What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

Toy Story was shown (free, outdoors and reasonably priced snacks.) The only complaints I really have are the rambunctious kids, their parents who refuse to control them and the drunks.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Hachi, based on the story of Hachiko, an Akita who waited for his master at the train station for close to a decade (it was nine years, nine months and fifteen days), unaware that his master had died from a massive stroke at work.

One jerk who was watching kept interrupting, asking stupid questions about the movie and the story behind it (he kept saying that no animal would care that much for its owner.) It took all of my won'tpower not to give him a swishy that would bring back fond memories of Camp Happy iykwim. :mad:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The Cat Returns and Castle in the Sky comprised my double feature (in that order.) Both were dubbed, but still better than nothing. :oops:

Might try to buy them some time in the future...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I left Thelma and Louise because I just couldn't get into it (too redunculous imho.) I know it's supposed to be an action/adventure/drama, but it was as interesting as a bad case of poison oak. It was worse when the male neighbors were acting like children (or was it an act? :confused:?)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Just finished rewatching Castle in the Sky (better than Prizzi's Honor imho.) Added benefit: it was much quieter in my apartment.

Might look for more anime titles at school after I return the ones I have right now.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The Shape of Water. Ok. Not sure if it was best picture worthy, but I’m still working my way through the other nominees from the latest Oscars.

Guess what next Thursday's movie is going to be... I'll give you three guesses (the first two might not count.)

I'm going to see if my university's library has The Blues Brothers or another Studio Ghibli anime that I don't own. *headdesk*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Thursday's movie was The Misfits starring Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, and Montgomery Cliff.

It was (mostly) worth it (except for a few neighbors who wouldn't shut the fook up!) Catcalling and wolf whistling whenever Marilyn Monroe was onscreen (especially one neighbor that tried to tell me that ATS belly dancing is the same as performing a strip tease [for everyone's information, they aren't].) I wish the main culprit would have his priveleges suspended or banned from movie nights...

I shared a vegetarian chicken dish with another neighbor (it had Korean-style sweet chili sauce and udon noodles.) She was grateful.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Went to see "mystery movie" this afternoon. I didn't find out the title until I got there, which is why I refer to it as "mystery movie".

The title of said movie: Baywatch from 2017. It won Golden Schmo awards and had several nominations for a number of other awards, including Golden Raspberries. Here's the list of awards and nominations: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1469304/awards?ref_=m_tt_awd

Gonna "wash" my eyes out with an anime or two...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
They showed Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein again. I followed it with a few episodes of How to Keep A Mummy and Kiki's Delivery Service (I still want a Jiji bento box!)

Why can't they have a much wider variety of movies? Heck, if I can do an interlibrary loan, others can, too.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I have several times, including a couple of Muppet Movie suggestions! The guy in charge of "movie night" told me that my recommendations are/were too racy. :rolleyes:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Racy muppets?! I’ve never heard those words put together.
Gotta get out more mate.

Actually took a while to find one clean enough to post! -:D
The Empire Strikes Back played in the community room (again!) They had deep-dish supreme pizza while I enjoyed a sweet chili noodle bowl with vegetarian chicken tenders (they couldn't understand why I passed up such "delicious" pizza ["Just pick off the sausage and pepperoni! You won't notice!" :rolleyes:].)

I wish that I had the chutzpah to bring Vulcan's Fire Salt-roasted vegetables and have them try eating that... Perhaps they'll understand my problem with their choices then.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Just left The Aviator starring Leonardo diCaprio as Howard Hughes.

I cannot understand how it got even one Oscar, but that's my opinion. *shrug* At least I didn't make a scene while leaving (others were enjoying it.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Dodged the bullet with Santa Claus Conquers The Martians, choosing to watch Howl's Moving Castle instead. My choice might've been anime, but it's far more palatable than the movie in the community room.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
A Wind Named Amnesia, a post-apocalyptic anime about what might happen if a peculiar wind flows through the world, wiping out the abilities for everyone to function above basic survival, if that. Everyone forgets how to open a container of food, how to operate a stove/oven, how to start a fire, what's safe to eat/drink and what can kill you... and there are a handful of people who either escaped this strange breeze or started to relearn "civilized" behavior, including how to verbally communicate with others.

The story follows a couple of the "higher-functioning" people as they try to survive a cross-country trip from Los Angeles to New York City, avoiding "sentient" robots and mecha with only a handgun. I recommend watching it, moreso than the movie that I avoided last Thursday.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine