
Didn't you get me to listen to a Yiddish song once, I believe I found it erm...... "interesting". Please keep trying to remember but not too hard, just in case you do lol

lolol. Are you thinking of the klezmer versions of christmas songs?

Oy to the World! >> Listen to Samples

Those are okay, but personally I'd rather be learning yiddish with Dick & Jane:

YouTube - Yiddish With Dick and Jane

lol. "ibledick alter kocker" (not you, the lady in the video.) I love vidlits. They're fantastic.


Your new and...shall I say alluring and, yes, smoldering (thanks Snoopy, the word works so well) avatar convinces me that I should buy lots of striped material, make a sizeable tent, rent a few camels, scatter a few dozen pillows around inside of it after I move to the Egyptian desert and erect it (sorry), and invite you over for some dates and sweet tea.

Would your husband mind d'ya think ? If he does you could even bring him along, at least the first few times.


Your new and...shall I say alluring and, yes, smoldering (thanks Snoopy, the word works so well) avatar convinces me that I should buy lots of striped material, make a sizeable tent, rent a few camels, scatter a few dozen pillows around inside of it after I move to the Egyptian desert and erect it (sorry), and invite you over for some dates and sweet tea.

Would your husband mind d'ya think ? If he does you could even bring him along, at least the first few times.


But he doesn't like riding camels....... {MW pretends she has no idea what Flow's maleness moment means and tries to look coy and confused}

Bet when I do put my pic up you decide to move to Siberia instead LOL
What is it with men and spherical objects???? :eek:;)

I was talking about my empty bag of jokes...and...couldn't think of anything but marbles (and I don't know...mar-bles).

(A friend in high school once told me this joke that "girls play with marbles.":eek:)

It could have been an apple, spider, a few lollies, maybe a small flute, but I was picturing a small, light bag in my mind with small objects that I could carry around easily.

Just wish they were mine, would brighten my day up no end if I saw them in the mirror every morning. :eek:

Fantasy is always better than the real thing (if you know what I mean).:eek::D:)
welcome bangler. yeh these guys ramble on a bit but they mean well. As an excatholic i probably have views that clash with yours but thats ok. Thats why we can have these lively discussions. But if you do find the services boring anb are trying desperately to keep awake, I suggest you mentally comment on peoples dress sense. Thats what kept me awake all those years. Im all for you getting involved in your local church. I think that because you have decided to become a catholic, thats great, its your choice, hopefully you werent coerced into it. (eg. your parents making you etc) good luck to you and yours......grey
I have recently been baptised into the catholic way of life,Now i go to church every sunday and i find it utterly boring,i cant stop yawning!What do other people think?
maybe they are lacking in something, when i go to my meetings which are at the kingdom hall i find them really great . and leave feeling wide awake
maybe they are lacking in something,
when i go to my meetings
which are at the kingdom hall
i find them really great
and leave feeling wide awake

Hey that almost rhymes. Like a five-line poem. Can you think up some more lines?:D
yeh these guys ramble on a bit but they mean well.

:eek: Are you suggesting we are overly fond of our own voices.....well keyboards?

{reminder to self - get a bloody life and learn to shut up and listen sometimes} ;)
:eek: Are you suggesting we are overly fond of our own voices.....well keyboards?

{reminder to self - get a bloody life and learn to shut up and listen sometimes} ;)

It's OK MW, greymare's reference was only to "guys." Whereas of course every utterance of a "gal" is a pearl of wisdom.;)

God I'm well trained.

It's OK MW, greymare's reference was only to "guys." Whereas of course every utterance of a "gal" is a pearl of wisdom.;)

God I'm well trained.


Oh well said, it must have been a good woman to train you that well. I take it you are aware that it is still a pearl of wisdom no matter how many times we repeat it (called nagging I think). :D
Men can be at fault in more ways than our tiny little minds can conceive of. My most recent revelation was that the gal commenced a conversation (i.e. instigated the topic), to which I (being polite and showing interest), responded in a thoughtful and considerate manner I felt, and “on topic”. It was immediately declared that “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Oh how we laughed. Well I did. But only on the inside.


I try to start each day with a general apology, just to get me in credit for all the day’s upcoming errors. I find it helps.

Oh I’ve just remembered another favourite. If I kick a gal’s drink over that’s on the floor it’s my fault for not looking where I’m walking. On the other hand, if a gal kicks my drink over that’s on the floor it’s my fault for leaving it on the floor. It’s all becoming clear now….
I try to start each day with a general apology, just to get me in credit for all the day’s upcoming errors. I find it helps.

Oh I’ve just remembered another favourite. If I kick a gal’s drink over that’s on the floor it’s my fault for not looking where I’m walking. On the other hand, if a gal kicks my drink over that’s on the floor it’s my fault for leaving it on the floor. It’s all becoming clear now….

Glad to see you are getting the hang of it. If you ever work out the secret to gal's please let me know because I don't understand us yet. There are times I think perhaps men might be from Mars and women from Venus or perhaps it's G-d little joke?

What I don't understand about guys is when a woman says in a snotty voice "oh yes go to an all night party with your friends, I hope you have a great time" and the guy picks up his car keys, says "thanks love" and leaves. :eek: Are guys really that stupid or are you perfectly aware of what we are really saying but use the 'get out clause', because the following day when we are not speaking to you men always say very innocently "but you said to go". It is infuriating, how dare you not know what I am saying when I don't say it :confused::p
What I don't understand about guys is when a woman says in a snotty voice "oh yes go to an all night party with your friends, I hope you have a great time" and the guy picks up his car keys, says "thanks love" and leaves. :eek: Are guys really that stupid or are you perfectly aware of what we are really saying but use the 'get out clause', because the following day when we are not speaking to you men always say very innocently "but you said to go". It is infuriating, how dare you not know what I am saying when I don't say it :confused::p

That's simple to answer MW. You see, unlike women, men don't have the power of telepathy so we have to go on cruder methods of communication, such as words.:rolleyes:

Hope that helps.

That's simple to answer MW. You see, unlike women, men don't have the power of telepathy so we have to go on cruder methods of communication, such as words.:rolleyes:

Hope that helps.


Now I am completely confused. You mean if I want my husband to put the loo seat down or not leave his smelly socks on the floor, I have to actually ask him to do it, with words? Yuk how primative.
Now I am completely confused. You mean if I want my husband to put the loo seat down or not leave his smelly socks on the floor, I have to actually ask him to do it, with words? Yuk how primative.

I know, it's just like having a rather unpleasant animal in the house isn't it? Similarly, if a man wanted a woman to put the loo seat up after them
:)eek::eek::eek::eek:) they'd use words. Pointless words, but words nevertheless.

I know, it's just like having a rather unpleasant animal in the house isn't it? Similarly, if a man wanted a woman to put the loo seat up after them
:)eek::eek::eek::eek:) they'd use words. Pointless words, but words nevertheless.


Loo seat up :confused::eek: I am speachless and I thought you were getting the hang of it. Back to the dunce class. Next you'll say there is no law againt leaving the top off the toothpaste and squeezing it in the middle.......