There is no justice if atheism is true

Roman emperors would wait until on their death bed to get baptized and washed of their sins, this way they could commit as much murder and rape as they wanted and then get a free pass..
There is no free pass in that sense.
Every deed we do is judged by its intention.
"Cheating" is just not possible.
Almighty God is aware of all things.

It's as if He is inside each and every one of us.
Our souls belong to Him.

. . . however, no one is going to be judged in the end because there is no one to judge us.
You don't know that. You just say it with your mouth.
There is no free pass in that sense.
Every deed we do is judged by its intention.
"Cheating" is just not possible.
Almighty God is aware of all things.

It's as if He is inside each and every one of us.
Our souls belong to Him.

You don't know that. You just say it with your mouth.
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Most of the chaos I see is that which man is responsible for, :(
Yes I know, you think that nature is "dumb" while you are not. Tut!
Yes, humans are responsible for most of the chaos. A large part of it is because of religions and the denominations (Catholic / Protestants; Sunni / Shia).
Nature is neither dumb nor intelligent. It goes its own way but surely does not care of humans. We are the only species of Homo sapiens that survive.
Roman emperors would wait until on their death bed to get baptized and washed of their sins, this way they could commit as much murder and rape as they wanted and then get a free pass . . . however, no one is going to be judged in the end because there is no one to judge us.
I am in the third timeline, this time line is judgments. Everything we do has time associated to it. If you are a piece of shit your time does not become you and you cannot become something again. I believe this is what Jesus was thinking, dyeing for our sins was to find your time so it could not be judged. From what I have taken from the Bible Jesus knew he would have to descend the timelines to be judged himself also. I believe the way minds teach this is you have know who he is first before you can figure out anything inside of him.

Jesus’s mind would find our time and bring it inside of it. Jesus could do this with everything except allowed minds for they are themselves only. A world is able to become something again the same as everything inside a large enough mind or yourself. The only way into this yourself is to figure out himself or Jesus in this case. You see we all become him and all our sins are now his, these sins then can pass off to the yourself and Jesus would just go inside himself to figure himself out knowing nothing of these sins.

Here is the interesting take on this problem though. There are 500 million allowed minds in the veil, 435 million to be about exact. Our population did not exceed this number until around the 1500 hundreds which means not one person at that time could be saved by him. This is also going to be interesting if a messiah arises in the near future how he deals with this kind of time since now there are billions of minds that can find time inside him.

@Ahanu makes a very strange statement in another thread.
Ahanu, how did you arrive at that?
There are laws of the nation and the laws of the society in which you live. Does atheism asks one to disobey those laws?
I submit to both. My being atheist does not exempt me from them.

I have had this same statement thrown at me several times in my life, if I am an atheist I can do whatever I want and not feel bad or accountable about my actions. How irritating this thought becomes for me, I feel I am closer to nature and the world then many around me. I can tell the difference between right and wrong and listen to ourselves all the time.

Most of the chaos I see is that which man is responsible for, :(
Then you cannot be looking, be seeing, muhammad.
The News this morning was full of the tragedies and blessings sent by Nature. I just see Nature as Mother Nature, it's a name that some folks use where I live.
Is that your name for God .. "Mother Nature"?
Yes I know, you think that nature is "dumb" while you are not. Tut!
Yes...... our god, muhammad.
But please don't tell me what I think, just show what I write. That's more genuine, I think.
Nature is vast but disinterested in humans, yet we are a tiny part of it all, a bit like a cell in your left kidney which is part of you but which you know nothing about. But when Mother Nature calls, you will answer....... yes?

I can guarantee that you will bend down for Mother Nature on this very day, and you will obey her every wish.
There cannot be many theists who believe in a judicial divinity because history is bunged full of religious followers who did the most dreadful things.

The only theists around where I live that do have a very good reputation for honesty are the JWs, but even they can get a bad press from other parts of the world.
What about the tyrants that make unjust laws, live like kings in opulence and then pass on. They submitted to no laws, they made their own at the expense of many.
The majority of tyrants that come to my mind were very faithful, and kept close ties to the religious communities of their countries. Have you seen Franco's tomb, for example? Practically a place of pilgrimage nowadays.

