels keeping this world spinning...one that others created and maintained that we enjoy and wish to live on.
I stand corrected. This clarifies a lot of things for me. However, in our present distress it is clear that money talks a lot and would have everything else walk. It has it's shortcomings in the long run but for now: "Money is the root of all evil."
One of the most common misquotes. Money is not evil..."The love of money is the root of all evil." Greed is the evil. One cannot serve both G!d and Mammon (money).
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Internet forums are a great equalizer, really? It doesn't matter who you are, rich or poor, what you look like, where you're from or what you do -- you are taken at the quality of what you write? You don't have to reveal your name or gender ...
However, this is not universally true, nor to be taken for granted. Forums only serve as an equalizer when the playing field is level and fair for all...and that is not automatic.

Having said that, it is not an invitation to chaos. A level of decorum, order and respect must be maintained.

(That level might not be very high...after all, they let me in!)
That was an interesting moment in time...one time.

Back then we were.speaking of.meetups...but we were all around the world. When an American contributor and an Aussie contributor decided to get married....and it happened local to me...heck yeah! And then one from hours a day and one from days away had also shown up the five of us were quite pleased and that (as far as I know) was the maximum number of us in any one place. (And the bride and grooms family were all like, "who are these folks from some internet forum)...after that/since that our interaction returned to here...and over time it is only Juan and I still here.

Funny thing is I was speaking of that instance to my sister just yesterday...

It is a fond memory.
Indeed, a very fond memory.

I also had the pleasure of meeting Cyberpi on a different occasion.
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Boring stuff, thankless work...cleanup on aisle three, spammer or hacker issues...all stuff trying to keep discussion flowing and complaints and electronic disruptions down.

They are our angels keeping this world spinning...one that others created and maintained that we enjoy and wish to live on.
The pay ain't much, but the benefits suck. I've said on more than one occasion it can be like herding cats.
That was an interesting moment in time...one time.

Back then we were.speaking of.meetups...but we were all around the world. When an American contributor and an Aussie contributor decided to get married....and it happened local to me...heck yeah! And then one from hours a day and one from days away had also shown up the five of us were quite pleased and that (as far as I know) was the maximum number of us in any one place. (And the bride and grooms family were all like, "who are these folks from some internet forum)...after that/since that our interaction returned to here...and over time it is only Juan and I still here.

Funny thing is I was speaking of that instance to my sister just yesterday...

It is a fond memory.

Five of you! I didn't know that. Thanks for fleshing it out a little more for me. It was one of the most curious things I ran across when I perused the old files. I think I read that the marriage ended up not working out, however? Correct me if I'm wrong. I've been there myself, not a good feeling. :(

Perhaps a bit of synchronicity with your sister?

Good memories are a treasure to us oldsters sometimes. It's usually the simple things that I remember most fondly.
Boring stuff, thankless work...cleanup on aisle three, spammer or hacker issues...all stuff trying to keep discussion flowing and complaints and electronic disruptions down.

They are our angels keeping this world spinning...one that others created and maintained that we enjoy and wish to live on.

I was once a moderator on a small list, so I understand some of what goes on, unless that particular list was some kind of anomaly.
One of the most common misquotes. Money is not evil..."The love of money is the root of all evil." Greed is the evil. One cannot serve both G!d and Mammon (money).

You are right Juan. It was an honest enough mistake... I realized I had misquoted after awhile but decided what the heck, I'll just leave it there and see who picks up on it. I wasn't exactly expecting you, but thanks. Yes, it is the misplaced love and not the money that is the culprit.
I better not meet up with any forum member. They would be sorely disappointed.
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I better not meet up with any forum member. They would be sourly disappointed.

Nah, Aup. All you have to do it be sweet enough to balance out the sourness. I know a few like that and call them "sweet tarts" (after the candy). As for myself, I look like death warmed over a couple of times but my effervescent sweetness more than makes up for it.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I've been there myself, not a good feeling. :(
Nope, it didn't (of course neither did mine after 20 years) things happen, people change...

Another fun thing...there was a painting a member made that had a contest to win...a number of us entered and my entry won somehow.(wonder if anyone can find that?) But I gave it to the bride and groom..