Christian Answers to Muslim Questions

Hello again..... But your thread title reads:- Christian answers to Muslim questions, and you've just presumed what the Muslim question might be.

But if you think that a Muslim has asked that question about the Trinity, your first mistake (imo) because Islam makes statement about it, then neither your film nor your writings could help much..... all you would need to do is to show the gospel verses where Jesus explains this, and Muslims could respond to that, maybe?

I'm a Deist so I will leave all this to any Muslims, I guess. :)

In the introduction video on our channel, we mention that the whole thing started from a list of five questions that were given to me by a Muslim imam. And in every video we present an email address where people can ask new questions. And in the last 48 hours, we have gotten two questions that we've combined into one question which will be addressed in the next video. So we aren't just guessing what Muslims ask, we are being asked. Now we supplement that with things we think are important to know about the Christian faith, but that too is mentioned in the opening video.

Also if you've spent much time talking with Muslims on this issue, simply quoting verses doesn't work, for two reasons...first, they think the text is corrupted...(which we've addressed in its own video) and second, because they think it's a unique concept to the New Testament and Christians which seems like innovation which is a concept they reject.

Our purpose is not to argue with their contentions or's to present what we believe and why. So we explain why we find credibility in the Bible and view it as uncorrupted. We explain why we believe in the Trinity and that it IS logically plausible AND can be found across the whole of the Bible both Old and New. But we do that in the affirmative. This is what we believe and why. We never mention Islam. We never criticize Mohammad. That's not our role. Our role is to lift up Jesus.

That's our take. Others approach apologetics differently, and we are FOR that...but this is what we believe we have been called to do and the spirit in which we have been called to do it.
Who asked for Bahai opinion. The thread is about "Christian Answers to Muslim Questions", and you butt in. :D
@Tone Bristow-Stagg has been asked for his opinion several times in this thread. I'm enjoying the conversation with him
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Quite, we would add that Jesus, the flesh, was raised on the third day – the same 'person'.

There are other recorded accounts of Messengers being raised, this is not unique to Jesus the Christ.

Yet we have never seen the flesh again, but they were made and are still alive to us today in the Spirit, just as they were in the age they gave a Message to humanity.

Maybe this material longing to be redeemed in faith by a flesh body, may be preventing Christianity from embracing Christ the Son, returned in the Glory of God the Father!

Regards Tony
Who asked for Bahai opinion. The thread is about "Christian Answers to Muslim Questions", and you butt in. :D

Someone must have. Usually one just replies to a question on the notification list and is not aware what the topic was. I am always happy to answer Muslim Quesriins from a Christian perspective. Yet what a bonus, I can add some bonus material. ;):):D

What we could consider, is that I am very much a Christian, as I embrace Jesus the Christ with all my heart and my Soul.

Then I am also a Muslim, as I embrace the Message of the Quran as given by Muhammad (Peace be upon Him).

Then I must be a Jew as I embrace all the Prophets that are in the Torah.

Also, I embrace Krishna and Zoroaster and all God's Messengers who have been and will be.

May my life be taken to help all humanity become as One soul in one body.

Regards Tony
But they must all accept the Iranian as the last manifestation of God? Not accepting Bahaollah means not becoming one soul in one body?

The Manifestations are the source of that oneness. They are the light that we eminate from.

We are not able to become one, without the source.

Regards Tony
Jesus said "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father ... I and the Father are One ... Before Abraham was, I Am."

He told the disciples He would ask the Father send the Holy Spirit.

However Muslims reject the Gospel of John.
I can't disagree with them there.

Muslims also reject that Jesus died on the cross, although the gospels say he did. They say either that the gospels are corrupted, or that another died in Jesus's place -- or that he was taken down alive, etc.

The fact is there's no winning because where the gospels contradict what the Quran or Hadith say about Jesus, Muslims simply reject the gospel passage as false, or corrupted?
I can't argue with them about that either.

The below thread lists all the words and actions of the Quranic Jesus (Isa)
The Words and Actions of Jesus in the Quran

The issue is that the Jesus of the Quran seems to serve only to assure the reader that he is not Allah. What else does Jesus do or say in the Quran? Does he comfort, or love, or uplift?

