HOT, YES running Jews for Jesus ads


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A major Christian TV network offered on Israeli cable and satellite television is broadcasting missionary advertisements directed at Jews.

The Dallas-based Daystar TV network, which is part of the basic cable program on both YES and HOT, broadcasts a medley of teachings from the New Testament, and includes 15-minute infomercials from the Jewish Voice Ministries International that targets a Jewish audience with the message of Jesus.

The network, which is similar to many Christian religious stations in the US, is broadcast on Channel 110 on YES, and is available upon request on Channel 98 on HOT...

Wait til BB hears about this!

The shmutz is going to hit the fan!
Well it aint on the comparative religions board or interfaith boards, it aint on the Judaic or Abramic board, its over here on the Christianity board where the evangilism and proslytizing of Jews for Jesus is accepted as SOP, good folks spreading the good news and saving souls...

Yes in Israel I dare say someone jumped on the scales, and we may yet hear from BB. Oranges provide orange juice....shouldn't really be a surprise.
Well it aint on the comparative religions board or interfaith boards, it aint on the Judaic or Abramic board, its over here on the Christianity board where the evangilism and proslytizing of Jews for Jesus is accepted as SOP, good folks spreading the good news and saving souls...

I think that's a bit of a generalization. Jews for Jesus goes beyond evangelizing by disguising what they do as if it's a form of Judaism, which would be no different than disguising Christianity as Islam, Hinduism, Shintoism, or any other religion,and it's not just Jews who are upset. Christians are also. You can take a look here at this page. Immediately below the info on messianics upset is a much longer bit about Christians upset.

Jews for Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But in very brief,

Christian denominations that have issued statements criticizing evangelism of Jews include the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, the United Church of Christ and the Presbyterian Church USA, which said in 1988 that Jews have their own covenant with God. In 1996, Pope John Paul II said Jews shouldn't be targeted for conversion.[53]

Of course on the page it lists specific activities that are offensive to some Christians that are taken by Jews for Jesus.

Jews for Jesus defends its actions...stating:
"If a person believes the Bible and believes that Jesus is the only way of salvation (John 14:6, Acts 4:12, Romans 10:9,10) and then that person declines to tell a Jewish friend about Christ, it indicates one of two things. Either that person has decided that the Jews are not worthy of the gospel, in which case he would be a racist, an anti-Semite and a hater of people instead of the lover of people that God wants him to be. Or perhaps he has judged the gospel as being unworthy of the Jews in which case he has trivialized the passion of Calvary and the awesome significance of Christ's resurrection."
Emphasis mine... from the same page.

The [Interfaith Conference of Metro Washington] also denounces the group's "deceptive proselytizing efforts", stating that when practiced on "vulnerable populations" such as the young or the elderly, these efforts are "tantamount to coerced conversions...
[ Board of Governors of The Long Island Council of Churches] voiced similar sentiments in a statement that "noted with alarm" the "subterfuge and dishonesty" inherent in the "mixing [of] religious symbols in ways which distort their essential meaning"...
[statement from RC Church] "... The distinctive Jewish witness must be sustained if Catholics and Jews are truly to be, as Pope John Paul II has envisioned, “a blessing to one another.”"...
[Cardinal Walter Kasper says] "This does not mean that Jews in order to be saved have to become Christians; if they follow their own conscience and believe in God’s promises as they understand them in their religious tradition, they are in line with God’s plan, which for us came to its historical completion in Jesus Christ."

If you're going to give their rebuttal, at least make visible the other issues some have with the group that the article presents, as well as other ways Christian theology deals with Judaism as an entity.

Kindest Regards, wil! on the Christianity board where the evangilism and proslytizing of Jews for Jesus is accepted as SOP...
Not on my watch. Seems I recall the CoC is quite specific; no proselytizing, period. Besides, it would require a Christian masquerading as a Jew posting on the Judaism board trying to garner conversions, which I think our regular Jewish contributors would spot rather quickly.

