The Walled Garden approach

I was much in favor for the liberal/mystic/esoteric/metaphysical Christian board as many thoughts violated the code of the Christian Board.

Christians not being able to question the origins of the bible, and its books is ridiculous to me. The days of rapping knuckles with rulers when a kid asks, "How do we know there is a G-d" or about Noah's ark, or about the Garden...or just being told Believe it because G-d said it. It is a crock to me.

Faith grows through use and understanding, not by beating, berating or scaring someone into opinion obviously.

But in some being a follower of Jesus, is not enough to be on the Christian need to dance to a number of other tunes as well.

I don't mind what others believe, I just have questions. I don't buy that I can head out and sin and then confess, sin again and head back in for forgiveness...yes that may work....But what is the point?

I also want to learn from Jews, Bahai, Buddhists, Wiccan, Muslims etc. I walk the streets, attend opera and concerts and ball games and work with these makes sense to have an understanding of their beliefs...and like we don't appreciate our beliefs trampled...the only way to not trample theirs is having this understanding.

Since I am not Muslim, but know they feel it an abomination to draw a picture of Mohamed...than I wouldn't....however if I were...I would question this and probably draw pictures to challenge nature.

As I follow the teachings of Jesus....believe me it is my goal to tear at the very thread of my belief system...and insure that fabic is strong...not to tear it down, but to view it as from the outside, explore it on the inside...and strenghthen my faith.

Do I run the risk of finding out something that will remove my belief...maybe, but why would I not want to know that?????????
I have a couple of suggestions on improving the nature of the walls.

Firstly, change the name and description of the Eastern Thought forum. Eastern Religion would be a better less insulting of description. as it stands now it seems to perpetuate the notion of godless Asians. As for this forums discription it leaves out Hinduism only listing Buddhism, Confucianism and Tao. What gives? Why insult 600 million Hindus like that?

Another change that needs to be made is to put the Baha'i Faith in with the other Abrahamic religions. Truly to not do this is a direct insult to the Baha'is.

I hope that neither the mislabling of Eastern Religions or the displacement of the Baha'i were done just to appease Muslims. If this is the rationale these are even worse insults to the respective communities.
I have a couple of suggestions on improving the nature of the walls.

Firstly, change the name and description of the Eastern Thought forum. Eastern Religion would be a better less insulting of description. as it stands now it seems to perpetuate the notion of godless Asians. As for this forums discription it leaves out Hinduism only listing Buddhism, Confucianism and Tao. What gives? Why insult 600 million Hindus like that?
:confused: When I click on the Eastern Thought Forum, I see Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, and Sikhism, but no Confucianism. Here's the link to the Hindu Board:
China Cat Sunflower said:
I was thinking that a street preacher grudge match forum would be fun. Heckling would be encouraged.

A place where we could learn to laugh at ourselves would be refreshing. :D
Firstly, change the name and description of the Eastern Thought forum. Eastern Religion would be a better less insulting of description. as it stands now it seems to perpetuate the notion of godless Asians.


Well there's godless people worldwide, but yes I agree with the sentiment. "Religion" suggests something that has foundations whereas "Thought" might just be anybody's ramblings who happens to come from "the East."
Also I don't know if the word Eastern is still appropriate. OK this may be its origin, but it's a relative term and, like many beliefs, they are more global now. I don't see Christianity filed under Middle Eastern Thought.

A place where we could learn to laugh at ourselves would be refreshing. :D

Hi sg,

...but could we stop laughing when we left that place? And humour can sometimes be cruel, so might we be sailing into choppy waters there?

I think it's working better, and hopefully will help smooth out some of the current tensions.

As ever, helping oversee a developing community has its challenges, and these develop with the community. All the more reason why I think the overall CR community as it is now needs approaches that work with current needs, rather than previous ones.


I appreciate your efforts and your approachability Brian. I still think that having fellowship only areas is a good idea. From my perspective it has often felt like there's a kind of slavish devotion to structure for structure's sake here. It's been better lately.

I have a couple of suggestions on improving the nature of the walls.

Firstly, change the name and description of the Eastern Thought forum. Eastern Religion would be a better less insulting of description. as it stands now it seems to perpetuate the notion of godless Asians. As for this forums discription it leaves out Hinduism only listing Buddhism, Confucianism and Tao. What gives? Why insult 600 million Hindus like that?

Another change that needs to be made is to put the Baha'i Faith in with the other Abrahamic religions. Truly to not do this is a direct insult to the Baha'is.

I hope that neither the mislabling of Eastern Religions or the displacement of the Baha'i were done just to appease Muslims. If this is the rationale these are even worse insults to the respective communities.

I sure would like to get a response from an administrator to these issues.
The one about the virtual nudist resort. SG said we need a place we can learn to laugh at ourselves, so I thought a virtual nudist board...

Maybe I dreamed it.

I don't know but I don't think the staff removed anything like that.

But I agree we could use a little more levity around here. :) I'm not sure a virtual nudist colony would do it...besides, it's winter here. I'm not about to sit here typing in the nude!
Typing? Heck, I'm in the hot tub right outside the cabana bar. There's someone lurking behind the bushes. I think it's...Wil.

It just occurred to tubs don't have walls.

And how many people have you ever known who would kill a good hot tub mellow with arguing? I think you've just hit upon the perfect new format for CR!
It just occurred to tubs don't have walls.

And how many people have you ever known who would kill a good hot tub mellow with arguing? I think you've just hit upon the perfect new format for CR!
Would that be the equivilent of a "chat room?"
Wil already has it all figured out on post #6 of this thread. :D
I am gone for a couple of days and when I come back, what do I find? People sitting around in hot tubs in the middle of winter, drinking innocent margaritas and just generally making merry....


Quahom1 said:
InLove, when were you not accepted into the Christian forum? In fact, when were the rest not accepted into the Christian forum? We did not say go away. Just that we don't accept certain tennants that others profess. We state such...

We aren't the ones who went away...

Hey Josh--sorry for the late response. Been kinda busy these past few days.

I certainly have never have felt unwelcome on the Christian board by any means. I apologize if I gave that impression! I am quite comfortable posting there, as well as in the LC these days. Heck--I'm pretty comfortable in all the gardens, and I love it. :)

