What has C-R done for you?


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a figment of your imagination
What has C-R done for you?

What can you do for C-R?

In the time I've been here I've watched some change in individuals...they appear to have come with one thing in mind and become, grown into something else over the course...has that happened to you?

17th used to chuckle about how few of us are here actually in conversation...I think that had and has some validity...how much better would it be with 200 active posters rather than a couple dozen?

The group that is here has provided me valuable thought, contemplation and links to other valuable thought and contemplation. The people here have personalized and let me further into their beliefs than I have been able to go before...I'm thankful.

I do tell people about C-R on one hand...but don't push it on the other, I think I may be protective of my space here...Am I worried about what I discuss here vs. w/coworkers, family, friends, church members? I don't think so....but why don't I encourage them more to get out of this what I and others do?

When some kid comes on a school project and asks us a question and we as a group write his/her paper for them...is that valuable for them?

I think I've posed enough topics and tossed out enough questions to allow this thread to go in a plethora of directions and be completely underailable as everything will be appropriate to the OP.
What would you say is the ideal length of time to chill a trifle before serving?

I'd say about 2 hours.


(red rag to a bull that one, wil:p)
What has C-R done for you?

What can you do for C-R?


Greetings Will,

It has exercised my tolerance, patience, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, love, peace and communications skills and openess to other point of views.

The same for others.

Love and Peace, :)
I think CR has helped me to be more expansive, to include and integrate a wide variety of perspectives and ideas. It is a fortunate few that will outgrow their own ideas and constructs in regard to what reality and truth entail, and toward that end I commit myself. Without the interaction with others, my solitary pursuits would be impossible. So I guess you could say that I went to CR because "I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life..." ( sorry Henry :) )
Above all, CR has given many of us the opportunity to reach out and touch kindred spirits and minds, and to learn new things about life from those experiences.
Thank you Brian.

*shakes head and sighs* Wil wil wil wil wil wil wil... Ask not what c-r can do for you. Ask what you can do for c-r. My fellow members of C-R: ask not what this forum can do for you. Ask what together we can do for the free articulation of diverse thinking in a wholesome and dialogue-affirming environment. I have a dream that one day on c-r new members and old members, active participants and lurkers will join hands and shout in the words of the old 133t cry of jubilation: th1s pl4c3 r0xx0rs.
Okay I am prepared to be honest - I don't want to tell you what CR has done for me. It has done so much and if there was an announcement it was closing I would be at a loss but I feel what it has done for me is private. Isn't that silly?

I tell anyone that will listen what I discuss and learn here but have never suggested anyone join. That is so wierd, why don't I want to share?

I shall have to go and have a good think about my reaction to your questions Wil. Why am I willing to share my inner most thoughts on here but not comfortable sharing this???????? :confused:
Do we use the term friend to loosely? What is a friend I wonder?

Sometimes I force myself to say acquaintance, coworker, rather than friend...as I don't feel they are friends...

But right now, folks I've never met, yet am only virtually acquainted with and I wish to say that when I read what my FRIENDS wrote in response so far tears came to my eye...

Yes Brian et al (is there a history somewhere?? There needs to be!) have created a wonderful international haven. Of these six responses I have met one, in the flesh, but the others I really truly consider friends...more than folks I have worked with for over a decade.

CR is a favorite coffee shop, that I want to stop in once, twice, three times a day to see who has happened by and left a note on the bulletin board, or a new book on the coffee table...who is sitting in the comfy chairs that I can get into conversation with..
I shall have to go and have a good think about my reaction to your questions Wil. Why am I willing to share my inner most thoughts on here but not comfortable sharing this???????? :confused:

Hi Muslimwoman,

We havn't talked before, but isn't it part of the strengh of this forum how it feels so many brothers and sisters here and the question of why .... isn't it because on CR you can be yourself, who you really are.

My time here has been in the shedding of skins of presumption. :)

Gotta roll those clouds away.

Thanks Brian for the oppotunity.

- c -
I wish I could explain it. I would consider most of the people I speak with here as friends and close friends too, as I share with you thoughts that have remained only mine for years. Take someone like InLove, if she told me she needed help I would be on the first plane, despite my promise never to step foot on american soil and never having even spoken with her on the phone, she is dearer to me than thousands of people I have met in my life. Somehow Wil's questions just seem to overstep a boundary for me - I don't even understand it myself.
My motto "mothers know everything about their children, even the bits we don't want them to know". I was so troubled by my reaction that I just went to my mother to ask her why I would react in such a manner....her take on it is:

"You enjoy your time on the forum, you give and receive respect, which is rare in this day and age. As you have to post replies you do not get 'talked over' so have time to express your views. However, you came back to UK to get your new business up and running and by asking you to examine why you spend time on the forum would force your mind to accept that you really have something more important to do with your time and so you don't want to answer because you are afraid CR will be taken away from you. By ignoring the question, you have no fear of it being taken away."

Aren't mothers clever (mine is a little star and I love her soooo much). So my sincere apologies Wil for my bizarre reply but it seems CR is so dear to me I was afraid to lose it by answering your questions. :eek:
I am going to post more on here, but for the moment I am, here it goes--I'm trying out a new word--and I never would have spelled it this way in a million years, but that's how the Yiddish dictionary has it--I'm "farklempt"??? Is that right? All choked up, for real. Thanks wil, for the thread, and MW for your very sweet comment. Right back atcha, too! I'll be back. Talk amongst yourselves. I love everybody here....

I think CR is wonderful. When I first arrived, I just came to see what old friend was up to. I didn't plan to stay. I found some interesting and fun people. My old friend was the same old know-it-all he always, getting on peoples nerves, and he is doing just fine. But I found myself growing very strong in my faith, getting attached to people that I have never met, and really having the desire to stay. I will always be grateful to my friend. (Although, I don't think I will tell him...:D)

BTW: wil, I think you are doing a phenomenal job. Thank you for this thread.

(I think you had more questions...)
What has Cr done for me??? I had no sight!!, and now I can see!!!

I also had a funny limp in my left leg... But that has also gone.

17th used to chuckle about how few of us are here actually in conversation...I think that had and has some validity...how much better would it be with 200 active posters rather than a couple dozen?

I am the chuckle monster. Hear me roar.

Do we use the term friend to loosely? What is a friend I wonder?

I haven't used that word since I was like 14 or something.....
YouTube - Friends Intro

Favourite Coffee shop is a great analogy. What has CR done for me? It has allowed me to genuinely like people I fundamentally disagree with... a rare thing in real life. Mostly for me its a school where the teachers are the pupils too, and where I can explore my own thoughts at my slow 2 finger type pace.

Long may it continue!!!
Function: noun Etymology: Middle English frend, from Old English frēond; akin to Old High German friunt friend, Old English frēon to love, frēo free Date: before 12th century
one attached to another by affection or esteem

I can look up discernment for you.:)
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t was around the time I noticed how "friend" was another word for "burden" that I gave up with that..
ooohhh, now that I am made aware, I intend to never notice that. I'll cancel that out of the ethers that envelop me in my content cocoon right now...

He's not heavy....he's my brother...