What/how do you compare?

What makes you think that you are enjoying more pleasures than I? I've been on both sides of the fence, my friend. And while debauchery has it's merits (shortlived, I might add), what I found has so far surpassed what I've indulged in the past. I feel more alive now than I ever have. I drink in life all around me. If this is all a delusion, I haven't missed anything.
-Like Jesus, Horus was born to a virgin, Isis-Meri, on December 25 in a cave or a manger.
-Like Jesus, Horus' birth was announced by a star in the east and he was allegedly attended by three wise men.
-Before his death, Horus had 12 disciples..
-To begin with, Mithra was born of a virgin in a cave on December 25.

I've seen this sort of claim before, and it's not founded in any fact so far as I can tell.

Try and find an original source for any of the above - I think you'll find they don't exist.

The whole Horus rewriting just doesn't occur in Ancient Egyptian mythology so far as I've read - the Horus story and the whole Osiris-Set tale is very different.

Also, there are no written records regarding the beliefs of Mithras - we have a few carvings and reliefs, but certainly nothing that offers a date.
What makes you think that you are enjoying more pleasures than I? I've been on both sides of the fence, my friend. And while debauchery has it's merits (shortlived, I might add), what I found has so far surpassed what I've indulged in the past. I feel more alive now than I ever have. I drink in life all around me. If this is all a delusion, I haven't missed anything.

Exactly... Who can judge?

I too have been on what you call both sides of the fence..... I prefer -my- side.... ;)
Exactly... Who can judge?

I too have been on what you call both sides of the fence..... I prefer -my- side.... ;)

To Each His Own
I cannot change the way I am,
I never really try,
God made me different and unique,
I never ask him why.

If I appear peculiar,
There's nothing I can do,
You must accept me as I am,
As I've accepted you.

God made a casting of each life,
Then threw the old away,
Each child is different from the rest,
Unlike as night from day.

So often we will criticize,
The things that others do,
But, do you know, they do not think,
The same as me and you.

So God in all his wisdom,
Who knows us all by name,
He didn't want us to be bored,
That's why we're not the same.


We can still share coffee across that picket fence... Right?
What makes you think that you are enjoying more pleasures than I? I've been on both sides of the fence, my friend. And while debauchery has it's merits (shortlived, I might add), what I found has so far surpassed what I've indulged in the past. I feel more alive now than I ever have. I drink in life all around me. If this is all a delusion, I haven't missed anything.

I agree completely Dondi.

Wil, on your recommendation I went back and tried again. My problem is how many times they stress that what they are telling us are FACTS, yet a number of times I can refute, with evidence, what they are saying, particularly with regard to the Islamic and ancient Egyptian issues. So these are not facts, so why should I believe what they are saying are facts about issues I know little if anything about? Let's be honest if we go to scientific lecture and the speaker begins by saying E=mc3 we are not going to take the remainder seriously unless the lecture is called Eistein was wrong.
Wil, on your recommendation I went back and tried again. My problem is how many times they stress that what they are telling us are FACTS, yet a number of times I can refute, with evidence, what they are saying, particularly with regard to the Islamic and ancient Egyptian issues. So these are not facts, so why should I believe what they are saying are facts about issues I know little if anything about? Let's be honest if we go to scientific lecture and the speaker begins by saying E=mc3 we are not going to take the remainder seriously unless the lecture is called Eistein was wrong.
Namaste Muslimwoman,

My recomendation? My recomendation wasn't that they were 100% right and had all the fact correct, my recommendation was that it was worth watching, in that some of the information they had was valid, and watching how they stretched it, how their bias twisted it, how they utilized it. As said by others these same techniques are used by many and it is worthwhile to know how manipulative some people and organizations can be. Also when folks come out of the blue with 'facts' and information it is places like this they are getting it...knowing what is 'out there' is a benefit.
Namaste Muslimwoman,

My recomendation? My recomendation wasn't that they were 100% right and had all the fact correct, my recommendation was that it was worth watching, in that some of the information they had was valid, and watching how they stretched it, how their bias twisted it, how they utilized it. As said by others these same techniques are used by many and it is worthwhile to know how manipulative some people and organizations can be. Also when folks come out of the blue with 'facts' and information it is places like this they are getting it...knowing what is 'out there' is a benefit.