I feel that justice is a very human aspiration, and can clothe itself in many ways, religious and secular.
The majority of tyrants that come to my mind were very faithful, and kept close ties to the religious communities of their countries. Have you seen Franco's tomb, for example? Practically a place of pilgrimage nowadays.

I feel that justice is a very human aspiration, and can clothe itself in many ways, religious and secular.

Posts 2, 5 & 9. You have the intent of the reply out of context as well.

Post 9 is what post 2 & 5 are also offering.

Not sure how many other ways I can say it.

Regards Tony
There cannot be many theists who believe in a judicial divinity because history is bunged full of religious followers who did the most dreadful things.
Mankind are all sinners, regardless of their faith.
..but that is not to say that somebody who takes their religion seriously, is no different that somebody who doesn't.

The person who "points" at others, has three fingers pointing at themselves.
So how can they face justice, if there is no God, it means they got away with it.

Franco was Christian, which means that other Christians believe that he is forgiven the atrocities he committed - or commanded to be committed.

Christians get away with it by definition? And they believe in God? How does that work in your view?

(Not arguing against Christian beliefs, which I grossly reduced here for the sake of argument)
Therefore Roman Emperors, or anyone for that matter, can live a horrendous life just to be baptized at the last moment and thus freed from their sins..
I wouldn't bank on it..
A person with that attitude might find that they die in disbelief.
..and there is no person on earth who is exempt from suffering after death, even though they might repent.
Have you not heard of purgatory?
Franco was Christian, which means that other Christians believe that he is forgiven the atrocities he committed - or commanded to be committed.

Christians get away with it by definition? And they believe in God? How does that work in your view?
See my last post .. #34
Franco was Christian, which means that other Christians believe that he is forgiven the atrocities he committed - or commanded to be committed.

Christians get away with it by definition? And they believe in God? How does that work in your view?

(Not arguing against Christian beliefs, which I grossly reduced here for the sake of argument)

No one gets away with any injustice, faith or no faith, absolutely no one. I quote post 9

"..O ye peoples of the world! Know, verily, that an unforeseen calamity is following you, and that grievous retribution awaiteth you. Think not the deeds ye have committed have been blotted from My sight. By My beauty! All your doings hath My Pen graven with open characters upon tablets of chrysolite..."

God knows every thought, every action we make, it is set in time and God outside of time, knows the beginning and knows the end.

Regards Tony
Franco was Christian, which means that other Christians believe that he is forgiven the atrocities he committed - or commanded to be committed.

Christians get away with it by definition? And they believe in God? How does that work in your view?

(Not arguing against Christian beliefs, which I grossly reduced here for the sake of argument)
There must be genuine contrition. I know a doctor who gave a terminally suffering cancer patient an overdose, to end his suffering and allow him to die peacefully. The confessed,to a priest but the priest refused to grant him absolution from the mortal sin of what the Church considers to be murder because the doctor said he had no regrets and would do it again.

Apart from the ethics of it (I hope a doc would do the same for me)-- the Catholic Church requires confession and contrition, and there is also a penance, which is usually just a few Hail Mary's, but which in theory could be quite severe. Many Catholics do not believe they need to confess to a priest any longer, but there must be genuine contrition and the intention to try not to do it again, imo ...
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"..O ye peoples of the world! Know, verily, that an unforeseen calamity is following you, and that grievous retribution awaiteth you. Think not the deeds ye have committed have been blotted from My sight. By My beauty! All your doings hath My Pen graven with open characters upon tablets of chrysolite..."
Who is this prophet of doom, you have so many in Abrahamic religions? A quote is not a proof.
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Who is this prophet of doom, you have so many in Abrahamic religions? A quote is not a proof.
Begins with a B ...
Baptism publicly acknowledges one's confession of faith and belief in the gospel message. It also symbolizes the sinner's entrance into the community of believers (the church).
The Sacrament of Baptism is said to absolve Original Sin. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession and absolution) is a different sacrament. There are seven sacraments

"At Baptism we are "cleansed" of original sin (the fact that we are born without original holiness and justice), but Baptism doesn't take away the tendency towards sin. It only restores our ability to have access to holiness and justice."

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