Why was the Scientology Thread Locked

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You know, if you're gonna lock a thread you could at least explain why. Or are we reverting to the gestapo tactics of the past here at CR?

Don't knock it 17th, laughter is good for you!:p

Now Gestapo?? I'm new to this side of the fence, but I missed it, did someone bang down the doors and run off with people and possessions?

Currently under review....

No jackbooted thugs here, no limit on the number of threads, just a concerned moderator who has asked for a review....ie doing the mod job.

It is sort of like when you go down the street and start to head into a restaurant and see it is closed for health violations....you immediately assume the worse, even if the truth is there was a water main break, and food facility is not allowed to operate without water...

Me, I'm sort of a bystander on these things, new responsibilities and all, you guys who are active, concerned, amicable posters I'm sure will stand by patiently and prepare your responses should it reopen or be permanently closed.

Meanwhile as was noted thousands of other threads are currently open for business...please enjoy.
I bet Scientology HQ have had a quiet word...:rolleyes:

Oh the conspiracy theorists quickly arise.

As unofficial spokesman I can only say the black helicopters did not land, they only hovered, and they say the spray was non-toxic and there would be no long term affects.

I feel a little queezie now and my recollection of it is shaky as soon as they tell me what to say I'm sure I will repeat it verbatim.
Why? lol... going to go around and beat them up?

nope.. would not mind knowing who the lurking/spying scientologist in the closet is tho.

I think I was the most outspoken on that thread and maybe I am wrong but any complaint would likely be against me. However I do no more than state the official position of the German government, the only country I am sure has had the good sense to outlaw these scamsters. I see that freedom of speech has been halted without any rules having been broken and I would like to know who by and why. Is that unreasonable?

Still haven't gotten a straight answer. Why was the thread locked? Is it a big flippin' secret? Why? Exactly why? Why was the thread locked?

Currently under review....

No jackbooted thugs here, no limit on the number of threads, just a concerned moderator who has asked for a review....ie doing the mod job.

And how's that review process going? What are the concerns? Look, I don't appreciate this benevolent big brother crap. If somebody doesn't step up to the microphone and explain this I'm going to start posting Scientology threads until I find out what the skinny is.

yes, now Im curious as well. I went on to a scientology site some time ago, just to get a bit of info. they wanted me to fill in a questionairre. One of the first few questions was "what is your yearly earnings?'. Sounds very spiritual to me.......NOT.....
From what I read I think it was locked because of the attack on it by members which goes against CoC on this forum.
You know, if you're gonna lock a thread you could at least explain why. Or are we reverting to the gestapo tactics of the past here at CR?


Sorry for the lack of communication all - Vajradhara closed it as a precautionary measure until I could see it, nothing more, because we've had issues with the topic before.

(Yep, CR has a history that goes back beyond a lot of people's memberships, so there tends to be a little more context we're aware of. :) ).

I think he was completely right to do so, but I've okayed the thread and think it should be fine to run with it unless things get out of hand, in which case, I'll probably be asked to look at it again.

Come on, lighten up folks :) it was only temporarily closed, and not for long at that. It's not like people were getting replies deleted or anything. :)