Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women.

Spoiler.... men sing and have hair.

I still find this thread misogynistic and ludicrous......
You have to understand that English, as far as I know, is not the native language of @davidsheep88 It is sadly completely understandable that this inability to adequately express himself in English is robbing him of the ability to make his points with the clarity I am sure he wishes.

He is probably just as frustrated as we that communications between us and him are so jumbled.
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God said it himself in the earliest way in the bible he is A consuming Fire !!! Men miss understand and think God is male but he tell us he is not of this world and he's ways are mysterious. He is not borned he is neither A man or Women, nor material, nor small thing or Big but greater than all that.

Some say he is music ;D he is A word we do not know the word for his name we used to know it but we all forgot. Before the flood we knew the name of God correctly after the flood we lost it. But for he is secret what we know that he says he is consuming fire in the vision of Ezekiel we see angels the Ophafins ( Thrones in english ) , Seraphims, and Cherubins and he in the center is Fire so bright no one can get near or else they will die. Such way even smaller angels can be killed by his presence. No, God is neither flesh, neither angel, neither man or women. But says all are part of him and his creation. Truly his secret way is how he keeps but we are told that he is A women in the bible verse and explains his charcter and wya thru it. He has said he wants to protect israel and put hit under his wings like A mother hen, be like A mother bear is psalms and in psalms like An eagle that protects it's nest, A women in new testament that is searching A coin and finds it as parables.

Very good is psalms and tell us secretly how God tells Solomon thru his huge wisdom how he moves thru out the world.

See this even this chaps got to the point that God manifest himself as lady wisdom is God turn into man and has walked among us ? Yup you've seen my cartoon as I put God as women who helped david in the series and got huge praise A lot of people saw my cartoon A total over 10,000 views thruought my channels nope it was good. So when cartoon comes out about women you will see all of that I cover since genesis to revelations and have it all of verses the high status, medium, low and other exampls women had previleges man didn't and how God use them in the plan of God.
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For remember God is niether man or female he is above all this he just gives us A small part of him the most ancient way God says he is and represents him is that he is not human or man or women but consuming Fire !!! Deuteronomy 4:24 that is what he says in the beggining God gave Adam A part of him and gave Women A part of him aswell.

Here's something I find useful in such discussions: distinguishing between the reproductive and personality aspects.

Most babies are born with either male or female genitalia, though there are exceptions.

Then there are character traits we tend to see as typically the one or the other. You mention singing and caring, as examples of women's character traits.

Of course, men sing, too. We care for our loved ones. And women have character traits which are often considered "manly" - women compete and get fierce and they build and provide for their families.

In short: in the second aspect, you could say that if we were created in God's likeness, then we, too, have all of these possibilities in us, we are neither male nor female, but have access to all these characteristics.
In African tribal society the men chop wood and the women carry water. The men fight and hunt and the women care for the home and children. The woman walks behind carrying the load and the man walks ahead with his hands free to use his weapon to defend against attacking animals

Most of these ancient traditions are no longer relevant in the 21st century quantum world. The problem often is trying to maintain the ancient traditions in an overpopulated modern urban world, imo
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seen the cartoon God has influence Solomon to write about him and Solomon seen things normal andhe had such huge IQ discerns and gives women their wisdom and from the Lord comes that wisdom, God's women side. God gave Solomon wisdom to uderstand God's special parts he's way for women come from God. He made them and gave them special things this why Solomon wrote on how wisdom of women come from the side of God that women. God has said in the bible more than 4 and 5 times he is A women and used women as symbol of himself, actions he does, and chracter of him.

New testament Jesus explains God is women who finds A coin and Jesus uses A parable to explain A part of himself the father God and Jesus the son and he is God hismelf. God influence Solomon to write that he is also lady wisdom and shows A women side that women must emulate. Where is the wisdom of women ? The women God wants women to be ? Proverbs 31 tells us since verse 11 to the end of the chapter. Tells us how women must be and the women God wants so to give them the wisdom of lady wisdom. The female wisdom God is and reserves for women exists and women to obtain that experience must love like God must listen to God and be like God is. Women have rpomblema nd you can see it, they copy men. Since history women have copied men and wore cloths in certain cultures. Women since history have ruled over men like queen shiva Solomon knew and some women put cloths and thinking by copying men being kings, priests, prophets, and presidents they are doing something that are natural thinking by assimilating througout all history to be like men. When God said to all of them not be like men but to be like God is thoughout the old testament and assimilate him.

Women don't know that wisdom and sacrficie and love they have put inside themselves but to awaken that wisdom must learn to love and worship God and through time God gives to women ;D.
Most of these ancient traditions are no longer relevant in the 21st century quantum world. The problem often is trying to maintain the ancient traditions in an overpopulated modern urban world, imo
It was a form of slavery....barefoot and pregnant. A division of labor based on societal norms.