Hi Wil

That was all I meant, your recommendation that it was worth watching, so hence I gave it another go. I see where you are coming from and as a Muslim I experience this 'twisting' in a close up and personal way. It is also nice to see that it is not just the religious leaders that do this, but anyone that wishes you to believe and follow their way of thinking. It does make me wonder how much of what I believe (of history, political issues, etc) is in fact just spin?! What a depressing thought, so maybe it really is E=mc3 :D

Forty-six Striking Analogies Between Christ and Chrishna,” Loc. Cit.] It is said of him that his birth was foretold; that he was an incarnate God; his mother a virgin; that he had an adopted father who was a carpenter; that there was rejoicing on earth and in heaven at his birth; that his mother's name was Maia: He was born in an obscure situation on December 25th; was visited by wise men and shepherds who were led by a star; was warned by an angel of danger; that all children were ordered to be destroyed in order to include him; that his parents fled to Mathura. He had a forerunner [Bali-Rama]; was wise in childhood; was lost and searched for by his parents; had other brothers; retired to solitude; fasted; preached a noteworthy sermon; was entitled a Saviour, Redeemer, Shepherd, Lion of the tribe of Sakia; ..
Total bull-shit and nonsense (correct the spelling, it is not Chrishna, that would be read as in 'change'. It is hard 'k'). You are confusing between Krishna and Buddha have cooked a story containing parts of both mythologies :mad:. Krishna was the eighth off-spring of Devaki (not Maia, Maya was Buddha's mother. Buddha did not have any elder brothers) and Vasudeva. Krishna's six elder brothers were killed by Kamsa, at one time loving brother of Devaki, who turned hostile after a divine voice is said to have informed him that a son of Devaki would kill him (no one tried to kill Buddha. He had no brother). Krishna's adopted father, Nanda, was a chief of a village of cow-herders, Nandgaon (the village of Nanda), that of Buddha was a king of a small principality, Kapilavastu, on the present border of India and Nepal. Krishna's father was king of Dwarika, a sea-port in Gujarat. Krishna's birth anniversary is celebrated in August-September according to hindu lunar calender, and that of Buddha in May-June. No wisemen visited him, only the people of the village, no new star appeared, no angel warned of dangers (you mean someone needs to warn an incarnation of God?). Krishna's parents did not escape to Mathura, they remained in prison till the death of Kamsa. Balarama was Vasudeva's second wife, Rohini, and was never lost or searched for. Krishna's people were known as Vrishnis and those of Buddha as 'Shakyas'

How long I need to go on? You do not seem to know an iota of hindu mythology. I resign. Please check your information on Wikipedia. You seem to have picked up whatever rot was written in a book. BTW, are you a Bahai?
Can you tell me, please- is data in video correct- it has to do with facts (with text- something that is written; black on white)- the question is only- IS IT TRUE, CORRECT.
No. it is not true, it's not even a valid opinion ... it's propaganda and lies. It's a scam.

In the words of the most eloquent Stephen Fry: "This is arse gravy of the very worst kind."
When you boil it down, do we not all just 'Hope There's Someone', in this world and, if there is one, the next?
You know Thomas, not everyone. So, we go to another world? How long this has been going on? We have not gone anywhere except the Moon. Is Moon your next world (in Indian languages 'Chandra Lok')? :)
Being the Damn Pragmatist I am, I'll deal with the next world when and if I get there. My goal is to find The Someone here. And I have. Actually I have two right now; blessed I am.

Then there are the almost-but-not-quite The Someone. I have a precious couple of those. Always looking for more. For me, The Someone has an infinite variations, and various friends and loved ones fill parts of that whole. One can never have enough Someone.

It is one of the main reasons I believe we are here.