Discussion of the matter of witnessing, pro or con, is a horse of a different color.
Kindest Regards, Blazn!
Jews for Jesus defends its actions...stating:
"If a person believes the Bible and believes that Jesus is the only way of salvation (John 14:6, Acts 4:12, Romans 10:9,10) and then that person declines to tell a Jewish friend about Christ, it indicates one of two things. Either that person has decided that the Jews are not worthy of the gospel, in which case he would be a racist, an anti-Semite and a hater of people instead of the lover of people that God wants him to be. Or perhaps he has judged the gospel as being unworthy of the Jews in which case he has trivialized the passion of Calvary and the awesome significance of Christ's resurrection."
Perhaps, but there is a huge issue of intent and motivation. It presupposes that G-d made His covenant with Judah frivolously. Which if so, then why bother imitating a frivolous covenant? Either G-d's covenant with Judah is which case the JforJ are operating under false pretense trying to "save" someone who doesn't require saving...or else G-d's covenant with Judah is invalid, in which case adopting of invalid ways, means and traditions subverts the attempt of "saving by grace." Either way, it is not very forthright in presenting itself.

Having said this, there is no problem in my mind having religious discussions between Christians and Jews, or any other faith for that matter. The problem enters when one side of the discussion takes on an air of superiority and lords itself over the other. History is full of examples of what that can lead to.
If you're going to give their rebuttal, at least make visible the other issues some have with the group that the article presents, as well as other ways Christian theology deals with Judaism as an entity.


When you cited the Interfaith Council and the Long Island council of churches, did you realize that they are both Interfaith? (Baha'i, Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Jain, Jewish, Latter-day Saints, Protestant, Roman Catholic, SIkh, and Zoroastrian) While they are well-meaning in their diverse agendas, they are not exactly "evangelical friendly."
Perhaps, but there is a huge issue of intent and motivation.... The problem enters when one side of the discussion takes on an air of superiority and lords itself over the other...

i would like to think that the motivation behind any evangelical movement is loving god and loving his creation enough that you wish to spread the gospel of salvation thru christ so that none perish but have everlasting life, and that would be as a servant of god with no air of superiority, but for the glory of god alone.
Kindest Regards, Blazn!
i would like to think that the motivation behind any evangelical movement is loving god and loving his creation enough that you wish to spread the gospel of salvation thru christ so that none perish but have everlasting life, and that would be as a servant of god with no air of superiority, but for the glory of god alone.
Oh, I agree. The problem is whether or not one reads, is familiar with, and gives credence to the Old Testament as the Word of G-d on an equal basis with the New Testament. If one does believe the OT is the Word of G-d (must be, Jesus taught from it...), then the Jews already have a contract in full force with G-d, since before Moses. So, the only reason a Christian could possibly believe that Jews require saving is if they do not believe half of the Word of G-d...rather sticky conundrum, I would think...

When you cited the Interfaith Council and the Long Island council of churches, did you realize that they are both Interfaith? (Baha'i, Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Jain, Jewish, Latter-day Saints, Protestant, Roman Catholic, SIkh, and Zoroastrian) While they are well-meaning in their diverse agendas, they are not exactly "evangelical friendly."

I was quite aware of who I was quoting and as I'm sure all of the non-evangelicals will agree, evangelical Christianity is not Christianity. I never said I was giving views exclusively of one flavor of Christianity. The interfaith groups contain Christians and the words wouldn't be published in the name of the whole group if the Christians did not consent.

I was quite aware of who I was quoting and as I'm sure all of the non-evangelicals will agree, evangelical Christianity is not Christianity. I never said I was giving views exclusively of one flavor of Christianity. The interfaith groups contain Christians and the words wouldn't be published in the name of the whole group if the Christians did not consent.
Whoo-boy, I'm gonna stick my neck out just a bit against all my better judgement...