And then the washing machine was invented and women were liberated from spending hours.a.day on that one task.
They cooked on a fire and lived in thatched clay huts which, incidentally, the women kept swept and clean, The diet was often vegetarian, because meat wasn't always available. They washed clothes and pots in the river and scrubbed out pots with sand.

At the age of about 18 boys underwent a circumcision coming of age ritual, that is still practised in many areas. Adultery (theoretically) was punishable by the death of both parties, in a manner chosen by the offended party. A man kept as many wives as he could afford to support. Wealth was in cattle

Within the village kraal things were shared so either nobody or everybody went hungry, but there was no thought of assistance towards a person from another tribe

Although phrased in the past tense, the old ways are not all gone in many areas
Here this chaps understood that God has inlfuence to write abotu him and seen he gives women their women side and wisdom comes from him. God gave Solomon wisdom to uderstand God's special parts he's way for women come from God. He made them and gave them special things this why Solomon wrote on how wisdom of women come from the side of God that women. God has said in the bible more than 4 and 5 times and used women as symbol of himself, actions he does, and chracter of him.

New testament Jesus explains God is women who finds A coin and Jesus uses A parable to explain A part of himself the father God and Jesus the son and he is God hismelf. God influence Solomon to write that he is also lady wisdom and shows A women side that women must emualte. Where is the wisdom of women ? The women God wants women to be ? Proverbs 31 tells us since verse 11 tot he end of the chapter. Tells us how women must be and the women God wants so to give them the wisdom of lady wisdom. The female wisdom God is and reserves for women exists and women to obtain that experience must love like God must listen to God and be like God is. Women have rpomblema nd you can see it, they copy men. Since history women have copied men and wore cloths in certain cultures. Women since history have ruled over men like queen shiva Solomon knew and some women put cloths and thinking by copying men being kings, priests, prophets, and presidents they are doing something that are natural thinking by assimilating througout all history to be like men. When God said to all fo them not be like men but tobe like God is thoughout the old testament and assimilate him.

Women don't know that wisdom and sacrficie andlove they have put inside themselves but to awaken that wisdom must learn to love and worship God and through time God gives to women ;D.

But the problem is trying to force primitive tribal mores upon 21st Century quantum society -- whether onto women or onto men, imo

Then it becomes a choice of which Old Testament mores to impose upon people and which to allow to fade into history. Do we still execute adulterers or disobedient sons by stoning?

We now know the Earth goes around the sun. Does God want mankind to go on living as if the sun orbits the earth? Women excel in many professions; we're living in a computer age that no longer requires many old tribal mores that were originally designed to preserve the survival of the tribe, in days when tribes were constantly raiding and at war with one another.

Jesus never denigrated or talked down to women
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Truth be told RJm that men and women still are tribal and do primitve things for all them are animals. Bible says king solomon explains it all by saying men are animals including women, not because of hair or rage or primitve skills because bible classify it one way men and women are borned and says solomon everything else is vanity, if an animal was touch by God he decided togive inteligence and give the same as man and makes civilization and all of it. Yeah he can do that to any animal like us and that animal be kind and good and do good things like humans do when animals die or are in need of saving life ?

Yes, few animals do the bats if A bat finds one dyiing because it did not fed he would give it some of it's blood so to survive we know darwinisim says the strong survive and fit evovle. But that compassion animals have is becuase God gave it to them and also dolphins, chimpanzee's and whale go save another and willing to sacrfice thier life in order to save it.

You find that power in verse 15 of john where Jesus no greater love is that than a friend who will give his life for another stranger. Jesus is that stranger and went to be the one who gave his life. A mother will give her life her child A father too, but Jesus gave it to strangers and nobodies like us so we live and have life.

No, humans are animals that kill and destroy and forget it and don''t be humble and when that happens they forget what good God gave them they want to achieve things in thier own efforts they become like the babylons, greeks, romans, and nazi's.

Of course not men and women cannot adapt to the quantum world were entering it and were getting all killed. More violence 2 people in the streets got guns and whacked one guys wife for sleeping with someone else. No you all know that is how the world is but still women her part I have not talk of the rest of the things know the cartoon has 4/5 i'm just writting 1/5 know that I worked for 4 -5 months know thier something important in my cartoon. Truly women ahvean important role andhave been shuned in ancient times because of the violence but know my cartoons does not make them look bad or wrong but give them the pointers and realize God gave them laws, women prophets, women queens, and more things.

Their is such thing that women are oppressed but not about men only that they do not know their own stuff, women do not know God powerful things and you will see what it is. It is about women finding the realtion God wants them tohave and wants them to love. It is hard to explain it but still it is what King solomon says in proverbs 31 verse 11 to the end of the chapter . God tells women to be the women who are not animals or women but women of God. You see fathers, priest and rabbia's they are men of God but still women are pulled from that and go to hiding and find comfort in new age, wicca, and the other things rishi and such things. Thinking they will find God and thier stuff in life.