I seem unable to find illumination or wisdom or anything else from the Jesus of the Quran except the repeat assurance that he is not Allah. Where in the Quran does anyone really find Jesus?
That's what Islam believes.
In the introduction video on our channel, we mention that the whole thing started from a list of five questions that were given to me by a Muslim imam. And in every video we present an email address where people can ask new questions. And in the last 48 hours, we have gotten two questions that we've combined into one question which will be addressed in the next video. So we aren't just guessing what Muslims ask, we are being asked. Now we supplement that with things we think are important to know about the Christian faith, but that too is mentioned in the opening video.

Also if you've spent much time talking with Muslims on this issue, simply quoting verses doesn't work, for two reasons...first, they think the text is corrupted...(which we've addressed in its own video) and second, because they think it's a unique concept to the New Testament and Christians which seems like innovation which is a concept they reject.

Our purpose is not to argue with their contentions or's to present what we believe and why. So we explain why we find credibility in the Bible and view it as uncorrupted. We explain why we believe in the Trinity and that it IS logically plausible AND can be found across the whole of the Bible both Old and New. But we do that in the affirmative. This is what we believe and why. We never mention Islam. We never criticize Mohammad. That's not our role. Our role is to lift up Jesus.

That's our take. Others approach apologetics differently, and we are FOR that...but this is what we believe we have been called to do and the spirit in which we have been called to do it.
Hello Matt......... OK, well, I understand that you answer questions by email and video, but please may I ask a simple question here and receive a short reply here? Please?

The Muslims that you have been talking with.. do you acknowledge their faith, their religion?
Hello Matt......... OK, well, I understand that you answer questions by email and video, but please may I ask a simple question here and receive a short reply here? Please?

The Muslims that you have been talking with.. do you acknowledge their faith, their religion?
Do you acknowledge his religion?
@MattSTL has just told us that his work is sheltering and helping Muslim refugees. They ask him questions about his Christian faith, and he answers them from the point of view of his own faith -- without criticising or judging their Muslim faith ... I think?
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Hello Matt......... OK, well, I understand that you answer questions by email and video, but please may I ask a simple question here and receive a short reply here? Please?

The Muslims that you have been talking with.. do you acknowledge their faith, their religion?

Matt did an introductory post OB. It's all you have asked :D;)

Regards Tony
That's what Islam believes.
That's the Quran Jesus. Others believe the Gospel Jesus. The two versions of Jesus are very different. To find the Islamic Jesus, it's necessary to read the Quran. To find the Christian Jesus, it's necessary to read the Gospels. We can leave the Hadith and the Pauline writings aside for now, for the argument. The problem is that where the Gospel Jesus contradicts the Quran Jesus, Muslims just say: "Oh well, those parts of the Gospels are wrong, they're corrupted." So there can be no real discussion.

Most people are happy to leave others to think what they want, and only react when their own beliefs are attacked?
The problem is that where the Gospel Jesus contradicts the Quran Jesus, Muslims just say: "Oh well, those parts of the Gospels are wrong, they're corrupted." So there can be no real discussion.

Most people are happy to leave others to think what they want, and only react when their own beliefs are attacked?

Depends on what it takes for a person to feel challenged or invaludated in their faith.

If I were to insist with every post how I don't believe in any God, that might stir up some resistance here, I think...
They are the light that we eminate from.
I did not emanate out of any manifestation. Did you? But Bahaollah was dead long before you were born. How did you emanate out of Bahaollah? Again that breathing-in trick? How is your birth connected with Bahaollah? Kindly tell me of this Bahai biology.
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Depends on what it takes for a person to feel challenged or invaludated in their faith.

If I were to insist with every post how I don't believe in any God, that might stir up some resistance here, I think...
Ok. But I was thinking of the greater world, beyond our polite forums. There are countries and places where believing the 'wrong' thing can be very dangerous ...
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That's the Quran Jesus.
Similarly there are Bahai Krishna, Bahai Zoroaster, Bahai Buddha, Bahai Jesus, Bahai Mohammad and Bahai Mirza Gholam Ahmad, who are different from what their followers believe (though IMHO, there is no problem about Moses. Nice old man. Saw the hind parts of God and broke the tablet). :),
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