Christianity Brew Ha Ha

Hi Deb!

What I mean is that Silas" point of view, and Andrew's point of view, and Wil's, and yours, and mine, and Pi's, and Josh's, and everyone else's...they're all genuinely Christian. It's all Christianity. Anything remotely related to Christianity, all the New Age stuff, all of it is Christianity. But we're still on this silly-ass "who's a real Christian" thing, when that has nothing to do with it.

I tell you what should happen. The Muslim mod should do Christianity and the Christian Mod should handle Islam. That would dipense with the agendas, which is what really needs to happen.


Well Chris, you got your wish...after a fashion. :eek:
This is in regards to the recent turmoil on Christianity:

First, I've never seen such a bunch of whiners. You all seem to think that somehow, some way, there's a magic formula for making everyone happy. The way I see it, what we had was a refreshing outbreak of honesty. The best we can hope for is an equalibrium of contention, where all forces are somewhat evenly matched. Kinda like a tug-of-war that can't be won.

Silas is the best thing that's happened to this forum since I've been here. He represents a genuine point of view which is authentically Christian. And everyone wants to shut him up. My God, what would happen if we all just said what we really think like Silas? Why, then there's no way we could keep up this false veneer of psuedo- "respect".

You can't legislate "respect." It has to be earned. And you'll never be able to find a definition of "Christianity" that makes everyone happy. So why not just make it about stopping personal attacks and let everything else go? A personal attack is a clear-cut thing. "Respect" is amorphous. Christianity is a huge, diverse stew of things. It's ethnic. I have never understood the effort that's been pored into isolating just what "pure Christianity" is. It's elitist and silly. Anything which lightly touches on anything having to do with Christianity is germain to the discussion. Why all the effort to compartmentalize? Why "Christianity" and "Liberal Christianity"? Why the need to placate the bigotry of some at the expense of others?

I said a long time ago that the solution was to have a "Christianity Fellowship", and a "Christianity for Debate" forum. But nobody flippin' listens around here.


Not quite true. You afterall did become a bit upset with my "in your face" stonewall attitude pertaining to Christianity, but then my being a moderator might have had something to do with your disdain for my way of expressing self...(so a balancing act is required).

Also, your wish for a fellowship and a debate forum was created. Apparently we did listen to you, for one is called Christianity and the other is called Liberal Christianity. One for fellowship and the other for debate.

It may not have been "packaged" as you originally perceived, none the less it became reality.


Not quite true. You afterall did become a bit upset with my "in your face" stonewall attitude pertaining to Christianity, but then my being a moderator might have had something to do with your disdain for my way of expressing self...(so a balancing act is required).

Also, your wish for a fellowship and a debate forum was created. Apparently we did listen to you, for one is called Christianity and the other is called Liberal Christianity. One for fellowship and the other for debate.

It may not have been "packaged" as you originally perceived, none the less it became reality.



What, do you miss our wrangling already? Silly me, I said all in public and stuff that I wouldn't post on Christianity anymore. Is it better without me? Seems to be. I dunno Josh, I just wanted to foster a little chaos and dissent to keep things from getting stagnant. I thought it was needed. Nothing personal.

Oh. As an afterthought, it's been a fun experiment and experience. I think I'm pretty much done, though. Thank you all.

Chris, please say it ain't so. Get back here and post some stuff! Please?

Yeah Chris come on.

Just cos I'm thinking of moving on, doesn't mean there has to be an Exodus.:eek:

Nobody leave, okay? Take a nap, take a vacation, take a walk on the wild side or something. But come back. Everyone--all of ya!

Some of you might enjoy the hot tub, but that is at Chris's place....


Chris...I understand that all things change even when one wants them not to. You're a good and true navigator. Keep moving forward and trust YOUR heart.

Yeah, flow's right. But just know that if you leave, I will miss you very, very much.


P.S. Please log in at least one more time, will ya?
Hi Deb. I got your PM.

Listen, it's kinda hard to explain, but I'm at the end of a journey. Not THE journey, just the portion where I was trying to figure out religion and faith. Fact is I can't find a use for it. I don't have faith. I don't believe in any of it. Not the traditional stuff, and not the free form newer stuff.

I don't think I have anything to offer anyone here. This is a forum about faith and religion. I don't belong here.

I appreciate your kindness.

Hi Deb. I got your PM.

Listen, it's kinda hard to explain, but I'm at the end of a journey. Not THE journey, just the portion where I was trying to figure out religion and faith. Fact is I can't find a use for it. I don't have faith. I don't believe in any of it. Not the traditional stuff, and not the free form newer stuff.

I don't think I have anything to offer anyone here. This is a forum about faith and religion. I don't belong here.

I appreciate your kindness.


Well Chris, I have enjoyed your posts, you've written some really interesting things and you are good online company. If you take off I will miss you. I'm happy for you though that you are ready to move on to a new stage, whatever that may be...:)
Yes...natural and free spirits are a truly rare thing in today's world, increasingly admired and sought after by those who find that state of being unattainable. You are truly blessed Chris, and whether you believe it or not, you will find your faith in the fullness of time, quite likely where and when you least expect to.

But none of that will begin to fill the holes in the hearts of your friends that have been with you in the past, for we will not be aware of it all since it is your life. G-dspeed my brother.


I found your faith! It was behind the couch all along.:D

Seriously, while on your journey leave some crumbs for me to follow...You're ahead of me on this one.

Hey Mark,

You're a self-professed fundie. Why would you want to come to a place where religion is of no use? You know me better than anyone, so you know that I have to continually shed old skin. I gotta keep cleaning out my closet because if I don't the forces which oppose entropy will do my pruning for me. The Sword Queen is a heartless bitch when it comes to destroying useless forms. That's my problem, not yours. Enjoy your path brother.

Hey Mark,

You're a self-professed fundie. Why would you want to come to a place where religion is of no use? You know me better than anyone, so you know that I have to continually shed old skin. I gotta keep cleaning out my closet because if I don't the forces which oppose entropy will do my pruning for me. The Sword Queen is a heartless bitch when it comes to destroying useless forms. That's my problem, not yours. Enjoy your path brother.


Take care Chris, you'll be missed.


Hey Mark,

You're a self-professed fundie. Why would you want to come to a place where religion is of no use?

Because it's obvious to me that people frequently let their religion get in the way of their spirituality. As the Buddhists say, "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." I met him. Maybe I didn't have the courage to kill him. Maybe I'm circling back around to come up behind him. I don't know.
You know me better than anyone, so you know that I have to continually shed old skin. I gotta keep cleaning out my closet because if I don't the forces which oppose entropy will do my pruning for me. The Sword Queen is a heartless bitch when it comes to destroying useless forms. That's my problem, not yours. Enjoy your path brother.

Yeah, you're right. I swept the yard until there were no leaves. Found out there was nothing but yard. Not so perfect. Had to add a few leaves.:)

Much love,