But God gives it, you know RJm chinese explain in chinese medicine about chi and such things and they see things in pagan ways btu understable Man is not man and the person he knows himself it's not him that every man and women have an animal inside thier true self, we know men and women are dresses and kept from finding themselves and get lost we all know. To find one's selve must find the center of who he is even though it's good or bad, yin and yang different poles like you say. But not neccesarily evil but negative and positive, still the animal inside us refuses to learn and becomes all of us in beggining undecisive,unrational, and primitve.

But unless life action happen that person never changes and gets stuck and goes to pagan things like new age and wicca. Statistics show in television 70% in Russia go to witchcraft, majority of which women. Africa countries get millions of them practicing witchcraft A sermon from A pastor in baptist church repeating how plagued africa countries practice witchcraft and all the people come to him changing thier lfie. And more countries he visits finds families doing witchcraft. No, RJM their is growing increase in USA


More women go to witchcraft and lose thier life in it, i'm sure you know many women going witches, they go because they don't know what is thier stuff in the bible and if they did they would look in that direction. Find that God wanted all fo them in heaven, Jesus died for them all. Your not seeing the bigger picture is thier A way for women to find thier sutff in God and find what lady wisdom and give that to women ?

God gave Solomon that high I.Q. to discern that and write it so women are part of it. Clearly their is more Solomon knew Women can find that and know love is that way to find thier stuff. God gave women pains of birth and wroted in the bible that he is like A women that gives birth.

Deuteronomy 32:18 God who gives birth

“You were unmindful of the Rock that bore you; you forgot the God who gave you birth.”

Isaiah 42:14 God as a woman in labor

God: “For a long time I have held my peace, I have kept myself still and restrained myself; now I will cry out like a woman in labor, I will gasp and pant.”

Here is where I get it.



See God said it he is A women in child birth giving birth ? Really amazing no people thier is much more he is A bear mother, an eagle mother, and A women looking for A coin.

Never saw that before but realize huge thing, that's what's up I grew up seen God is A man he is no man niether women but consuming fire. But he has A powrful women side and women don't even know that does God give us that. He gives the bear, eagle and hen says he protects israle like A women does it's cubs, eggs, and children. Yeah God does have female side and belongs to him gives it to women in form of A bear, an eagle, and women and says he feels the pains and also gives pains by giving birth spiritually.

Something complex and strange for any one but still something he tells and said to Isaiah and Solomon to tell his people about his character and his ways.
Something so women emulate him and realize Solomon gave them God's women wisdom in proverbs 8 and women to use it. Men copy when God says how he used his strong hands to get israel out of egypt, and with arrows, and swords things he uses in battle. Women have things to bears, eagels, cloths, and jewerly also used int he old testament symbolize them so no thier more things women don't know.
You find that power in verse 15 of john where Jesus no greater love is that than a friend who will give his life for another stranger. Jesus is that stranger and went to be the one who gave his life. A mother will give her life her child A father too, but Jesus gave it to strangers and nobodies like us so we live and have life.
I think Jesus was taking people beyond tribalism. He was saying: 'Be good to others, even if they are not of your own tribe or people.' It was a new understanding?
worked 1 and half year to make 8 episodes it's hard to make cartoons to learn to draw and know the speeds of 30 fps but to align the voice to mouth movement people it's like studying to launch A spaceship up the stars and to lipsync is to send A submarine to the depths of the ocean they are not the same. 2 different fields of study truly it was A lot sufferment A lot to do it all. worked someday from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. in the morning some days in one week and worked like that 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. No people it is not easy to make cartoons it take 8 people to do it all, and will take 12 in total to finish it in year.

prayed and prayed to the lord. Did something no one has done.
We start The first part of it we begin with everything since Genesis to the law deuternomy, the first part consist of the high status women have " Before the law of the ten commandments " is what we call part 1. In part 1 will their be high status, equal status and low status in this we explain the events where women had God's favor over men and did the will of God and his plan.

The powers women have God gave them and explain them in turn of events how they use them in the time before the law of moses. We start with the beggining God created men and women the first laws.

Genesis 1:26-28 God made men and women like his image.

Genesis 2:18-24 it is not Good for man to be alone and made women for him. And made women from the rib of men.

God told men in this verses that both govern together the earth.

When we recieve commands from the lord when he created men and women. God wanted women to use thier powers to rule over the earth those powers were love and hope but when man sinned and went to live in the wilderness what were more powers of God that gave women to survive there what were the moments when women defends itself in A world where the law of " An eye for an eye", from the law of " the point of the sword " you get what you want ?, and " The law of the strongest ruled " like the Babylonian made and Assyrians made in those times. What did women do to follow the plan of God and do his will ? And what was thier story.

