Orange Catholicism



I am an Orange Catholic, I was wondering, if any others here who share the faith? Or would anyone wish to ask questions or discuss the religion?

For those not familiar with Orange Catholicism, allow me to write a bit about it so that you might come to some understanding of what I have adopted.

Orange Catholicism is a religion whose main commandment is said to be the core of all religions:

"Thou shalt not disfigure the soul"

The purpose of religion being espoused as:

"Men, finding no answers to the sunnan [the ten thousand religious questions from the Shari-ah] now apply their own reasoning. All men seek to be enlightened. Religion is but the most ancient and honorable way in which men have striven to make sense out of God's universe. Scientists seek the lawfulness of events. It is the task of Religion to fit man into this lawfulness."

Moreover, Orange Catholicism espouses the belief that man may not be replaced, stressing the importance of humanity, and urging us not to replace man with machine, something which increasingly appears to be endemic in our society today. This belief is summarized in:

"Thou shalt not create a machine in the likeness of a man's mind"

Orange Catholicism also stresses that life is not sin, not a horror, but rather, a wonderful and pleasing thing:

"Much that was called religion has carried an unconscious attitude of hostility toward life. True religion must teach that life is filled with joys pleasing to the eye of God, that knowledge without action is empty. All men must see that the teaching of religion by rules and rote is largely a hoax. The proper teaching is recognized with ease. You can know it without fail because it awakens within you that sensation which tells you this is something you've always known."

Another defining point of Orange Catholicism is, similar to the Bahai faith, is a degree of religious ecumenicism and syncretism:

"In the common belief that there exists a Divine Essence in the universe."

I'll end this post with one more quote:

"Whether a thought is spoken or not it is a real thing and has powers of reality." - 22 Kalima
Orange Catholicism??

This is derivative from Dune, is it not??
I said:
Orange Catholicism??

This is derivative from Dune, is it not??

That's what I immediately thought -- especially that bit about forbidding machines that are made in the image of a human mind.
I can sort of imagine someone trying to use Dune as a Theology platform - it is a very good book, though I've not read the rest of the series. The Orange Catholic Bible frequently referenced is something I found intriguing myself.

Not sure if there's an actual organised body trying to develop Orange Catholicism - possibly too derivative and creates more boundaries than it tears down.

According to Wikipedia there are more than 41 core books from more than 7 ancient traditions, and 100's more besides, inc many not yet written..
It sounds like you have a lot of reading to do Princey!

I have to say, the whole Butlerian anti-AI think seems daft to me. If there is a major danger to them it won't be Terminator, it'll be I Robot, I think.

I wonder why Herbert used 'Orange'? It just makes me think of William of Orange, rather out of his timeframe. Maybe cause its the melange colour..
I got through the first 3 or 4 books (Dune), but it was quite a while ago. As usual, the first book was, IMO, the best.

Weren't the Bene Geserit witches pretty much a female monastic order of that faith?
Hmmm... we should not discount the cultural underpinnings of several societal and cultural phenomena that prominently feature the color orange...which is a mixture of yellow (which is what the name "vatican" stems from I understand) and red which of course is symbolic of passion, and more specifically the passion of the Christ.

Orange is also at the roots of the royal lineage of the Netherlands which is a sort of middle ages import from the royal familial lines in the south of Germany through William of Orange if I'm not mistaken. There are several cultural linkages to the S. African societies of the Dutch before the ending of apartied in the 80's. Of course there are the N.Ireland "orange" marching societies of protestants, and don't forget the recent "orange" rebellion in the Ukraine.

When something like this root reference to cultural matters keeps popping up in the historical record it means something. I'm not sure what, but it is likely a marker of a sort so that root meanings might have continuity through time. Perhaps the old guy behind the curtain is doing it.

Hmmm... we should not discount the cultural underpinnings of several societal and cultural phenomena that prominently feature the color orange...which is a mixture of yellow (which is what the name "vatican" stems from I understand) and red which of course is symbolic of passion, and more specifically the passion of the Christ.

Orange is also at the roots of the royal lineage of the Netherlands which is a sort of middle ages import from the royal familial lines in the south of Germany through William of Orange if I'm not mistaken. There are several cultural linkages to the S. African societies of the Dutch before the ending of apartied in the 80's. Of course there are the N.Ireland "orange" marching societies of protestants, and don't forget the recent "orange" rebellion in the Ukraine.

When something like this root reference to cultural matters keeps popping up in the historical record it means something. I'm not sure what, but it is likely a marker of a sort so that root meanings might have continuity through time. Perhaps the old guy behind the curtain is doing it.


Could also be simply a blending of two primary frequencies of the visual spectrum to make an amalgoman, resulting in a secondary "color", neither pure nor unique. In other words, a confusion of frequencies in the visual spectrum, no focus.
Gee Q, I never thought of it that way. I just start with yellow paint and mix in red until it's the shade of orange that I desire. I guess the word "desire" is key to the understanding of which frequency is ?

But I wasn't talking about paint or frequencies... I was only commenting upon some seeming "coincidences" in the generally accepted historical record concerning the color orange. You have probably already guessed that I don't believe that there are many "coincidences" anymore these days. But then, it is a digital world...mostly.

Hmmmm....maybe "frequency hopping" is involved in all of this. Hedy Lamarr held the patent on the original invention's conception and reduction to practice of this innovation and it was used in WWII to make our torpedoes more effective if I recall correctly. Somehow the term "frequency hopping" makes me visualize lots of bunnies hopping around on rainbows.

Gee Q, I never thought of it that way. I just start with yellow paint and mix in red until it's the shade of orange that I desire. I guess the word "desire" is key to the understanding of which frequency is ?

But I wasn't talking about paint or frequencies... I was only commenting upon some seeming "coincidences" in the generally accepted historical record concerning the color orange. You have probably already guessed that I don't believe that there are many "coincidences" anymore these days. But then, it is a digital world...mostly.

Hmmmm....maybe "frequency hopping" is involved in all of this. Hedy Lamarr held the patent on the original invention's conception and reduction to practice of this innovation and it was used in WWII to make our torpedoes more effective if I recall correctly. Somehow the term "frequency hopping" makes me visualize lots of bunnies hopping around on rainbows.


Laser, kind of puts the kabash on all of the hopping around frequencies, thingy. :eek:
I was brought up Catholic. I gave it up. I now say that I am a bedraggled refugee from the Roman Catholic Church. I always call it the Roman Catholic Church now for two reasons, one that the proper name and the name used officially by it is the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church. I use it too in a derogatory way because the Roman Catholics in Australia were directed by their bishops to call it the Catholic Church because non-catholics, especially Church of England called Catholics Roman Catholics in a derogatory way. The Roman Catholics deserved it because they claimed they were the one and only true Church. I was never comfortable with that. In the Archdioces I lived in there was a very bigotted IRA supporting Irish Archbishop, Dr. Daniell Mannix. He and the Anglican Archbishop were always at war.

I believe there are a few Christian Churches that call themselves "Catholic" but are not in union with Rome. The word "Catholic" only means Universal.