Beijing Olympics

I know you are being serious snoop but, I love the olympics. all of them. when anyone wins, I cry. I love the weightllifting. dunno why. I have to watch them with a box of tissues beside me. my kids keep watching me watching the tv just to see when I'll cry. stupid kids. lol love the grey.
I certainly would have watched them but think I shall stick to the magic roundabout instead now. :(
To me the Olympics is a mixed bag especially when things like are mentioned occur around it....

Yet it is also a spotlight shined on that area....we couldn't ask for anything more than this event bring more to the we think for one minute the olympics brought this about?? No it accentuates and highlights it...

Secondly the world will show up there....and people there will see the is all an extremely valuable cultural exchange.

Jesse Owens winning in Berlin for example...
Well I dont hear any call for any boycott like in Moscow 1980. It may be the best thing that can happen to China at this time. If it goes well International attention may flatter them into opening up a little.
The best moment in olympic history for me, Winter Olympics (2000?) cant really remember what year, Shane Bradbury winning the speed skating race becasue all the others guys fell over just before the finish. laugh, i,ve never laughed so much in my life. once again, my apologises for not being serious. love the grey
What we looking for? People throw things at me! IDEAS! IDEAS IDEAS!! NO!!!

*ducks the iron which is followed by a kettle*

What we looking at here?


OK...what about the traditional logo inside a red circle with a bar across (like a prohibitive road sign...)
That symbol for all those who do not reconisnge chinese written language means "Evil"....

What you think of this?


I did have an image of a DEAD worker on there... No sorry, I mean a dead -child- worker... That would be very VERY thought provoking but I didn't know how serious you people are with this so I removed it. I replaced it for a poor brainwashed child in a SOLDIERS uniform.... So much expected from that poor child.....
Personally 17th I think it's excellent.

If I was going to tweak it, I think I'd replace the red image with a recognisable one from the most world wide famous atrocity of China, the invasion and subjugation of Tibet (if you could find one) Free Tibet Campaign - Olympics Campaign.

Maybe the strap line should be stronger than a question? Maybe a statement, like "Boycott Beijing".

Just some initial thoughts, but top notch as ever 17th...:)

sounds appropriate...can it be seen to be Tibet?

17th, i think that's a very eloquent graphical statement you've made there. i personally hope that the tibetans choose the month before the olympics to start demonstrating. of course they'll get completely dumped on the minute the tourists have left but at least it's a start.


Well... No, it's aftermath of a battle... Nothing is ever reconisable in that situation.... I'll look harder for something that can be seen as tibet.... lol

17th, i think that's a very eloquent graphical statement you've made there. i personally hope that the tibetans choose the month before the olympics to start demonstrating. of course they'll get completely dumped on the minute the tourists have left but at least it's a start.



Thanks. two pence I don't think I'd be using real peoples names like that...I think there may be my suggested image a bit more immediate (guns and monks...)

lol that was the most time consuming part of the logo, and I -knew- I should of suggestede it before doing it lol.... Ok np, I can take out the petition names. And sure can add that image... Would look something like..... This;

lol that was the most time consuming part of the logo, and I -knew- I should of suggestede it before doing it lol....

sorry 17th :eek: twas only but my one opinion...others may think differently.

but anyway, here is my opinion again:

I think this is brilliant...(but sad)

I shall be printing it off for starters...