Their was women in those times that did do the will of God and completed the law. Who were faithul to the lord there was Sarah, Hagar, and Rebekah.

Like Hagar who was mother of the arab nations , God bless her and protected her.

The first verses of high status of first part.

Gen 17:7-14 and 16:10 God send abgels to save Hagar and her son. She was awarded to have A nation like Abraham but she had no husband she recieve more than A man in those times.

Even in those times made men and women equal in those times this an equal status.

Like Abraham and Sarah who were part of the marriage both share the descendacy.

Genesis 26:4 I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, and I will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations of the earth will be blessed,

Both are equal for both to talk to God.

Gensis 18:10 Both of them share the privilage of talking to God.

God talk to Abraham and told she was going to be pregnant. Sarah was treated equal by other men in those times even though Sarah did not want to and Abraham lied to save his life Abimelech put laws in those times and Sarah benn A woman of God got treated in equal status in those times by law.

Genesis 20:14 she given something equal things for the transgression and got vindicated.

We see in those times Sarah had recieve more and was equal to Abraham but also than Sarah A woman had higher status and that was Rebekah was given A choice

Genesis 24:57 The lord commands Abraham to have girl for his son and if the girl does not want to go and dissolve the promise God let the girl decide and she was asked.

God gave something to women that A man didn't and women did and that was choice in that instance men are always drones that obey God in the old testament but A women was given A choice and God told Abraham of what was going to happen and the father of Rebekah asked her if she wants to go or not ? God let the young lady to decide the future of Israel.

This show women were powerful and had choice to decide.

women can also decide the name of child without the husband and here are the verses. In those times women can decide without men what the name will be.
A high status position

Eve named Seth Gen 4:25
Leah and Rachel named thier children chapters 29 and 30 chapters of Genesis see the whole story.
Rachel named Genesis 39:19
Hannah named Samuel 1 samuel chapter one

This show that in those times only women named thier children and didn't need the approval of men.

As the story continues we see women ahd the approval of God and had higher status and equal status in those times.
We see Isaac prayed so Rebbeca could have A child Genesis 25:21-34

Here women had higher status becuase man did the work for her and prayed on her behalf to obtain here promise from the lord.

Here in this vers higher status for women here Rebekah does the historic thing of inquiring the lord

Genesis 25:21-23 Here she talks to God few have done so.

When Leah was goona have kids and jacob loved her less than Rachel. She prayed for the lord for children and gave 4 and God gave her special place in Jacob for her children and she thank God for it and named judah in honor of God agve Leah.

Genesis 29:31

The lord also listen to Leah and A women who was special was heard by Leah

Genesis 30:17

Also women in those time gave names to children also participated in Genealogies in sense to thier families.
an equal status position

Genesis 5 the whole chapter gives genealogies

Genesis 46:5 another genealogy with men and women named as equals showing they were important too.
Genesis 46:15 there were sons of Leah
Gensis 46:17 Another Genealogy
Numbers 26:33 Another Genealogy
Numbers 26:46 Another Genealogy

As we see in those times their was higher status and equal status women were given and did the plan of God and his will.
Women did do good in the eyes of the lord. Did women have lower status yes in this time A women could not be queen, could not be judge in court, could not go to war as A soldier only men fought some women in other culture fought but women from Abraham's lot and Isaac and Jacob did the fighting with men. Women cannot participiate becuase of so much violence in those days and were more fragile and if women get captured were ransomed by enemy tribes.

But still despite many thing that stopped them they did the will of God and with faith and love did his will.

Their were women sage in those times and women could be leaders in tribes like Deborah who was prophet but won't talk about her yet some towns had women as old ladies to gudie them in town councils so women did leader in towns and cities in those times.

We have talked about " Before era of the law of moses " The first part now we would continue the next post in the time of moses, what are the highg status, equal status, and low status of the law and it is big but had 6 months studying so know the answers.

Here A link to the information.

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TRhe beggining of the whole ting of women everything is there. Women in the law the ups and down's, women in time of kingdom of judah and david's and women in time of Jesus women apostle existed and women recieve gifts. And finally the secret of psalms women and thier songs. Psalms is divided in categories that some psalms are for kings, some for priest , some for mena nd some for women.

The secret is there and if you look at my episode 12 you will find the connection of our purpsoe that God agve since the begging since eden to only sing not to work or manual we can do them but he had in mind another thing and for us to rpeach his word around the universe and make the whole universe his kingdom by singing. The secret of men in the bible of i know them the psalms and the secret of women in the bible of psalms I know and I sing psalms night and day. Some jew don't know the women side of the bible but I know it and know their secret as the men side I know the secret too. I have A feeling will you don't know barcuha adonai blessings and more know your secret because I just went thru 2 mountains full of years of study and struggle to find them. It was not easy I had really horrible and terrible experiences to get them this information but made it. Look please at the end.