I'm not sure I would say evangelical Christianity is not Christianity...any more than I would say liberal Jews are not Jews because they do not believe the same way Ultra-Orthodox Jews believe. Evangelicals may not represent the whole, or even majority, of Christianity, but they are Christians.

In my humble opinion, I believe evangelicals' hearts are in the right place, but they are a little misguided. A lot of that seems to be because of an inordinate emphasis on the New Testament at the expense of the Old Testament (oh, the law was done away with...). It is a misguided teaching that avoids looking at many hard messages, but in the process it overlooks many wonderful promises. The end result is an incomplete understanding of G-d's message to us, of which Jesus was to the Christian the consummate teacher providing the insight to properly discern and distinguish and use the lessons of the OT. The New Testament is primarily the work of Paul. We have only the four cannonical Gospels that present Jesus' interpretation of the OT, the vast majority of the rest of the NT is Paul's interpretation of same through the lense of Jesus' teachings, of which has been rightly pointed to elsewhere, Paul was not present to experience the person of Christ. And to which Paul is forthright enough to admit on several occasions that what he writes is his opinion on the matter, *not gospel.*

Even so, to say that one interpretation is not Christian is to imply that no interpretation is Christian. Else, just which interpretation is Christian? Likewise, the same can be said of Judaism. Are liberal Jews not Jews? Or are Orthodox Jews not Jews? Or must one be born of a Christian mother to be Christian...and all else does not matter?

I was quite aware of who I was quoting and as I'm sure all of the non-evangelicals will agree, evangelical Christianity is not Christianity. I never said I was giving views exclusively of one flavor of Christianity. The interfaith groups contain Christians and the words wouldn't be published in the name of the whole group if the Christians did not consent.



I do not think that is true. Evangelical Christianity is still Christianity and the same is true for Messianic Jews, they are still Jewish.

In my humble opinion, I believe evangelicals' hearts are in the right place, but they are a little misguided. A lot of that seems to be because of an inordinate emphasis on the New Testament at the expense of the Old Testament (oh, the law was done away with...). It is a misguided teaching that avoids looking at many hard messages, but in the process it overlooks many wonderful promises.

That is completely false. Where are you getting your information?

The Old Testament is prophecy concealed, and the New Testament is prophecy revealed.

(it just warms my heart to know it is in the right
place :rolleyes:)
I'm not sure I would say evangelical Christianity is not Christianity...any more than I would say liberal Jews are not Jews because they do not believe the same way Ultra-Orthodox Jews believe. Evangelicals may not represent the whole, or even majority, of Christianity, but they are Christians.

Sorry, my post wasn't clear. I can see how that could be misinterpreted. Her post assumed I should be addressing evangelical Christianity and ignored the rest, so I was really saying that it's not Christianity [in its entirety.]

Messianic Jews, they are still Jewish.

But they aren't actually Jews. They're Christians adopting jewish practices. Common misconception. If a Jew becomes a Christian, according to Judaism, they remain a Jew. That's for life. But they are cut-off. It is a specific status, and essentially, as long as they are cut-off, they are no longer a part of the Jewish community.

And juan, re the end of your post, Jews don't get into those types of debates with each other. The issue that defines one's Jewishness is universally halachah. The definition varies a little from place to place as to how to become Jewish or patrilineal descent, but all the denominations still regard the other denominations as Jews.

And yes, I know, quoted one person, then another, then went back. Aplogies. Late. Should be clear when you see it.

Sorry, my post wasn't clear. I can see how that could be misinterpreted. Her post assumed I should be addressing evangelical Christianity and ignored the rest, so I was really saying that it's not Christianity [in its entirety.]

But they aren't actually Jews. They're Christians adopting jewish practices. Common misconception. If a Jew becomes a Christian, according to Judaism, they remain a Jew. That's for life. But they are cut-off. It is a specific status, and essentially, as long as they are cut-off, they are no longer a part of the Jewish community.

This is ridiculous.